WebSphere Everyplace Device Manager Version Readme

Last updated September 21, 2004

This document contains information for WEDM Version 5.0 fix pack 1.

This Readme contains the following information:

What's included in this fix pack

This fix pack includes corrections for the following problems:

Fix pack prerequisites

Tivoli Device Manager 1.5.1 must be already installed.

Downloading this fix pack

You can retrieve fix pack 1 code from the WebSphere Everyplace Device Manager support site:


Installing this fix pack

To install this fix pack, do the following:

  1.     w32-ix86: installPatch.bat <DMS_HOME>
                  example: installPatch.bat "C:\Program Files\TivDMS15"
        Non w32-ix86: installPatch.sh <DMS_HOME>
                  example: ./installPatch.sh /usr/TivDMS15

  2. Below is an example run of the patch.

    C:\DM151patch0001>installPatch.bat "C:\Program Files\TivDMS15"
    Starting the patch installer...
    *** Begin PatchInstall.java::main() ***
    Extracting jar: Patch.jar
    Created content list: C:\Program Files\TivDMS15\support_packages\temp\AppSrv_Lib
    Creating backup jar: orig_AppSrv_Lib.jar
    Extracting jar: AppSrv_Lib.jar
    Created content list: C:\Program Files\TivDMS15\support_packages\temp\DMS_Home.l
    Creating backup jar: orig_DMS_Home.jar
    Extracting jar: DMS_Home.jar
    Created content list: C:\Program Files\TivDMS15\support_packages\temp\Server_Web
    Creating backup jar: orig_Server_WebApp.jar
    Extracting jar: Server_WebApp.jar
    Created content list: C:\Program Files\TivDMS15\support_packages\temp\WebSrv_Doc
    Creating backup jar: orig_WebSrv_DocRoot.jar
    Extracting jar: WebSrv_DocRoot.jar
    *** End PatchInstall.java::main() ***
    Successful patch installation
    Return code: 0

  3. You must reinstall the Device Manager console on all machines where the console is installed. Go to
    and follow the instructions.

  4. To uninstall the fix pack, do the following:
            w32-ix86: uninstall_1.5.1-WES-0001.bat
        Non w32-ix86: ./uninstall_1.5.1-WES-0001.sh


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