INTRODUCTION ------------ This is the README.DOC file for the IBM PLANT FLOOR SERIES PlantWorks: APPLICATION AUTOMATION EDITION Version 1 Release 2 Modification 2 PTF 9. PlantWorks 2.2 PTF9 supports WARP. The following topics are covered in this PTF 9 README.DOC file: o Update PlantWorks 2.1 user C Functions to run under PlantWorks 2.2 o Improved control of Dialog Focus when Runtime Monitor busy o Deleting unneeded Trend Sets o Backup/Restore of PlantWorks Database o Installing PTF 9 o Prerequisite OS/2 APAR Required For PlantWorks 2.2 o DBCONN Chain Function Redesigned o OS/2 Database Manager Is Not Supported o Displaying a SQLCODE After A Database Function Call o System Defined Videos In PlantWorks 2.2 o List of APARs Fixed In PTF9, PTF 8, PTF 7 and PTF 6 The following topic has been modified from the original PlantWorks 2.2 README.DOC: o Using Plantworks I/O Support The original README.DOC Plantworks 2.2 GA is listed at the end of this document. Update PlantWorks 2.1 user C Functions to run under PlantWorks 2.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ User C Functions created under Plantworks 2.1 using a 16-bit compiler might trap under PlantWorks 2.2. This is due to an incompatibility between the Plantworks 2.2 32-bit executable which calls the 16-bit User C Function DLL. If you have used "sprintf", "fprintf", or "printf" in your User C Functions under PlantWorks 2.1, you will have to convert these User C Functions to 32-bit before they will work properly under PlantWorks 2.2. The old 16-bit versions of the User C Functions will migrate properly without any changes, but will be inoperable under PlantWorks 2.2 until they have been converted to 32-bit User C Functions. Improved control of Dialog Focus when Runtime Monitor busy ---------------------------------------------------------- A Runtime Dialog window can be overlaid by a Runtime Monitor window by switching focus to the Runtime Monitor window. If the Runtime monitor window is busy (the pointer is a clock instead of an arrow) focus can be moved back to the Runtime Dialog if the following line is added to VCONFIG: RTM_DIALOG_IN_FRONT: 1 The default behavior is to not force focus to the dialog. This default behavior can also be achieved by setting this variable to 0. Note that if Runtime Monitor is not busy, it can still overlay a Runtime Dialog window regardless of this setting. DELETING UNNEEDED TRENDSETS --------------------------- To delete an unneeded trendset on a PlantWorks node, you must perform the following from either a PlantWorks window or full screen session. 1) Make the drive where PlantWorks is installed the current drive. 2) Change directory to \ff\vision\files\dlt\cur 3) List the names of all the trend sets that exists on this node by typing dir *.tps 4) Use the erase command to erase each trend set that is no longer needed. For example, to erase the var.tps trend set file, type erase var.tps BACKUP/RESTORE OF PLANTWORKS DATABASE ------------------------------------- To perform a PlantWorks backup or restore of the entire PlantWorks database you must perform the backup or restore operation from the PlantWorks executive node. Performing these operations from a PlantWorks remote node will only backup or restore that remote node's database. INSTALLING PTF 9 ---------------- Note: If you are migrating your Plantworks database from version 2.1 to 2.2, DO NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. Instead, see the migration instructions that are in the r22memo.txt file that is located on the new Plantworks PTF 9 Installation/Reference Diskette. This file contains an updated version of the Plantworks "Memo to Users" with new instructions for migrating from previous releases. Warning: This installation procedure will erase existing copies of the Warning Browser log file (\ff\vision\files\warning.log). This is necessary to provide a fix related to the structure of this file. If you need to save the information that is in the current Warning Browser for historical purposes, Export the current Warning Browser to a text file for backup. You can do this from within the Warning Browser window in Plantworks. PTF 9 consists of 4 PTF disks, as well as a new Build Services/2 Installation/ Reference disk, and a new Starter Services/2 Installation/Reference disk. You will only need to use one of the new Installation/Reference disks based on whether you are using Build Services/2 or Starter Services/2. Follow these directions to update your Installation/Reference disk and install PTF 9: 1. Shutdown the Plantworks network if it is currently running. 2. Create a new Installation/Reference disk: a) If you have Build Services/2 installed on your system, make a diskcopy of the new PTF 9 Build Services/2 Installation/ Reference disk. If you have Starter Services/2 installed on your system, make a diskcopy of the new PTF 9 Starter Services/2 Installation/Reference disk. Keep the original copy of the new PTF 9 Installation/Reference disk for safekeeping. b) Start the 'Network Definition' application that resides in the Plantworks 2.2 Desktop Folder. c) Insert your new copy of the PTF 9 Installation/Reference disk into the disk drive and select 'Save' from the 'File' menu. This will update the new PTF 9 Installation/Reference Diskette with your network configuration information. d) Exit the Network Definition application. e) This new Installation/Reference disk replaces the original Installation/Reference disk that you created when installing the GA version of Plantworks 2.2, or when installing a previous PTF. You should use the new version of the PTF 9 Installation/Reference diskette from now on. 3. Follow these steps to install PTF 9: a) If the PlantWorks PTF is to be installed on multiple nodes, ensure the installation procedure is performed at the executive node and that Communications System/2 is running on each remote node to be updated. If Communications System/2 is not started on a node, - Select the PlantWorks folder from the OS/2 desktop on that node. The PlantWorks Icon View window appears. - Select the Start Communications System/2 icon. Communications System/2 is started. b) Start a 'Plantworks windowed environment' or 'Plantworks full-screen environment' by double-clicking on the appropriate icon in the Plantworks 2.2 Desktop Folder. c) Insert the PTF 9 Installation Disk (Disk 1) into your floppy drive. d) From the Plantworks environment window, change to the root directory of the floppy drive and start the install.cmd file. If your floppy drive is a:, you would type in the following: a: install e) Select 'Install PW Diskettes' in the Network Definition window. The install PW Diskettes dialog box appears with the executive node displayed in the 'Local Node to Install' field. f) Highlight the executive and all the remote nodes in the 'Other Nodes to install' list box. If you want to install additional nodes, they must be defined and configured with Communications System/2 currently running. g) Select 'OK' in the Install PW Diskettes dialog box to initiate the PTF installation process. A PlantWorks Installation message box appears. If the local node is not able to communicate with a selected remote node, a message is displayed and the PTF will not be installed on the node. h) Follow the prompts to install all 4 of the PTF 9 disks. i) When you are finished installing the PTF disks, Exit the Network Definition application. 4. The PTF installation is now complete. You can start Plantworks by double-clicking on the 'Start Plantworks' icon. PREREQUISITE OS/2 APAR REQUIRED FOR PLANTWORKS 2.2 -------------------------------------------------- Plantworks 2.2 requires OS/2 APAR PJ14555 to be installed on every computer running OS/2 2.1x. This Apar fix is available from Plantworks Support. DBCONN Chain Function Redesigned -------------------------------------- Several changes have been made to the DBCONN function. This function is used to open a connection to a DB2/2 database. A revised manual page for DBCONN is printed below. Here is a summary of the changes: - If a DBCONN is executed and DB2/2 has not been started, the DCONN function will return a STATUS of 6500 and an EXSTATUS(SQLCODE) of -1032. Previously, no error code was returned and the chain executing the DBCONN was disabled. - If a DBCONN is executed and the user has not already logged into DB2/2 with a userid and password, the DBCONN function will return a STATUS of 6500 and an EXSTATUS(SQLCODE) of -1093. Previously, no error code was returned and the chain executing the DBCONN was disabled. - The DBCONN function will bind the Plantworks SQL program to the database only when necessary rather than every time DBCONN is called. This speeds up the DBCONN function significantly. Note that the \ff\vision\bin\sqlcmd.cmd file is no longer used to execute the SQLBIND function. For more information, see the revised DBCONN manual page printed below. Connect to a SQL Database (DBCONN) Keywords: Database, SQL. This function connects your PlantWorks application to the SQL database you specify. The DBCONN function is part of the function set used to build chains for DB2/2 database processing. The function returns a handle, a value that identifies the database to PlantWorks. Use this handle in the other PlantWorks functions that interact with this SQL database. Important: Before PlantWorks can execute a chain containing the DBCONN function, you must start DB2/2 and login with a userid and password. This must be done on the node where the chain resides. The default number of concurrent database connections allowed is 4. If you need more than 4 concurrent database connections, do the following: - Add the following line to the \ff\vision\files\vconfig file: MaxDBCon: nn where 'nn' is the maximum number of concurrent connections needed. This number cannot be greater than 64. - You may need to make adjustments to the DB2/2 configuration to handle the increased number of connections. This can be done with the DB2/2 Configuration Tool. The DBCONN function will bind the Plantworks SQL program to the database using the DB2/2 BIND WITH OPTIONS API (SQLBIND), if necessary. If an error occurs during the SQLBIND, there may be some error messages logged in the \ff\vision\files\sqlbind.log file. Plantworks performs the SQLBIND with the following options: /K=ALL Record blocking is set to ALL /I=UR Isolation level is set to Uncommitted Read. You may specify different SQLBIND options by creating a file called \ff\vision\bin\pwsqlbnd.cmd which contains the SQLBIND command along with your desired options. A sample file called \ff\vision\bin\sqlcmd.cmd is provided to use as a template. When DBCONN needs to issue an SQLBIND command, it will check to see if the \ff\vision\bin\pwsqlbnd.cmd file exists. If it does, then a SYSTEM command will be issued to run your pwsqlbnd.cmd file. If the pwsqlbnd.cmd file doesn't exist, then PlantWorks will make the SQLBIND call internally. Note that the internal SQLBIND is much faster than using the pwsqlbnd.cmd file. Input Only Parameters: ConnStr The variable name or character string that identifies the SQL database to which you want to connect your PlantWorks application. The syntax for the string is @dbname where 'dbname' is the name of the database. Type: CHAR. Modify Parameters: DbHndl The handle (PlantWorks identifier) assigned to the connected database. Type: INT1. STATUS Return Value: 0 The function executed successfully. 522 The database handle is invalid. 523 The connecting string is invalid. 524 The maximum number of concurrent database connections has been reached. 533 An error occured during an SQLBIND using the pwsqlbnd.cmd file. See the \ff\vision\files\files\sqlbind.log file for more information. 6500 An SQL statement error occured. The SQLCODE is in the variable EXSTATUS. Some possible SQLCODES returned in EXSTATUS: -1032 No Start Database Manager Command Was Issued -1093 The user is not logged in OS/2 DATABASE MANAGER IS NOT SUPPORTED -------------------------------------- The 'Installing and Configuring Plantworks' manual incorrectly states that Plantworks provides an SQL interface to OS/2 Database/2 (DB2/2) and OS/2 Database Manager (DBM). The SQL interface DOES NOT support OS/2 Database Manager (DBM). If you are currently using OS/2 Database Manager and you wish to access these databases using the Plantworks SQL interface, you will need to install the OS/2 Database/2 (DB2/2) product and migrate your DBM SQL databases to DB2/2. DISPLAYING A SQLCODE AFTER A DATABASE FUNCTION CALL ---------------------------------------------------- If you are using any of the SQL chain functions (DBCONN, DBSELECT, DBINSERT, etc.) and the status return value (STATUS) is 6500, the EXSTATUS variable will contain the SQLCODE that was returned by DB2/2. Previously, if you tried to display the EXSTATUS value using Logic Monitor, Data Monitor, or the DISVAR chain function, the EXSTATUS variable seemed to be displaying garbage rather than the SQLCODE. This is because the EXSTATUS variable is defined internally as an usigned integer while the SQLCODE variable is defined as a signed integer. The logic monitor has been fixed to display the SQLCODE properly. In order to display the EXSTATUS variable properly using DISVAR or Data Monitor, you will need to copy the EXSTATUS variable into another variable of type INT4. You can then display the INT4 variable to see the proper SQLCODE. The best way to do this is to create a subchain as follows: - Create a subchain that accepts two