Fixes Defects: CS0238279,PH22594,PH26490,PH26492,PH26495,PH26497,PH26499,PH26500,PH26502,PH42929,PH42931,PH42936,PH43200,PH43677,PH44265,PH44752,PH45627,PH46182,PH46748,PH47690 This patch contains the following software changes: CS0238279: Problem: Certain multiutil commands on Unix fail with error "Multiutil: Error opening file" due to failure to locate shipping.conf file. Fix: Multiutil is now able to locate and open the shipping.conf file without error. PH22594: Problem: The session variables for open form APIs are lost after a ClearQuest Web session expires. Fix: The session variables for open form APIs are now set for all renewed ClearQuest Web sessions. PH26490: Problem: In ClearQuest Web, the lang attribute is missing from the element. Fix: In ClearQuest Web, every HTML page has a lang attribute. PH26492: Problem: ClearQuest Web was found to have 508 compliance issue with regards to Color Contrast. Fix: WCAG AA level is maintained for 508 Color Contrast Compliance. PH26495: Problem: Accessibility report by JAWS found that in ClearQuest Web template label is not associated with field on the template form. Fix: Added association to the field on the template form. PH26497: Problem: ClearQuest Web has missing accessibility name on template Button reported JAWS. Fix: The accessibility name was added to the template Button. PH26499: Problem: In ClearQuest Web, focus will disappear once after navigating away from the edit button in the List Box or Multiline Text Box controls. Fix: In ClearQuest Web, focus will not disappear once after navigating away from the edit button in the List Box or Multiline Text Box controls. PH26500: Problem: In ClearQuest Web, drop-down combo box and drop-down list box controls do not have ARIA-EXPANDED attribute as default. Fix: In ClearQuest Web, drop-down combo box and drop-down list box controls have ARIA-EXPANDED attribute as default. PH26502: Problem: In ClearQuest Web, Legend to bind the label information is not associated with its grouped fields. Fix: In ClearQuest Web, Legend and the fields are grouped together in a
. PH42929: Problem: oslc.totalcount returns the number of records plus the referenced type record number if this record type is specified in the display fields because the display fields are added into the query for correctly calculating the security context field type. Fix: Refine the codes to add the display fields according to the security context attribute of the referenced type type. It means if there's no security context field in the display fields, the oslc.totalcount will return the number of records. PH42931: Problem: oslc.totalcount returns the number of records plus the referenced type record number if this record type is specified in the display fields because the display fields are added into the query for correctly calculating the security context field type. Fix: Refine the codes to add the display fields according to the security context attribute of the referenced type type. It means if there's no security context field in the display fields, the oslc.totalcount will return the number of records. PH42936: Problem: An upgrade to a newer version of 4 JAR files, httpclient-4.5.2.jar, httpmime-4.5.2.jar, httpcore-4.4.4.jar and commons-codec-1.10.jar was made but they were not added to BIRT build. Fix: BIRT build now contains those new JAR files, httpclient-4.5.13.jar, httpmime-4.5.13.jar, httpcore-4.4.14.jar and commons-codec-1.15.jar PH43200: Problem: log4j-1.2.13.jar was getting installed as part of ClearQuest Web even though it was not being used. Fix: log4j-1.2.13.jar is no longer installed with ClearQuest Web. PH43677: Problem: The CQAttachments::Exists API always returns true if the associated record has at least one attachment. Fix: The CQAttachments::Exists API has been fixed to properly check whether the named attachment exists or not. PH44265: Problem: An attempt to update ClearCase and ClearQuest to when installed on the same system gets an error in InstallationManager and the update is blocked from proceeding. The error encountered is "CRIMA1161E: Failed to find required installation files.". Fix: This issue is fixed by the IFix release PH44752: Problem: ClearQuest Web provides the Service Provider Document Title as RCM/CQ OSLC CM Service Description Document in OSLC integration. Fix: ClearQuest Web provides the Service Provider Document Title as the CQRepo/DBName format in OSLC integration. PH45627: Problem: The method name was incorrectly documented like so: CQFolder::GetPathName (using capital "N"). Fix: Updated documentation to correct the method name which is CQFolder::GetPathname (lowercased capital "N"). PH46182: Problem: In ClearQuest Web, it fails to run a query via REST URI if the query name or query path contains non-English characters like French or Chinese. Fix: In ClearQuest Web, it succeeds to run a query via REST URI if the query name or query path contains non-English characters like French or Chinese. PH46748: Problem: In ClearQuest OSLC, the request to get a user record that does not define dcterms:title will fail. Fix: In ClearQuest OSLC, the request to get a user record that does not define dcterms:title succeeds. PH47690: Problem: The code that checks for existing of an EntityDef names in the list of EntityDef names array object was broken due to data-type mismatch in the Perl code of typeahead setting. Fix: The Perl code for typeahead having data-type mismatch was fixed.