Fixes Defects: CS0151797,CS0266062,CS0303560,PH36404,PH42350,PH44551,PH44671,PH45164,PH45599,PH46426,PH46428,PH46726,PH47569,PI72597,PI79611,PI92391 This patch contains the following software changes: CS0151797: Problem: When running ClearCase clearmake in a parallel, or distributed, mode, may 'hang' if there is an issue with starting up an abe process. If an abe has been started, and clearmake has assigned a target to that abe, and then the abe fails to start up in time, or there is a communication problem between clearmake and the abe, clearmake will try and assign the target to a different abe, and clearmake may hang if there are any problems trying to re-assign that target to a different abe. Fix: The ClearCase clearmake code has been updated to properly handle the situation where there is a communication issue between clearmake and an abe. clearmake will either properly re-assign the target to another abe, or clearmake will indicated that the building of that specific target has failed. CS0266062: Problem: Poor signal handling can result in a race condition when forking new processes, causes thread deadlock and ClearCase albd hang. Fix: ClearCase now better manages signals during process startup. CS0303560: Problem: ClearCase "cleartool getcache -view -cview" may show negative values. Fix: ClearCase "cleartool getcache -view -cview" output format(s) were corrected. PH36404: Problem: On a ClearCase Multisite recursive import failure, the condition check before deleting a packet was missing to check if there is any target VOB available or not. It was only checking the variable which updates when -invob is provided. Hence, import process assumed there were no target VOB available and packet was deleted.     Fix: Added an additional check to verify target VOBs for recursive import. PH42350: Problem: When creating a new view using the ClearCase front desk, the "Edit view configuration" window appears and then "disappears." A quick look at the active windows on a host shows that the window is still present, but has been moved to the background and has thankfully lost focus. Fix: When creating a new view using the ClearCase front desk, the "Edit view configuration" window pop-up and appear. And there is no focus loss issue after the fix. PH44551: Problem: ClearCase triggers that prompt for user input fail. Fix: ClearCase trigger control flags have been fixed. PH44671: Problem: The ClearCase MVFS may cause system crashes when dealing with cleartext files via UNC paths that refer to local system. Fix: The ClearCase MVFS now implements a cache for the network query results about a given machine on an UNC path refers to the local machine or a remote one. PH45164: Problem: The ClearCase checkvob operation may incorrectly report elements as being locked. Fix: Fix allows the ClearCase checkvob operation to proceed correctly. PH45599: Problem: The ClearCase MVFS was missing a specific scenario when locking a cache structure. Certain structure member was changing during its manipulation during the cache usage, causing the crash. Fix: The ClearCase MVFS now covers the missing scenario and the access to this cache structure is now protected. PH46426: Problem: In a IBM Rational ClearCase integrated with Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 environment, when the "ClearCase Base" toolbar is enabled (view->Toolbars->ClearCase Base) in a webview, setting the focus on the solution panel will result in not being able to Minimize the Visual Studio window. Attempts to minimize the window results in it maximizing again automatically. WORKAROUND: Set the focus to another panel, then minimize or disable the "ClearCase Base" toolbar. Fix: In the ClearCase / visual studio integration code, The API: IsWorkingDisconnected calls the GetDialogHwnd . The API GetDialogHwnd uses the IVsUIShell ( outdated API ) and it was upgraded to EnvDTE API. PH46428: Problem: ClearCase ClearTeam Explorer when delivering a baseline from "deliver from stream" window. If there is more that one baseline available for delivery and one is removed the "OK" button is greyed out. Fix: Added a check to verify, if there are no components present in the list, then only make the OK button disabled, otherwise, OK button shouldn't be grayed out PH46726: Problem: Using ClearCase ClearTeam Explorer: if you click on cancel during the complete phase of a long delivery, it doesn't stop the delivery and you have to wait until the end when all check-ins are done. After that, you need to resume the delivery to finalize it. Fix: The fix Suppresses the unwanted popup progress monitor during the Delivery operation. The issue was noticed only in eclipse versions 4.4 to 4.6 and not in later versions. The given fix works for all the versions of eclipse & CC/VV which we are supporting PH47569: Problem: When importing sync packets, VersionVault MultiSite fails without printing an error message if EOF of a packet file is reached while fetching version data or the follow-on packet is missing or this was the only packet in the set. Fix: For better understanding we are adding a error message which will print on console in this case. PI72597: Problem: While creating a ClearCase brtype with "-global -acquire" flags, it internally acquiring ordinary types of same name even though object mastership is not present. So it leads to creation of multiple global definition hyperlinks for local type. Fix: Restricting the creation of brtype with "-global -acquire" if mastership of acquired brtype is not in the referenced component vob. So that it will prevent multiple global definition hyperlink creation on brtype with same name PI79611: Problem: In the Rational ClearTem Explorer (CTE) ClearQuest (CQ) client, you may find that the static text fields populated by another field (via field dependency) show up blank, rather than the expected value. When the user Click on the "Customer" tab, find the field "new_field" and populate it with a value and the same value should be reflected in the static text field. However, the refresh doesn't happen and the static text field just shows the label. Fix: When the user clicks on the "Customer" tab, find the field "new_field" and populate it with a value and the same value reflected in the static text field. PI92391: Problem: The ClearCase ClearTeam Explorer ClearQuest node may truncate error messages and contain exceptions. Fix: The result is to pop up with the error message "Throw an error message ...". the mentioned error message is shown in the popped-up error dialog box in CTE.