PK61833 ======== Problem 1 Description: Strange characters seen after creating Portal Page with titles other than English in a WEMP enabled Portal Admin console. Problem 1 Solution: Code fix. Affected Users: All Portal users Pre-Requisite(s): WebSphere Everyplace Mobile Portal Version: 6.0. WebSphere Everyplace Mobile Portal Fixes: None WebSphere Portal Fixes: None Installation: NOTE: YOU MUST FIRST DOWNLOAD THE WEBSPHERE PORTAL UPDATE INSTALLER TOOL FOR VERSION 6.0.x IN ORDER TO INSTALL A FIX. The Portal Update Installer can be downloaded from the following link: 1. Create temporary "fix" directory to store the jar file. 2. Copy jar file to this directory. 3. Shutdown WebSphere Portal. 4. Follow the fix installation instructions that are packaged with the Portal Update Installer on how to install the fix. 5. Restart WebSphere Portal. 6. The temporary directory may be removed. NOTE: FIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE APPLIED. DO NOT REMOVE A FIX UNLESS ALL FIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED. YOU MAY REAPPLY ANY REMOVED FIX. 1. Shutdown WebSphere Portal. 2. Follow the instructions that are packaged with the Portal Update Installer on how to uninstall the fix. 3. Restart WebSphere Portal. Post Installation: This iFix includes additional updates to the XDIME theme that originally shipped with WebSphere Everyplace Mobile Portal Version 6.0. However, to avoid accidental replacement of any custom changes to the XDIME theme that you might have performed since deploying WebSphere Everyplace Mobile Portal Version 6.0, the iFix installation process does not automatically update your system with these changes. These updates are placed in wp_root/mwpinst directory during the iFix installation process and you are required to manually merge the updated files into the wps.ear file. The following files were changed: - themes/xdime/common/Init.jsp - themes/xdime/pdaview/PageBar.jsp The original XDIME theme, skin, and screens shipped with WebSphere Everyplace Mobile Portal version 6.0 are contained within the wps.ear Enterprise Application. In order to merge the new changes into them, you would have to first access the original files in the wps.ear, which involves exporting the wps.ear using the wsadmin tool and expanding the wps.ear into a temporary directory. Steps 1 and 2 in the Deploying updates to the WebSphere Portal EAR --> Deploying updates to the WebSphere Portal EAR in a production environment section of the WebSphere Everyplace Mobile Portal version 6.0 Information Center provides additional details about this process. Once the original files are extracted you can merge the changes supplied in the fixes directory using manual inspections or using third party tools that allow you to compare and merge files. Note: If you did not customize your XDIME theme, skin, and screens you can simply replace each original file with the new one supplied in the fixes directory. Once the updates are merged, repackage the updated files back into an updated wps.ear and redeploy it. See Deploying updates to the WebSphere Portal EAR --> Deploying updates to the WebSphere Portal EAR in a production environment section of the WebSphere Everyplace Mobile Portal version 6.0 Information Center for details. The WebSphere Everyplace Mobile Portal version 6.0 Information Center is located at: