------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IBM Corporation DOORS-Change Integration Patch 5.5-02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2009 U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. SUMMARY This README describes the contents of DOORS-Change Integration Patch 5.5-02 and describes how to install the patch. The README has the following sections: PROBLEMS This section describes the problems fixed in this patch. SUPPORTED RELEASES This section lists the releases to which this patch may be applied. DELIVERABLE COMPONENTS AFFECTED This section lists the files that will be replaced by this patch. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS This section describes how to apply the patch to your DOORS installation. REVERSING THE PATCH This section describes how to remove the patch. CONTACTING TECHNICAL SUPPORT If you need assistance or have any problems with this patch, contact Telelogic Technical Support as described at the very end of this README. PROBLEMS Patch 5.5-02 to DOORS-Change Integration Release 5.5 fixes the following problems: *R31464 Display Multiple RCR and Review RCR do not handle paragraph breaks correctly *R30589 Apply a role based control mechanism to apply - only users with Project Manager and Database Manager will be able to apply changes *R29284 Cannot delete incoming links and the target object with the same RCR *R32643 Change server not available message when connecting to Change 5.1 Patch 5.5-02 also includes patch 5.5-01 which fixes the following problems: *A2690 Performance of the recording process is much slower than Telelogic DOORS-Change Integration 5.4 *A2691 Performance of opening modules in Exclusive Edit and Shareable Edit Mode is much slower than Telelogic DOORS-Change Integration 5.4 WHO SHOULD INSTALL THIS PATCH This patch should be installed by all users of the DOORS-Change 5.5 integration. SUPPORTED RELEASES This patch may only be applied to DOORS-Change Integration release 5.5. DELIVERABLE COMPONENTS AFFECTED %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\rcr_create_report.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\apply\applyCPP.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\apply\ecpsapplyDialog.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\apply\ecpsapplyutils.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\misc\csintconfigdialogs.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\misc\csintStringTable.txt %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\record_mode\mrc.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\record_mode\rcm_open_trigger.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\csint_util.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\startupfiles\csintStartupPrivate.inc INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Once you have installed patch 5.5-02, you should not install any individual patch that does not clearly state that it may be installed on top of patch 5.5-02, unless informed otherwise by Telelogic Technical Support. 1. Unzip the patch file into a temporary directory. Use WinZip (or another zip tool) to extract the files. 2. Start DOORS as a user with database manager privelege 3. Click Telelogic Change Integration->Package Manager. 4. Click the Add button, browse to the package_info.xml file located in the temporary directory from step 1. 5. Restart your DOORS session, you will be prompted to install the patch on the client. All users who have the DOORS-Change integration installed and have appropriate privileges to modify their DOORS installation area will be prompted to install the patch the next time they start DOORS. REVERSING THE PATCH If it is necessary to remove the patch after it was installed, follow these steps. 1. Start DOORS, click Telelogic Change Integration->Remove Packages From Client 2. Select this patch and click Remove. If you have installed other patches after installing this patch, you must remove the other patches first. CONTACTING SUPPORT Please visit our Telelogic support overview site at: http://www.ibm.com/software/rational/support/telelogic/ You will find a one-sheet reference guide about how to best contact support in your geography.