IBM royalty-free photography collection: terms of use This collection of royalty-free images can be used in IBM projects worldwide and in most media (except for a few limitations listed below). The images may be used by IBM employees and agencies working on behalf of IBM in: * Presentations, including Symphony and PowerPoint * Film and video formats * Advertising and promotional projects * Publications, such as newsletters, magazines, emails and editorials * Websites, intranet sites and apps * Printed materials including collateral or materials produced for events Limitations: These images should not be: * Used in products or apps that will be sold by IBM * Provided to non-employees except for agency partners * Used as part of a trademark or logo * Used in an unflattering, controversial, or offensive context * Re-produced in printed form more than 500,000 times * Used by third parties such as clients, business partners or in the context of comarketing or cobranding alliances.