Document Number SC31-6903-00
Trident Services and E.S.A. Software makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to the programs or documentation. Trident Services and E.S.A. Software shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequent damages in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance, or use of these programs.
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of the vendor. The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement, and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of that agreement.
IBM Operating System Environment Manager (OSEM) for z/OS. Licensed materials - Property of IBM. 5799-HAX
(c) Copyright IBM Corp 2005. All rights reserved.
(c) Copyright E.S.A. Software 1990-2005. All rights reserved.
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First Edition (April 2005)
This edition applies to Operating System Environment Manager for z/OS (OSEM for z/OS) Version 6 Release 0 Modification 0 (Program Number 5799-HAX).
Appendix B. Define Dataset Name Groups
Appendix C. Define Volume Groups
Appendix F. JES2 Commands for Job Routing
Appendix G. JCL Statements for Job Routing
Appendix H. $HASP Messages for Job Routing
Appendix I. MVS Commands for Tape Share
The following enhancements have been made to OS/EM version 6.0:
You may now specify up to three IDs to be notified in the case of a user exit abend. You may also create notification groups where each ID within the group will receive a TSO send message.
You may optionally specify a user ID or notify group name for each major section of OS/EM, i.e. ALLOCATION, SMF, HSM, etc.
The following enhancements have been made to OS/EM version 5.6:
See Exit 4 in the Reference Manual, and Miscellaneous Controls in the User Guide.
The STEPENDWTO message has been enhanced to show the CPU time and I/O counts. This is an optional feature and the original message is still available for customers using an automation package to trap the message.
See Exit 5 in the Reference Manual, or option 1 on the Job Routing Controls Menu.
A record number must be assigned to OS/EM for this function to become active. See "SMF Audit Records" for instructions on assigning a record number.
Any job which does not have a resource attached to it will receive this new default resource.
OS/EM can scan for the keyword SCHENV= on the JOBCARD statement and remove it. It then inserts an OS/EM Job routing JECL statement using the scheduling environment name just removed as the resource name.
OS/EM can set a job's system affinity (SYSAFF) to ANY, if, and only if, the job has been assigned one or more OS/EM Job Route resourdces. The job route resources may be from either JECL control cards (/*ROUTE resource) or automatically generated.
OS/EM can now control the amount of storage given to a job above the 2 gigabyte bar. You may specify anything between zero for nothing above the bar to a maximum of 16 exabytes.
See SMF exit OS$USI in the Reference Manual or option 7 on the JCL Controls Menu.
See HSM exit ARCRPEXT in the Reference Manual, or option 8 on the HSM Optimizer Menu.
OS/EM will allow a user to read any tape dataset with the following criteria is met, thus bypassing the RACF PROTECALL(FAIL) option:
The following enhancements have been made to OS/EM version 5.5:
The Estimated Cost function of OS/EM can be used to calculate an approximate charge for running each step of a job and an approximate total cost of running the job. The costs are presented in the "flower box" produced by requesting OS/EM's STEP/JOB-end statistics.
This function specifies that any files coded with a retention setting of DELETE and the program name is IEFBR14 will be deleted by OS/EM. No DFSMSHSM RECALL will be performed. Instead a HDELETE will be generated.
This function can be used to place up to 32 bytes of JOB or STEP accounting information into the catalog record for a newly created VSAM dataset or SMS-managed non-VSAM dataset. Additionally, the JOB's User ID is placed into the Owner field of the catalog record. Neither of these fields is overridden if the information has already been provided.
Any time you apply maintenance to your JES system, you must remember to reassemble the OS/EM Offset Table. This is done by selecting option 6 in the Installation Dialogue that was provided with the OS/EM distribution. Refer to installation step 2 in the OS/EM Installation Guide.
After the JES offset table is generated, it will need to copied from the OS/EM target LINKLIB into the executable LINKLIB.
Whenever you install a new version of JES2, and this release will operate as a secondary JES subsystem, you MUST use the ISPF interface and update the JES2 version number. Select option 6 Set JES Name on the Primary Option Menu and specify the version of JES you will be using. Once this is updated, select option 8 Build Initialization Member and select the following items:
Note: This process should be done before you IPL with your new JES2 system or unpredictable results may occur requiring another IPL or a restart of JES2.
Note: This process is only relevant for secondary JES2 subsystems. The JES2 release information, if specified, is ignored for the primary JES subsystem and the release information is determined from the JES2 system during OS/EM initialization.
OS/EM is installed and maintained with SMP/E. Maintenance is distributed in the form of individual PTFs and Cumulative Service. This maintenance is applied using the standard SMP/E RECEIVE / APPLY / ACCEPT process.
In order to implement the maintenance, the affected library members must be copied from the target libraries to the executable libraries. If the maintenance affects a large number of members it may be more prudent to simply copy all of the target libraries to their executable counterparts:
PTFs that require an IPL will be indicated through the SMP/E hold data. Users should receive the HOLDDATA as well as the maintenance and the HOLDATA must not be bypassed when performing the initial APPLY.
When applying maintenance that does not require an IPL, the following procedure is recommended after the executable libraries have been updated.
Any time you apply maintenance to your JES system, you must remember to reassemble the OS/EM Offset Table. This is done by selecting option 6 in the Installation Dialogue that was provided with the OS/EM distribution. Refer to installation step 2 in the OS/EM Installation Guide.
After the JES offset table is generated, it will need to copied from the OS/EM target LINKLIB into the executable LINKLIB.
Whenever you install a new version of JES2, and this release will operate as a secondary JES subsystem, you MUST use the ISPF interface and update the JES2 version number. Select option 6 Set JES Name on the Primary Option Menu and specify the version of JES you will be using. Once this is updated, select option 8 Build Initialization Member and select the following items:
Note: This process should be done before you IPL with your new JES2 system or unpredictable results may occur requiring another IPL or a restart of JES2.
Note: This process is only relevant for secondary JES2 subsystems. The JES2 release information, if specified, is ignored for the primary JES subsystem and the release information is determined from the JES2 system during OS/EM initialization.
This section of the reference guide defines the OS/EM OS$CNTL command that initializes and modifies the basic and optional functions of the OS/EM system.
The base OS/EM system supplies the following functions for all supported exits.
The optional OS/EM control functions are a set of pre-coded, parameter driven exits. All OS/EM options are defined by additional keywords on the OS$CNTL command. By coding the appropriate values, you can tailor these functions to the specifics of your installation.
OS/EM optional functions are intended to minimize the number of user exits you have to code and maintain. They cover the functions most OS/390 and z/OS installations deem important: standards enforcement and an enhanced operating environment (the QuickPool functions belong to the first category, while the HSM Optimizer functions belong to the second).
All options are invoked by use of the OPTIONS keyword on the appropriate command. Since options are, in effect, one more exit that is invoked for the exit point, you are given the ability to determine when these exits will be invoked: before your user exits, or after your user exits. By default, OS/EM options are invoked before your exits.
Each of the OS$CNTL subcommands is presented separately for clarity. We suggest that you use the ISPF interface. Many of the optional functions require a multitude of parameters involving more than one exit and specification can become lengthy. If you intend to issue the OS$CNTL command online it would be best if you create a PDS member, then use the TSO EXEC command to issue the command. Any errors in syntax can be corrected more easily.
The OS$CNTL command is an ordinary TSO command. As such it may be used as input to a batch TMP(TSO) job. That is the recommended method for initial command input. The OS$CNTL command may also be issued from the TSO READY prompt, or from Option 6 of ISPF. This method would ordinarily be used to activate/deactivate an exit, or to change one of the options once the OS/EM system was initialized.
Remember if you issue the OS$CNTL command natively, the ISPF tables are not updated and will be outdated. If this happens, you will need to use the REBUILD option of the Maintenance and Installation function from the OS/EM ISPF Primary Options Menu.
The syntax follows that of a regular TSO command. OS$CNTL is the command and is followed by a subcommand. Keywords are then specified with optional parameters placed within parentheses.
The following command is used for illustration:
OS$CNTL HSM NOARCBDEXT|ARCBDEXT {({NOEXits|Exits( *|0|exit1 {*|0|exit2 {*|0|exit3}})} - {NOOPTions|OPTions ( - {FIRST|LAST} - {NOBACKupcontrol|BACKupcontrol( - NOEXClude|EXClude(dsngroup,...))})}
The OS$CNTL command must always be entered. It must be followed by a subcommand. In the example, the subcommand is HSM.
The or-sign is used to separate alternative options for either a required optional parameter. Only one of the items can be selected. In the above example, either OPTIONS or NOOPTIONS may be specified, but not both.
All parameters between braces are optional.
Parentheses are used to contain a list of options. These options can be separated by either spaces or commas, as with all regular TSO commands. Parentheses must be entered as shown.
An ellipsis indicates that the indicated option may be repeated to form a list. For example, the 'dsngroup' option in the above example may be repeated as necessary to form a list of group names that will constitute the dataset names that will be excluded from backup processing.
The number of repetitions is determined by the use of the list. There is no practical limit to the list.
Keywords are specified in uppercase and lowercase. The uppercase characters are the minimum required for keyword specification. The entire keyword can be specified, both uppercase and lowercase characters, for more complete documentation of the keyword. In the above example, NOEXits can be specified NOEX or as NOEXITS.
We recommend that you spell out all keywords in their entirety. This will guarantee uniqueness of the keyword, plus more fully document the command.
TSO command parsing only requires that each keyword be unique; therefore, you may enter just those characters that will guarantee uniqueness.
All commands, keywords, and parameters must be capitalized when creating initialization members that will be used as input to a batch TMP (TSO) job.
Options shown entirely in lowercase indicate options that are replaced by user specified values. In the example, 'dsngroup' would be replaced by the group names containing the dataset names that are to be excluded from the backup processing.
Continuation is the same as for regular TSO commands. The continuation character must be the last non-blank character on the line. A hyphen (-) indicates that leading blanks in the next line are not ignored. A plus (+) indicates that leading blanks in the next line are ignored.
Comments are indicated by a "/* */" pair, the same as for regular TSO CLISTs. A comment may be coded on a line by itself; or before, in the middle of, or after the command. Remember that continuation rules apply equally to comments.
OS$CNTL keyword processing has no defaults. Not entering either one of a keyword pair during initialization does not mean that some default is assumed. Omitting keywords assumes a null value. For example, not specifying OPTIONS or NOOPTIONS in the above example assumes nothing concerning OPTIONS specification (although, if this were the first issuance of the command, the effect would be the same as if you had specified NOOPTIONS).
Once a keyword value has been specified, it remains in effect until it is specifically changed by entering its opposite keyword value. If NOOPTIONS was entered during initialization, OPTIONS can be enabled by entering the above command, probably online, with OPTIONS specified.
The entire exit can be disabled by entering the NO keyword: NOARCBDEXT in the example.
Option lists are positional keyword operands. As such, they are treated as a single entity. Therefore, any time an option list is respecified, it must be entered in its entirety if any changes are made to the list.
Option lists are contained within parentheses. The values specified within the parentheses are positional; and multiple lists within parentheses are positional. That is, the first value specified is always taken as the first value in the list, etc.
This subcommand authorizes OS/EM for your particular CPU.
OS$CNTL CODE authorizationcode
The AUTHORIZATIONCODE will be supplied with your installation materials. You will be asked for the four low-order digits of your CPUID that you will be running on. Therefore, you need supply only one CPUID if your CPU contains more than one processor or LPAR.
Each CPU you intend running OS/EM on must have an authorization code. Multiple authorization commands are allowed in the initialization member so that a single initialization member can be used for all the CPUs in your installation.
Warning messages will be issued starting 30 days before expiration of the authorization code. You will need to obtain a new code within that time.
Note: The OS$CNTL CODE command must be the first command in your initialization member. No other OS/EM commands will be processed until a valid Authorization Code command is processed.
This subcommand specifies whether the device allocation control option is to be active.
OS/EM provides two optional features for this exit:
OS$CNTL ALLOC - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFALLOD|IEFALLOD( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOptions|Options( - {NOAbendnotify|Abendnotify(id)} - {First|Last} - {Trace|NOTrace} - {NORestrict - {(devnum{:devnum} ...)} | - Restrict( - (devnum{:devnum} ...) - (jobmask ...) )} - {NOTApeshr{(GLobaloffline|WAit|REmove)} - {TApeshr( - {DSN(xx.xx.xx)} - {WAit(HOld|NOHOld)} - {DEV(xxx{:xxx} ...)} - {ADD(xxx{:xxx} ...)} - {DEL((xxx{:xxx} ... ){FOrce})} - {ONLine(xxx{:xxx} ... LOcal|GLobal)} - {OFFLine(xxx{:xxx} ... LOcal|GLobal)} - {ALias(ggg:lll ggg:lll ...)} - {NOSYspri|SYspri(xxx xxx ...)} - {PRef(xxx xxx xxx ...)} )} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any Allocation exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for Allocation exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFALLOD exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFALLOD modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFALLOD | Specifies that the IEFALLOD exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFALLOD | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFALLOD exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFALLOD user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFALLOD user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFALLOD user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFALLOD user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFALLOD user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFALLOD exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFALLOD exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFALLOD exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFALLOD to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFALLOD user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFALLOD user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a Allocation user exit for IEFALLOD set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for IEFALLOD | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for IEFALLOD. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for IEFALLOD will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOTRACE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RESTRICT | Specifies that device allocation control option processing will be in effect. This option limits the use of devices to certain jobnames, or jobname masks.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NORESTRICT | Specifies that the devices are to be removed from device allocation control option processing.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TAPESHR | Specifies that tape share controls are to be in effect. Device addresses are specified for each system.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOTAPESHR | Specifies that the system will not share tape drives.
Since Tape Share controls bringing devices online or placing them in offline status, we suggest that you configure all devices defined to Tape Share as being OFFLINE at IPL time.
In order for the Tape Share function to operate, it needs a PROC that executes as a started task. Please copy member OS$TPSHR from the OS/EM SAMPLIB into the PROCLIB pointed to by your MASTER SCHEDULER JCL. You may need to modify the dataset name of the SYSMDUMP file to match your shop standards.
The following operator commands are available to control TAPESHR functions.
In the following command formats, dev_spec refers to the syntax allowed for ordinary MVS vary commands, e.g. 580 or 580-581 or (580,582-588), etc.
To vary a device onto TAPESHR control, that is to have TAPESHR assume control of varying the device online and offline as needed to fulfill the needs of the various systems.
To cause TAPESHR to relinquish control of a device.
To indicate to TAPESHR that a device is not to be used, that is brought online, on this system only. The device is still eligible for use on other systems.
To indicate to TAPESHR that a device which was previously varied offline locally may once again be used on this system. This command must be issued on the same system as the VARY OFFLINE,LOCAL command.
To indicate to TAPESHR that a device is not to be used by any system in the complex. This command may be issued on any system.
To indicate to TAPESHR that a device that was previously varied offline globally may now be used again. This command may be issued on any system.
A modify command is available to shut down OS$TPSHR.
F OS$TPSHR,STOP {option}
Where {option} is:
This causes TAPESHR to wait until all owned tape devices have gone offline and so may safely be used by other systems where TAPESHR is still active.
The devices that do not go offline within 15 seconds will be removed from TAPESHR control and it will become the operator's responsibility to coordinate the use of those devices on the various systems. Note that if any uncontrolled device is eligible for use when a job goes into allocation recovery, TAPESHR will not participate in device selection other than to remove all TAPESHR devices from the candidate list, thus forcing the job to use an uncontrolled device.
The devices that do not go offline within 15 seconds will be marked as globally offline to protect them from being allocated by another TAPESHR system. After the devices go offline on the system where TAPESHR is being terminated, the operator may issue a command to vary them back online globally to make them available to the other systems where TAPESHR is still active.
The Display Units command has been enhanced to show the TAPESHR status of those devices controlled by TAPESHR. The additional data includes the system currently owning the device. There may also be additional characters appended to show additional information. These include:
Indicates the device is allocated.
Indicates local offline.
The -LO status can be removed by issuing a vary online,local command.
Indicates pending local offline.
Indicates global offline.
The -GO status can be removed by issuing a vary online,global command.
Indicates pending global offline.
Indicates error offline. Error offline indicates that an attempt was made to vary the device online and the system was unable to bring the device online for some (usually hardware) reason. This status can be cleared by re-issuing the vary online command once the problem has been resolved.
Below is sample output from a display units command:
OS/EM only supplies basic control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ALLOC - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFALLSW|IEFALLSW( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any Allocation exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for Allocation exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFALLSW exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFALLSW modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFALLSW | Specifies that the IEFALLSW exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFALLSW | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFALLSW exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFALLSW user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFALLSW user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFALLSW user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFALLSW user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFALLSW user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFALLSW exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFALLSW exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFALLSW exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFALLSW to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFALLSW user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFALLSW user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a Allocation user exit for IEFALLSW set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OS/EM only supplies basic control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ALLOC - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFALLVE|IEFALLVE( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any Allocation exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for Allocation exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFALLVE exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFALLVE modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFALLVE | Specifies that the IEFALLVE exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFALLVE | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFALLVE exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFALLVE user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFALLVE user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFALLVE user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFALLVE user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFALLVE user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFALLVE exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFALLVE exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFALLVE exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFALLVE to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFALLVE user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFALLVE user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a Allocation user exit for IEFALLVE set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OS/EM only supplies basic control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ALLOC - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFALLVM|IEFALLVM( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any Allocation exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for Allocation exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFALLVM exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFALLVM modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFALLVM | Specifies that the IEFALLVM exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFALLVM | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFALLVM exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFALLVM user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFALLVM user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFALLVM user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFALLVM user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFALLVM user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFALLVM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFALLVM exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFALLVM exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFALLVM to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFALLVM user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFALLVM user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a Allocation user exit for IEFALLVM set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This subcommand specifies whether the tape allocation control support is to be active.
OS$CNTL ALLOC - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFDB401|IEFDB401( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOptions|Options( - {NOAbendnotify|Abendnotify(id)} - {First|Last} - {Warn|NOWarn} - {Trace|NOTrace} - {NOMaxtape|Maxtape( - {CLASSA(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSB(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSC(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSD(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSE(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSF(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSG(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSH(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSI(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSJ(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSK(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSL(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSM(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSN(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSO(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSP(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSQ(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSR(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSS(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASST(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSU(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSV(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSW(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSX(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSY(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASSZ(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASS0(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASS1(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASS2(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASS3(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASS4(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASS5(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASS6(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASS7(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASS8(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - {CLASS9(total,tot3420,tot3480,tot3490,totvts,tot3590)} - )} )} )} )} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any Allocation exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for Allocation exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFDB401 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFDB401 modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFDB401 | Specifies that the IEFDB401 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFDB401 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFDB401 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFDB401 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFDB401 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFDB401 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFDB401 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFDB401 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFDB401 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFDB401 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFDB401 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFDB401 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFDB401 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFDB401 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a Allocation user exit for IEFDB401 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for IEFDB401 | ||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for IEFDB401. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for IEFDB401 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||||||||||
WARN | Specifies whether Optional Tape Control will be activated in WARN mode. The warn option specifies that OS/EM will simulate the activation of Optional Tape Control functions, and issue messages if the request would cause the function to fail for the Optional Tape Control function. | ||||||||||||||||||||
NOWARN | NOWARN is the default, and specifies that OS/EM will perform the Optional Tape Control functions as specified by the options selected for the Optional Tape Control function. | ||||||||||||||||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||||||||||||||||
NOTRACE | Disables GTF trace records (This is the default) | ||||||||||||||||||||
MAXTAPE | Specifies that tape allocation control will be applied by the criteria established with the parameters specified.
The following example shows the activation of the IEFDB401 allocation exit controlling maxtape usage for job classes A and 9.