parameters of type INT4 called STAT and EXSTAT. - When an SQL function exits out of the side exit (indicating an error has occurred), call this subchain and pass in the STATUS and EXSTATUS variables. - Within the subchain, check the STAT value to see if it is 6500. If it is, then the EXSTAT variable contains an SQLCODE. You can now use DISVAR to display the value of EXSTAT. For a sample subchain that performs the function described above, contact the Plantworks Support group. SYSTEM DEFINED VIDEOS IN PLANTWORKS 2.2 --------------------------------------- The concept of user defined videos was eliminated in PlantWorks 2.2. Under PlantWorks 2.2, the system will create videos for each node during the installation process. The videos will all belong to the WRL: application. The video for the executive node will be called WRL:MSTRVID, while the videos for the remote nodes will use the node name as the video name. For example, if we have a three node network, LPN1, LPN2, and LPN3, our videos will be called WRL:MSTRVID, WRL:LPN2, and WRL:LPN3. These video names will be used if you decide to disable the all videos option in the Edit Group dialog box from within the Alarm Item Definition service. LIST OF APARS FIXED IN PTF 9 ----------------------------- PN63387 DDMS User code 2054 on d_defdev when issuing a connect PN63942 Adding new remote defined as an EXEC node PN67044 Alarm template text does not appear PN68723 After migration alarm manager not display panel PN67190 Network definition and startup incorrectly PN67183 Queue maintenance not work with large record PN67897 FNS3029 error PN67365 TQ Maint deletes record from end rather than record PN67249 Plantworks "close" on startup causes "dirty" shutdown PN67633 Duplicating I/O point set with value in subs field is wrong PN65062 Install/config process resets certain control blocks PN64206 Logic monitor not show exit status of subchain PN69101 Configure changes the hostcode value in CS2CNFIG.CNF PN69098 Devwrite chain function not support record names PN68205 Data monitor displays suspended SQL func as invalid PN69620 Application import gets IMA0019 when dealing with PN68843 Documentation not tell how to delete trendset (in README) PN62990 Excessive data to PW startup window PN65871 Wrong comment line in VCONFIG PN66667 DDI7 too many variables referenced in display PN68126 Trap D in DLG PN64813 Print problem with blank 2nd page PN70405 Node status of display-only nodes PN70833 TQD0519 error PN70915 Problem with mudmain fast resolution PN68560 Logset I/O point variable description is blank PN68711 Trend set lower limit changes when value is less than zero PN70096 Setup/enable flag for bit map object does not work PTR 349 PlantWorks icon created as a folder PN69978 Trap D by calling a display PN67633 Duplicating I/O point set with value in the subs field PN67740 Originator name truncated in DAERECV PTR 343 Description not have a default in setup node PN63172 RTM exit, Service Control, will not bring up window PN69520 Get TMS0405 when modifying full table. PN70301 ESC does not cancel export if file already exists. PN70282 Pressing ESC to cancel database restore did not work. PTR 351 NmlkpGetNodeLpn is broken for pull downs. PTR 352 Set time environment variable for import/export. PN69933 MxHeap FEXEXEC/GENALARM with alarm messages > 95 bytes PN72483 Phantom variable / Chain install "Stop on invalid data" PN66868 I/O packets with one point were not migrated (User Memo) PN72681 PlantWorks 2.2 performance is much slower than 2.1 PN66870 Video names in alarms not changed to node names (User Memo) PN72297 Blinking title bar PN72371 Data monitor displays incorrect data PN72944 CS/2 directory sometimes created on wrong drive PN71236 C function migration not working PN69932 T1DEL on a locked table gives VOS.DLL trap000d PN69963 Application Def merge does not handle forms PN72561 Neither "RP SHUTDOWN" or "STOPPW" work PTR 353 Wrong return code from DosStartSession PTR 354 CONFIG.CMD determine CS/2 and OS/2 drives incorrectly PTR 355 FFENV.CMD determine CS/2 and OS/2 drives incorrectly PTR 356 PATH and LIBPATH longer than 512 do not update correctly PTR 357 PWI84 when DAE communicates and PW not configured PTR 358 Fix error checking in ModifyConfigFile and SaveCfgInfo PTR 359 Increased number of ANCBS from 32 to 100 PTR 360 WRL added items (User Memo) PN72142 Dev functions not timeout in user-specified timeout PN72948 Not all alarm groups migrate (User Memo) PN71542 CMD EXEC function does not work properly PN63682 Dialogs too Large on Japanese screens PN70174 Sometimes error 1011 is returned from function disform PTR 363 Migration updates documented in User Memo PTF 366 Fixed PWI.MSG file concern during PTF installation LIST OF APARS FIXED IN PTF 8 ----------------------------- PN66518 CLOSING IO POINT DEFINITION BY DOUBLE CLICKING ICON PN66490 CHAIN DEF. PROBLEM WHEN ADDING CONNECTOR BETWEEN WAIT AND JOIN PN66195 CHAIN MSG QUEUE FILLS AND RUNS OUT OF TOKENS PN66861 DEFINING A VALUE PLOT WITH INCREMENTS GREATER THAN 65535 PN65832 DATE DATA IS TRUNCATED WHEN USING ANY FONT OTHER THAN SYSTEMS PN67092 DBCONN HANGS IF THE DB CONNECTION CANNOT BE MADE PN66545 CHNSEND TO NON-EXISTENT CHAIN STAYS SUSPENDED PN64046 'CONFIGURE' WITHOUT IO DELETES ICARICIO.SYS FROM CONFIG.SYS PN64483 ALARM ACK DOES NOT STOP THE BLINKING ICON IN ALL CASES PN60257 MULTIPLE CONNECTS TO DATABASE HANG PN64145 GARBAGE IN QUEUE OF 9 INT2'S AFTER RECORD MEMBER IS ADDED PN67165 SQLCHILD GIVES DBS0023 ERROR IN WARNING BROWSER DURING SHUTDOWN PTR181 SQLBIND TO AS/400 DATABASE NEEDS /I=UR AND /K=ALL OPTIONS PN63943 TYPOS IN ERROR MSGS MDM0013 AND DHS0010 PN62919 WARNING BROWSER APPEARS TO BE CORRUPTED PN64813 REPORT SCHEDULING AND RPTGEN CREATES EMPTY REPORTS PN64604 RTM LOCKUP PN64605 DAERECV STATUS 3000 EXSTATUS 102 PN65536 ALARM DEFINITION PROBLEM PN65159 ALARM TREE - DISPLAY DEFINED / DELETED IN GROUP PN65470 IN I/O DEFINITION SERVICE DISPLAY DEFAULTS NOT SAVING PN64890 DELETING STAND-ALONE I/O POINTS USING THE NEXT PUSH PN62567 PLANTWORKS 2.2 I/O PACKET BUILD PROCEDURE INCORRECT PN65595 DATA MONITOR DOES NOT LIST ALL ACTIVE CHAINS PN60559 DEVREAD WITH A -1 VALUE IN THE PARAMETER FIELD PN64445 OPERATOR ASKED TO INSERT REFERENCE DISKETTE PN60216 CREATING OR DUPLICATING TABLES ALLOWS USED DAE PRIMARY PN65885 I/O OVERLOAD WITH PTF6 PN62237 CONFUSING CHARS IN OUTPUT FIELD PN63130 AFTER MINIMIZING DATA HISTROY SERVICES USER CAN'T DOUBLE CLICK PN65953 MEMORY LEAKAGE IN USER C-FUNCTION SERVER (UFSMAIN) PN67739 VOS123 AND VOS124, FEXEXEC EXITS WITH INVALID TOKEN TYPE LIST OF APARS FIXED IN PTF 7 ----------------------------- PN63962 HOMENODE FIELD NOT BLANK FOR A 'SECONDARY' POINTSET PN62237 CONFUSING CHARACTERS IN OUTPUT FIELD PN63755 FTOPEN GIVES ERROR FLS0304 