Fixes Defects: CHCLS00115441,CS0173847,PH23325,PH23639,PH25873,PH27989,PH29677,PH31061,PH31419,PH33498,PH33653,PH33891,PH33893,PH34453,PH37613,PI06930,PI14642,PI48845,PI52455,PI54489,PI60118,PI64433,PI89155 This patch contains the following software changes: CHCLS00115441: Problem: Composite baselines may be broken by cancelling a deliver operation. Fix: Now dependent baselines wont be removed during deliver cancel, which avoids broken links to composite baseline . CS0173847: Problem: Improper signal handling may cause a hang. Fix: Signal handling was corrected. PH23325: Problem: Adding multiple directories to a web view using rcleartool update -add is failing even though view information is same. Fix: Modified the view info comparison check against reference to contents of object using equals method. PH23639: Problem: Installing or upgrading to ClearCase and later incorrectly installs the ClearCase integration into unsupported versions of Visual Studio. The integration then interferes with the correct operation of the unsupported version of Visual Studio. Fix: The installation of ClearCase has been updated to list the supported versions of Visual Studio as optional features that the user can enable as desired during the installation. The installation of the integration into the unsupported versions of Visual Studio has been removed. PH25873: Problem: Creating Automatic view fails when user region maps are in use and the creating user is not mapped to the WAN server's actual region. Fix: ClearCase automatic view creation with a region map file has been fixed. PH27989: Problem: Memory allocation issue may be noticed, in rare cases, when events are received during shutdown. Fix: Event received during the shutdown process are handled to address these issues. PH29677: Problem: When using the Gnu make compatability mode and specifying a clearmake variable on the command line that contains a reference to another variable, the variable declaration passed down to child makes was incorrect and will cause a clearmake parsing syntax error. Fix: The variable string being passed to the child clearmake process has been formatted correctly so that the clearmake parsing is correctly done and the build continues. PH31061: Problem: ClearTeam Explorer may produce a MalformedResponseException pop-up error when large attributes are encountered. Fix: ClearTeam Explorer was modified to properly display elements that have large attributes. PH31419: Problem: Customer may experience some delays in operations when listing files in automatic view Fix: Multi Version File System (MVFS) was modified to avoid creating additional cache files PH33498: Problem: Loading of activities from PVOB --> Project --> Stream --> Activities was taking more time than it used to take in and before. Fix: ClearTeam Explorer has been modified to efficiently load activities. PH33653: Problem: The ClearQuest-UCM OSLC and CMI integrations may core on linux_x86 if a parsed ClearQuest record headline contains characters that cannot be converted to the local code page. Fix: These integrations should no longer core if a parsed ClearQuest record headline contains characters that cannot be converted to the local code page. PH33891: Problem: Customer is unable to see 'CheckedOut but removed' elements from ClearTeam Explorer. Fix: We have introduced new 'State' column in 'ClearCase Checkouts' view to show the state as 'Checked Out but Removed' for all the files which are deleted from the filesystem. (ClearCase Checkouts' view can be accessed from Window--> Show View --> Other... --> ClearTeam Explorer --> ClearCase Checkouts from ClearTeam Explorer) PH33893: Problem: CM Server is-eclipsing property was not recognizing checkouts as eclipsable objects. Fix: Is-eclipsing calculations are now performed for checkouts. PH34453: Problem: ClearCase Search was disabled for dynamic views and (if enabled) was resulting '0 matches', even if matching resources were available. Fix: ClearCase Search is now enabled for dynamic views and resulting correct match, displaying all the matching resources in 'ClearCase Search' PH37613: Problem: Running ClearCase with Crowdstrike installed may cause some performance degradation. Fix: Multi Version File System (MVFS) was modified to handle Crowdstrike demand. PI06930: Problem: When reformatvob or db_dumper is invoked and if the root component of the VOB is not available, CRDE validation fails and triggers db__err_abort_call(). Fix: CRDE now validates the failure and continues with db_dumper or reformatvob execution without fail. PI14642: Problem: Dev stream creation from a baseline errors out which is expected. However, the displayed error message is not much informative. Fix: Rephrased the error string to cover all 4 rebase rules mentioned in and eliminated the misleading phrase "from the same project". PI48845: Problem: Maximum packet size for a VOB replica packet, in config file, was set to much higher value than which is allowed. Due to which, packet shipping was failing for the larger packets which was adhering the maximum size set in config file. Fix: Changed the maximum packet size to correct one. PI52455: Problem: Delivering an already delivered baseline should provide a more informative message. Fix: When the same baseline is delivered again, following warning message is displayed:- cleartool: Warning: No activities to deliver from stream "d1" to target stream "i1". PI54489: Problem: MULTITOOL CHREPLICA ON WINDOWS GUI INCORRECTLY ALLOWS CHANGING THE PRESERVATION MODE FOR A REMOTE VOB REPLICA TO PRESERVING Fix: Preservation mode of replica can be change to preserve only if none of the replica from vob-family has preservation mode. PI60118: Problem: Rebasing an integration stream to a baseline in the same project fails without providing proper error message . Fix: Handling the present use case to display error message why rebase is not possible. "Can't rebase to baseline \"%s\"\nof component \"%s\". You can only rebase an integration stream to\nbaselines from other integration streams, or to import or initial baselines.\n" PI64433: Problem: Recommended and/or member of composite baseline can be removed by executing "cleartool rmbl" if the baseline is from private VOB only but public VOB baselines removal is not allowed. Fix: Now both public & private VOB baselines can't be removed, by default and retained consistency. Also introduced a new CLI flag "public", which prevents public VOB removal - same as present behavior. PI89155: Problem: The ClearCase UCM deliver dialog cannot be completed after skipping a merge conflict. Fix: On Restart user will get the dialog to resolve the "merge conflict" not error dialog.