The above example also illustrates the use of LIMIT checking for testing a user exit, in your production environment, without affecting any of your production jobs. Whatever function USERALOC accomplishes, its effects can never truly be tested in a standalone environment. Prior to OS/EM, debugging would be done in a test environment and then it would be moved to the production environment. It would be rare if subsequent problems did not develop.
In the OS/EM environment, MYJOB could test all the possible permutations of exit USRALOC. As problems are uncovered, USRALOC can be changed, reloaded, and further testing done.
This subcommand controls whether dynamic steplib support is to be
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for IEFW21SD | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for IEFW21SD. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
STEPLIB | Specifies that a dynamic steplib will be added based upon the following cretiera.
This subcommand SVC26 controls whether NOT CATALOG 2 support is to be active.
OS$CNTL ALLOC - {NOSvc26|Svc26( - {Enable|Disable} - {NOoptions|Options( - {NOAbendnotify|Abendnotify(id)} - {Warn|NOWarn} - {Trace|NOTrace} - {NONotcat2|Notcat2( - {NODelete|Delete( - jobclass{:jobclass},...)} - {NORecatalog|Recatalog( - jobclass{:jobclass},...)} - {NOFail|Fail( - jobclass{:jobclass},...)} )} )} )}
Note: This option is not effective for files under SMS control.
SVC26 | Specifies the optional SVC26 NOT CATALOG 2 processing is to be active. |
NOSVC26 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify SVC26 NOT CATALOG 2 processing. |
Note: Exit processing is not available with this option. Only OS/EM optional control is available.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for OS$0002F | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for OS$0002F. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||
WARN | Specifies whether NOT CATALOG 2 will be activated in WARN mode. The warn option specifies that OS/EM will simulate the activation of NOT CATALOG 2 functions, and issue messages if the request would cause the function to fail for the NOT CATALOG 2 function. | ||||||
NOWARN | NOWARN is the default, and specifies that OS/EM will perform the NOT CATALOG 2 functions as specified by the options selected for the NOT CATALOG 2 function. | ||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||
NOTRACE | |||||||
NOTCAT2 | Specifies that NOT CATALOG 2 option processing will be done. The following options specify the action OS/EM processing will take when the NOT CATALOGED 2 conditions occurs. | ||||||
Specifying NONOTCAT2 will deactivate the NOT CATALOG 2 optional processing. |
The following example shows the activation of the SVC26 NOT CATALOG 2 support for Jobclass A with the delete option.
The OS$CNTL DASDPOOL command establishes the volume and dataset name pools required by various OS/EM functions. Further, it establishes the relationship between DASD volumes and datasets that are used by the OS/EM QuickPool function.
As its name implies, the QuickPool function is used to establish pools of DASD volumes, and to specify which datasets may, or may not, be allocated to these volumes. At the most simple level, you can enforce your installation's dataset naming standards by creating a single pool containing all your DASD volumes and specifically allowing only those datasets which conform to your naming standard.
The QuickPool function will also place non-VSAM datasets on the correct volumes if jobs do not direct datasets to specific volumes; that is, they omit the VOL=SER= parameter, and the volumes are mounted storage.
By creating multiple pools, you can establish volume groups with certain performance objectives in mind and ensure that the proper datasets are placed those volumes. For example, some of your volumes may deliver better access because of your hardware configuration. These volumes would be likely candidates for your online files where quick access is critical. Or, you can create volume groups that will ensure that datasets with simultaneous, heavy access are properly separated. Pools, and their usage, will depend on the requirements of your installation.
Bear in mind that the various subcommands - ALLOW, DISALLOW, and POOLS - only establish the QuickPool environment. Enabling, or disabling the QuickPool function is done via the OPTIONS keyword of the DASDCNTL IGGPRE00 subcommand ( see discussion on "IGGPRE00 Command".)
Note: Whenever QuickPool encounters an DFSMS dataset that is about to be created, QuickPool always allows the allocation to take place. QuickPool doesn't process DFSMS datasets.
Volume groups establish a list of DASD volume serial numbers. Such group names are used wherever OS/EM would require a list of volume serial numbers for example, the defragmentation function of HSM support.
Further, if your installation has established a naming scheme for DASD volumes, lists can consist of serial number masks that can resolve to many different volumes. Lists can consist of both discrete volume serial numbers and volume masks.
Groups are established by you as you require them. Volume serial numbers and volume masks can appear in more than one group. This allows you to create groups tailored to a particular function. For an example, see discussion on "Volume/Jobname Masks".
Volume serial numbers and volume masks are resolved to a particular group by going through the groups specified for a function in alphabetical order.
Note: Serial numbers and volume masks within each group are searched in the order in which you you list them.
OS$CNTL DASDPOOL NOVOLgroups|VOLgroups - (NOgrpname|grpname(volser,volmask,...))
VOLGROUPS | Specifies that VOLGROUPS are being defined. |
NOVOLGROUPS | Specifies all volume group definitions will be unavailable to any OS/EM function that requires them. |
grpname | A grpname is an up to an eight character name chosen by you for the group. Note: Volume Group Names may not start with the characters 'NO'. |
NOgrpname | Specifies all volumes that would normally resolve to the group are unavailable to OS/EM functions. Note: We strongly suggest that grpnames somehow indicate the purpose for which the group is created. |
volser |
volmask | The list of volume serial numbers and volume masks which constitute the group. Creating volume masks is explained "Volume/Jobname Masks". |
The following command will establish five volume groups:
OS$CNTL DASDPOOL VOLGROUPS ( - CICSGRP ( IFP001 IFP1%% IFPCIS ) - BATCH ( IFP2%% ) - WORK ( WRK001 WRK002 IFP301 IFP304 ) - TEMP ( ?????? ) - SYS ( MVS??? ) )
The first volume group, CICSGRP, will consist of volumes IFP001, IFPCICS, any volume beginning with IFP1 and any other two numerics such as IFP100 or IFP152.
The second group, BATCH, will consist of volumes beginning with IPF2 and two numerics such as IFP201 or IFP299.
The third group, WORK, will be used for various work files and consists of volumes WRK001, WRK002, IFP301 and IFP304.
The fourth group, TEMP, will consist of every volume in the installation. (Presumably, the dataset names assigned to this group will truly be temporary.)
The final group, SYS, will consist of all volumes beginning with MVS.
Dataset name groups establish a list of dataset names. Such group names are used wherever OS/EM would require a list of dataset names; for example, the Backup, Migration, and Direct-to-ML2 functions of HSM support.
Further, if your installation has an established naming convention for dataset names, a group can consist of dataset name masks that can resolve to many different discrete dataset names. Lists can consist of both fully qualified dataset names and masks.
Groups are established by you as you require them. Fully qualified dataset names and masks can appear in more than one group. This allows you to create groups tailored to a particular function. For example, a dataset name or mask may be in an EXCLUDE group for the Direct-to-ML2 function of Migration control. The same dataset name or mask may also be in an INCLUDE group for Delete-by-Age control.
Fully qualified dataset names and masks are resolved to a particular group by going through the groups specified for a function in alphabetical order.
Note: Dataset names and masks within each group are searched in the order in which you list them.
OS$CNTL DASDPOOL NODSNgroups|DSNgroups - (NOgrpname|grpname(dataset name, dataset name mask,...))
DSNGROUPS | Specifies that DSNGROUPS are being defined. |
NODSNGROUPS | Specifies all dataset name group definitions will be unavailable to any OS/EM function that requires them. |
grpname | A grpname is an up to eight character name chosen by you for the group. Note: Dataset Name Groups may not start with the characters 'NO'. |
NOgrpname | Specifying NO will make all datasets that would normally resolve to the group unavailable to OS/EM functions. Note: We strongly suggest that grpnames somehow indicate the purpose for which the group is created. |
dataset name |
dataset name mask | The list of fully qualified dataset names and dataset masks which constitute the group. How dataset name groups are constructed is explained "Dataset name masks". |
The following command will create six dataset name groups (a typical installation would probably establish a much larger number of groups):
OS$CNTL DASDPOOL DSNGROUPS ( - PAYROLL ( DM3.PAY.+ ) - TEMP ( T??.XY????.+ ) - ONLINE1 ( CIS.MED%%.- ) - ONLINE2 ( CIS.AUTO??.+ ) - SYSTEM ( SYS%.+ SYS1+ ) - ZZ ( + ) )
All six groups are created by using masks. This will ensure that as new datasets are created, they are included in the proper groups.
The first group, PAYROLL, consists of all datasets that begin with DM3.PAY as the first two nodes. All other nodes will be ignored in determining a match. DM3.PAY.DAILY and DM3.PAY.MONTHLY will be considered as belonging to the PAYROLL group.
The second group, TEMP, consists of all datasets where the first node begins with a T and any two other characters; and the second node begins with XY and has four more characters. Any other nodes will be irrelevant in determining a match. For example, TAR.XY01CC.WORK will belong to this group. T01A.XY8.WORK will not belong since the first node is four characters long rather than the specified three.
Groups ONLINE1 and ONLINE2 establish two different groups of online files. Both groups have a first node of CIS. ONLINE1 has a second group that has MED as its first three characters and two numeric characters. ONLINE2 has a second node that has AUTO as its first four characters and any other two characters. ONLINE1 may only have one other node name. ONLINE2 may have three or more node names.
The SYSTEM group consists of all datasets that begin with SYS. Any system dataset can consist of two or more nodes. This example could also have been coded as SYSTEM ( SYS?.+ ).
Finally, the ZZ group will consist of every dataset in the installation. However, since OS/EM searches group names in alphabetic sequence, this group contains, essentially, only those datasets that have not been matched in any of the other groups. Such a technique can be used to reduce the number of dataset groups that you actually have to create. (The primary use of such a group would be in establishing pools as described on "POOLS").
The ALLOW subcommand specifies which datasets will be globally allowed on any DASD volume within your installation, and is used in establishing the OS/EM QuickPool environment.
OS$CNTL DASDPOOL - NOALlow|ALlow - (dsngrp,...)
NOALLOW | Specifies that all datasets named within the specified dataset name groups will be allowed on any volume within your installation. If NOALLOW is specified, any global ALLOW list already in effect will be disabled. |
dsngrp | A dsngrp name points to a list of dataset names or dataset name masks as defined by you via the DSNGROUPS keyword. Such names do not have to exist when you define them here, but they must be defined at the time you enable the QuickPool function. |
Given the TEMP dataset name group created in the above DSNGROUPS example, the following command will allow any such datasets to be allocated on any volume in the installation.
The DISALLOW subcommand specifies which datasets will be globally disallowed on any DASD volume within your installation, and is used in establishing the OS/EM QuickPool environment.
OS$CNTL DASDPOOL - NODISALlow|DISALlow - (dsngrp,...)
NODISALLOW | Specifies that all datasets named within the specified dataset name groups will not be allowed on any volume within your installation. If NO is specified, any global DISALLOW list already in effect will be deleted. |
dsngrp | A dsngrp name points to a list of dataset names or dataset name masks as defined by you via the DSNGROUPS keyword. Such names do not have to exist when you define them here, but they must be defined at the time you enable the QuickPool function. |
Assume that you have created a ZZ dataset name group as explained in the DSNGROUPS example above. Further assume that all valid dataset names within your installation have been defined in other groups. The ZZ group then represents datasets which do not conform to your naming standards.
Any dataset which resolves to the ZZ group will be failed during allocation.
The POOLS subcommand creates the relationship between volume groups and dataset name groups. Once this subcommand is issued, the OS/EM QuickPool environment is fully established. Enabling the QuickPool function is then a matter of specifying OPTIONS on the OS$CNTL DASDCNTL IGGPRE00 command.
OS$CNTL DASDPOOL - NOPools|Pools - (NOvolgrp|volgrp{(Allow(dsngrp,...)|DISAllow(dsngrp,...) } - . . . NOvolgrp|volgrp{(Allow(dsngrp,...)|DISAllow(dsngrp,...)})
NOPOOLS | Specifies that volume group/dataset name group relationships are being defined. If NO is specified, POOL definitions will not be available. The effect will be the same as specifying NOOPTIONS on the DASDCNTL IGGPRE00 subcommand. |
volgrp | Names the volume group being associated with ALLOWed or DISALLOWed dataset name groups. |
NOvolgrp | Specifying NO will make the volume group/dataset name groups association unavailable to the QuickPool function. |
DISALLOW | Each volgrp may have a list of dataset group names associated with it. This list may be either an ALLOW list, or a DISALLOW list. If an ALLOW list is entered, one of two actions will occur. In the case of a non-directed dataset allocation, each dataset within the listed dataset name groups will be allocated on a volume within the volume group. In the case of directed dataset allocation, dataset allocation on a volume within the volume group will only be allowed if the dataset is resolved to one of the listed dataset name groups. If a DISALLOW list is entered, no dataset within a dataset name group within a allocated, or allowed to be allocated, on any volume within the volume group. Note: If a volume group is coded without ALLOW or DISALLOW lists, the group will be controlled by the global ALLOW and DISALLOW lists. If you do not code these subcommands, and their attendant lists, such volumes will not be eligible for allocation. Note: SYS1 datasets are always initially allowed on any volume. However, you cannot rename a dataset to SYS1 unless you have specifically allowed SYS1 datasets on the volume. |
dsngrp | The dataset name groups which are being ALLOWed or DISALLOWed for the volume group. |
The OS$CNTL DASDCNTL command specifies the basic and optional control functions for the IGGPRE00 and IGGPOST0 exits.
The basic function determines whether or not the exits will be active; loads the specified user exit modules; and sets LIMIT checking for the corresponding exit modules.
The optional function is currently available for IGGPRE00. At its basic level, it can be used to enforce your installation's DASD allocation rules such as not allowing ISAM files, or prohibiting contiguous extent allocation requests. It is also used to enable, or disable, the OS/EM QuickPool function (see the DASDPOOLS command "POOLS").
Both basic and optional functions are supplied for this exit.
OS$CNTL DASDCNTL - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIGGPRE00|IGGPRE00( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOptions|Options( - {NOAbendnotify|Abendnotify(id)} - {DSorg|NODSorg} - {First|Last} - {Warn|NOWarn} - {Trace|NOTrace} - {Enable|DIsable} - {NOQuickpool|Quickpool({Control|NOControl}) - {NODEfault|DEfault( - {ABstr|NOABstr} - {Contig|NOContig} - {Mxig|NOMxig} - {Alx|NOAlx} - {Single|NOSingle} - {Isam|NOIsam} - {Unmove|NOUnmove} - {ADsp|NOADsp|RESETAdsp} - {Prot|NOProt|RESETProt} )} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFP exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFP exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IGGPRE00 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IGGPRE00 modules.
| ||||||||||
IGGPRE00 | Specifies that the IGGPRE00 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIGGPRE00 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IGGPRE00 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IGGPRE00 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IGGPRE00 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IGGPRE00 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IGGPRE00 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IGGPRE00 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IGGPRE00 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IGGPRE00 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IGGPRE00 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IGGPRE00 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IGGPRE00 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IGGPRE00 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFP user exit for IGGPRE00 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for IGGPRE00 | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for IGGPRE00. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. The QuickPool function is enabled, or disabled, by using this keyword. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||
DSORG | Specifies that all new datasets will have a DSORG=PS forced if none is specified. This is critical if datasets are allocated but never opened, because DFHSM will not migrate or backup datasets with unknown DSORGs. | ||||||
NODSORG | Specifies that no DSORG will be forced for new datasets if none is present. | ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for IGGPRE00 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||
WARN | Specifies whether O will be activated in WARN mode. The warn option specifies that OS/EM will simulate the activation of O functions, and issue messages if the request would cause the function to fail for the O function. | ||||||
NOWARN | NOWARN is the default, and specifies that OS/EM will perform the O functions as specified by the options selected for the O function. | ||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||
NOTRACE | Disables GTF trace records (This is the default) | ||||||
| ||||||
NOQUICKPOOL | Specifies that the QuickPool function is to be enabled. NOQUICKPOOL disables the function. | ||||||
| ||||||
NOCONTROL | Specifies whether all your installation's DASD volumes will be under the control of the QuickPool function (CONTROL); or only those volumes specified with the POOLS operand of the DASDPOOLS command (NOCONTROL). If CONTROL is specified and you have volumes not covered by the POOLS operand only datasets that are part of the dataset name groups you list in the ALLOW operand of DASDPOOLS, or SYS1 datasets, will be allocated on these volumes. | ||||||
| ||||||
NODEFAULT | Specifies the options in the following keywords which will apply to dataset allocation. If this keyword is not specified or NODEFAULT is specified all options are assumed to be NO. | ||||||
| ||||||
NOABSTR | Specifies whether ABSTR allocation will be allowed or disallowed. | ||||||
| ||||||
NOCONTIG | Specifies whether CONTIG allocation will be allowed or disallowed. | ||||||
| ||||||
NOMXIG | Specifies whether MXIG allocation will be allowed or disallowed. | ||||||
| ||||||
NOALX | Specifies whether ALX allocation will be allowed or disallowed. | ||||||
| ||||||
NOSINGLE | Specifies whether single-level dataset names will be allowed or disallowed. | ||||||
| ||||||
NOISAM | Specifies whether ISAM datasets will be allowed or disallowed. | ||||||
| ||||||
NOUNMOVE | Specifies whether unmovable datasets will be allowed or disallowed. | ||||||
| ||||||
NOADSP | Specifies whether requests for datasets with the ADSP attribute will be allowed or disallowed. | ||||||
RESETADSP | RESETADSP specifies that for datasets with the ADSP attribute, the ADSP attribute will be turned off. | ||||||
| ||||||
NOPROT | Specifies whether discrete RACF profiles will be allowed or disallowed. | ||||||
RESETPROT | RESETPROT specifies that for datasets with the discrete attribute, the discrete attribute will be deleted. |
This command establishes the following:
OS/EM only supplies basic control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL DASDCNTL - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIGGPOST0|IGGPOST0( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFP exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFP exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IGGPOST0 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IGGPOST0 modules.
| ||||||||||
IGGPOST0 | Specifies that the IGGPOST0 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIGGPOST0 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IGGPOST0 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IGGPOST0 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IGGPOST0 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IGGPOST0 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IGGPOST0 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IGGPOST0 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IGGPOST0 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IGGPOST0 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IGGPOST0 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IGGPOST0 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IGGPOST0 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IGGPOST0 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFP user exit for IGGPOST0 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The following example shows the activation of the DADSM IGGPOST0 exit with LIMIT checking specified.
Exit USRALLOC will apply only to job MYJOB, allowing for the testing of the exit prior to placing it into production.
Given the command in the above example, it is decided that exit USRALLOC finally works and is to be applied to all jobs:
The OS$CNTL HSM command specifies all the basic and most optional control functions for DFHSM (the optional functions are known as the HSM Optimizer). The IGGPRE00 exit specifies the default DSORG of PS for allocated but never opened datasets.
Many of the optional DFHSM control functions depend on the proper DFHSM specifications in the DFHSM ARCCMDxx parm member. For example, if you have not specified that DFHSM Delete-by-age processing be done, the optional function will not be invoked. Please consult the DFHSM Installation and Customization Guide, User Exits for complete information.
In order to activate the HSM Optimizer functions, the DFHSM ARCCMDxx parm member must be updated to enable all the DFHSM exits.
This is the dataset deletion exit. You have access to this exit during dataset deletion or dataset retirement processing. This exit is not called for SMS-managed datasets.
OS/EM supplies optional control functions for this exit: Delete-by-Age (DBA) and Delete-if-Backed-Up (DBU) control.
Delete-by-Age control and Delete-if-Backed-Up control extends the aging process that DFHSM supplies. Where DFHSM allows the specification of a single number of days by DFHSM managed volume after which datasets will be deleted for either DBA or DBU volumes.
OS/EM allows both DBA and DBU datasets mixed on a single volume and the specification of a different number of days by dataset name mask and/ or size of dataset in kilobytes at time the dataset is to be deleted. The combination of the dataset name, dataset size and number of days old may also be considered.