INCORRECTLY PN64049 USING HOUR ELEMENT, GARBAGE IS PLACED IN THE TIME ARRAY PN62430 ALARM GROUP/TEMPLATES DO NOT MIGRATE PROPERLY PN64265 CAN'T INSTALL WITH LESS THAN 27 MEG FREE PN64604 PLANTWORKS HANG IN RUNTIME MONITOR PTR172 SQLCODE RETURNED IN EXSTATUS IS DISPLAYED AS UNSIGNED LIST OF APARS FIXED IN PTF 6 ----------------------------- PN55032 REPORT DEFINITION WHEN USING VARIABLE IN ARRAY PN55732 MXHEAPMEMORY FAILED WHEN MIGRATING PW21 TO PW22 PN56410 CONTENTS OF DAE TABLE ARE NOT MIGRATED PN56478 TABLE MAINT. SYS3175 WITH WIDE TABLE (17,285 BYTES WIDE) PN58294 CHAIN DEF, MOVEMENT OF BROKEN FUNCTION CONNECTOR LINE CAUSES SOME PULLDOWN FUNCTIONS TO BE GREYED OUT PN58407 SYS3175 IN WORKING STORAGE WHEN INCORRECT DATA TYPE VARIABLE PN58627 LOGSETS SHOW INSTALLED BUT THEY ARE NOT WORKING CORRECTLY PN59942 EXPORTED DISPLAY FAILS TO IMPORT PN60083 DUPLICATING POINTSETS - LINE AND DEVICE NAMES NOT CHANGED PN60084 ALL PW ARRAYS ARE BEING POLLED PN60277 CMDEXEC FUNCTION RECEIVES SYS3175 WHEN STARTING WARNING BROWSER PN60279 A SYS3175 IS BEING GENERATED FROM MUDMAIN.EXE PN60418 PLANTWORKS INSTALLATION PROCESS DOES NOT TRANSFER DDMS PN60567 FEXEXEC REPORTED AN "INSUFFICIENT STACK SPACE" PN60820 WHEN CONFIGURING REMOTES NODES FROM EXEC NODE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS FIELD IN CACB INCORRECT PN60903 RUNTIME MONITOR LOSES FOCUS DURING PLANTWORKS STARTUP PN61026 DISPLAY REFRESH RATE CAN NOT BE ABOVE 6 SECONDS PN61323 WHEN CHARACTER STRING IS FIRST PARAMETER IN ALARM TEMPLATE PN61754 BOTH THE EVENT LOG AND WARNING BROWSER DISPLAY BLOCKS OF MESSAGES OUT OF ORDER PN61851 CONTINUOUS LOGSETS ON REMOTE NODE CONTINUE LOGGING AFTER DELETION PN62236 CHANGED FFCRTLIB TO FFRTDLL.DLL IN README.DOC PN62364 DATA HISTORY SERVICE - FILE DUPLICATE ON EXEC WHEN REMOTE IS DOWN PN62365 DATA HISTORY SERVICE (DHS)- ALT F, D DOES NOT DELETE LOGSET PN62374 DHS HAVE TO PRESS ENTER KEY THREE TIMES WHEN GETTING LOGSET PN62430 ALARM GROUPS,TEMPLATES DO NOT MIGRATE FROM PW 2.1 TO 2.2 PN62490 SUBCHAIN SYS3175 IN FFRTDLL.DLL FOLLOWED BY MXHEAP ERRORS PN62496 DLT START BEFORE MUDMAIN ESTABLISHES CONNECTIONS WITH ALL REMOTE NODES PN62501 ON A REMOTE NODE, USING NAMELOOKUP, RECEIVED ERROR SYS0317 PN62510 DATA HISTORY SERVER SYS3175 IN IMAGENT.DLL PN62512 CREATE LOGSET, DELETE LOGSET, RECEIVE ERROR DLT0049 PN62692 PROBLEM DUE TO DIO302 I/O SYSTEM ERROR PN63127 DELETING A LOGSET IN DATA HISTORY SERVER CAUSES SYS3175 PN63132 TYPO IN DLT WARNING BROWSER MESSAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------- The following information was contained in the original README.DOC file that was distributed with the Plantworks 2.2 GA disks: o Migrating from Previous PlantWorks Releases o Using Communications System/2 CIF Installation o Using PlantWorks I/O Support o System Performance Features o Database Integrity o PlantWorks Demo Applications o Service Control Window o Buildtime Services o Runtime Services o List of APARs Fixed in This Release o Trending and History Data APAR fixes MIGRATING FROM PREVIOUS PLANTWORKS RELEASES ------------------------------------------- Topic: Migrating from PlantWorks 2.0 or 2.1 If you are migrating your PlantWorks 2.0 or 2.1 system to PlantWorks 2.2, please see the 'Memo To Users' that was shipped with the product diskettes. This contains detailed instructions on the migration process. Topic: Migrating from the December 1993 Limited Availability Release 2.2 version to the June 1994 General Availability Release 2.2 version. Follow these steps to retain your network configuration while installing the General Availability release of PlantWorks 2.2: 1. Create a new PlantWorks Release 2.2 GA Installation/Reference Diskette using the OS/2 DISKCOPY command to copy the Installation/Reference Diskette that was shipped as part of the PlantWorks Release 2.2 GA product. 2. Copy the executive node's existing \ff\cfg\pwnet.cfg file to the new copy of the Installation/Reference diskette that you just created. 3. Use this new Installation/Reference diskette to install PlantWorks Release 2.2 GA. Follow the instructions in the 'Installing and Configuring PlantWorks' book to perform the installation. 4. Do not change the node name from the previous installation. As detailed on page 3-3 of "Installing and Configuring PlantWorks" manual, special considerations may need to taken into account when installing over a subset of the Communications System/2 not previously installed by PlantWorks. If you choose to delete Communications System/2 before installing PlantWorks, certain files need to be backed up. In the \CS2\SYS directory, files ending with .CFS, .DTn, .PRn, and .Snn (where n is a number) should be backed up. If you have other CS/2 tables created outside of PlantWorks that reside in the \CS2 tree, you will want to back those up also. These tables will have files ending in .DTn, .PRn, and .Snn as detailed above. When these files are backed up, CS/2 can be deleted as detailed in the manual. After CS/2 is installed but before the node is configured, restore the backed up files to their original directory. Immediately before or after you reboot the machine as requested during the install is an appropriate time to do this. See the section titled "Trending and History Data APAR fixes" for other migration steps that you might need to perform. USING Communications System/2 CIF INSTALLATION ----------------------------------------------- If you choose to install Communications System/2 separately, the follow options must be chosen: Base System Base System: Control Blocks Base System: Toolkit Toolkit: Sample Programs Toolkit: DDMS Device Data Management Support 32-bit Support The client and server processes for Communications System/2 Common Installation Facility can interfere with PlantWorks installation or configuration. When using the Common Installation Facility (CIF) to install Communications System/2, be sure to disable the CIF processes on any node prior to performing installation or configuration of PlantWorks on that node, including remote installation/configuration. The Common Installation Facility gives you the option to start the CIF processes automatically on system startup. You should choose 'N' for this option. To verify that the CIF processes are not running on a system: 1. Bring up the OS/2 Window list by hitting- from the OS/2 desktop. 2. Scroll the window list as necessary to search for the following programs: "CIFDM TCPIP", "CIFDM Netbios 0", "CIFDM Netbios 1", and "CIFDM CRON". 