WebSphere® Voice Server Version Fix Pack Readme

Last updated October 20, 2004

This document contains information for WebSphere Voice Server version fix pack. It also points you to where you can get the latest information on topics covered in the WebSphere Voice Server Information Center.

We recommend that on a regular basis, you refresh the documentation provided on the product CD with the most current information center on the Web to ensure you have the most up-to-date information available.

This readme contains the following information:

What's included in this fix pack

The WebSphere Voice Server Version provides fixes to support the Genesys Voice Platform® (GVP) for Windows V6.5.5 product.

Fix pack prerequisites

WebSphere Voice Server 5.1 must be installed before installing this fix pack.

Downloading this fix pack

You can download WebSphere Voice Server version fix pack code from the WebSphere Voice Server Support site at http://www.ibm.com/software/pervasive/voice_server/support/.

Installing this fix pack

Instructions on how to install the WebSphere Voice Server version fix pack are included in the information center under the Installing section. The information center is available from the infocenter folder on the root of the WebSphere Voice Server install CD.

To ensure that you are using the latest version of the Information Center for WebSphere Voice Server, refer to the WebSphere Voice Zone product documentation page at http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/zones/voice/proddoc.html.

Product documentation

This readme and the WebSphere Voice Server Information Center are installed with the product. The information center contains product overview, developing, planning, installation, administration, configuration, and troubleshooting information to help you get started with WebSphere Voice Server.

Important: For Mozilla to display the information center's navigation panel, you need to do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Mozilla plugin directory. For example, /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.
  2. Enter the following: ln -s /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre/bin/libjavaplugin_ojigcc3.so

Documentation updates on the Web

All of the documentation is available from the library page of the WebSphere Voice Server Web page. Check the Web site for Release Notes, updates to this information, and downloadable upgrades and fixes. To see the most updated product information, go to: WebSphere Voice Server page: http://www.ibm.com/software/pervasive/voice_server/


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