Note: This exit is not taken for DFSMS managed datasets.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCADEXT|ARCADEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPtions|OPtions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(id)} - {FIrst|Last} - {Trace|NOTrace} - {NODELetecontrol|DELetecontrol( - {NOHOLD|HOLD({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD01|HOLD01({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD02|HOLD02({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD03|HOLD03({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD04|HOLD04({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD05|HOLD05({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD06|HOLD06({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD07|HOLD07({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD08|HOLD08({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD09|HOLD09({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD10|HOLD10({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD15|HOLD15({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD20|HOLD20({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD25|HOLD25({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD30|HOLD30({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD35|HOLD35({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD40|HOLD40({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD45|HOLD45({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD50|HOLD50({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD60|HOLD60({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD70|HOLD70({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD80|HOLD80({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD80|HOLD90({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} )} - {NORETirecontrol|RETirecontrol( - {NOHOLD|HOLD({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD01|HOLD01({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD02|HOLD02({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD03|HOLD03({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD04|HOLD04({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD05|HOLD05({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD06|HOLD06({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD07|HOLD07({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD08|HOLD08({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD09|HOLD09({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD10|HOLD10({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD15|HOLD15({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD20|HOLD20({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD25|HOLD25({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD30|HOLD30({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD35|HOLD35({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD40|HOLD40({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD45|HOLD45({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD50|HOLD50({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD60|HOLD60({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD70|HOLD70({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD80|HOLD80({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD90|HOLD90({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} )} )} )} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCADEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCADEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCADEXT | Specifies that the ARCADEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCADEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCADEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCADEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCADEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCADEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCADEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCADEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCADEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCADEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCADEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCADEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCADEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCADEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for ARCADEXT | ||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for ARCADEXT. Note: The optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer functions for ARCADEXT will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. Note: OS/EM control functions are invoked FIRST by default. | ||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||
NODELETECONTROL | Specifies whether or not optional OS/EM Delete-by-Age processing will be done. The NODELETECONTROL parameter will disable optional Delete-by-Age processing. That is, normal DFHSM processing will be done according to your installations specifications in ARCCMDxx. | ||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||
NORETIRECONTROL | Specifies whether optional OS/EM Delete-if-backed-up processing will be done - RETIRECONTROL, or DFHSM Delete-if-backed-up processing will be done.
DFHSM processing includes the option to delete datasets that are no longer needed and which have reached a certain age. Further, you can specify whether or not datasets that have been backed up by DFHSM should be deleted from DASD. However, no provision is made to be selective as to which datasets will be so processed. The optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer ARCADEXT function supplies this capability.
This command specifies that both Delete-By-Age and Delete-If-Backed-Up processing be done.
This is the dataset backup exit. You have access to this exit during volume backup processing, when a dataset meets the selection criteria.
OS/EM supplies optional control functions for this exit: Backup
control. A list of datasets that should not be backed-up may be
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCBDEXT|ARCBDEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPtions|OPtions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(ID)} - {FIrst|Last} - {Trace|NOTrace} - {NOBackupcontrol|BAckupcontrol( - NOEXClude|EXClude(dsngroup,...))} )} )} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCBDEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCBDEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCBDEXT | Specifies that the ARCBDEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCBDEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCBDEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCBDEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCBDEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCBDEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCBDEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCBDEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCBDEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCBDEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCBDEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCBDEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCBDEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCBDEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for ARCBDEXT | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for ARCBDEXT. Note: The optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer functions for ARCBDEXT will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||
NOTRACE | |||||||
BACKUPCONTROL | Specifies that the HSM Optimizer ARCBDEXT exit will exclude datasets from DFHSM backup processing. | ||||||
NOBACKUPCONTROL | Specifies that the HSM Optimizer ARCBDEXT exit will not exclude datasets from DFHSM backup processing.
DFHSM regularly backs up those datasets which have been changed since the last backup. While an extremely useful function, no means are provided to instruct DFHSM to ignore those datasets for which backups are not needed or wanted.
The following command will result in DFHSM not backing up all datasets that match dataset names or dataset name masks contained within the dataset name groups specified.
The above command also enables USREXIT1. Whatever its function, it will not be invoked until OS/EM processing is done since FIRST is the default. Therefore, USREXIT1 will never see any datasets that have been matched within the dataset name groups.
This exit is the ABARS backup error exit. You have access to this exit during aggregate backup processing.
OS/EM only supplies basic exit control functions for ARCBEEXT.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCBEEXT|ARCBEEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCBEEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCBEEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCBEEXT | Specifies that the ARCBEEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCBEEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCBEEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCBEEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCBEEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCBEEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCBEEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCBEEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCBEEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCBEEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCBEEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCBEEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCBEEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCBEEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The following command will establish user exits USREXT1 and USREXT2:
This exit is the control dataset backup exit. You have access to this exit after HSM creates backup copies of the control datasets.
OS/EM only supplies basic exit control functions for ARCCBEXT.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCCBEXT|ARCCBEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCCBEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCCBEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCCBEXT | Specifies that the ARCCBEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCCBEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCCBEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCCBEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCCBEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCCBEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCCBEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCCBEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCCBEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCCBEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCCBEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCCBEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCCBEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCCBEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The following command will establish user exits USREXT1 and USREXT2:
This exit is the dataset reblock exit. You have access to this exit during recall or recovery processing.
OS/EM supplies optional control functions for ARCCDEXT: Reblock control.
Datasets may be reblocked for more efficient DASD utilization during recall processing.
Note: For non-DFSMS datasets only.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCCDEXT|ARCCDEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPtions|OPtions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(ID)} - {FIrst|Last} - {Trace|NOTrace} - {NOREBLOCK|REBLOCK( - {SYstem( {MINsize(nn)} {EXClude(dsngroup,...)} )} - {Full( {MINsize(nn)} {EXClude(dsngroup,...)} )} - {Half( {MINsize(nn)} {EXClude(dsngroup,...)} )} - {Third( {MINsize(nn)} {EXClude(dsngroup,...)} )} - {FOurth( {MINsize(nn)} {EXClude(dsngroup,...)} )} - {FIfth( {MINsize(nn)} {EXClude(dsngroup,...)} )} - {SIxth( {MINsize(nn)} {EXClude(dsngroup,...)} )} - {SEventh({MINsize(nn)} {EXClude(dsngroup,...)} )} - {EIGhth( {MINsize(nn)} {EXClude(dsngroup,...)} )} - )} )} )} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCCDEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCCDEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCCDEXT | Specifies that the ARCCDEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCCDEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCCDEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCCDEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCCDEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCCDEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCCDEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCCDEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCCDEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCCDEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCCDEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCCDEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCCDEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCCDEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for ARCCDEXT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for ARCCDEXT. Note: The optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer functions for ARCCDEXT will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOTRACE | Disables GTF trace records (This is the default) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOREBLOCK | Specifies whether sequential files that are recalled by DFHSM will be reblocked to better utilize the DASD volume. Specifying NO disables this option.
DFHSM will reblock files for datasets that are recalled. Refer to the SETSYS Conversion parameter in the DFHSM System Programmer's Guide for a complete description of the parameters that are required.
The following command will reblock sequential datasets:
This command also invokes USREXIT1 and USREXIT2. In this example, OS/EM processing is done after these exits are invoked.
This exit is the ABARS dataset conflict resolution exit. You have access to this exit during aggregate recovery verification.
OS/EM only supplies basic control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCCREXT|ARCCREXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCCREXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCCREXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCCREXT | Specifies that the ARCCREXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCCREXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCCREXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCCREXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCCREXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCCREXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCCREXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCCREXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCCREXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCCREXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCCREXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCCREXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCCREXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCCREXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The following command will establish user exit USREXT1:
This exit is the ABARS expiration date exit. You have access to this exit prior to allocation of an ABACKUP file.
OS/EM only supplies basic exit control functions for ARCEDEXT.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCEDEXT|ARCEDEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCEDEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCEDEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCEDEXT | Specifies that the ARCEDEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCEDEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCEDEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCEDEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCEDEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCEDEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCEDEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCEDEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCEDEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCEDEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCEDEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCEDEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCEDEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCEDEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The following command will establish user exit USREXT1:
This exit is the HSM initialization exit. You have access to this exit after HSM startup, but before any functional subtasks become active.
OS/EM only supplies basic control functions for ARCINEXT.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCINEXT|ARCINEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCINEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCINEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCINEXT | Specifies that the ARCINEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCINEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCINEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCINEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCINEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCINEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCINEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCINEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCINEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCINEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCINEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCINEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCINEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCINEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The following command will establish user exit USREXT1:
This exit is the dataset migration exit. You have access to this exit when a dataset meets the selection criteria for level-0, but before it is migrated.
OS/EM supports an optional control function for this exit: Migration control.
You may specify which datasets are migrated directly to Level-2
storage; how many days old a dataset is before it is eligible for
migration; what size a dataset should be in order to be migrated; and
which datasets should be included, or not.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCMDEXT|ARCMDEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPtions|OPtions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(ID)} - {FIrst|Last} - {Trace|NOTrace} - {NOMIGCONTROL|MIGCONTROL( - {NODIRECTML2|DIRECTML2({MINsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)|EXClude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD|HOLD({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD01|HOLD01({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD02|HOLD02({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD03|HOLD03({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD04|HOLD04({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD05|HOLD05({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD06|HOLD06({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD07|HOLD07({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD08|HOLD08({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD09|HOLD09({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD10|HOLD10({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD15|HOLD15({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD20|HOLD20({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD25|HOLD25({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD30|HOLD30({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD35|HOLD35({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD40|HOLD40({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD45|HOLD45({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD50|HOLD50({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD60|HOLD60({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD70|HOLD70({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD80|HOLD80({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD90|HOLD90({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} )} )} )} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCMDEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCMDEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCMDEXT | Specifies that the ARCMDEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCMDEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCMDEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCMDEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCMDEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCMDEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCMDEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCMDEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCMDEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCMDEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCMDEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCMDEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCMDEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCMDEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for ARCMDEXT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for ARCMDEXT. Note: The optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer functions for ARCMDEXT will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOTRACE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOMIGCONTROL | Determines whether optional OS/EM migration control will apply - MIGCONTROL, or if DFHSM migration control will apply - NOMIGCONTROL.
As with deletion, DFHSM provides no means to finely control dataset migration. Datasets are either eligible for migration, or they are not. The ARCMDEXT option provides that control.
Assuming that group SYSXGRP contains SYSX.+ as a mask and group $DEVPRF contains $DEV%%&.ISPPROF, all datasets beginning with SYSX and all ISPF profile datasets belonging to any user whose id begins with $DEV plus two numerics and one alpha character will never be migrated.
Datasets that do not exceed 1M in size and match dataset names or dataset name masks within dataset name group TESTGRP will be held for three days before they are eligible for migration.
Datasets that do not exceed 200K or achieve a match within dataset name group PROV01 will be held for 15 days before they are eligible for migration.
As with Delete-by-age and Delete-if-backed-up processing, datasets that are finally eligible for migration will be migrated as determined by DFHSM.
As mentioned previously, you can force migration of datasets to DFHSM Level 2 by issuing the following command:
All datasets belonging within PROV02 will be migrated to DFHSM Level-2 storage.
This exit is the level-2 dataset migration exit. You have access to this exit when a dataset is selected to go from level-1 to level-2.
OS/EM supports an optional control function for this exit: Migration Level-1 to Migration Level-2 Control.
With this function you may specify which datasets are migrated from
Level-1 to Level-2 storage. You may specify aging criteria; the size of
datasets to hold on Level-1 storage; which datasets should be included
in the selection criteria, etc.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCMMEXT|ARCMMEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPtions|OPtions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(ID)} - {FIrst|Last} - {Trace|NOTrace} - {NOML2control|ML2control( - {NOHOLD|HOLD({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD01|HOLD01({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD02|HOLD02({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD03|HOLD03({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD04|HOLD04({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD05|HOLD05({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD06|HOLD06({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD07|HOLD07({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD08|HOLD08({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD09|HOLD09({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD10|HOLD10({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD15|HOLD15({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD20|HOLD20({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD25|HOLD25({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD30|HOLD30({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD35|HOLD35({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD40|HOLD40({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD45|HOLD45({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD50|HOLD50({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD60|HOLD60({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD70|HOLD70({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD80|HOLD80({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} - {NOHOLD90|HOLD90({MAxsize(nn)} {OR|AND} - {INclude(dsngroup,...)})} )} )} )} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCMMEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCMMEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCMMEXT | Specifies that the ARCMMEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCMMEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCMMEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCMMEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCMMEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCMMEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCMMEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCMMEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCMMEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCMMEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCMMEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCMMEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCMMEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCMMEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for ARCMMEXT | ||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for ARCMMEXT. Note: The optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer functions for ARCMMEXT will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||||||||||||||
NOTRACE | |||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||
NOML2CONTROL | Determines whether optional OS/EM migration control will apply - ML2CONTROL, or if DFHSM migration control will apply - NOML2CONTROL.
The following example command establishes criteria for holding datasets on DFHSM Level-1 storage, keeping these datasets from migrating to Level-2 storage.
Datasets that do not exceed 200K in size (approximately the size of datasets eligible for Small Dataset Packing handling by DFHSM - if you have enabled this option) OR datasets belonging to group SYSXXM$ will be held indefinitely.
Datasets belonging to group SYS5CAI will be held for three days.
Two different PAY groups - PAYMNTH and PAYQRTR - will be held for 30 days.
This is the space management volume exit. You have access to this exit after HSM completes processing at level-0.
OS/EM HSM Optimizer supports an optional control function for this exit: Defragmentation Control which compresses DASD volumes to maximize contiguous DSN DASD space for available allocations.
Defragmentation of DASD volumes may be automated with this function. Volumes may be defrag'd on specified days of the week at specified times.
Eight different fragmentation indexes may be specified to control the
defrag process.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCMVEXT|ARCMVEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPtions|OPtions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(ID)} - {FIrst|Last} - {Trace|NOTrace} - {NODefrag|DEfrag( - {PRoc(OS$DFRAG|procname)} - {NOTIme|TIme(hhmm:hhmm)} - {NODAys|DAys(XXX,...)} - {NOLEVEL1|LEVEL1({0|frag-index} - {NOVOLS|VOLS(VOLGrp,...)} - {NOTIme|TIme(hhmm:hhmm)} - {NODAyS|DAyS(XXX,...)} )} - {NOLEVEL2|LEVEL1({0|frag-index} - {NOVOLS|VOLS(VOLGrp,...)} - {NOTIme|TIme(hhmm:hhmm)} - {NODAyS|DAyS(XXX,...)} )} - {NOLEVEL3|LEVEL1({0|frag-index} - {NOVOLS|VOLS(VOLGrp,...)} - {NOTIme|TIme(hhmm:hhmm)} - {NODAyS|DAyS(XXX,...)} )} - {NOLEVEL4|LEVEL1({0|frag-index} - {NOVOLS|VOLS(VOLGrp,...)} - {NOTIme|TIme(hhmm:hhmm)} - {NODAyS|DAyS(XXX,...)} )} - {NOLEVEL5|LEVEL1({0|frag-index} - {NOVOLS|VOLS(VOLGrp,...)} - {NOTIme|TIme(hhmm:hhmm)} - {NODAyS|DAyS(XXX,...)} )} - {NOLEVEL6|LEVEL1({0|frag-index} - {NOVOLS|VOLS(VOLGrp,...)} - {NOTIme|TIme(hhmm:hhmm)} - {NODAyS|DAyS(XXX,...)} )} - {NOLEVEL7|LEVEL1({0|frag-index} - {NOVOLS|VOLS(VOLGrp,...)} - {NOTIme|TIme(hhmm:hhmm)} - {NODAyS|DAyS(XXX,...)} )} - {NOLEVEL8|LEVEL1({0|frag-index} - {NOVOLS|VOLS(VOLGrp,...)} - {NOTIme|TIme(hhmm:hhmm)} - {NODAyS|DAyS(XXX,...)} )} )} )} )} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCMVEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCMVEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCMVEXT | Specifies that the ARCMVEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCMVEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCMVEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCMVEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCMVEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCMVEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCMVEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCMVEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCMVEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCMVEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCMVEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCMVEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCMVEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCMVEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for ARCMVEXT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for ARCMVEXT. Note: The optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer functions for ARCMVEXT will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOTRACE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NODEFRAG | Specifies whether or not optional OS/EM processing should be done based on the fragmentation index returned by DFHSM during volume space management.
While DFHSM can manage storage residency, it can lead to DASD volumes that are fragmented. Volume free space is scattered all over the volume resulting in multiple extents during allocation. And there is the possibility that a dataset cannot be allocated because too many extents would be needed for allocation.
DFHSM returns a fragmentation index for a volume each time it does volume space management. This optional OS/EM control function uses this returned index to determine whether a DFDSS task should be started that will defrag the volume.
This exit is the ABARS migration level-2 dataset exit. You have access to this exit during aggregate backup processing.
OS/EM only supplies basic control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCM2EXT|ARCM2EXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCM2EXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCM2EXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCM2EXT | Specifies that the ARCM2EXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCM2EXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCM2EXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCM2EXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCM2EXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCM2EXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCM2EXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCM2EXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCM2EXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCM2EXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCM2EXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCM2EXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCM2EXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCM2EXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The following command will establish user exit USREXT1:
This exit is the recall exit. You have access to this exit during recall processing of non-SMS managed datasets.
OS/EM supports an optional control function for this exit: Directed recall control.
This function is used in conjunction with OS/EM's QuickPool function.
By specifying this option, you ensure that DFHSM recall and recovery
processing does not fail by attempting to place the recalled/recovered
dataset on the wrong volume.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCRDEXT|ARCRDEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPtions|OPtions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(id)} - {FIrst|Last} - {Trace|NOTrace} - {NODIRectrecall|DIRectrecall)} )} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCRDEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCRDEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCRDEXT | Specifies that the ARCRDEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCRDEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCRDEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCRDEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCRDEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCRDEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCRDEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCRDEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCRDEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCRDEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCRDEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCRDEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCRDEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCRDEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for ARCRDEXT | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for ARCRDEXT. Note: The optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer functions for ARCRDEXT will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||
NOTRACE | |||||||
| ||||||
NODIRECTRECALL | Specifies whether DFHSM RECALL/RECOVERY will proceed according to the DASD allocation rules established with the DASDCNTL command for QuickPool. Directed Recall requires that the following DFHSM SETSYS option be present in DFHSM ARCCMDxx member. SETSYS RECALL(PRIVATE(UNLIKE)) Note: If the dataset is a DFSMS dataset this option will not be invoked. If QUICKPOOL allocation is in effect, you must specify DIRECTRECALL. DFHSM RECALL/RECOVERY will most likely fail if this option is not enabled. |
The DFHSM optional ARCRDEXT processing is enabled with the following command:
This exit is the return-priority exit. You have access to this exit before a recall, recover or delete request is placed on the queue.
OS/EM supports an optional control function for this exit: Recall/Recover Priority control.