3. If any of these programs appear in the Window List, click the right mouse button (RMB) on the program title. Choose "Close" from the Popup Menu that appears, then when the dialog box appears, choose "Yes" to confirm that you want to end the program. Repeat these steps for each of the CIF programs which appear in the window list. USING PLANTWORKS I/O SUPPORT ---------------------------- Topic 1: Building DDMS Servers If any devices besides those supported by the CS/2 Communication Protocol Programs/A (i.e. Allen-Bradley, MODICON, GE-Fanuc, or Texas Instruments), are used, a DDMS server might need to be built. To build your own DDMS server, you will need to install the appropriate DDMS options that are not included in the PlantWorks installation of CS/2. Refer to the section above, "Using Communications System/2 CIF INSTALLATION", for information about installing CS/2. Additional information about I/O and DDMS servers is found in Chapter 4 of the Installing and Configuring PlantWorks book and in the CS/2 Installation and Configuration Guide Book. Topic 2: TZ Environment Variable In order to use the I/O support in PlantWorks, you must set the TZ environment variable in CONFIG.SYS, using the SET command. For example, if you are in the Eastern Time Zone, you would add the following line to CONFIG.SYS: SET TZ=EST5EDT EST is the three letter code for the time zone you are in. 5 is the offset in hours from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). EDT is the letter code for Daylight savings time in your time zone (if any). SYSTEM PERFORMANCE FEATURES --------------------------- Topic: User Edits of the VCONFIG file The VCONFIG file contains statements that set control values for PlantWorks operations. The updated VCONFIG file included with this release can be used to update an existing VCONFIG file. The new VCONFIG file is stored in the FF\CFG directory. Current working copies of the VCONFIG file are stored in the FF\VISION\FILES directory.: To update an existing VCONFIG file, follow these steps: 1. Make a copy of the new VCONFIG file. 2. Compare the copy of the new file with the current file. 3. Edit the copy of the new file and change the appropriate default settings. 4. Delete the current working copy in the FF\VISION\FILES directory. 5. Store the new, updated copy in the FF\VISION\FILES directory. 6. Maintain a copy of original VCONFIG in the FF\CFG directory. Instructions for updating the VCONFIG file are included in the FF\CFG\VCONFIG file. Topic: Increased shared memory The maximum allowable shared memory has been increased. If a problem occurs with constraints on shared memory, you can enter the sm_total_size parameter in the VCONFIG file to increase memory up to 15 MB, as required. Topic: Improved display refresh The refresh operation of Runtime Monitor now displays updated data at one time, not incrementally. Depending on the CPU loading process, system performance might be impacted significantly. This feature can be disabled by inserting the following statement the CONFIG.SYS file: SET RTMNOTSMOOTH=1 If you disable the smooth refresh operation, the system must be rebooted to take effect. Topic: Data Refresh Frequency The PlantWorks system time resolution for this release has a default of 1.0 second. This resolution determines the update frequency of variables across nodes and the minimum refresh interval for PlantWorks displays. This value can be enhanced to support higher resolutions. The possible resolutions are: 1, 1/2, and 1/10 of a second. You can change the system resolution value in VCONFIG to be one of the following: minimum_res: 1000 (1.0 second) minimum_res: 500 (0.5 second) minimum_res: 100 (0.1 second) Note: The system resolution setting of 100 is intended for a 486 class machine. If you have a 386 class machine and experience adverse performance while running PlantWorks at this setting, reset the system resolution value to the default of 1000. Topic: RSSERVER startup settings RSSERVER has two possible settings in the VCONFIG file for initialization: 0 and 1. If the startup for the RSSERVER is set to zero (0), it is started as a foreground process. This requires that all CMDEXEC function commands that start a foreground process must begin the command name with the keyword "start." If the startup for the RSSERVER is set to one (1), it is started as a background process. This requires that all CMDEXEC function commands that start a foreground process must begin the command name with the keyword "start" and at least one session parameter (such as "/WIN") to tell CMDEXEC where to open the command session. A foreground process that executes a .CMD file requires that the .CMD file's logic has "exit" as the last command to close the session or is started with the session parameter "/C". See the OS/2 Online Command reference for more information on the START command. Typing "help start" on the OS/2 command line will show you this information. Background startup processes do not require the keyword "start," regardless of which startup setting is assigned to RSSERVER. The default setting for the RSSERVER startup is one (1). Topic: Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Support Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) operates as a server, exchanging data between PlantWorks and DDE-enabled client applications, such as a spreadsheet. Client applications, such as Lotus 1-2-3 and Excel, are restricted to receiving data. You can write customized DDE applications to exchange data and interact with PlantWorks activities, such as changing values of variables, triggering chains, or changing alarm states. Requirements: PlantWorks DDE support is a 32-bit program, requiring OS/2 Version 2.x. Special programming or use of additional system resources is not required. The DDE server can be run on all PlantWorks nodes, even if the executive node is not running. Retrieving PlantWorks data for a client application: Once you define PlantWorks variables, use the appropriate expression on the command line of your application. DDE requires an application name, a topic, and an item. The following example is for an Excel spreadsheet application: =PlantWorks|Interface!"DDE::VAR_0" where PlantWorks is the application name Interface is the topic "DDE:VAR_0" is the item name of the DDE variable. Enter all variables in uppercase. Users can write their own DDE-enabled applications to modify data within the application, and have the new values take effect in PlantWorks. For detailed information on using DDE, refer to the "OS/2 2.0 Technical Library Programming Guide Volume II." Topic: Sample DDE Client Program Sample C language files are included on the installation diskettes. You can use these sample files to build your own DDE client program. The files are located in the following directory: \FF\SAMPLES\DDE (for IBM Set++ compiler) DATABASE INTEGRITY ------------------ Do not shut down by rebooting. If the Node/Network shutdown procedure available from the Service Control Window is inoperative