Fixes Defects: CS0089200,PH11076,PH21362,PH23440,PH24602,PH24775,PH24887,PH25670,PI42014,PI65406,PI70628 This patch contains the following software changes: CS0089200: Problem: During a deliver to any stream where there is a preop trigger that looks for environment variable "CLEARCASE_POP_KIND" in an integration stream.Since CTE/CCBE were not setting this EV value hence triggers were failing.Same issue was found for Rebase operation. Fix: Now CTE and CCBE are setting EV "CLEARCASE_POP_KIND" value and same we are able to see in trigger script during Deliver and Rebase (CHECKOUT and CHECKIN) Operations.And also it makes sure that Checkout and Checkin happen only during Deliver/Rebase. PH11076: Problem: "MULTITOOL SYNCREPLICA -IMPORT" DELETES SOME PACKETS WHERE IT SHOULD REPORT "... NOT APPLICABLE TO ANY LOCAL VOB REPLICAS" Fix: Corrected logic for syncreplica import. PH21362: Problem: When one or more VOB elements are ACL protected cleartool diff doesn't report any differences. Fix: During cleartool diff command execution, ACL protected objects cannot be accessed and due to this failure command execution exits silently. Hence user was not notified about failure reason. Now error string - with problematic object name, will be displayed informing user about the inaccessibility. PH23440: Problem: Sometimes cleartool getcache -mvfs command output may not be coherent with scaling values shown in Clearcase Control Panel. Fix: Clearcase Control Panel was modified to fix that behavior. PH24602: Problem: When using ClearCase ACLs a kernel panic may be seen with a "use after free" error in tbs_sid_acl_check_permission_creds. Fix: Extra locking has been added to avoid the race condition that caused the "use after free" error. PH24775: Problem: Using clearmake in a distributed environment with ClearCase, there might be a very specific scenario where the makefile includes some targets that cannot be build in parallel that are identified using the .NOTPARALLEL directive, and the not parallel targets are also to be directed to a list of specific build servers (e.g. using the CCASE_BLD_HOSTS environment variable). With this scenario, it is possible the resulting build may become stuck and hang and not make any progress if one of the specific build servers has an error starting an abe, or if the abe is very slow in responding. Fix: If the situation occurs, where a target is specified as not being able to be built in parallel (.NOTPARALLEL directive used) and the target is directed to a specific build server as identified in the makefile using the CCASE_BLD_HOSTS environment variable, and the resulting build server has an issue starting an abe, or the abe is slow to respond, clearmake will now re-schedule that target to be built on a different build server and the build will continue. PH24887: Problem: ClearTeam Explorer change_sets not visible in CTE CQ interface. Fix: While creating the 'ClearQuest Details' view we have made those tools to get listed in toolbar with proper actions. PH25670: Problem: If an application running on Microsoft Windows tries to read a file in a ClearCase dynamic view using non-cached I/O, after it has already been in use for cached I/O, a deadlock may occur while flushing the cache, and that process and any other processes trying to access that file will hang. Fix: MVFS handling of the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING option during file open was modified to eliminate a possible deadlock. PI42014: Problem: When one or more VOB elements are ACL protected cleartool findmerge doesn't report any differences. Fix: During cleartool findmerge command execution, ACL protected objects cannot be accessed and due to this failure command execution exits silently. Hence user was not notified about failure reason. Now error string - with problematic object name, will be displayed informing user about the inaccessibility. PI65406: Problem: When running 'cleartool setcs' in a batch file with loading nonexisting vob in config spec, the 'update' of the view (implicitly started by the 'setcs') results in errors but the 'errorlevel' always returns 0 - executed successfully. Fix: To separate the two actions of setting config spec and updating the view, we have exposed "-nupdate" flag from "setcs" implementation. With this when running 'cleartool setcs -nupdate' with config spec, it always returns errorlevel as 0. This operation will not invoke updating the view, So it will not return any error. PI70628: Problem: While describing a hyperlink in ClearCase with "-fmt" flag no output is displayed as the events were already scrubbed. Fix: Added a new warning to notify the user that the hyperlink events were scrubbed.