This function allows you to control which recall or recover requests
receive the highest priority and to optionally fail requests based on
the source of the request (batch or online) and where the data resides,
DASD (ML1 storage) or TAPE (ML2 storage). You may also fail requests
based on dataset names or masks.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCRPEXT|ARCRPEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPtions|OPtions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(id)} - {FIrst|Last} - {Trace|NOTrace} - {NOPRioritize|PRioritize( - {NOOPerator|OPerator(nnn)} - {NOFail|FAil( - {ONline} - {BATch} - {DAsd} - {TApe} - {DSn(INCLUDE|EXCLUDE(xxx,xxx,...))} - {NORECAll|RECAll( - {NOWEight|WEight( - {DAY(n)} - {DATaset(n)} - {JOb(n)} - {USerid(n)} )} - {NODEfault|DEfault(nnn)} - RECALL PRIORITY 1 THRU 22 {NOPRIORITY__|PRIORITY__( - {NOBAtch|BAtch(nnn)} - {NOONline|ONline(nnn)} - {NODASd|DASd(nnn)} - {NOTApe|TApe(NNN)} - {NOJObname|JObname( - INC(xxx,...) | EXC(xxx,...) )} - {NODSname|DSname( - INC(xxx,...) | EXC(xxx,...) )} - {NOUSerid|USerid( - INC(xxx,...) | EXC(xxx,...) )} - {NODAYs|DAYs(0|*|nnnn:nnnn,....)} )} - {NORECOver|RECOver( - {NOWEight|WEight( - {DAY(N)} - {DATaset(N)} - {JOb(N)} - {USerid(N)} )} - {NODEfault|DEfault(NNN)} - RECOVER PRIORITY 1 THRU 22 {NOPRIORITY__|PRIORITY__( - {NOBAtch|BAtch(nnn)} - {NOONline|ONline(nnn)} - {NODASd|DASd(nnn)} - {NOTApe|TApe(NNN)} - {NOJObname|JObname( - INC(xxx,...) | EXC(xxx,...) )} - {NODSname|DSname( - INC(xxx,...) | EXC(xxx,...) )} - {NOUSerid|USerid( - INC(xxx,...) | EXC(xxx,...) )} - {NODAYs|DAYs(0|*|nnnn:nnnn,....)} )} )} )} )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCRPEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCRPEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCRPEXT | Specifies that the ARCRPEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCRPEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCRPEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCRPEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCRPEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCRPEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCRPEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCRPEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCRPEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCRPEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCRPEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCRPEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCRPEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCRPEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for ARCRPEXT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for ARCRPEXT. Note: The optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM HSM Optimizer functions for ARCRPEXT will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOTRACE | Disables GTF trace records (This is the default) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOPRIORITIZE | Specifies whether you will control the priority given to recall or recover requests.
This exit is the space management and backup exit. You have access to this exit once for each dataset processed during backup processing or volume space management.
OS/EM only supplies basic control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCSAEXT|ARCSAEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCSAEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCSAEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCSAEXT | Specifies that the ARCSAEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCSAEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCSAEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCSAEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCSAEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCSAEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCSAEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCSAEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCSAEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCSAEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCSAEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCSAEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCSAEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCSAEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The following command will establish user exit USREXT1:
This is the shutdown exit. You have access to this exit during shutdown processing.
OS/EM only supplies basic exit control functions for ARCSDEXT.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCSDEXT|ARCSDEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCSDEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCSDEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCSDEXT | Specifies that the ARCSDEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCSDEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCSDEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCSDEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCSDEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCSDEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCSDEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCSDEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCSDEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCSDEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCSDEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCSDEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCSDEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCSDEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The following command will establish user exit USREXT1:
This is the ABARS dataset skip exit. You have access to this exit during aggregate recovery processing for each dataset being restored.
OS/EM only supplies basic control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCSKEXT|ARCSKEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCSKEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCSKEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCSKEXT | Specifies that the ARCSKEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCSKEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCSKEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCSKEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCSKEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCSKEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCSKEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCSKEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCSKEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCSKEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCSKEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCSKEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCSKEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCSKEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The following command will establish user exit USREXT1:
This exit is the tape dataset exit. You have access to this exit when an output tape is opened.
OS/EM only supplies basic control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCTDEXT|ARCTDEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCTDEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCTDEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCTDEXT | Specifies that the ARCTDEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCTDEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCTDEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCTDEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCTDEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCTDEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCTDEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCTDEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCTDEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCTDEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCTDEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCTDEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCTDEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCTDEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The following command will establish user exit USREXT1:
This exit is the tape-ejected exit. You have access to this exit when an input tape is needed.
OS/EM only supplies basic exit control functions for ARCTEEXT.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCTEEXT|ARCTEEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCTEEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCTEEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCTEEXT | Specifies that the ARCTEEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCTEEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCTEEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCTEEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCTEEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCTEEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCTEEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCTEEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCTEEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCTEEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCTEEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCTEEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCTEEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCTEEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The following command will establish user exit USREXT1:
This is the tape volume exit. You have access to this exit when a HSM-owned tape no longer contains valid data. This exit is used by both ABARS and standard HSM processing.
OS/EM only supplies basic control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL HSM - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOARCTVEXT|ARCTVEXT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - ( 0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - ( 0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - ( 0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any DFHSM exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for DFHSM exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ARCTVEXT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ARCTVEXT modules.
| ||||||||||
ARCTVEXT | Specifies that the ARCTVEXT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOARCTVEXT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ARCTVEXT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ARCTVEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ARCTVEXT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ARCTVEXT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ARCTVEXT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ARCTVEXT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ARCTVEXT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ARCTVEXT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ARCTVEXT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ARCTVEXT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ARCTVEXT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a DFHSM user exit for ARCTVEXT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The following command will establish user exit USREXT1:
This subcommand sets which ISPF exits will be active, loads the specified user exit modules, loads the specified backup user exit modules, specifies the TSO USERID to be notified if a corresponding user exit module abends, sets additional user exit return codes, and sets LIMIT checking for the corresponding exit modules.
The optional OS/EM control functions can:
The ISPF initialization exit provides accounting and monitoring capabilities prior to ISPF initialization.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT1|EXIT1( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
EXIT1 | Specifies that the EXIT1 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT1 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT1 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT1 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT1 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT1 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT1 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT1 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT1 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT1 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT1 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The ISPF termination exit provides accounting and monitoring capabilities prior to ISPF termination.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT2|EXIT2( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
EXIT2 | Specifies that the EXIT2 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT2 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT2 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT2 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT2 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT2 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT2 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT2 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT2 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The SELECT service start exit provides monitoring information and lets you restrict access to applications selected through ISPF.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT3|EXIT3( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
EXIT3 | Specifies that the EXIT3 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT3 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT3 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT3 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT3 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT3 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT3 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT3 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT3 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT3 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT3 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT3 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The SELECT service end exit marks the end of a program, command, or menu invoiked through any of the SELECT services.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT4|EXIT4( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
EXIT4 | Specifies that the EXIT4 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT4 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT4 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT4 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT4 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT4 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT4 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT4 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT4 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT4 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT4 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT4 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The TSO command start exit provides for monitoring and restricting commands invoked through ISPF; allows commands newly added to the system to be invoked without updating ISPTCM.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT5|EXIT5( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
EXIT5 | Specifies that the EXIT5 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT5 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT5 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT5 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT5 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT5 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT5 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT5 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT5 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT5 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT5 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT5 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The TSO command end exit provides for monitoring of TSO commands invoked through ISPF.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT6|EXIT6( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
EXIT6 | Specifies that the EXIT6 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT6 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT6 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT6 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT6 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT6 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT6 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT6 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT6 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT6 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT6 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT6 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The LIBDEF service exit provides for restrictions of the use of the LIBDEF service.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT7|EXIT7( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
EXIT7 | Specifies that the EXIT7 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT7 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT7 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT7 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT7 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT7 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT7 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT7 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT7 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT7 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT7 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT7 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The RESERVE exit allows use of your own method of serializing resources in addition to the RESERVE done by ISPF.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT8|EXIT8( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
EXIT8 | Specifies that the EXIT8 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT8 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT8 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT8 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT8 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT8 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT8 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT8 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT8 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT8 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT8 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT8 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The RELEASE exit provides for the release of any resources acquired at the RESERVE user exit.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT9|EXIT9( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
EXIT9 | Specifies that the EXIT9 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT9 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT9 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT9 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT9 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT9 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT9 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT9 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT9 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT9 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT9 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT9 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The Logical screen start exit allows for installation-wide exits to gather accounting and monitoring information for each logical screen.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT10|EXIT10( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
EXIT10 | Specifies that the EXIT10 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT10 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT10 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT10 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT10 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT10 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT10 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT10 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT10 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT10 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT10 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT10 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The Logical screen end exit gathers accounting and monitoring information for each logical screen.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT11|EXIT11( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
EXIT11 | Specifies that the EXIT11 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT11 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT11 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT11 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT11 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT11 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT11 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT11 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT11 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT11 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT11 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT11 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The ISPF/PDF service start exit monitors ISPF and PDF dialog services invoked through the ISPLINK or ISPEXEC interfaces.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT12|EXIT12( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
EXIT12 | Specifies that the EXIT12 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT12 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT12 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT12 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT12 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT12 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT12 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT12 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT12 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT12 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT12 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT12 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The ISPF/PDF service end exit marks the termination of ISPF or PDF dialog services invoked through the ISPLINK or ISPEXEC interfaces.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT13|EXIT13( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
EXIT13 | Specifies that the EXIT13 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT13 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT13 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT13 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT13 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT13 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT13 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT13 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT13 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT13 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT13 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT13 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The SWAP logical screens exit indicates a change of the active logical screen. Together with the logical screen start and end installation-wide exits, the routine can monitor resource use for each ISPF logical screen.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT14|EXIT14( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
EXIT14 | Specifies that the EXIT14 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT14 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT14 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT14 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT14 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT14 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT14 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT14 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT14 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT14 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT14 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT14 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The DISPLAY service start exit provides for tailoring of panels to be displayed.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT15|EXIT15( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
EXIT15 | Specifies that the EXIT15 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT15 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT15 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT15 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT15 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT15 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT15 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT15 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT15 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT15 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT15 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT15 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The Log, list, and temporary dataset allocation exit controls data set naming conventions for log, list, and temporary data sets.
OS/EM provides optional control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL ISPF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOEXIT16|EXIT16( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a}} )} - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b}} )} - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c}} )} )} - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NODATAArea|DATAArea( - 0|*|area1 {0|*|area2 {0|*|area3}})} - {NODATALength|DATALength( - 0|*|length1 {0|*|length2 {0|*|length3}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPtions|OPtions( {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(ID)} {FIrst|LAst} {NOLOgprefix|LOgprefix(prefix)} {NOLIstprefix|LIstprefix(prefix)} {NOTEmpprefix|TEmpprefix(prefix)} )}
EXIT16 | Specifies that the EXIT16 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||||
NOEXIT16 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named EXIT16 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a EXIT16 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for EXIT16 modules.
| ||||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active EXIT16 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of EXIT16 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate EXIT16 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ISPF user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ISPF user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any ISPF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for ISPF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for EXIT16 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||||
NODATAAREA | Specifies that any active dataareas are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||||
DATAAREA(...) | Specifies that the list of dataareas are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a dataarea for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The length of the dataarea is specified by the DATALENGTH keyword documented below.
Note: These dataareas may be shared between exits based upon the name of the dataarea. Please refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual for more information about dataareas. | ||||||||||||
DATALENGTH(...) | Specifies that the list of datalengths are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate a datalength for the specified exit that was not activated at initialization. Note: The DATALENGTHs correspond to the DATAAREA names documented above.
| ||||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by EXIT16 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent EXIT16 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a ISPF user exit for EXIT16 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for EXIT16 | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for EXIT16. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for EXIT16 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. Note: OS/EM control functions are invoked FIRST by default. | ||||||
LOGPREFIX(prefix) | Specify the 1 to 8 character prefix to be inserted into the name of the LOG dataset. A system symbolic may also be specified. Begin the symbolic with the normal & (ampersand). | ||||||
NOLOGPREFIX | No prefix will be inserted into the LOG dataset name. | ||||||
LISTPREFIX(prefix) | Specify the 1 to 8 character prefix to be inserted into the name of the LIST dataset. A system symbolic may also be specified. Begin the symbolic with the normal & (ampersand). | ||||||
NOLISTPREFIX | No prefix will be inserted into the LIST dataset name. | ||||||
TEMPPREFIX(prefix) | Specify the 1 to 8 character prefix to be inserted into the name of any temporary datasets ISPF may allocate. A system symbolic may also be specified. Begin the symbolic with the normal & (ampersand). | ||||||
NOTEMPPREFIX | No prefix will be inserted into temporary ISPF datasets. |
The following example shows how to turn on the optional EXIT16 LOG and LIST prefixes.
In this example both the LOG and LIST datasets will have TSTTSO inserted after the TSOID.
The LOG dataset would look something like:
While the LIST dataset would look like:
OS/EM provides a version of ISPEXITS to allow it to dynamically load and delete any of the ISPF Installation Wide Exits. IBM provides a default module of this name and if you already run ISPF exits you will have your own version. You must ensure that ISPEXITS is not in a STEPLIB in any ISPF logon procedure, otherwise ISPEXITS will be loaded from the STEPLIB and not from the OS/EM load library. Any exit (and associated data area) coded in your ISPEXITS must be defined to OS/EM via the Basic Exits Function.
In addition, if you have never activated the ISPF Installation Wide Exits, you must enable them by either coding the option on the ISPMTAIL macro or with the ISPCCONF command. See the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual section Tailoring ISPF Defaults for more information.
The OS$CNTL JES2 command specifies all the basic and optional control functions for JES2.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXITn|EXITn( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - )}
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXITn user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXITn user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXITn user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a XIT16 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a XIT16 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of XIT16 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXITn to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXITn set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
OS/EM provides basic exit functions for JES2 Exit0 although OS/EM has its own exit here to support other extended functions.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXIT0|EXIT0( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - {OPTions|NOOptions( - {FIrst|LAst} - {NOAbendnotify|Abendnotify( - *|0|id1 {*|0|id2 {*|0|id3}} ) } )}
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXIT0 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXIT0 user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXIT0 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a XIT16 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a XIT16 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of XIT16 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXIT0 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXIT0 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for JES2 EXIT0 | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for JES2 EXIT0. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for JES2 EXIT0 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
OS/EM provides optional functions for JES2 Exit2 thru the use of the Surrogate Password function.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXIT2|EXIT2( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - {OPTions|NOOptions( - {FIrst|LAst} - {NOAbendnotify|Abendnotify( - *|0|id1 {*|0|id2 {*|0|id3}} ) } - {NOPasswords|Passwords( - {DELete|Load(pass.dsn)} - {NOJobs|Jobs{(jobnames,...)}} - {NOStcs|Stcs{(stcnames,...)}} - {NOTsus|Tsus{(tsusnames,...)}} )} - {NOADdtsopass|ADdtsopass} - {NOREptsoq|REptsoq} - )}
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXIT2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXIT2 user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXIT2 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a JES2 EXIT0 Optional exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a JES2 EXIT0 Optional exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of JES2 EXIT0 Optional exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXIT2 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXIT2 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
The optional functions are available for JES2 EXIT2.
The optional password function of EXIT2 reads the OS/EM password dataset to load passwords into an in-storage table. The password is placed into the JCL when the PASSWORD option is activated.
This feature can be used for submitting jobs across NJE Nodes, or providing surrogate password propagation.
The intended use of this function is to supply passwords to jobs submitted by started tasks, TSO users, or other batch jobs so that these jobs can properly access RACF protected datasets. Your installation might, for example, have a job scheduling system installed. If you run it as a started task, and name it via this command, jobs which this scheduling system submits would be eligible to have passwords added to the JOB statement.
This capability can avoid some audit and operational exposures associated with every job submitted by the Scheduling System having the highest level of access that is required for one job or system like system backups which require RACF OPERATION privilege.
The password will be added if the submitted job's JOB statement has a USER=userid parameter that matches a USERID in the OS/EM password dataset.
Typically, you would define one or more userids that represent your production jobs. These userids would have RACF access to production datasets. Jobs which your scheduling system submits would have a JOB statement that included the USER=userid parameter. The OS/EM password dataset would include statements with these userids and their associated RACF passwords. When such jobs are submitted, the appropriate password would be added.
You can create as many userids as are necessary within your installation.
The OS/EM password dataset consists of one statement per userid, with the userid in positions 1-8 and the password in positions 10-17. The userid is defined to RACF and the password is the RACF password for that userid. The dataset is user maintained and should be RACF protected to limit access to authorized users only.
It is your responsibility to keep this password dataset current and correct. OS/EM will use whatever password is indicated for the userid. If the password is not correct for the userid, the submitted job will fail with a password violation.
Note: To keep the password dataset maintenance to a minimum, the RACF password for each userid you define should be specified as NEVER CHANGE.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for JES2 EXIT2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for JES2 EXIT2. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect.
The following command will activate the OS/EM optional processing for JESEXIT02. No user exits are specified; therefore, only OS/EM processing will be done.
Password processing will be done for started tasks and for TSO submitted jobs. Since no limiting is specified, no specific started tasks or TSO ids are listed, all jobs submitted through started tasks or TSO will have passwords supplied for the submitted jobs.
The default password dataset, SYS1.RACFPASS, will be used to obtain the passwords for each userid coded on the JOB statement of each submitted job. If the userid cannot be found in the password dataset, the jobs will be submitted without a password being added.
OS/EM Surrogate Password Function: You have defined a production userid PRODTION to your security system. You have assigned the password QWERTY to this userid and given the id the proper access to your production datasets. All production jobs are submitted through a scheduling system.
The entry in the OS/EM password dataset would be:
Each production job statement must contain a USER=PRODTION parameter. Each time a job is submitted with this userid, OS/EM will supply the proper password 'QWERTY'.
OS/EM provides optional functions for JES2 Exit4 thru the use of the EZ-Proclib(R) to JCLLIB Statements function.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXIT4|EXIT4( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - {OPTions|NOOptions( - {FIrst|LAst} - {NOAbendnotify|Abendnotify( - *|0|id1 {*|0|id2 {*|0|id3}} ) } - {NOEZProclib|EZProclib} - )}
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXIT4 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXIT4 user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXIT4 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a JES2 EXIT2 Optional exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a JES2 EXIT2 Optional exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of JES2 EXIT2 Optional exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXIT4 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXIT4 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
The optional functions are available for JES2 EXIT4.
The optional EZ-Proclib function of EXIT4 scans JCL when it is interpreted for a PROCLIB statement. If found, the statement is changed to a comment and the specified libraries are then placed in a JCLLIB statement.
The intended use of this function is to allow removal of the EZ-Proclib(R) product without the need to recode your JCL.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for JES2 EXIT4 | ||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for JES2 EXIT4. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect.
The following command will activate the OS/EM optional processing for JESEXIT04. No user exits are specified; therefore, only OS/EM processing will be done.
Note: EZ-Proclib(R) is a registered tradmark of Computer Associates.
OS/EM provides optional functions for JES2 Exit5 thru the use of the Job Routing functions.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXIT5|EXIT5( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - {OPTions|NOOptions( - {FIRST|LAST} - {NOABENDNOTIFY|ABENDNOTIFY( - *|0|id1 {*|0|id2 {*|0|id3}} )} - {TRace|NOTRace} - {NOJOBRoute|JOBRoute( - RESourcedsn(dsname) - {NODEFaultresource|DEFaultresource(resourcename)} - {NOSCHenvconvert|SCHenvconvert} - {NOSYsaffany|SYsaffany} - {NOROute {( NNN )} | - {ROute(NNN resourcename {ACcount ('xxx,xxx,xxx')} - {DDname (XXX XXX ...)} - - {DSname (XXX XXX ...)} - - {EXecparm (XXXXXXXXXXX)} - - {JOBClass (XXX XXX ...)} - - {JOBName (XXX XXX ...)} - - {MEmber (XXX XXX ...)} - - {PGmname (XXX XXX ...)} - - {RAcfgroup(XXX XXX ...)} - - {SChenv (XXX XXX ...)} - - {SErvclass(XXX XXX ...)} - - {SRCName (XXX XXX ...)} - - {SRCPrgm (XXX XXX ...)} - - {SRCType (Job|Tsu|Stc)} - - {UNitname (XXX XXX ...)} - - {USerid (XXX XXX ...)} )} - - {NOMSgnum|MSgnum(OLD:NEW ...)} - {JECL( - {CNtl(SHR|EXC)} - {THread(SHR|EXC)} - {AFter( {NOJOB( IGNORE|FAIL|WAIT)} - {NOSPC( IGNORE|FAIL)} - {MULT ( IGNORE|FAIL|OK)} - {IMPOS( IGNORE|CANCEL|HOLD)} )} - {BEfore( {NOJOB( IGNORE|FAIL|OK)} - {NOSPC( IGNORE|FAIL)} - {MULT ( IGNORE|FAIL|OK)} - {EXclude({NOJOB( IGNORE|FAIL|OK)} - {NOSPC( IGNORE|FAIL)} - {MULT ( IGNORE|FAIL|OK)} - {PRed( {NOJOB( IGNORE|FAIL|WAIT)} - {NOSPC( IGNORE|FAIL)} - {MULT ( IGNORE|FAIL|OK)} - {IMPOS( IGNORE|CANCEL|HOLD)} )} - {WIth( {NOJOB( IGNORE|FAIL|WAIT)} - {NOSPC( IGNORE|FAIL)} - {MULT ( IGNORE|FAIL|OK)} - {IMPOS( IGNORE|CANCEL|HOLD)} )} )}
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXIT5 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXIT5 user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXIT5 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a JES2 EXIT4 Optional exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a JES2 EXIT4 Optional exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of JES2 EXIT4 Optional exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXIT5 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXIT5 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
Optional functions are available for JES2 EXIT5.