for any reason, use the OS/2 Desktop Manager to shut down as many of the PlantWorks and Communications System/2 processes as possible. Again, only reboot as a last resort. Back up your database regularly so you can use it to restore the database in the event of a failure. Use the Backup Database option of the Network Definition Utility. In the event of a crash or forced reboot, there is a possibility of database corruption. If the crash occurs while you are installing an item, the probability of database corruption becomes higher. If you have a multinode network, it is recommended that you do not shut down and restart remote nodes while you are installing items on the executive node. Doing so can cause the database on a remote node to get out of synchronization with the database on the executive node. If the message BDM Data cache coherency problem appears in the warning logger file on a node, you need to take the appropriate action: o If the message occurs on a remote node, restart the remote node while PlantWorks is running on the executive node. o If the message occurs the executive node, restart the PlantWorks network. When conditions indicate that there is a chance of database corruption, you must proceed with caution. If the failure that put you at risk occurred during item installation, you should probably restore your database. However, if the failure occurred under different circumstances, there is a good chance that things are okay. You should first run CHKDSK against the hard disk where PlantWorks is installed. If your system is running with HPFS, this is done automatically upon system restart. If you are using the FAT file system, it is your responsibility to run CHKDSK. If the disk passes CHKDSK with no indication of lost clusters, and the crash did not occur during item installation, you can be almost certain that your file system, specifically your saved and installed PlantWorks items, survived the failure. You should proceed to restart PlantWorks. If lost clusters are found by CHKDSK, they are recovered automatically on an HPFS system. However, to recover them on a FAT system, you must run CHKDSK again with the /F option (booting from an OS/2 bootable diskette). If the lost clusters are in one of the PlantWorks log files, the PlantWorks database is probably okay, and you should restart your system. If they are in the files called CURMASTE.IMG, there is a much higher probability of database corruption, and you should probably take the safe approach and restore your database. PLANTWORKS DEMO APPLICATIONS Demonstration applications are loaded on the executive node in the \FF\SETUP directory. You can experiment with these application and get ideas about how to set up your own applications. Refer to the PlantWorks Optional Materials Memo for information about how to order other demo and sample applications. To install the demo applications in the PlantWorks database, follow these steps: 1. Make sure PlantWorks is running. 2. Start a session of the PlantWorks full-screen environment on the executive node. 3. By default, you can do this from the Group - PlantWorks window. 4. Change to the \FF\SETUP directory. 5. Type LOADDEMO on the command line and press Enter. 6. For more information about the demo applications and how to use them, read the DEMO.DOC file in the \FF\SETUP directory. Here is a brief description of the demo applications: Disk Certifier Demo The Disk Certifier demo is an example of how an application builder can use PlantWorks to build an application for monitoring and collecting data from a group of disk certifiers. This application provides a way for a plant operator to see a status overview of all certifiers by colors that reflect each machine's production status. Selecting a certifier brings up a detail display of the particular machine. Use this certifier application as a model for other applications where a plant operator needs to monitor a number of similar same machines. Injection Molding Demo The Injection Molding demo is an example of how an application builder can use PlantWorks to build an application for monitoring and operating an injection molding machine. This application provides a way for a plant operator to view detailed information about the status of an injection molding machine and all the machine settings. In addition, there is a simulation mode that lets the plant operator adjust process settings and see the corresponding effect on the process. Data Collection Demo The Data Collection demo shows how an application builder can use PlantWorks in conjunction with data collection devices, which collect inventory and process data. Refer to the PlantWorks Optional Materials memo for information on how to obtain demo applications that link actual data collection terminals to PlantWorks and send and receive data to and from the terminal. (The data can be entered from either the DCT keyboard or the bar-code wand attached to the DCT.) SERVICE CONTROL WINDOW ---------------------- Topic: Tool Bar Icons The PlantWorks Service Control window provides a row of icons, representing a fast path for starting frequently used PlantWorks services. This area of the window is referred to as the tool bar. By double clicking on an icon, the corresponding service becomes active. A single click displays the name of the service in the lower left area of the window. For more information on using the tool bar icons, refer to "Definition Services/2 User Guide, Chapter 1." Note: The icons currently in the tool bar are subject to change. The published documentation for this release might not reflect the most current list of icons. BUILDTIME SERVICES ------------------ Topic: Accessing Definition Services Application builders now can access definition services from within Name lookup in addition to accessing them from the PlantWorks Service Control window. In the Name Lookup View dialog box of Name lookup, select the item you want to edit, then select Edit. (As a short cut, you can double-click on the item.) One of three events happens, depending on the status of the definition service where the item was created: 1. If the definition service is not started, the definition service is started and the selected item is opened. 2. If the definition service is started, but no item is open, the selected item is opened in the already started service. 3. If the definition service is started and an item is open, a new session of the definition service is started and the selected item is opened in that session. Topic: Definition Services Retrieval Defaults When retrieving an item in Display Definition Service, Report Definition Service, or Form Definition Service, the default now places asterisks (*.