------------------------------------------------------------ Telelogic Change Patch 5.1 09 ------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY This README describes the contents of Telelogic(R) Change(TM) patch 5.1 09 and describes how to install the patch. The README has the following sections: PROBLEMS This section describes the problems fixed in this patch. SUPPORTED RELEASES This section lists the releases to which this patch may be applied. DELIVERABLE TELELOGIC CHANGE COMPONENTS AFFECTED This section lists the files that will be replaced by this patch. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS This section describes how to apply the patch to your Telelogic Change server. REVERSING THE PATCH This section describes how to remove the patch. CONTACTING SUPPORT If you need assistance or have any problems with this patch, contact Support as described at the very end of this README. PROBLEMS Patch 5.1 09 to Telelogic Change Release 5.1 fixes the following problems: R#33330 Editing attribute of CCM_EXTENDED_TEXT type during transition causes junk markup to appear in the transition log R#33346 Address communication performance issues with TDS/RDS by caching the profiles of database users R#33347 Avoid unnecessary calls to TDS/RDS while listing users and assigning privileges from the Users tab R#33676 Poor performance due to privilege cache updates when database is disabled Patch 5.1 09 includes Patch 5.1 08, which fixed the following problems: R#31401 Extended text needs to be DCM compatible from Change 5.2 back to Change 4.7. This patch enables pre-5.2 releases to display extended text contained in DCMed CRs as plain text, hiding the formatting mark-up. To enable this functionality, add the following configuration entry to pt.cfg, and then reload configuration data: [CCM_SYSTEM][HANDLE_DCM_EXTENDED_TEXT]true[/HANDLE_DCM_EXTENDED_TEXT][/CCM_SYSTEM] R#32969 CR Migrate fails from 5.2 remote to 5.1 central Patch 5.1 09 does NOT include Patch 5.1 07. Patch 5.1 09 includes Patch 5.1 06, which fixed the following problems: R#31351 Attachment upload fails with a message "Failed to get temp file" R#31677 Launching CM from Change fails on Solaris R#32225 Unable to invoke Change through Synergy on remote database. R#32497 Wrong tab name in CR Migrate help R#32647 CR syncing can stall on malformed CRs R#32737 DCM transferred tasks might not get associated to ghost CRs in central server mode Patch 5.1 09 includes Patch 5.1 05, which fixed the following problems: R#31589 Servers of mixed releases (5.1, 5.2) must interoperate within the same central server cluster R#31593 CR migrate not syncing CRs during the migrate R#31598 Updated "Upgrading to Central Server" document; mentioned centrally administered releases R#31769 Listbox values that include a single-quote cause script errors Patch 5.1 09 includes Patch 5.1 04, which fixed the following problems: R#30962 Error occurs when using the task query "What tasks are not in the latest build?" R#31223 "Work in DB" listbox for CRs should always show values from the central CR database R#31303 Some users cannot remove tasks from CRs in central server mode R#31329 Exception while upgrading database specific reports to central format R#31335 Telelogic Synergy hangs when getting central CRs from a task with ACLs enabled R#31340 Refrain from automatically disabling a backend host unless there are alternative hosts R#31439 NullPointerException while trying to upgrade a report for central server Patch 5.1 09 includes Patch 5.1 03, which fixed the following problem: R#31366 Installing a package containing a JSP file my corrupt the installation area Patch 5.1 09 includes Patch 5.1 02, which fixed the following problems: W#9312 Add the ability to migrate CRs into central server W#9398 Can't log in using several users imported into TDS from an XML file W#9418 Custom web type controls aren't used on bulk modify and prompting query dialogs R#30958 Unable to view a task in central server mode (Japanese locale) Patch 5.1 09 includes Patch 5.1 01, which fixed the following problem: R#30854 Unicode characters are garbled and various operations may fail when using Change 5.1 with Synergy 6.6a SUPPORTED RELEASES This patch may only be applied to Telelogic Change Release 5.1. The underlying installation of Telelogic Synergy must be upgraded to at least patch 7.0 01, 6.6a 01, or 6.5 SP2 03 plus 6.5 SP2 04. This patch can be safely applied over any previous Telelogic Change 5.1 patches. DELIVERABLE TELELOGIC CHANGE COMPONENTS AFFECTED lib/ change.jar.master WEB-INF/ web.xml (this file is modified in-place, not replaced) trapeze/ cscmapplet.jar trapeze/help/ Upgrading_to_Central_Server_Mode.pdf wsconfig/ task_framework.cfg wsconfig/messages/ 51_patch.properties wsconfig/system/ dwr.xml.master struts-admin.xml.master struts-user.xml.master wsconfig/templates/pt/forms/ migrate.jspf wsconfig/templates/pt/forms/admin_framework/ admin_central_server.jspf admin_cr_sync_configure.jspf admin_cr_sync_main.jspf admin_cr_sync_status.jspf admin_remote_servers.jspf admin_server_main.jspf admin_sub_buttonbar_panel.jspf admin_trans_server_main_dflt.html admin_user_properties_dflt.html frameset_admin_configure_dflt.html frameset_admin_user_data_dflt.html query_report_builder_dflt.html query_sub_report_builder_dflt.html wsconfig/templates/pt/forms/user_framework/ format_edit_dflt.html home_page_report_edit.jspf home_page_report_format_editor.jspf home_page_report_query_editor.jspf query_dialog_dflt.html query_filter_dflt.html report_format_edit_dflt.html report_query_edit_dflt.html wsconfig/templates/pt/forms/task_framework/ object_show_details_dflt.html wsconfig/templates/pt/include/ AttributeScopeMenu.js SelectUtils.js wsconfig/templates/pt/include/admin_framework/ admin_audit.xsl wsconfig/templates/pt/include/attr_controls/ modifiable_in.CCM_LISTBOX task_number.CCM_READONLY wsconfig/templates/pt/include/styles/ note.css wsconfig/templates/pt/include/user_framework/ report_cm_dropdown_menu.js INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Before you begin, make sure that you have performed a successful backup of your Telelogic Change databases. This patch contains a package that must be installed via the Telelogic Change package installation utility. Once you have installed patch 5.1 09, you should not install any individual patch that does not clearly state that it may be installed on top of patch 5.1 09, unless informed otherwise by Support. 1. Log in as ccm_root to the machine where Telelogic Change is installed. 2. Untar the patch file (patch_tc5.1-09) into the packages folder. ccm_root$ cd /cs_app/webapps/synergy/WEB-INF/packages ccm_root$ tar xvf patch_tc5.1-09 3. Login to Telelogic Change as Admin, and click the Administration toolbar icon. 4. You can now select this patch package from the "Package Installer" tab which will show this patch package under "Available Packages". Install the patch. 5. Restart Telelogic Change. Note after applying patch 5.1 01 the first time: As a result of patch 5.1 01, the first time Telelogic Change is restarted subsequent to applying the patch, the application will automatically come to a stop. This is intentional to ensure the fix is applied. Simply start Telelogic Change again. REVERSING THE PATCH If it is necessary to remove the patch after it was installed, follow these steps. 1. Login to Telelogic Change as Admin, and click the Administration toolbar icon. 2. Uninstall the patch package. Click on the "Package Installer" tab. You should see the tc5.1-09 package in the Installed Packages. Click the uninstall button. 3. Restart Telelogic Change. CONTACTING SUPPORT If you need assistance or have any problems with this patch, then contact Change Support. Support information is available at: https://support.telelogic.com/change (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2009 U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.