Fixes Defects: CS0003102,CS0003102,CS0003966,CS0069277,PH02243,PH16660,PH17193,PH17266,PH17973,PH18585,PH18960,PH19721,PH20085,PI38327,PI42664,PI98203 This patch contains the following software changes: CS0003102: Problem: ClearCase clearmake, when executed in a distributed or parallel manner, may exit with "Error 141". (pipe write failed) Fix: It was determined that under some circumstances, clearmake may enter a race condition due to a multithreading condition and writing to pipes. This condition has been corrected, and clearmake should no longer encounter this specific race condition. CS0003102: Problem: ClearCase Clearmake does not adjust the build concurrency, and it is causing an excessive number of abes and not making appropriate use of abes. Fix: Clearmake has been changed to limit the number of abe processes to be equal to the -J value or the number of build server hosts, which ever is smaller. Previously, clearmake would start abe processes based on the number of build server hosts, regardless off the -J value, and when a build override situation is encountered, not all of the existing abes were terminated, leaving more abe processes around consuming file descriptors. This change introduces better abe management and limits the number of abes. CS0003966: Problem: ClearCase clearmake, during a distributed build, may fail with "Too many open files" on Solaris, as a result of too many clearmake abe processes starting. This situation has a greater tendency to occur when a "build override" situation is encountered, which is when a makefile has the CCASE_BLD_HOST variable set so that some targets are directed to specific servers to be built. Fix: clearmake has been changed to limit the number of abe processes to be equal to the -J value or the number of build server hosts, which ever is smaller. Previously, clearmake would start abe processes based on the number of build server hosts, regardless off the -J value, and when a build override situation is encountered, not all of the existing abes were terminated, leaving more abe processes around consuming file descriptors. This change introduces better abe management and limits the number of abes. CS0069277: Problem: The ClearCase MVFS disable flag (in the "atria_start" script) was not functional Fix: Redefinition of the MVFS flag was resetting the setting and thereby not functional. This APAR fixes that issue and now the flag is functional PH02243: Problem: Patch document needed a note indicating that was the last patch for that version Fix: Technote was updated. PH16660: Problem: Using ClearCase ClearTeam Explorer to show CMI activities may result in NullPointerExceptions in RTC Integrated environment. Fix: We did a rollback on FILTERING feature which was the root cause for this NULL POINTER EXCEPTION. PH17193: Problem: ClearCase ALBD controlled processes may not start when needed. Fix: The ClearCase ALBD process cleanup code was fixed. PH17266: Problem: When creating a new stream and adding non-modifiable components using ClearCase ClearTeam Explorer, the original baseline(s) seem to get lost. Fix: ClearTeam Explorer now correctly manages baselines and components. PH17973: Problem: ClearCase mainframe TSO client operations may fail with "No such file or directory". Fix: The ClearCase mainframe TSO client was modified to use correct syntax. PH18585: Problem: ClearCase squidtool ShowActivityProperties throws a double-free error on Linux. Fix: Memory / string management was corrected. PH18960: Problem: A Segmentation fault may occur when running an executable built within a ClearCase dynamic view on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 machine. Fix: Running an executable built within a ClearCase dynamic view no longer seg faults. PH19721: Problem: When adding large numbers of files to source control via ClearCase ClearTeam Explorer, some files "disappear" from the expected directories after the operation completes. Fix: ClearCase ClearTeam Explorer now correctly adds large numbers of files to source control. PH20085: Problem: When files are added/removed to a web view using the command line or a GUI other than ClearTeam Explorer, the changes may not be reflected in ClearTeam Explorer, particularly if there are any "unusual" issues with the web view (like a checked-out-but-removed file). Fix: Client-side code which reads a web view directory, now ignores not-found errors for local copies of files that are known to the server and continues reading. This resolves the problem. PI38327: Problem: The ClearCase command "cleartool getlog -around", may miss the first event (if you compare it to a different cleatool getlog command output). Fix: Internal file pointer / record management was corrected. PI42664: Problem: ClearCase clearexport_ccase commands may crash when the length of an attribute name+value exceeds an internal buffer size of 4096. Fix: During cvt_data file generation, when attribute name and value is copied to buffer having size 4096, checked if total number of characters exceeds 4096. If so, a warning is generated and attribute value is truncated so that it fits into the buffer and would not result in buffer overflow/crash. PI98203: Problem: When a file was being moving to "lost+found" directory, file was getting renamed and new filename was exceeding the filename length limit supported by OS. Fix: Before moving a file to "lost+found" directory, check if the new filename will exceed max supported filename length limit. If so, then truncate the filename before renaming the file.