*) in the Version or Version Number field. This default setting brings up the highest numbered version of the requested item, so the application builder does not need to keep track of specific version levels. APPLICATION DEFINITION Topic: Wildcard Export The field for the Application Name ID in the Export Application dialog box supports the use of wildcard characters as replacement symbols to specify the item name(s) of the exported application. The asterisk (*) symbol represents one or more characters. The question mark (?) symbol represents only one character. For example: AFT: A* locates all items in the application "AFT" beginning with the letter A. AFT: A???? locates all items in the application "AFT" beginning with the letter A and having a name five characters long. CHAIN DEFINITION Topic: Chain Trigger Options The Add Trigger option in the Create Chain dialog box allows you to select more than one trigger. Triggers are grouped into the following two types: Time Triggers: Trigger on time of day Trigger periodically System Triggers: Trigger on system start Trigger on system restart Trigger on system shutdown You can select any or all of the trigger options but only within the associated group. You cannot select a time trigger and a system trigger. Topic: User C Function DLLs PlantWorks supports both 16- and 32-bit DLLs, and provides the following run-time DLLs: - FFRTDLL.DLL (CSET 2) for 32-bit DLLs - CRTLIB.DLL (IBM C2 and Microsoft 6.0) for 16-bit DLLs To make the C functions run correctly, you must assure the following: o When you are using 16-bit DLLs, you must disable stack probes (-Gs compiler flag). You will have to recompile your 16-bit DLLs if stack probe is on. o The compiler you use might generate a dependency for a DLL that is not shipped with PlantWorks. It is your responsibility to provide the appropriate DLLs. You can verify during your testing process by driving the DLL with a test program on a PlantWorks node. o The UFSMAIN parameter in your VCONFIG file must be set to 0: ufsmain: 0 o When you are running a C function using the DosStartSession function call, the function might return a STATUS code of 457. This is not an error--it merely notifies you that the session started in the background. DISPLAY DEFINITION Topic: Font Enhancement for Displays The Edit Attributes dialog box supports a selection between four fonts: o Courier o Helvetica o Times New Roman o Symbol Set Courier is a scalable font with fixed spacing for each character. Helvetica and Times New Roman are scalable proportional fonts. Symbol Set is a collection of Greek and numeric symbols, and can be used like other character sets. Each font has adjustable scale factors of height and width. Check boxes are provided to select the font, and entry fields are provided either to select the default value of 1.0, or to enter a different value. It is not necessary for you to enter scale factors in the these entry fields. If you select a scalable font for a textual field in an object, the font adjusts automatically as the object or, composite image, is sized proportionally in height or width. The entry fields, however, are convenient for creating a series of textual strings of exactly the same size, without having to adjust them manually to match. The Duplicate option allows you to copy an object, defined with specific scalable factors, for creating additional objects having the same size and type of font. If there are multiple types of objects, you can use the scalable factor to designate the same scalable font proportions for all the objects. You also can cause all objects to have the same size and proportions of textual strings by changing the defaults. Topic: Visible Grid Enhancements The Grid option on the View pull-down supports two grid selection check boxes: o Snap To Grid o Visible Grid Selecting Snap To Grid causes newly created objects to automatically align to the grid. Objects created before you selected this option are not affected. (Use the Align To option to align existing objects.) Selecting Visible Grid displays a grid pattern of dots on the Display Definition working area. Topic: Alignment Enhancements The Align To option on the View pull-down supports the following object alignment selections: Closest Grid Point Collective Left Side Collective Right Side Collective Bottom Side Collective Top Side Collective Center Collective Horizontal Center Collective Vertical Center Even Spaced Left Sides Even Spaced Right Sides Even Spaced Bottom Sides Even Spaced Top Sides This feature aligns selected display objects to the current grid location. The alignment selection moves the lower left corner of the object to the nearest grid point. Objects are aligned by their spatial relationship to each other, not the screen area. Closest Grid Point is used for a single object; the remaining options are used for multiple objects. Grouped, or composite objects, are aligned as one object. You can remove the effects of the last Align To operation by selecting Undo. I/O DEFINITION SERVICE Topic: Remote point access You can define remote point access from within the I/O Definition Service to permit PlantWorks to receive data from non-PlantWorks nodes. Communications System/2 now enables PlantWorks nodes to read remote I/O data from non-PlantWorks nodes, as long as the I/O points are defined in I/O Definition Service. To enable remote point access, the user must edit the VCONFIG file. To enable the I/O remote point access feature, follow these steps: 1. Access the working copy of the VCONFIG file. 2. Go to the end of the file and add the following line: FF_DDMS_NODE: < CS2 node name > where is the Communications System/2 registration name at the DDMS node in the PlantWorks network. For example, FF_DDMS_NODE: RMT1. To disable remote point access after the VCONFIG file has been edited, either delete the entire line or erase the and leave it blank. Topic: New Help option A new Help file has been added to the Help pull-down menu called "What's New." The What's New file contains information on feature enhancements in the Buildtime and Runtime Services for Release 2.2. What's New is available from any Help pull-down where a new feature has been added. Included in the Help information in the Chain Definition Service is a listing of PlantWorks built-in functions. The function help contains generally the same information contained in the "Definition Services/2 Functions" book, providing function description and valid types of parameters. You can access this list of functions by selecting Contents on the Options pull-down in the Help window. You also can access this file by pressing F1 after selecting a function in the Add Function dialog box. Topic: Sample C Functions Included in the installation diskettes are sample C Functions for building user-defined C language functions. These sample functions replace the functions previously included in the "Definition Services/2 Functions" book. The functions are located in the following directories: \FF\SAMPLES\USRDLL\16BITS (for a 16-bit compiler) \FF\SAMPLES\USRDLL\32BITS (for a 32-bit compiler) RUNTIME SERVICES ---------------- Topic: Run-time Display List The Runtime Monitor Service pull-down displays a list of the names of the most recent displays accessed by the user. Up to eight display names are listed in the order they are accessed. If the user accesses more than eight, subsequent display names replace the oldest names in the list. Only display names entered in the Select Display dialog box appear in the list. LIST OF APARS FIXED IN THIS RELEASE ----------------------------------- Definition Services/2 APAR Description ---- ----------- PN39390 Version number of I/O point set increase by 2 when saving the I/O point set. PN41605 Text objects in display definition have dotted lines around them if background color is darker shades. PN42280 Chain def. traps when saving a chain after adding a local variable and doing a check function. PN45829 ICIOTASK handling I/O timestamp incorrectly. PN47796 Record Format delete option sometimes greyed out following a certain sequence of steps. PN48593 Report Definition service with XGA was loading incorrect font. PN54513 Chain Definition trap_d printing a pictorial chain. Build Services/2 APAR Description ---- ----------- PN39874 Table Maintenance Utility trap-d on bringing up a large DAE table with more than 32,767 records. PN44564 Can not create a reference diskette from Start Node PN45830 IPCSEND transferring network.cfg file. PN46374 CS2RDR00 is being reset by PW configuration. PN48562 Warning DispInsServr GLI006: glib24 generated on installation of display which had a graph that did limit checking. PN46661 Table Maintenance Title bar was not being updated. Execution Services/2 APAR Description ---- ----------- PN42740 Chain aborted at function LGCSWTCH if parameters VAR1 and VAR2 are of different type. PN41949 Coins should not allow configuration of a slave node from the executive node. PN43088 Fexe traps at iftest function when chain-validation flag is checked. PN44517 RTM shows incorrect display (1 display behind) PN44548 CHNIVE traps when isntall a chain w/ DISFORM function (use variable for the index of the record) PN42008 DD traps when do error check on a display which contain Input Form PN45663 Vos Exception Handler - Need to expand token list. PN47841 Background color of dotted line showed white at runtime. PN48749 Blank page output after Report is printed. PN52933 Missing MAINT.ARC files from \ff\setup\tools. PN52934 Cannot create a new Installation/Reference diskette. PN52935 Warning and Event Browsers show incorrect time stamps. PN53139 DAESEND RC=0 even though DAESEND failed. PN53116 Cannot change PW executive node name. PN53407 Homeset is not updating remote variables. PN53256 CS2RDR00-CS2RDR0F configured incorrectly for exception handling. PN53596 Valid variables in history plot are sometimes marked invalid (red circle on top of the variable name). PN53408 Cannot start multiple Application Definition services PN53743 CS2DMR1A.EXE and CS2DMRVA.EXE are bad on the PW Execution Services/2 diskettes. PN53745 After defining an unsolicited array, a new array can't access the symbolic/logical address field. PN53746 Copy/Paste traps Chain Definition service. PN53618 PWLDRIC.CMD should load MBXICCFG to save memory. PN53623 Errors in Warning Browser when PlantWorks is shutdown. PN53807 Cannot start a PW remote node when the PW executive node is down. PN53744 Reports are generated with no data or incorrect data present. PN53747 Chain Definition trap_d when copy/paste of a DISFORM function. PN53640 Chain Definition invalid comment on the CHNTRIG function. PN53641 CONFIG.SYS error that \ICA.MSG cannot be found after PW install. PN53643 On Runtime Monitor Display, holding the CRTL key causes continuous disk activity. PN54184 DLGMGR.DLL trap_d using C function in a chain. PN54221 CSR0029 on CS/2 shutdown after PlantWorks has installed CS/2. PN54222 Cannot define a video for alarms. PN54564 Chain that starts/stops logging to a logset causes Warning Browser errors. PN54646 Double clicking or pressing Alt-F4 on Service Control Menu causes an uncontrolled shutdown. PN54566 Chain Definition trap_d printing a snapshot of a chain. PN54567 I/O Point Select Services shows incorrect variable time. PN54568 WRL:TREND trending display does not work correctly. PN54570 Application Definition problem with saving an application on exit. PN54650 RTV.EXE (Event Browser) trap_d when called from CMDEXEC. PN55009 Problems migrating an I/O Pointset from PW 2.1 to PW 2.2. PN54951 Subchains cannot be run or deleted. PN54565 Copy/Paste causes source object to be redrawn in Display Definition. PN54569 Initial Database has two CHNTRIG functions listed. PN54954 Cancel does not exit all functions in Setup Operations. PN54965 Printing of alarm acknowledgement message is incomplete. PN54956 After RNEXEC, 'Get Database Information' shows old executive node name. PN55782 Name Lookup Display is incorrect for XGA-2 displays. PN56051 Working Storage Definition message incorrect for character strings. PN56450 DISFORM function trap_d after 10 forms displayed. PN56451 After deleting SECADM0 user id, PlantWorks trap_d on startup. PN56692 Problems displaying a timestamp variable using the Helvetica font. PN56619 Chain Definition pictorial print missing title page. PN56719 CS/2 won't shutdown after PlantWorks has completed its shutdown. Interface Services/2 APAR Description ---- ----------- PN56061 Errors in Warning Browser when IS/2 is shutdown. TRENDING AND HISTORY DATA APAR FIXES ----------------- If you are a new PlantWorks 2.2 customer, please disregard this section. The PN54568 Trending APAR fix and PN57404 History Data APAR fix are corrected in the 'PW Initial Database' (\FF\CFG\INITDB) shipped with PlantWorks 2.2. These fixes affect the Trend Plot (WRL:TREND) and History Data (WRL:TABULAR) displays. If you are using a PlantWorks 2.2 database from the Early Pilot Program and require either of these fixes, you must perform the following: o Export all your PlantWorks applications using the Application Definition 'Export Application' selection on the 'File' pull-down. o Restore to the 'PW Initial Database' (\FF\CFG\INITDB) following the instructions in the Installing and Configuring PlantWorks manual, 'Initializing the PlantWorks Database' on page 6-2. o Import all your PlantWorks applications into the 'PW Initial Database' using the Application Definition 'Import Application' selection on the 'File' pull-down.
Last modified: May 4, 1999