------------------------------------------------------------ Telelogic Change Patch 5.1 10 ------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY This README describes the contents of Telelogic(R) Change(TM) patch 5.1 10 and describes how to install the patch. The README has the following sections: PROBLEMS This section describes the problems fixed in this patch. SUPPORTED RELEASES This section lists the releases to which this patch may be applied. DELIVERABLE COMPONENTS AFFECTED This section lists the files that will be replaced by this patch. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS This section describes how to apply the patch to your Telelogic Change server. REVERSING THE PATCH This section describes how to remove the patch. CONTACTING SUPPORT If you need assistance or have any problems with this patch, contact Support as described at the very end of this README. PROBLEMS Patch 5.1 10 to Telelogic Change Release 5.1 fixes the following problems: R#31441 TDS 4.3 doesn't support multiple domains in OS authentication mode R#33022 TDS Authentication is too slow in corporate mode when there are many users and nested groups Patch 5.1 10 includes and replaces patch 5.1 07. It is only needed if you're using Telelogic Directory Server 4.3 in either of the following modes: - corporate mode using Microsoft Active Directory - OS authentication mode and you need to authenticate against multiple domains SUPPORTED RELEASES This patch may only be applied to Telelogic Change Release 5.1 and Telelogic Directory Server (TDS) 4.3. It can be safely applied over any previous patches. DELIVERABLE COMPONENTS AFFECTED Telelogic Change: /cs_app/webapps/synergy/WEB-INF/classes/TDSConfiguration.xml /cs_app/webapps/synergy/WEB-INF/lib/ tdscommonlib.jar tdscryptolib.jar tdsjndilib.jar tdsloggerlib.jar Telelogic Directory Server (Windows only): \IBM\ldap\V6.1\lib\tdsos.dll \IBM\ldap\V6.1\tdslib\tdsjndilib.jar INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Before you begin, make sure that you have performed a successful backup of your Telelogic Change databases. Once you have installed patch 5.1 10, you should not install any individual patch that does not clearly state that it may be installed on top of patch 5.1 10, unless informed otherwise by Support. 1. Log in as ccm_root to the machine where Telelogic Change is installed. 2. Untar the patch file (patch_tc5.1-10) into a temporary folder: ccm_root$ cd ccm_root$ tar xvf /patch_tc5.1-10 3. Stop Telelogic Change. 4. Backup the following, existing files by renaming them (for example, by changing their names to end with ".bak"): /cs_app/webapps/synergy/WEB-INF/lib tdscommonlib.jar tdscryptolib.jar tdsjndilib.jar tdsloggerlib.jar 5. Copy / tdscommonlib.jar tdscryptolib.jar tdsjndilib.jar tdsloggerlib.jar into /cs_app/webapps/synergy/WEB-INF/lib/. 6. If TDS 4.3 is in corporate mode using Microsoft Active Directory, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, proceed to step 9. 7. Backup /cs_app/webapps/synergy/WEB-INF/classes/TDSConfiguration.xml by renaming it (for example, by changing the name to end with ".bak"). 8. Copy /TDSConfiguration.xml into /cs_app/webapps/synergy/WEB-INF/classes 9. If TDS 4.3 is installed on Windows, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, proceed to step 16. 10. Log in to the machine where TDS is installed as the user who installed TDS. 11. Stop TDS. 12. Backup the following, existing files by renaming them (for example, by changing their names to end with ".bak"): \IBM\ldap\V6.1\lib\tdsos.dll \IBM\ldap\V6.1\tdslib\tdsjndilib.jar 13. Copy \tdsos.dll into \IBM\ldap\V6.1\lib and \tdsjndilib.jar into \IBM\ldap\V6.1\tdslib. 14. If OS authentication is being used and authentication against multiple domains is desired, use \IBM\ldap\V6.1\sbin\tdsconfig to add new domains. To do so, select "OS Authentication mode" (#2) as the operation mode, and then enter a domain name at the prompt. Subsequent prompts will allow you to enter additional domains. 15. Restart TDS. 16. Restart Telelogic Change. REVERSING THE PATCH If it is necessary to remove the patch after it was installed, follow these steps. 1. Log in as ccm_root to the machine where Telelogic Change is installed. 2. Stop Telelogic Change. 3. Delete the following files: /cs_app/webapps/synergy/WEB-INF/lib tdscommonlib.jar tdscryptolib.jar tdsjndilib.jar tdsloggerlib.jar 4. Restore the backed up files from step 4 of INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS above by restoring their original names. 5. If TDS 4.3 is in corporate mode using Microsoft Active Directory, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, proceed to step 8. 6. Delete /cs_app/webapps/synergy/WEB-INF/classes/TDSConfiguration.xml. 7. Restore the backed up version of TDSConfiguration.xml from step 7 of INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS above to its original name. 8. If TDS 4.3 is installed on Windows, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, proceed to step 14. 9. Log in to the machine where TDS is installed as the user who installed TDS. 10. Stop TDS. 11. Delete the following files: \IBM\ldap\V6.1\lib\tdsos.dll \IBM\ldap\V6.1\tdslib\tdsjndilib.jar 12. Restore the backed up files from step 12 of INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS above by restoring their original names. 13. Restart TDS. 14. Restart Telelogic Change. CONTACTING SUPPORT If you need assistance or have any problems with this patch, then contact Change Support. Support information is available at: https://support.telelogic.com/change (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2009 U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.