WebSphere Everyplace Device Manager, version, readme

Last updated March 11, 2005

This document contains information for WebSphere Everyplace Device Manager Version 5.0 fix pack 2.

This Readme contains the following information:

Note: WebSphere Everyplace Device Manager Version 5.0 fix pack 2 is cumulative. If fix pack 1 was not installed, the changes provided with fix pack 1 are installed with fix pack 2.

What's included in WebSphere Everyplace Device Manager, version 5.0, fix pack 2

Fix pack 2 includes all the corrections from fix pack 1 plus corrections for the following problems:

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Fix pack 2 prerequisites

WebSphere Everyplace Device Manager, Version 5.0 must be already installed.

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Downloading this fix pack

You can retrieve fix pack 2 code from the WebSphere Everyplace Device Manager support site:


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Installing this fix pack

To install this fix pack, do the following:

  1. Stop the DMS_AppServer within the WebSphere Application Server.

  2. To install the fix pack, do one of the following:

    For Windows 32 system:

    installFixpack.bat DMS_HOME

    For example:

    installFixpack.bat "C:\Program Files\TivDMS15"

    For AIX or Solaris systems:

    installFixpack.sh DMS_HOME

    For example:

    ./installFixpack.sh /usr/TivDMS15

  3. Below is an example of the end of the patch output.
    *** End PatchInstall.java::main() ***
    Successful patch installation
    Return code: 0

  4. Applying the fix pack to the database. Perform this task only once.

    Note: All pending operations and connections to the database should be completed and terminated while the Device Manager database fix pack is being applied.

    DB2 Instructions

    1. Invoke a DB2CMD shell on the database server.

    2. Change directories to the database server install directory: path/sql/patch.

      For Windows 32 systems:

      cd c:\TivDMS15\sql\patch

      For AIX or Solaris systems:

      cd /usr/TivDMS15/sql/patch

    3. Connect to the Device Manager database.

      For example:

      db2 connect to dms user dmsadmin using password

    4. Invoke the patch script. For example:
      db2 -tvf 1.5.1-DMS-IY68562_db2.sql -l 1.5.1-DMS-IY68562_db2.log

      View the 1.5.1-DMS-IY68562_db2.log for any errors. The path to the log file is:


    5. Do the same step for this patch.
      1. Invoke the patch script:
        db2 -tvf 1.5.1-DMS-39582_db2.sql -l 1.5.1-DMS-39582_db2.log

      2. View the 1.5.1-DMS-39582_db2.log for any errors. The path to the log file is:

    6. Restart the DMS_AppServer within the WebSphere Application Server.

    Oracle Instructions

    1. Change directories to the database server install directory: path/sql/patch.

      For Windows 32 systems:

      cd c:\TivDMS15\sql\patch

      For AIX or Solaris systems:

      cd /usr/TivDMS15/sql/patch

    2. Invoke an sqlplus shell on the Oracle server.

    3. Connect to the Device Manager database.

      For example:

      sqlplus userID/password@dms

    4. Invoke the patch script:

    5. Do the same step for this patch.

      Invoke the patch script:

    6. View the stdout stream for any errors.

    7. Restart the DMS_AppServer within the WebSphere Application Server.

  5. You must reinstall the Device Manager console on all machines where the console is installed. Go to the following site and follow the instructions.

Removing this fix pack

To uninstall this fix pack, do one of the following:

For Windows 32 system:


For AIX or Solaris systems:


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What's included in WebSphere Everyplace Device Manager, version 5.0, fix pack 1

This fix pack includes corrections for the following problems:

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