The optional JOB ROUTING function of EXIT5 allows routing jobs between CPUs in a multi access spool (MAS) based on defined resource names and their availability. Use the $QA and $QD commands to manage resource names on each system running OS/EM Job Routing (See Appendix F, "JES2 Commands for Job Routing".) The routing may be controlled by JCL statements placed within the joblib member, or by specifing routing control information with the EXIT5 optional parameters described below. An optional default resource may be specified that will be added to a job which otherwise would not have a resource attached to it. You may have a total of 127 routes per job, either JCL statements, automatic routing provided by OS/EM or a combination of both. This option also allows changing the service class, job class or priority, scheduling environment or execution node based upon the same selection criteria as job routing by using the reserved resource names of: CHANGE_JOBCLASS_x_yy, CHANGE_SCHEDENV_xxxxxxxx, CHANGE_SRVCLASS_xxxxxxx or CHANGE_XEQNODE_xxxxxxxx.
Note: Any job submitted with a valid JES2 node on a /*ROUTE XEQ node JECL statement will be routed by JES2 to the specified node before OS/EM is given a chance to modify any settings.
See Appendix F, "JES2 Commands for Job Routing" for an explanation of the JES2 commands available and Appendix G, "JCL Statements for Job Routing" for the JCL statements available.
Note: The Job Routing Communications dataset must be on DASD shared by each LPAR within the MAS. Additionally the Job Routing function must be enabled on each LPAR within a MAS concurrently. Failure to do so will result in jobs not being allowed to execute on LPARs where Job Routing is active if they have been through the interpreter on a LPAR without Job Routing. Conversely, LPARs within the MAS without Job Routing active may select jobs for execution without the specified resources.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for JES2 EXIT5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for JES2 EXIT5. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect.
JCL Controls allow installations to control various JCL parameters utilizing an external table with OS/EM and/or utilize an External Security Manager for checking whether Users have access to a particular resource.
Exit6 also has an optional job time function, which will insert a time parameter if missing, and/or override the time specified on the job card.
The optional functions of EXIT6 enable the user to validate many MVS JCL functions. The JCL parameters that can be validated or optionally checked against an external Security Manager (RACF, CA-ACF2 and CA-TOPSECRET) are: MVS Job accounting numbers (up to six), ADDRSPC, BURST, CHARS, COPIES, DATACLASS, DEST, DPRTY, FLASH, DPRTY, EXPDT, FCB, FLASH, FORM, FORMDEF, MODIFY, MGMTCLASS, MSGCLASS, OUTPRTY, PAGEDEF, PERFORM, PRMODE, PROTECT (RACF Only), PRTY, RETPD, SYSOUT, SUBSYS, TIME, UCS, USERLIB, WRITER, and specific DDNAMES.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXIT6|EXIT6( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - {OPTions|NOOptions( - {FIrst|LAst} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - *|0|id1 {*|0|id2 {*|0|id3}} )} - {NOJOBTimerequired|JOBTimerequired} - {NOSEtjobtime|SEtjobtime( - {NOINsert|INsert{(jobclasslist)} - {NOMAximum|MAximum{(jobclasslist)} - {NONOLImit|NOLImit{(jobclasslist)} - {NOHIgh|HIgh{(jobclasslist)} - {NOLOw|LOw{(jobclasslist)} )} - {NOTSuacct|TSuacct} - {NOJCl|JCl} - {NOACct1|ACct1( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) - CHar|NUmeric )} - {NOACct2|ACct2( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) - CHar|NUmeric )} - {NOACct3|ACct3( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) - CHar|NUmeric )} - {NOACct4|ACct4( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) - CHar|NUmeric )} - {NOACct5|ACct5( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) - CHar|NUmeric )} - {NOACct6|ACct6( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) - CHar|NUmeric )} - {NOADdrspc|ADdrspc( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOBUrst|BUrst( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOCHars|CHars( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOCOpies|COpies( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NODAtaclass|DAtaclass( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NODDnames|DDnames( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NODPrty|DPrty( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOMGmtclass|MGmtclass( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOMSgclass|MSgclass( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOPRotect|PRotect( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOPErform|PErform( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOPRty|PRty( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOSTorclass|STorclass( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOSUbsys|SUbsys( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOTime|Time( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOUnit|Unit( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOSYsout|SYsout( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NODEst|DEst( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOFCb|FCb( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOFLash|FLash( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOFOrm|FOrm( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOMOdify|MOdify( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOUcs|Ucs( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOWriter|Writer( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOEXpdt|EXpdt( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOREtpd|REtpd( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOUNit|UNit( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOUSerlib|USerlib( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOFOrmdef|FOrmdef( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOOUtprty|OUtprty( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOPAgedef|PAgedef( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - {NOPRmode|PRmode( - NOALlow|ALlow(allowlist,...)| - NODISALlow|DISALlow(disallowlist,...)| - NOCHeck|CHeck(checklist,...) - OTher(ALlow|DISALlow|CHeck) - UNdefined(ALlow|DISALlow) )} - )}
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXIT6 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXIT6 user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXIT6 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a JES2 EXIT5 Optional exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a JES2 EXIT5 Optional exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of JES2 EXIT5 Optional exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXIT6 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXIT6 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for JES2 EXIT6 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for JES2 EXIT6. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for JES2 EXIT6 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
JOBTIMEREQUIRED | Specifying this option requires all jobs entering the system to contain a job time parameter. If the time parameter is missing the job is flushed. This option takes precedence over the INSERT parameter below. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SETJOBTIME | Allows you to control by job class the insertion of a missing time parameter and/or override the time specified on the job card.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TSUACCT | Apply Account Number controls to TSO users. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOTSUACCT | Account Number controls are only applied to batch jobs. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
JCL | Activates the optional OS/EM JCL validation functions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOJCL | Specify the NO option to disable the JCL validation functions.
The following command will activate the OS/EM optional processing for checking DDNAMES. The DDNAMES are checked against the External Security Manager (RACF, CA-ACF2, CA-TOPSECRET). The resource names 'JCL.DDNAMES.STEPCAT' and 'JCL.DDNAMES.JOBCAT' are defined to the External Security Manager with no access allowed, so that these JCL parameters cannot be used, with Undefined DDNAMES allowed.
The optional SYSOUT EXTENSION function of EXIT9 enables the user to allow sysout extensions based on jobname, program, sysout (message) class or jobclass. Entries have been provided to give extensions based on number of lines, pages or bytes.
A Default entry may be provided to cover all but specific jobs, or you may define a RACF resource to control jobs not specifically selected.
Note: Activating this option may result in jobs ending with an S722 ABEND even if your JESPARMS are set to allow jobs to continue as EXIT9 will override the ABEND/CONTINUE setting.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXIT9|EXIT9( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - {NOOPTions|OPTions( - {FIrst|LAst} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - *|0|id1 {*|0|id2 {*|0|id3}} ) } - {NOWEight|WEight( - {SYsout(n)} - {PRogram(n)} - {JOBNAme(n)} - {JOBCLass(n)} )} - {NOEXTension|EXTension( - {LInes(lines)} - {PAges(pages)} - {BYtes(bytes)} - {NOWTO|WTO} - {NOWTOR|WTOR(nn)} )} - Extensions 1 thru 32 {NOEXtension__|EXtension__( - {LInes(lines)} - {PAges(pages)} - {BYtes(bytes)} - {NOWTO|WTO} - {NOWTOR|WTOR(nn)} - {NOSYsout|SYsout( - INClude(class,...)|EXClude(class,...))} - {NOJOBCLass|JOBCLass( - INClude(jobcls,...)|EXClude(jobcls,...))}- {NOJOBNAme|JOBNAme( - INClude(jobnme,...)|EXClude(jobnme,...))}- {NOPRogram|PRogram( - INClude(pgmnme,...)|EXClude(pgmnme,...))}- RACF Entry {NORAcf|RAcf( - {lines} - {NOWTO|WTO} - {NOWTOR|WTOR(nn)} - RESource(resource) ) }
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXIT9 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXIT9 user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXIT9 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a JES2 EXIT6 Optional exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a JES2 EXIT6 Optional exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of JES2 EXIT6 Optional exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXIT9 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXIT9 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for JES2 EXIT9 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for JES2 EXIT9. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for JES2 EXIT9 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOTRACE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WEIGHT | Specifies which type of include/exclude list will be given the most weight when determining which extension list group to use.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EXTENSION | Specify the default options to use if no extension list group matches the current job. Avoid S722 abends. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOEXTENSION | Nullifies the default options.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOEXTENSION1-32 | Allows the creation of up to 32 control definitions (selection groups) based on a list of sysout classes, program names, jobnames or job classes. Specifying NOEXTENSION1-NOEXTENSION32 nullifies the named option.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RACF | A RACF resource may be specified which controls sysout extensions. This resource is only checked if no other matching entries are found. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NORACF | Entering NORACF nullifies this option.
OS/EM provides basic exit support for EXIT10, however OS/EM has its own exit here to support other extended functions.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXIT10|EXIT10( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - {OPTions|NOOptions( - {FIrst|LAst} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - *|0|id1 {*|0|id2 {*|0|id3}} ) } ) }
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXIT10 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXIT10 user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXIT10 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a OS/EM Optional EXIT9 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a OS/EM Optional EXIT9 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of OS/EM Optional EXIT9 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXIT10 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXIT10 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for JES2 EXIT10 | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for JES2 EXIT10. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for JES2 EXIT10 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
OS/EM provides several optional functions via EXIT14:
The optional LIMIT function of EXIT14 enables a customer to control the number of jobs that each job owner may have executing at a time. The job owner is determined from the job card parameter 'USER'. This parameter may be hard coded on the job card or created by the system when the parameter is omitted. This control will determine the number of jobs currently running by checking the LOCAL system, each system in a Multiple Access Spool environment (MAS), or selected system IDs. Additionally, the control can be limited to specific job classes, selected job names, certain user ID's and limited by time of day by day of week.
The optional PGMLIMIT function of EXIT14 enables a customer to control the number of jobs executing a specified program locally and/or within a MAS.
The optional HSMRECALL function will check all existing datasets used within a job at conversion time and immediately issue HSM RECALL commands for datasets which have been migrated. It will also prevent the job from executing until the datasets have been recalled.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXIT14|EXIT14( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - {OPTions|NOOptions( - {FIrst|LAst} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - *|0|id1 {*|0|id2 {*|0|id3}} ) } - {NOLImit|LImit( - {SCheme( - BEst( - {DAyesN)} - {JOBClass(N)} - {USerid(N)} - {JOBName(N)} ) - | LIberal | COnservative )} - {NOLImit__|LImit__( - {NNN {NNN}} - {NOJOBClass|JOBClass( - INC(X,X,...) | EXC(X,X,...) )} - {NOJOBName|JOBName( - INC(XXX,XXX,...) | EXC(XXX,XXX,...) )} - {NOUSerid|USerid( - INC(XXX,XXX,...) | EXC(XXX,XXX,...) )} - {NODAys|DAys( - 0|*|NNNN:NNNN,... )} - {SCope(MAS|LOCAL|SIDS(XXX,XXX,...) - {NOJOBClasses | JOBClasses(X,X,...)} )} - {NORAcflimit|RAcflimit( - {LOG|NOLOG} - {REsource(XXXXXXXX)} )} )} - {NOPGmlimit|PGmlimit( - {NOLIMchgmsg|LIMchgmsg} - {pgmname( < PROGRAM NAME > - NOLImit|lll|* < LOCAL LIMIT > - NOLImit|mmm|* < MAS LIMIT > - ) } ) } - {NOHSmrecall|HSmrecall( - {NOOWnermsg|OWnermsg} - {NOHRECALLWto|HRECALLWto} - {NOHRECALLLogmsg|HRECALLLogmsg} - {NORECHeckall|RECHeckall} - {NOIGnorerecallfail|IGnorerecallfail} - {NOLOcalrecall|LOcalrecall} - {NOWAit|WAit( - {NOONLYTape|ONLYTape} - {NOONLYFirst|ONLYFirst} - {NOCOndonly|COndonly} )} - {NOONlyrecallfirst|ONlyrecallfirst} - {NOCOndonly|COndonly} - {GDginterval(nnn)} - {DSninterval(nnn)} )} - ) }
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXIT14 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXIT14 user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXIT14 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a JES2 EXIT10 Optional exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a JES2 EXIT10 Optional exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of JES2 EXIT10 Optional exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXIT14 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXIT14 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for JES2 EXIT14 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for JES2 EXIT14. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for JES2 EXIT14 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LIMIT | Activates the optional OS/EM job LIMIT function. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOLIMIT | Specify the NO option to disable the job LIMIT function after it has been activated.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PGMLIMIT | Limits the number of concurrently executing programs. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOPGMLIMIT | Disables program limit checking.
Note: To enable counting programs within a MAS, program limits must be enabled on each system within the MAS. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HSMRECALL | Specifies that OS/EM will issue a DFSMSHSM RECALL command for any required datasets which have been migrated and will prevent execution until the datasets are recalled. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOHSMRECALL | OS/EM will not recall migrated datasets.
In the following examples, assume that user ID SPJQSPRD owns 1 job executing on SYSA in class A, 2 jobs executing on SYSB in class B and 1 job executing on SYSC in class C for a total of 4 jobs within this sample MAS.
The following command is processed on SYSA:
If our test user now submits job SPJQS2 in class S OS/EM will allow the job to execute as this user only owns 1 executing job on this system. Note that in this case the jobclass of the executing job and the jobclass of the job submitted is ignored.
Now if the above command was changed to have MAS specifed as the SCOPE:
OS/EM would not allow any new jobs to be selected for execution as the user already has 4 jobs executing which is above the specified limit. Again note that neither the jobclasses of the executing jobs or the newly submitted jobs is considered. However if the JOBCLASSES keyword were to be added to the SCOPE keyword processing would be different.
With SCOPE specified to only consider jobclass A the user could submit two more jobs in class A and one would execute if the CPU was busy, and both would execute if the CPU was idle (LIMIT1 (2 3)). With the SCOPE jobclass set to A, the same user could submit and have execute any number of jobs in a different jobclass.
This example will activate the OS/EM optional processing for
The following command will activate the OS/EM optional processing for JES EXIT14. No user exits are specified; therefore, only OS/EM processing will be done.
OS$CNTL JES2(NOEXITS(OPTIONS( - LIMIT( - SCHEME( - BEST( - DAYS(1) - JOBCLASS(4) - USERID(3) - JOBNAME(2) - ) - ) - LIMIT01 ( - 1 3 JOBCLASS( - INC(A:D X) - ) - JOBNAME( - INC(T-) - ) - USERID( - INC(SP-) - ) - DAYS( - 0800:1600 0800:1600 0800:1600 - 0800:1600 0800:1600 - 0000:2400 0000:2400 - ) - SCOPE( - LOCAL - JOBCLASSES(A:9) - ) - ) - NORACF - )
LIMIT checking is active. The SCHEME is BEST with the most weight being given to JOBCLASS and the least to DAYS. There is one selection group active LIMIT01. This group specifies that if other jobs are running, only 1 job may be executed by a user at a time. If the other initiators are idle, than 3 jobs may execute together. The group is limited to jobclasses A, B, C, D and X; all other jobclasses will be ignored. JOBNAMEs to be checked start with T. The USERID of the person owning the job will begin with SP. The check will be performed Monday through Friday from 8AM to 4PM, and on Saturday and Sunday 24 hours a day. The SCOPE of job LIMIT checking will be LOCAL for jobclasses A through 9. No RACF processing will be performed.
Again, since SCOPE is specified with jobclasses A through 9 every batch job will be counted to determine the current number of jobs executing.
OS/EM provides basic exit support for EXIT20, however OS/EM has its own exit here to support other extended functions.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXIT20|EXIT20( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - {OPTions|NOOptions( - {FIrst|LAst} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - *|0|id1 {*|0|id2 {*|0|id3}} ) } ) }
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXIT20 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXIT20 user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXIT20 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a JES2 EXIT14 Optional exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a JES2 EXIT14 Optional exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of JES2 EXIT14 Optional exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXIT20 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXIT20 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for JES2 EXIT20 | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for JES2 EXIT20. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for JES2 EXIT20 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
OS/EM only provides basic exit support for EXIT24, however OS/EM has it's own exit to provide support for other extended functions.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXIT24|EXIT24( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - {OPTions|NOOptions( - {FIrst|LAst} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - *|0|id1 {*|0|id2 {*|0|id3}} ) }
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXIT24 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXIT24 user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXIT24 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a JES2 EXIT20 Optional exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a JES2 EXIT20 Optional exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of JES2 EXIT20 Optional exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXIT24 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXIT24 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for JES2 EXIT24 | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for JES2 EXIT24. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for JES2 EXIT24 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
OS/EM provides basic exit support for EXIT28, however OS/EM has its own exit here to support other extended functions.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXIT28|EXIT28( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - {OPTions|NOOptions( - {FIrst|LAst} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - *|0|id1 {*|0|id2 {*|0|id3}} ) } ) }
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXIT28 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXIT28 user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXIT28 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a JES2 EXIT24 Optional exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a JES2 EXIT24 Optional exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of JES2 EXIT24 Optional exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXIT28 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXIT28 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for JES2 EXIT28 | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for JES2 EXIT28. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for JES2 EXIT28 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
OS/EM provides basic exit support for EXIT29, however OS/EM has its own exit here to support other extended functions.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXIT29|EXIT29( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - {OPTions|NOOptions( - {FIrst|LAst} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - *|0|id1 {*|0|id2 {*|0|id3}} ) } ) }
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXIT29 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXIT29 user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXIT29 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a JES2 EXIT28 Optional exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a JES2 EXIT28 Optional exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of JES2 EXIT28 Optional exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXIT29 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXIT29 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for JES2 EXIT29 | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for JES2 EXIT29. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for JES2 EXIT29 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
OS/EM provides two optional functions in EXIT32.
The optional JOBSTARTMSG function of JES2 EXIT32 uses the TSO SEND command to issue a message to the user on the NOTIFY statement of the jobcard that the job has started execution.
The optional DSNENQ function of JES2 EXIT32 will block a job from executing until all datasets used or created by the job are available.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXIT32|EXIT32( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - {NOOPTions|OPTions( - {FIrst|LAst} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - *|0|id1 {*|0|id2 {*|0|id3}} ) } - {NOJObstartmsg|JObstartmsg} - {NODSnenq|DSnenq( - {NOJOBWaitwto|JOBWaitwto} - {NOJOBOwnermsg|JOBOwnermsg} - {NOREsownermsg|REsownermsg} )} )}
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXIT32 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXIT32 user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXIT32 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a JES2 EXIT29 Optional exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a JES2 EXIT29 Optional exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of JES2 EXIT29 Optional exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXIT32 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXIT32 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for JES2 EXIT32 | ||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for JES2 EXIT32. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for JES2 EXIT32 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||
JOBSTARTMSG | Activates the optional OS/EM job start message function. Note: The jobcard parameter NOTIFY must be present for this option to function. | ||||||||||||
NOJOBSTARTMSG | Specify the NO option to disable the job start message. | ||||||||||||
DSNENQ | Specifies that OS/EM will block jobs from executing until all datasets needed by the job are available. | ||||||||||||
NODSNENQ | OS/EM will not verify that needed datasets are available.
OS/EM provides basic exit support for EXIT44, however OS/EM has its own exit here to support other extended functions.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXIT44|EXIT44( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - {OPTions|NOOptions( - {FIrst|LAst} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - *|0|id1 {*|0|id2 {*|0|id3}} ) } ) }
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXIT44 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXIT44 user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXIT44 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a JES2 EXIT32 Optional exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a JES2 EXIT32 Optional exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of JES2 EXIT32 Optional exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXIT44 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXIT44 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for JES2 EXIT44 | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for JES2 EXIT44. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for JES2 EXIT44 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
OS/EM provides basic exit support for EXIT49, however OS/EM has its own exit here to support other extended functions.
OS$CNTL JES2 - {JESName(XXXX {YYYYY})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} ) } - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUtoinstall} - NOEXIT49|EXIT49( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NOAUtoinstall|AUinstall} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOBAckups|BAckups( - lmod:exit1|*|0 - {lmod:exit2|*|0 - {lmod:exit3|*|0}})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (id1a|*|0 {id1b|*|0 {id1c|*|0}}) - (id2a|*|0 {id2b|*|0 {id2c|*|0}}) - (id3a|*|0 {id3b|*|0 {id3c|*|0}})}) - {NOLIMits|LIMits( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGOodrc|GOodrc(rc,...)} - {NODISablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {Key(0|1)}} - {JOBnameloc(jobnamelocspec)} - {OPTions|NOOptions( - {FIrst|LAst} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - *|0|id1 {*|0|id2 {*|0|id3}} ) } ) }
JESNAME(XXXX YYYYY) | Optional keyword which indicates that you are supplying the name of the JES2 subsystem the command applies to. JES2 is the default. | ||||||||||
XXXX | The four character identifier for this JES2 subsystem. | ||||||||||
YYYYY | The optional JES2 version. This is used to tell OS/EM what level of code to use before the subsystem actually starts. If there is a mismatch when the subsystem starts, only the OS/EM code is reloaded. Acceptable values are:
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of an User exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for loading User exit modules.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES2 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES2 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | This option tells OS/EM to add any user exits specified in JESPARMS to OS/EM's internal control blocks as if the exits had been specifically defined by OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL is the default, and it must be active at this level to allow use of the AUTOINSTALL option at the individual exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If NOAUTOINSTALL is specified, user exits in JESPARMS will not be controlled by OS/EM and the use of AUTOINSTALL at the exit point level is disabled. | ||||||||||
EXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
EXIT255 | Specifies which of the JES2 exits - exits 0 through 255 - are to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOEXIT00 ... |
| ||||||||||
NOEXIT255 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | ENABLE causes an exitpoint to be enabled after a failure of the OS/EM exit controller caused the exit to be disabled. Due to the exit environment JES2 establishes, merely reloading the exit controller will not automatically activate the associated user exits as is the case with the other, non-JES2, points. Use of this keyword will activate an exit after the controller has been reloaded. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit, but all the options that were specified previously, are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. Note: If you have any questions as to the state of a particular JES2 exit, a QUERY command may be issued for the exit. If the exit is marked as DISABLED, issue a JES2 command for the exit with the ENABLE keyword. An example of the QUERY command for JES2 EXIT2 would be: OS$CNTL QUERY JES2(EXIT2) | ||||||||||
AUTOINSTALL | If specified, any user exits found in JESPARMS for this exit point will automaticaly be controlled by OS/EM without the need to specify them via OS$CNTL JES2 commands. Note: AUTOINSTALL must be specified (or defaulted) at the top level for this JES to allow use at the exit point level. | ||||||||||
NOAUTOINSTALL | If specified, user exits for this exit point found in JESPARMS will be ignored by OS/EM. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES2 EXIT49 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES2 EXIT49 user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES2 EXIT49 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that any active backup user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup user exits are to be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a JES2 EXIT44 Optional exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a JES2 EXIT44 Optional exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of JES2 EXIT44 Optional exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES2 EXIT49 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES2 user exit for JES2 EXIT49 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules, that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||||||||||
KEY | Specifies the storage key for this JES2 exit, this is provided for user exit modules that are reentrant in the JES2 sense. Also see IBM JES2 User Modifications and Macros for further detail. Note: OS/EM recommends all JES2 exits be MVS reentrant and avoid using the KEY option.
| ||||||||||
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for JES2 EXIT49 | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for JES2 EXIT49. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for JES2 EXIT49 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
The following example illustrates the activation of JESEXIT01 with two user exits.
This example also illustrates OS/EM's support for JES2's ability to single load module with multiple entry points as a user exit.
This subcommand sets which JES3 exits will be active, loads the specified user exit modules, and sets LIMIT checking for the corresponding exit module
OS$CNTL JES3 - NOEXitNnn|EXitNnn( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {LINkage(BALr|BAKr|ARET|ARETRc)} - {JOBNAmeloc(jobnamelocspec)} )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any JES3 exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for JES3 exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a JES3EXITnn exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for JES3EXITnn modules.
| ||||||||||
JES3EXITnn | Specifies that the JES3EXITnn exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOJES3EXITnn | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named JES3EXITnn exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active JES3EXITnn user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of JES3EXITnn user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate JES3EXITnn user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup JES3EXITnn user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup JES3EXITnn user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a JES3EXITnn exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a JES3EXITnn exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of JES3EXITnn exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for JES3EXITnn to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by JES3EXITnn user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent JES3EXITnn user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a JES3 user exit for JES3EXITnn set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
ARETRC | Specifies the type of linkage that was specified on the ASAVE and ACALL JES3 macros for this exit point. This parameter is provided for future JES3 compatibility, as IBM JES3 exit support is only provided through JES3 EXIT65. Refer to JES3 User Modifications and Macros for a more detailed explanation of the BALR, ARETURN, and ARETURN with RC options. | ||
The following example assumes that JES3 exits IATUX02, IATUX03, and IATUX04 are to be activated at OS/EM initialization. Further, user exits are supplied for IEFUJV and IEFACTRT, and an exit to dump the SMF datasets is supplied.
The following example illustrates the issuance of OS$CNTL from TSO to disable JES3 exit IATUX08.
Assume that at initialization IATUX09 was activated with user exits USREXIT1, USREXIT2, and USREXIT3:
and now USREXIT4 is to replace USREXIT2. Each of the following commands would accomplish this:
The last example shows the final asterisk as omitted since the asterisk would be assumed by default. The first asterisk has to be present so that positioning can be maintained.
This subcommand allows OS/EM to monitor user specified DD names for
specific messages. When found, the message is written to the system
console to allow appropriate action by either the operator or an
automated operations package.
OS$CNTL MISC - {NOSVC19|SVC19( - {NOOPTions|OPTions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(userid)} - {NOTRace|TRace} - {NOWTO|WTO( - {NOWTO1|WTO1( - {NOOSemid|OSemid} - {NODDname|DDname(xxx, xxx, ...)} - {NOJObname|JObname(xxx, xxx, ...)} - {NOPRogram|PRogram(xxx, xxx, ...)} - {NOMSgid|MSgid(xxx, xxx, ...)} - {NOLOcation|LOcation(nn{:nn}, *|nn{:nn}, ...)} - {NOROutcde|ROutcde(nnn{:nnn}, nnn{:nnn}, ...)} - {NODEsc|DEsc(nn, nn, ...)} )} - . - . - {NOWTO32|WTO32( - {NOOSemid|OSemid} - {NODDname|DDname(xxx, xxx, ...)} - {NOJObname|JObname(xxx, xxx, ...)} - {NOPRogram|PRogram(xxx, xxx, ...)} - {NOMSgid|MSgid(xxx, xxx, ...)} - {NOLOcation|LOcation(nn{:nn}, *|nn{:nn}, ...)} - {NOROutcde|ROutcde(nnn{:nnn}, nnn{:nnn}, ...)} - {NODEsc|DEsc(nn, nn, ...)} )} )} )}
SVC19 | Specifies that the SVC19 exit is to be activated. |
NOSVC19 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. |
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for SVC19 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for SVC19. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOTRACE | Disables GTF trace records (This is the default) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WTO | Specifies that WTO Control processing will be in effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOWTO | Specifies that WTO Control processing will be removed.
This subcommand allows OS/EM to intercept calls to programs running
under TSO, and prevent them from being executed. Up to 5 lines of
messages may be written to explain to the TSO user why the program is
not being permitted to execute.
OS$CNTL MISC {NOSVC42|SVC42( - {NOOPTions|OPTions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(userid)} - {NOTRace|TRace} - {NOINTercept|INTercept( - {NOPGM1|PGM1( - pgmname - 'text' {'text' {'text' {'text' {'text'}}}} )} . . . {NOPGM32|PGM32( - pgmname - 'text' {'text' {'text' {'text' {'text'}}}} )} )} )}
SVC42 | Specifies that the SVC42 exit is to be activated. |
NOSVC42 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. |
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for SVC42 | ||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for SVC42. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||||
NOTRACE | Disables GTF trace records (This is the default) | ||||||||
INTERCEPT | Specifies that TSO Program Intercept processing will be in effect. | ||||||||
NOINTERCEPT | Specifies that TSO Program Intercept processing will be removed.
This subcommand sets which RACF exits will be active, loads the specified user exit modules, loads the specified backup user exit modules, specifies the TSO USERID to be notified if a corresponding user exit module abends, sets additional user exit return code and sets LIMIT checking for the corresponding exit modules.
This is a Command-Preprocessing Exit. You can do added security checks and change or restrict the RACF limitations of the passed commands.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICHCCX00|ICHCCX00( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICHCCX00 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICHCCX00 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICHCCX00 | Specifies that the ICHCCX00 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICHCCX00 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICHCCX00 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICHCCX00 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICHCCX00 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICHCCX00 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICHCCX00 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICHCCX00 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICHCCX00 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICHCCX00 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICHCCX00 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICHCCX00 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICHCCX00 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICHCCX00 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for ICHCCX00 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This exit is the Command-Preprocessing exit. It allows you to perform added security checks and to change or eliminate RACF dataset naming conventions.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICHCNX00|ICHCNX00( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICHCNX00 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICHCNX00 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICHCNX00 | Specifies that the ICHCNX00 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICHCNX00 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICHCNX00 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICHCNX00 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICHCNX00 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICHCNX00 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICHCNX00 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICHCNX00 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICHCNX00 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICHCNX00 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICHCNX00 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICHCNX00 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICHCNX00 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICHCNX00 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for ICHCNX00 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This is the password authentication exit routine.
OS/EM provides only basic support for this exit.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICHDEX01|ICHDEX01( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICHDEX01 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICHDEX01 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICHDEX01 | Specifies that the ICHDEX01 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICHDEX01 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICHDEX01 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICHDEX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICHDEX01 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICHDEX01 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICHDEX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICHDEX01 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICHDEX01 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICHDEX01 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICHDEX01 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICHDEX01 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICHDEX01 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICHDEX01 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for ICHDEX01 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This is the new password processing exit.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICHPWX01|ICHPWX01( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICHPWX01 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICHPWX01 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICHPWX01 | Specifies that the ICHPWX01 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICHPWX01 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICHPWX01 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICHPWX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICHPWX01 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICHPWX01 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICHPWX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICHPWX01 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICHPWX01 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICHPWX01 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICHPWX01 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICHPWX01 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICHPWX01 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICHPWX01 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for ICHPWX01 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This is the RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH preprocessing exit.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICHRCX01|ICHRCX01( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICHRCX01 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICHRCX01 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICHRCX01 | Specifies that the ICHRCX01 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICHRCX01 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICHRCX01 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICHRCX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICHRCX01 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICHRCX01 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICHRCX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICHRCX01 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICHRCX01 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICHRCX01 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICHRCX01 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICHRCX01 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICHRCX01 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICHRCX01 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for ICHRCX01 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This is the RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH postprocessint exit.
OS/EM supports an optional control function for this exit: External Tape Control. You may specify normal RACF logging or no logging for this function.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICHRCX02|ICHRCX02( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPTIONS|OPTIONS( + {FIRST|LAST} + {NOABENDNOTIFY|ABENDNOTIFY(USERID)} + {LOG|NOLOG} + {NOEXTERNALTAPE|EXTERNALTAPE} + )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICHRCX02 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICHRCX02 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICHRCX02 | Specifies that the ICHRCX02 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICHRCX02 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICHRCX02 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICHRCX02 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICHRCX02 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICHRCX02 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICHRCX02 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICHRCX02 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICHRCX02 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICHRCX02 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICHRCX02 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICHRCX02 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICHRCX02 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICHRCX02 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for ICHRCX02 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for ICHRCX02 | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for ICHRCX02. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for ICHRCX02 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||
| ||||||
NOLOG | Specifies whether RACF logging should take place. | ||||||
| ||||||
EXTERNALTAPE | Control whether RACF will allow a user to read external tape datasets. When active a user can read any tape dataset when the following criteria is met, thus bypassing the RACF PROTECALL(FAIL) option:
This is the RACROUTE REQUEST=DEFINE preprocessing exit.
OS/EM supports an optional control function for this exit: Discrete Profiles.
You may specify the RACF classes to be checked. Any class listed may
have the option WARN or FAIL.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICHRDX01|ICHRDX01( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPTIONS|OPTIONS( {NOWARN|WARN} {FIRST|LAST} {NOABENDNOTIFY|ABENDNOTIFY(USERID)} {NODISCRETECHECK|DISCRETECHECK( {NAME(WARN|FAIL),...)} {LOG|NOLOG} )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICHRDX01 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICHRDX01 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICHRDX01 | Specifies that the ICHRDX01 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICHRDX01 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICHRDX01 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICHRDX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICHRDX01 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICHRDX01 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICHRDX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICHRDX01 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICHRDX01 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICHRDX01 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICHRDX01 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICHRDX01 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICHRDX01 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICHRDX01 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for ICHRDX01 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for ICHRDX01 | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for ICHRDX01. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for ICHRDX01 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. Note: OS/EM control functions are invoked FIRST by default. | ||||||
| ||||||
DISCRETECHECK | Control whether RACF discrete profiles will be allowed. Note: You must define a resource in your External Security Manager using class FACILITY for RACF and CA-ACF2, or IBMFAC for CA-TOPSECRET and a resource name of where 'name' matches the class name you are protecting. For class DATASET the profile name would be DISCRETE.PROFILE.DATASET.
| ||||||
| ||||||
NOLOG | Specifies whether RACF logging should take place. |
This is the RACROUTE REQUEST=DEFINE postprocessing exit.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICHRDX02|ICHRDX02( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICHRDX02 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICHRDX02 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICHRDX02 | Specifies that the ICHRDX02 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICHRDX02 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICHRDX02 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICHRDX02 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICHRDX02 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICHRDX02 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICHRDX02 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICHRDX02 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICHRDX02 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICHRDX02 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICHRDX02 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICHRDX02 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICHRDX02 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICHRDX02 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for ICHRDX02 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This is the RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH preprocessing exit.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICHRFX01|ICHRFX01( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICHRFX01 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICHRFX01 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICHRFX01 | Specifies that the ICHRFX01 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICHRFX01 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICHRFX01 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICHRFX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICHRFX01 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICHRFX01 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICHRFX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICHRFX01 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICHRFX01 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICHRFX01 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICHRFX01 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICHRFX01 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICHRFX01 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICHRFX01 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for ICHRFX01 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This is the RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH postprocessing exit.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICHRFX02|ICHRFX02( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICHRFX02 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICHRFX02 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICHRFX02 | Specifies that the ICHRFX02 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICHRFX02 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICHRFX02 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICHRFX02 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICHRFX02 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICHRFX02 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICHRFX02 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICHRFX02 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICHRFX02 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICHRFX02 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICHRFX02 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICHRFX02 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICHRFX02 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICHRFX02 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for ICHRFX02 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This is the RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY preprocessing exit.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICHRIX01|ICHRIX01( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICHRIX01 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICHRIX01 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICHRIX01 | Specifies that the ICHRIX01 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICHRIX01 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICHRIX01 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICHRIX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICHRIX01 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICHRIX01 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICHRIX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICHRIX01 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICHRIX01 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICHRIX01 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICHRIX01 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICHRIX01 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICHRIX01 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICHRIX01 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for ICHRIX01 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This is the RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY postprocessing exit.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICHRIX02|ICHRIX02( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICHRIX02 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICHRIX02 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICHRIX02 | Specifies that the ICHRIX02 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICHRIX02 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICHRIX02 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICHRIX02 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICHRIX02 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICHRIX02 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICHRIX02 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICHRIX02 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICHRIX02 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICHRIX02 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICHRIX02 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICHRIX02 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICHRIX02 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICHRIX02 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for ICHRIX02 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This is the RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST pre- and postprocessint exit.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICHRLX01|ICHRLX01( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICHRLX01 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICHRLX01 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICHRLX01 | Specifies that the ICHRLX01 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICHRLX01 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICHRLX01 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICHRLX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICHRLX01 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICHRLX01 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICHRLX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICHRLX01 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICHRLX01 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICHRLX01 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICHRLX01 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICHRLX01 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICHRLX01 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICHRLX01 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for ICHRLX01 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This is the RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST selection exit.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICHRLX02|ICHRLX02( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICHRLX02 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICHRLX02 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICHRLX02 | Specifies that the ICHRLX02 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICHRLX02 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICHRLX02 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICHRLX02 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICHRLX02 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICHRLX02 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICHRLX02 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICHRLX02 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICHRLX02 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICHRLX02 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICHRLX02 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICHRLX02 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICHRLX02 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICHRLX02 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for ICHRLX02 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This is an ACEE Compression/Expansion exit for task mode, non-cross-memory environments.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIRRACX01|IRRACX01( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IRRACX01 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IRRACX01 modules.
| ||||||||||
IRRACX01 | Specifies that the IRRACX01 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIRRACX01 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IRRACX01 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IRRACX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IRRACX01 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IRRACX01 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IRRACX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IRRACX01 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IRRACX01 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IRRACX01 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IRRACX01 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IRRACX01 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IRRACX01 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IRRACX01 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for IRRACX01 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This is an ACEE Compression/Expansion exit for cross-memory environments and SRB mode.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIRRACX02|IRRACX02( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IRRACX02 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IRRACX02 modules.
| ||||||||||
IRRACX02 | Specifies that the IRRACX02 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIRRACX02 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IRRACX02 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IRRACX02 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IRRACX02 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IRRACX02 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IRRACX02 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IRRACX02 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IRRACX02 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IRRACX02 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IRRACX02 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IRRACX02 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IRRACX02 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IRRACX02 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for IRRACX02 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This is the RACF Common Command Exit.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL RACF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3}} )} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIRREVX01|IRREVX01( - /* */ - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any RACF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for RACF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IRREVX01 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IRREVX01 modules.
| ||||||||||
IRREVX01 | Specifies that the IRREVX01 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIRREVX01 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IRREVX01 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IRREVX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IRREVX01 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IRREVX01 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IRREVX01 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IRREVX01 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IRREVX01 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IRREVX01 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IRREVX01 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IRREVX01 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IRREVX01 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IRREVX01 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a RACF user exit for IRREVX01 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This subcommand sets which SAF exits will be active, loads the specified user exit modules, loads the specified backup user exit modules, specifies the TSO USERID to be notified if a corresponding user exit module abends, sets additional user exit return code and sets LIMIT checking for the corresponding exit modules.
This is the MVS Router Exit.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL SAF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICHRTX00|ICHRTX00( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any SAF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for SAF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICHRTX00 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICHRTX00 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICHRTX00 | Specifies that the ICHRTX00 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICHRTX00 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICHRTX00 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICHRTX00 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICHRTX00 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICHRTX00 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICHRTX00 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICHRTX00 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICHRTX00 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICHRTX00 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICHRTX00 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICHRTX00 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICHRTX00 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICHRTX00 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a SAF user exit for ICHRTX00 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This exit is the SAF Callable Services Router exit.
OS/EM provides only basic exit support for this exit.
OS$CNTL SAF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIRRSXT00|IRRSXT00( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any SAF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for SAF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IRRSXT00 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IRRSXT00 modules.
| ||||||||||
IRRSXT00 | Specifies that the IRRSXT00 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIRRSXT00 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IRRSXT00 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IRRSXT00 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IRRSXT00 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IRRSXT00 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IRRSXT00 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IRRSXT00 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IRRSXT00 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IRRSXT00 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IRRSXT00 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IRRSXT00 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IRRSXT00 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IRRSXT00 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a SAF user exit for IRRSXT00 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This subcommand sets which SMF exits will be active, loads the specified user exit modules, loads the specified backup user exit modules, specifies the TSO USERID to be notified if a corresponding user exit module abends, sets additional user exit return code, sets LIMIT checking for the corresponding exit modules, and specifies the SMF record number used to write audit records.
The optional OS/EM control functions can:
It is recommended that you use program names other than IBM names for user exits.
The RECORD function allows you to specify the SMF Record number which OS/EM will use to write Audit Records. These records contain the input and output of the OS$CNTL command.
Specify the record number to be used by replacing the 'nnn' in the example above.
See Appendix E, "SMF Record Format" for the format of the SMF record. See member SMFPRINT in the OS/EM SAMPLIB for a job to print these SMF records.
Note: If you have specified the record number in your definition of the OS/EM subsystem statement, be sure you specify the same number here.
The termination exit (IEFACTRT) receives control on the normal or abnormal termination of each job step and job. A return code from this exit indicates whether the system is to continue the job (for job steps only) and whether SMF termination records are to be written to the SMF data set.
OS/EM supplies optional control functions for this exit:
OS$CNTL SMF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFACTRT|IEFACTRT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPTions|OPTions( - {NOABENDNotify|ABENDNotify(id)} - {FIRSt|LAst} - {TRace|NOTRace} - {NOLogoffdisplay|Logoffdisplay - {(NODelay|Delay(sec))} } - {NOSTEPNotify|STEPNotify - {(NOMincc|Mincc(nnnn))}} - {NOABENDMSG|ABENDMSG( - {TSO|TSU}|{STC} - {jobclass{:jobclass},...)} - {NOCANcelwtor|CANcelwtor( - {TSO|TSU} {STC} - {jobclass{:jobclass},...)} - {NOFIRM|FIRM( - 'LINE 1' {'LINE 2' {'LINE 3'}} )} - {NOSTAts|STats( /* SETS BOTH JOB & STEP */ - {TSO|TSU} {STC} - {jobclass{:jobclass},...)} - {NOWTo|WTo( /* SETS BOTH JOB & STEP */ - {TSO|TSU} {STC} - {jobclass{:jobclass},...)} - {NOSTEPENDStats|STEPENDStats( - {TSO|TSU} {STC} - {jobclass{:jobclass},...)} - {NOSTEPENDWto|STEPENDWto( - {TSO|TSU} {STC} - {jobclass{:jobclass},...)} - {NOEXTendstepwto|EXTendstepwto} - {NOJOBENDStats|JOBENDStats( - {TSO|TSU} {STC} - {jobclass{:jobclass},...)} - {NOJOBENDWto|JOBENDWto( - {TSO|TSU} {STC} - {jobclass{:jobclass},...)} - {NOCOndcodetext|COndcodetext(xxxxxxxx)} - {NOESTimatedcost|ESTimatedcost( - {NOMINimumcost|MINimumcost(99999.99)} - {NOFIXedcost|FIXedcost(99999.99)} - {NOTCBservice|TCBservice(.9999999)} - {NOSRBservice|SRBservice(.9999999)} - {NOIOService|IOService(.9999999)} - {NOMSOservice|MSOservice(.9999999)} - {NOTCBCputime|TCBCputime(99.99999)} - {NOSRBCputime|SRBCputime(99.99999)} - {NONORmalization|NORmalization(999.9999)} - {NOCONnecttime|CONnecttime(99.99999)} - {NOSPEcificmounts|SPEcificmounts(99.99999)} - {NONONSPEcificmounts|NONspecificmounts(99.99999)} - {NODASdcount|DASdcount(99.99999)} - {NOTAPecount|TAPecount(99.99999)} - {NOVIOcount|VIOcount(99.99999)} )} - {NOESTimatedcost99|ESTimatedcost99( - {NOMINimumcost|MINimumcost(99999.99)} - {NOFIXedcost|FIXedcost(99999.99)} - {NOTCBservice|TCBservice(.9999999)} - {NOSRBservice|SRBservice(.9999999)} - {NOIOService|IOService(.9999999)} - {NOMSOservice|MSOservice(.9999999)} - {NOTCBCputime|TCBCputime(99.99999)} - {NOSRBCputime|SRBCputime(99.99999)} - {NONORmalization|NORmalization(999.9999)} - {NOCONnecttime|CONnecttime(99.99999)} - {NOSPEcificmounts|SPEcificmounts(99.99999)} - {NONONSPEcificmounts|NONspecificmounts(99.99999)} - {NODASdcount|DASdcount(99.99999)} - {NOTAPecount|TAPecount(99.99999)} - {NOVIOcount|VIOcount(99.99999)} )} )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any SMF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for SMF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFACTRT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFACTRT modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFACTRT | Specifies that the IEFACTRT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFACTRT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFACTRT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFACTRT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFACTRT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFACTRT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFACTRT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFACTRT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFACTRT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFACTRT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFACTRT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFACTRT to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFACTRT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFACTRT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a SMF user exit for IEFACTRT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for IEFACTRT | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for IEFACTRT. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for IEFACTRT will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||
NOTRACE | Disables GTF trace records (This is the default) | ||||||
LOGOFFDISPLAY | Specifies whether TSO session statistics will be displayed on the TSO users terminal during logoff. | ||||||
NOLOGOFFDISPLAY | Specifying no disables the LOGOFFDISPLAY option.
| ||||||
STEPNOTIFY | Specifies whether notification messages will be sent to the user ID on the JOBCARD NOTIFY statement for steps ending with a non-zero return code. | ||||||
NOSTEPNOTIFY | Specifies that messages will not be sent.
| ||||||
| ||||||
NOABENDMSG | Specifies whether a non-scrollable message will be written to the console if a job step abends. If the message is non-scrollable, the operator has to specifically delete the message from the console screen, thus assuring that the operator sees the abend message.
| ||||||
| ||||||
NOCANCELWTOR | Specifies whether the operator will be queried for a cancellation reason if the job is canceled (122 and 222 system abends).
| ||||||
| ||||||
NOFIRM | Specifies whether a title will be placed in the step ending statistics box. | ||||||
title1 |
| ||||||
title2 |
| ||||||
title3 | These are the titles which will be placed in the step ending statistics box. You are allowed up to three title lines; each one of which must be enclosed in single (') quotes (or apostrophe). The maximum length of each line is 40 characters. | ||||||
| ||||||
NOSTATS | Specifies whether both Job and step ending statistics will be printed when each Job step and the Job.
| ||||||
| ||||||
NOWTO | Specifies whether the return code from each completed job step and the highest return code for the Job will be placed in the JES message log.
| ||||||
| ||||||
NOSTEPENDSTATS | Specifies whether step ending statistics will be printed when each job step finishes.
| ||||||
| ||||||
NOSTEPENDWTO | Specifies whether the return code from each completed job step will be placed in the JES2 message log.
Note: If TSU/TSO and/or STC classses are entered, the operating system may additionally issue an IEF170I message at execution time for these tasks. This message may be ignored and added to your MPF PARMLIB member or automated operations product for suppression. | ||||||
| ||||||
NOEXTENDSTEPWTO | Specifies whether the extended STEPENDWTO message OS$ACT248 will replace message OS$ACT097. The extended message contains the CPU time and I/O counts. | ||||||
| ||||||
NOJOBENDSTATS | Specifies whether step ending statistics will be printed when each job step finishes.
| ||||||
| ||||||
NOJOBENDWTO | Specifies whether the highest return code from a Job step will be placed in the JES message log.
Note: If TSU/TSO and/or STC classses are entered, the operating system may additionally issue an IEF170I message at execution time for these tasks. This message may be ignored and added to your MPF PARMLIB member or automated operations product for suppression. | ||||||
| ||||||
NOCONDCODETEXT | Specifies up to 8 characters to be printed for the condition code when the step is flushed. | ||||||
ESTIMATEDCOST | Specifies values for estimated cost function defaults. | ||||||
NOESTIMATEDCOST | No default values for the estimated cost function will be used. | ||||||
MINIMUMCOST | A value of the form 99999.99. If specified, it will be used as the cost of a job when the calculated cost is lower. | ||||||
NOMINIMUMCOST | Specifies that no minimum cost value will be used. Only the calculated cost will be displayed. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
FIXEDCOST | A value of the form 99999.99. If specified, it will be added to the value calculated for a job. | ||||||
NOFIXEDCOST | Specifies that no fixed cost value will be used. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
TCBSERVICE | A rate value of the form .9999999 specifying the cost of a TCB service unit. The number of TCB service units in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30CSU, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOTCBSERVICE | Specifies that no TCB service units will be used in calculating the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
SRBSERVICE | A rate value of the form .9999999 specifying the cost of a SRB service unit. The number of SRB service units in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30SRB, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOSRBSERVICE | Specifies that no SRB service units will be used in calculating the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
IOSERVICE | A value of the form .9999999 specifying the cost of an I/O service unit. The number of I/O service units in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30IO, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOIOSERVICE | Specifies that no I/O service units will be used in calculating the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
MSOSERVICE | A value of the form .9999999 specifying the cost of an MSO service unit. The number of MSO service units in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30MSO, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOMSOSERVICE | Specifies that no MSO service units will be used in calculating the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
TCBCPUTIME | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a TCB CPU second. The number of TCB CPU seconds in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30CPT, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. If a normalization factor is specified, the cost calculated will be multiplied by the factor. | ||||||
NOTCBCPUTIME | Specifies that no TCB CPU seconds will be used in calculating the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
SRBCPUTIME | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a SRB CPU second. The number of SRB CPU seconds in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30CPS, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. If a normalization factor is specified, the cost calculated will be multiplied by the factor. | ||||||
NOSRBCPUTIME | Specifies that no SRB CPU seconds will be used in calculating the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
NORMALIZATION | A multiplier factor of the form 999.9999 that may be used to normalize processor speeds. When specified it is applied only to costs based on TCB and SRB CPU time usage to account for differences in processor speeds. | ||||||
NONORMALIZATION | Specifies that normalization will not be applied to CPU times. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
CONNECTTIME | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a Device Connect Time second. The number of Device Connect Time seconds in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30TCN, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOCONNECTTIME | Specifies that device connect time will not be used to calculate the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
SPECIFICMOUNTS | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a specific tape mount. The number of specific tape mounts contained in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30TPR, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOSPECIFICMOUNTS | Specifies that specific tape mounts will not be used to calculate the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
NONSPECIFICMOUNTS | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a non-specific tape mount. The number of non-specific tape mounts contained in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30PTM, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NONONSPECIFICMOUNTS | Specifies that non specific tape mounts will not be used to calculate the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
DASDCOUNT | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a disk I/O. The number of disk I/Os contained in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30BLK (when the SMF30DEV field indicates DASD), is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NODASDCOUNT | Specifies that DASD I/Os will not be used to calculate the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
TAPECOUNT | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a tape I/O. The number of tape I/Os contained in the SMF type record field, SMF30BLK (when the SMF30DEV field indicates tape), is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOTAPECOUNT | Specifies that TAPE I/Os will not be used to calculate the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
VIOCOUNT | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a virtual I/O. The number of virtual I/Os contained in the SMF 30 record type field, SMF30BLK (when the SMF30DEV field indicates VIO), is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOVIOCOUNT | Specifies that VIO I/Os will not be used to calculate the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
ESTIMATEDCOST99 | Specifies values for estimated cost groups 1 to 16. The SYSTEMID field is required for these 16 groups. | ||||||
NOESTIMATEDCOST99 | The specified group (1 to 16) will not be used. | ||||||
SYSTEMID | The SMFID of the system where these rates will be used to calculate the estimated cost of jobs. | ||||||
MINIMUMCOST | A value of the form 99999.99. If specified, it will be used as the cost of a job when the calculated cost is lower. | ||||||
NOMINIMUMCOST | Specifies that no minimum cost value will be used. Only the calculated cost will be displayed. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
FIXEDCOST | A value of the form 99999.99. If specified, it will be added to the value calculated for a job. | ||||||
NOFIXEDCOST | Specifies that no fixed cost value will be used. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
TCBSERVICE | A rate value of the form .9999999 specifying the cost of a TCB service unit. The number of TCB service units in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30CSU, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOTCBSERVICE | Specifies that no TCB service units will be used in calculating the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
SRBSERVICE | A rate value of the form .9999999 specifying the cost of a SRB service unit. The number of SRB service units in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30SRB, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOSRBSERVICE | Specifies that no SRB service units will be used in calculating the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
IOSERVICE | A value of the form .9999999 specifying the cost of an I/O service unit. The number of I/O service units in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30IO, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOIOSERVICE | Specifies that no I/O service units will be used in calculating the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
MSOSERVICE | A value of the form .9999999 specifying the cost of an MSO service unit. The number of MSO service units in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30MSO, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOMSOSERVICE | Specifies that no MSO service units will be used in calculating the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
TCBCPUTIME | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a TCB CPU second. The number of TCB CPU seconds in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30CPT, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. If a normalization factor is specified, the cost calculated will be multiplied by the factor. | ||||||
NOTCBCPUTIME | Specifies that no TCB CPU seconds will be used in calculating the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
SRBCPUTIME | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a SRB CPU second. The number of SRB CPU seconds in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30CPS, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. If a normalization factor is specified, the cost calculated will be multiplied by the factor. | ||||||
NOSRBCPUTIME | Specifies that no SRB CPU seconds will be used in calculating the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
NORMALIZATION | A multiplier factor of the form 999.9999 that may be used to normalize processor speeds. When specified it is applied only to costs based on TCB and SRB CPU time usage to account for differences in processor speeds. | ||||||
NONORMALIZATION | Specifies that normalization will not be applied to CPU times. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
CONNECTTIME | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a Device Connect Time second. The number of Device Connect Time seconds in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30TCN, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOCONNECTTIME | Specifies that device connect time will not be used to calculate the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
SPECIFICMOUNTS | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a specific tape mount. The number of specific tape mounts contained in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30TPR, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOSPECIFICMOUNTS | Specifies that specific tape mounts will not be used to calculate the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
NONSPECIFICMOUNTS | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a non-specific tape mount. The number of non-specific tape mounts contained in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30PTM, is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NONONSPECIFICMOUNTS | Specifies that non specific tape mounts will not be used to calculate the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
DASDCOUNT | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a disk I/O. The number of disk I/Os contained in the SMF type 30 record field, SMF30BLK (when the SMF30DEV field indicates DASD), is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NODASDCOUNT | Specifies that DASD I/Os will not be used to calculate the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
TAPECOUNT | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a tape I/O. The number of tape I/Os contained in the SMF type record field, SMF30BLK (when the SMF30DEV field indicates tape), is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOTAPECOUNT | Specifies that TAPE I/Os will not be used to calculate the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. | ||||||
VIOCOUNT | A value of the form 99.99999 specifying the cost of a virtual I/O. The number of virtual I/Os contained in the SMF 30 record type field, SMF30BLK (when the SMF30DEV field indicates VIO), is multiplied by this rate to obtain the cost. | ||||||
NOVIOCOUNT | Specifies that VIO I/Os will not be used to calculate the cost of this step/job. Same as specifying a value of zero. |
The following command will activate the optional OS/EM functions for IEFACTRT:
All optional functions are activated.
The user account validation exit (IEFUAV) receives control during the set-up and execution of APPC/MVS transaction programs (TPs), whose profiles specify TAILOR_ACCOUNT(YES). IEFUAV is used to validate the accounting information of TP users. A return code from this exit routine indicates whether processing for the unit of work should continue or be cancelled.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL SMF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFUAV|IEFUAV( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any SMF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for SMF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFUAV exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFUAV modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFUAV | Specifies that the IEFUAV exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFUAV | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFUAV exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFUAV user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFUAV user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFUAV user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFUAV user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFUAV user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFUAV exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFUAV exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFUAV exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFUAV to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFUAV user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFUAV user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a SMF user exit for IEFUAV set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The job initiation exit (IEFUJI) receives control before a job on the input queue is selected for initiation. A return code from this exit indicates whether the system is to continue processing the job.
OS/EM supplies optional control functions for this exit:
OS$CNTL SMF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFUJI|IEFUJI( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPTions|OPTions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(id)} - {FIRST|LAST} - {TRace|NOTRace} - {NOJOBClasscheck| - JOBClasscheck(LOG|NOLOG)} - {NOJOBNamecheck|JOBNamecheck( - NOCLASS?|CLASS?( - Include(jobmask,...) - AND|OR - Exclude(jobmask,...) ) ...)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any SMF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for SMF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFUJI exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFUJI modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFUJI | Specifies that the IEFUJI exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFUJI | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFUJI exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFUJI user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFUJI user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFUJI user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFUJI user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFUJI user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFUJI exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFUJI exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFUJI exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFUJI to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFUJI user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFUJI user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a SMF user exit for IEFUJI set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for IEFUJI | ||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for IEFUJI. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for IEFUJI will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||||||||||||
NOTRACE | |||||||||||||||||
JOBCLASSCHECK | Checks that the user is authorized to submit a job in the class used. For RACF and CA-ACF2, this check is done using the classname "FACILITY" and resource name "JOBCLASS.x" (where x is the desired class); therefore, each named jobclass must be properly defined. If the JOBCLASS is not properly defined, the submission will be allowed. For CA-TOPSECRET, this check is done using the classname IBMFAC or DATASET. The resource name is the same as above.
| ||||||||||||||||
NOJOBCLASSCHECK | |||||||||||||||||
JOBNAMECHECK | Specifies that checking of Jobnames by Job Class is requested. | ||||||||||||||||
NOJOBNAMECHECK | Specifies that checking of Jobnames by Job Class is not requested.
The job purge exit (IEFUJP) receives control when a job is ready to be purged from the system (after the job has terminated and all SYSOUT output that pertains to the job has been written). A return code from this exit indicates whether the SMF job purge record (type 26) is to be written to the SMF data set.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL SMF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFUJP|IEFUJP( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any SMF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for SMF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFUJP exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFUJP modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFUJP | Specifies that the IEFUJP exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFUJP | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFUJP exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFUJP user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFUJP user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFUJP user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFUJP user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFUJP user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFUJP exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFUJP exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFUJP exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFUJP to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFUJP user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFUJP user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a SMF user exit for IEFUJP set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The job validation exit (IEFUJV) receives control before each job control statement (or cataloged procedure) in the input stream is interpreted. This exit receives control after all the JCL is converted and again after all the JCL is interpreted. IEFUJV is not invoked for JCL comment statements. A return code from this exit indicates whether the system is to continue processing the job.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL SMF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFUJV|IEFUJV( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any SMF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for SMF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFUJV exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFUJV modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFUJV | Specifies that the IEFUJV exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFUJV | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFUJV exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFUJV user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFUJV user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFUJV user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFUJV user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFUJV user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFUJV exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFUJV exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFUJV exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFUJV to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFUJV user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFUJV user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a SMF user exit for IEFUJV set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The step initiation exit (IEFUSI) receives control before each job step is started (before allocation). A return code from this exit indicates whether the system is to continue processing the job step, or whether the job is to be cancelled.
OS/EM supplies an optional Virtual Storage Control function. This function allows you to control by job class, job name or program name, the amount of virtual storage a job may use.
OS/EM also provides the ability to delete files without issuing a
DFSMSHSM RECALL when the program name is IEFBR14 and the files coded
have a retention setting of DELETE.
OS$CNTL SMF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFUSI|IEFUSI( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPTions|OPTions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(id)} - {FIRST|LAST} - {TRace|NOTRace} - {NOQuickdelete|Quickdelete} - {NOREGIONOVerride|REGIONOVerride} - {NOWEight|WEight( - {PRogram(n)} - {JOBCLass(n)} - {JOBNAme(n)} )} - {NOREgion|REgion( - regionbelow|*|0 {regionabove|*|0 - {limitbelow|*|0 {limitabove|*|0 - {dflthspsz|*|0 {totalhspsz|*|0 - {totalhsps|*|0 - {memlimit|*|0 }}}}}} )} - {NOREgion1|REgion1( - regionbelow|*|0 {regionabove|*|0 - {limitbelow|*|0 {limitabove|*|0 - {dflthspsz|*|0 {totalhspsz|*|0 - {totalhsps|*|0 - {memlimit|*|0 }}}}}} )} - {NOJOBCLass|JOBCLass( - INClude(jobclass{:jobclass} ...)| - EXClude(jobclass{:jobclass} ...) ) } - {NOJOBNAme|JOBNAme( - INClude(name ...)|EXClude(name ...) ) } - {NOPGMName|PGMName( - INClude(name ...)|EXClude(name ...) ) } - - ... - - {NOREgion32|REgion32( - regionbelow|*|0 {regionabove|*|0 - {limitbelow|*|0 {limitabove|*|0 - {dflthspsz|*|0 {totalhspsz|*|0 - {totalhsps|*|0 - {memlimit|*|0 }}}}}} )} - {NOJOBCLass|JOBCLass( - INClude(jobclass{:jobclass} ...)| - EXClude(jobclass{:jobclass} ...) ) } - {NOJOBNAme|JOBNAme( - INClude(name ...)|EXClude(name ...) ) } - {NOPGMName|PGMName( - INClude(name ...)|EXClude(name ...) ) } - )} )} )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any SMF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for SMF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFUSI exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFUSI modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFUSI | Specifies that the IEFUSI exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFUSI | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFUSI exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFUSI user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFUSI user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFUSI user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFUSI user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFUSI user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFUSI exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFUSI exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFUSI exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFUSI to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFUSI user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFUSI user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a SMF user exit for IEFUSI set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for IEFUSI | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for IEFUSI. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for IEFUSI will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOTRACE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
QUICKDELETE | Specifies that any files coded with a retention setting of DELETE and the program name is IEFBR14 will be deleted by OS/EM. No RECALL will be performed. Instead a HDELETE will be generated. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOQUICKDELETE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REGIONOVERRIDE | Specifies that if a qualifying job requests less than the amount allowed by the OS$USI controls, the jobs request will be increased. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOREGIONOVERRIDE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WEIGHT | Specifies which type of include/exclude list will be given the most weight when determining which extension list group to use.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REGION | Specifies the default values used for storage utilization control. The values on the REGION statement are used if none of the REGION1 through REGION32 definitions apply. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOREGION | Specifying NOREGION nullifies this option. If REGION is not specified but any of the REGION1 through REGION32 parameters are specified, the defaults will be those of your MVS system.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REGION1-32 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOREGION1-32 | Allows the creation of up to 32 control definitions based on a list of jobclasses, jobnames, or program names. Specifying NOREGION1-NOREGION32 nullifies the named option.
The following example shows the activation of IEFUSI with a user exit, USREXIT, specified. It also shows the establishment of the storage allocation rules which will be used. How those rules are interpreted are explained after the example.
OS$CNTL SMF IEFUSI(EXITS(USREXIT) - OPTIONS(FIRST - WEIGHT(PROGRAM(3) JOBNAME(2) JOBCLASS(1)) - REGION(4096 4096 1024 1024 0 0 0 2G) - REGION1(3092 3092 2048 0 JOBCLASS(INC(A X))) - REGION4(3092 0 2048 2048 300 10 75 JOBNAME(INC(BISP040))) - REGION10(8192 40960 8704 45960 200 40 10 1T - PGMNAME(INC(COBOL))))
This sample command illustrates the manner in which the IEFUSI control definitions are applied. It also illustrates how the definitions are merged to create the final control definition for a specific program, job, or job class.
Note: Optional OS/EM processing is applied before giving control to the user exit USREXIT since FIRST is specified. This parameter could have been omitted since FIRST is the default.
The final control definition is built in the following manner:
If PGMNAME is COBOL, the program will be given a 8192K region below the line, a 40960K region above the line and it will be able to GETMAIN 8704K below the line and 45960K above the line. The amount of storage available to the program below the line is determined in the following steps.
If the JOBNAME is BISP040, then the job will be given a 3092K region below the line and will be able to GETMAIN 2048K below and above the line. The amount of storage available to job BISP040 is determined in the following steps. Default Hiperspace is 300 4K blocks, a total of 10 megabytes of hiperspace is allowed for this Job, and maximum of 75 dataspaces and/or hiperspaces can be created by this Job.
If job BISP040 contains program COBOL, then COBOL will be given 3092K below the line and its control definition will be complete. If job BISP040 does not contain program COBOL, then the amount of storage it will be given above the line is yet to be determined.
If the JOBCLASS is either A or X, then any jobs running in these two classes will be given a 3092K region below and above the line; and will be able to GETMAIN 2048K below the line. The amount of storage available for GETMAIN above the line will come from the, default, REGION parameter; in this case, 1024K will be given for GETMAIN purposes above the line. If the default REGION parameter had not been entered, then the MVS default would apply.
If job BISP040 is run in either classes A or X, then its control definition is complete. Job BISP040 will be given 3092K above the line. If job BISP040 is run in any other class, the default REGION parameter applies, and job BISO040 would be given 4096K above the line. Again, if the REGION parameter had not been coded, the MVS default would apply. If program COBOL is in some job other than BISP040, but is run in a job in either job class A or X, its definition is complete and it will be given 3092K below the line. If COBOL is not run in either job class A or X, it will be given 4096K below the line since this is the value on the REGION parameter. The MVS default would apply if the REGION parameter had not been coded.
All other programs, jobs, and job classes will use the values coded with the REGION keyword. They will be given a 4096K region below and above the line, and will be able to GETMAIN 1024K below and above the line. If the REGION keyword had not been coded, the standard MVS defaults for these values would apply.
The following table may help in visualizing how the control definition is built:
For each of the four categories - PGMNAME, JOBNAME, JOBCLASS, OTHERS
- an * in the rb (region below), ra (region above), lb (limit below),
and la (limit above) columns represents a possible completion of the
control definition for storage control. As the table shows, the PGMNAME
control definition can be completed from more entered definitions than
JOBNAME, JOBNAME from more than JOBCLASS, and JOBCLASS from more than
| rb | ra | lb | la | rb | ra | lb | la | rb | ra | lb | la | rb | ra | lb | la | |
REGION | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | |
REGIONn w/JOBCLASS | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * |
| |
REGIONn w/JOBNAME | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * |
| |
REGIONn w/PGMNAME | * | * | * | * |
Optional OS/EM processing is applied based on the weights specified. If you do not enter the WEIGHTS parameter, then the following order is used:
For example, if COBOL were a program name in the REGION4 parameter and in the REGION9 parameter, whatever values coded in the REGION4 parameter would be the ones used.
Note: Each of the REGION1 through REGION32 keywords is used for either jobclasses, job names, or program names.
Note: While not entirely clear from the above example, it is not necessary that a user exit be specified to obtain use of the OS/EM control function. The two specifications are independent.
The command would be entered as follows if only the OS/EM optional function were being activated:
OS$CNTL SMF IEFUSI - OPTIONS(FIRST - WEIGHT(PROGRAM(3) JOBNAME(2) JOBCLASS(1)) - REGION(4096 4096 1024 1024) - REGION1(3092 3092 2048 0(JOBCLASS(A X)) - REGION4(3092 0 2048 2048(JOBNAME(BISP040)) - REGION10(0 1024 2048 1024(PGMNAME(COBOL)))
The SYSOUT limit exit (IEFUSO) receives control when the number of records written to an output data set exceeds the output limit for that data set. A return code from this exit indicates whether the system is to continue processing the job with a new output limit.
OS/EM provides the Sysout Extension Control function for this exit.
The Sysout Extension Control function of OS/EM allows you to give
extensions to jobs which go over the system line limit. The control can
be by jobname, program name, job class or sysout class. It may also be
controled by RACF resource.
OS$CNTL SMF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFUSO|IEFUSO( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPTions|OPTions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(id)} - {FIRST|LAST} - {TRace|NOTRace} - {NOWEight|WEight( - {SYsout(n)} - {PRogram(n)} - {JOBNAme(n)} - {JOBCLass(n)} )} - {NOEXTension|EXTension( - {lines} - {NOWTO|WTO} - {NOWTOR|WTOR(nn)} )} - Extensions 1 thru 32 {NOEXTENSION__|EXTENSION__( - {lines} - {NOWTO|WTO} - {NOWTOR|WTOR(nn)} - {NOSYsout|SYsout( - INClude(class,...)|EXClude(class,...))} - {NOJOBCLass|JOBCLass( - INClude(jobcls,...)|EXClude(jobcls,...))}- {NOJOBNAme|JOBNAme( - INClude(jobnme,...)|EXClude(jobnme,...))}- {NOPRogram|PRogram( - INClude(pgmnme,...)|EXClude(pgmnme,...))}- RACF Entry {NORACF|RACF( - {lines} - {NOWTO|WTO} - {NOWTOR|WTOR(nn)} - RESource(resource) ) }
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any SMF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for SMF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFUSO exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFUSO modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFUSO | Specifies that the IEFUSO exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFUSO | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFUSO exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFUSO user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFUSO user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFUSO user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFUSO user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFUSO user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFUSO exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFUSO exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFUSO exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFUSO to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFUSO user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFUSO user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a SMF user exit for IEFUSO set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for IEFUSO | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for IEFUSO. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for IEFUSO will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOTRACE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WEIGHT | Specifies which type of include/exclude list will be given the most weight when determining which extension list group to use.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EXTENSION | Specify the default options to use if no extension list group matches the current job. Avoid S722 abends. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOEXTENSION | Nullifies the default options.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOEXTENSION1-32 | Allows the creation of up to 32 control definitions (selection groups) based on a list of sysout classes, program names, jobnames or job classes. Specifying NOEXTENSION1-NOEXTENSION32 nullifies the named option.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RACF | A RACF resource may be specified which controls sysout extensions. This resource is only checked if no other matching entries are found. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NORACF | Entering NORACF nullifies this option.
The time limit exit (IEFUTL) receives control when one of the following time limits expires:
A return code from this exit indicates whether the system is to continue processing the job step with a new time limit.
OS/EM provides support to set execution time by job class, extend execution time at both the job and step level, and to extend wait time for batch jobs, TSO users and/or terminals.
For both step and job cpu time, you may specify individual job classes or all classes to be given the default time extension. You can specify time extension by class which is different than the default time. You may also request OS/EM issue a WTO every time an extension is given.
To ensure that a job is not overlooked while extensions are being given, a WTOR is issued every 1 to 99 times an extension is granted.
Wait time extensions may be granted by job class, and for TSO
activity, by user ID, terminal ID and active hours by day of week.
OS$CNTL SMF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFUTL|IEFUTL( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPTions|OPTions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(id)} - {FIrst|LAst} - {TRace|NOTRace} - {NOWEight|WEight( - {DAy(N)} - {PRogram(N)} - {TErminal(N)} - {JOBClass(N)} - {JOBName(N)} )} - {NOEXTENSION|EXTENSION( - {NOWAit|WAit({MINS} {NOWTO|WTO} )} - {NOTSOdisc|TSOdisc({MINS} {nowto|wto} )} - {NOJObcpu|JObcpu({SECS} {NOWTO|WTO} - {NOWTOR|WTOR{(NN)}} )} - {NOSTepcpu|STepcpu({SECS} {NOWTO|WTO} - {NOWTOR|WTOR{(NN)}} )} - Extensions 1 thru 32 {NOEXTENSION__|EXTENSION__( - {NOWAit|WAit({MINS} {NOWTO|WTO} )} - {NOTSOdisc|TSOdisc({MINS} {NOWTO|WTO} )} - {NOJObcpu|JObcpu({SECS} {NOWTO|WTO} - {NOWTOR|WTOR{(NN)}} )} - {NOSTepcpu|STepcpu({SECS} {NOWTO|WTO} - {NOWTOR|WTOR{(NN)}} )} - {NOJOBClass|JOBClass( - INC(jobclass,...) | EXC(jobclass,...) )} - {NOJOBName|JOBName( - INC(jobname,...) | EXC(jobname,...) )} - {NOTErminal|TErminal( - INC(term,...) | EXC(term,...) )} - {NOPRogram|PRogram( - INC(pgmname,...) | EXC(pgmname,...) )} - {NODAys|DAys(0|*|NNNN:NNNN,...)} - {NORACFWAit|RACFWAit( - {NOWAIT|WAIT{(MINS} {NOWTO|WTO} )} - RESOURCE(waitresource {LOG|NOLOG}) )} - {NORACFJObcpu|RACFJObcpu( - {NOJObcpu|JObcpu({SECS} {NOWTO|WTO} - {NOWTOR|WTOR{(NN)}} )} - RESOURCE(jobresource {LOG|NOLOG}) )} - {NORACFSTepcpu|RACFSTepcpu( - {NOSTepcpu|STepcpu({SECS} {NOWTO|WTO} - {NOWTOR|WTOR{(NN)}} )} - RESOURCE(stepresource {LOG|NOLOG}) )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any SMF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for SMF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFUTL exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFUTL modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFUTL | Specifies that the IEFUTL exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFUTL | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFUTL exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFUTL user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFUTL user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFUTL user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFUTL user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFUTL user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFUTL exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFUTL exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFUTL exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFUTL to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFUTL user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFUTL user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a SMF user exit for IEFUTL set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for IEFUTL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for IEFUTL. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for IEFUTL will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOTRACE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WEIGHT | Specifies which type of include/exclude list will be given the most weight when determining which extension list group to use.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EXTENSION | Specify the default options to use if no extension list group matches the current job.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOEXTENSION1-32 | Allows the creation of up to 32 control definitions (selection groups) based on a list of jobnames, jobclasses, terminal ID's, program names and time of day by day of week. Specifying NOEXTENSION1-NOEXTENSION32 nullifies the named option.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RACFWAIT | Specifies extensions for SMF wait time will be performed and control will be via the listed RACF resource. This check is not performed if the job/terminal being checked matches any of the previously defined controls. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NORACFWAIT | Specifying NORACFWAIT nullifies this option.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RACFJOBCPU | Specifies extensions for Job CPU time will be granted and controlled via the listed RACF resource. This check is not performed if the job being checked matches any of the previously defined controls. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NORACFJOBCPU | Specifying NORACFJOBCPU nullifies this option.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RACFSTEPCPU | Specifies that extensions for step CPU time will be granted and controlled via the listed RACF resource. This check is not performed if the job being checked matches any of the previously defined controls. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NORACFSTEPCPU | Specifying NORACFSTEPCPU nullifies this option.
The following example shows the activation of IEFUTL with a user exit, USREXIT, specified. It shows extending SMF wait time (i.e Tape Mount Time) for all jobclasses. It also shows extension of SMF wait time for TSO users whose ID starts with a SP, on the days Monday through Friday times 8 am to 7:30 pm. The extension provided is 15 minutes. After 7:30 pm when the next SMF wait time interval expires, the TSO ID will be cancelled by the system. The extension is valid for 24 hours both Saturday and Sunday.
OS$CNTL SMF IEFUTL(EXITS(USREXIT) + OPTIONS ( FIRST + EXTENSION1 ( + WAIT ( 15 ) + JOBCLASS ( INC ( A:9 ) ) + ) + EXTENSION2 ( + WAIT ( 15 ) + JOBNAME ( INC ( SP- ) ) + DAYS ( + 0800:1930 + 0800:1930 + 0800:1930 + 0800:1930 + 0800:1930 + 0000:2400 + 0000:2400 ) + ) + ) )
Note: Optional OS/EM processing is applied before giving control to the user exit USREXIT since FIRST is specified. This parameter could have been omitted since FIRST is the default.
The SMF dump exit (IEFU29) receives control when an SMF data set becomes full. A return code from this exit indicates whether the dump message (IEE362I or IEE362A) is to be issued.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL SMF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFU29|IEFU29( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any SMF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for SMF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFU29 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFU29 modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFU29 | Specifies that the IEFU29 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFU29 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFU29 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFU29 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFU29 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFU29 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFU29 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFU29 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFU29 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFU29 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFU29 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFU29 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFU29 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFU29 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a SMF user exit for IEFU29 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The SMF record exit (IEFU83) receives control before each record is written to the SMF data set. A return code from this exit indicates whether the system is to suppress the current SMF record.
OS/EM supplies optional control functions for this exit.
The Catalog Account function of OS/EM can be used to place up to 32 bytes of JOB or STEP accounting information into the catalog record for a newly created VSAM dataset or SMS-managed non-VSAM dataset. Additionally, the Job's User ID is placed into the Owner field of the catalog record. Neither of these fields is overridden if the information has already been provided.
The DCOLLECT function of IDCAMS can be used to gather this information to produce charge-back reports for DASD utilization.
OS$CNTL SMF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFU83|IEFU83( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPTions|OPTions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(ID)} - {FIrst|LAst} - {NOERRacct|ERRacct(x)} - {ARcstc(name name)} - {NODEFowner|DEFowner(owner)} - {NOWEight|WEight( - {USerid(n)} - {JOBClass(n)} - {JOBName(n)} - {GRoupnm(n)} )} - {NOCATALOGACCT|CATALOGACCT( - acctfld1 |*|0 - startpos1|*|0 - length1 |*|0 - acctfld2 |*|0 - startpos2|*|0 - length2 |*|0 - acctfld3 |*|0 - startpos3|*|0 - length3 |*|0 - acctfld4 |*|0 - startpos4|*|0 - length4 |*|0 - acctfld5 |*|0 - startpos5|*|0 - length5 |*|0 - acctfld6 |*|0 - startpos6|*|0 - length6 |*|0 - acctfld7 |*|0 - startpos7|*|0 - length7 |*|0 - acctfld8 |*|0 - startpos8|*|0 - length8 |*|0)} - {NOCATALOGACCT1|CATALOGACCT1( - acctfld1 |*|0 - startpos1|*|0 - length1 |*|0 - acctfld2 |*|0 - startpos2|*|0 - length2 |*|0 - acctfld3 |*|0 - startpos3|*|0 - length3 |*|0 - acctfld4 |*|0 - startpos4|*|0 - length4 |*|0 - acctfld5 |*|0 - startpos5|*|0 - length5 |*|0 - acctfld6 |*|0 - startpos6|*|0 - length6 |*|0 - acctfld7 |*|0 - startpos7|*|0 - length7 |*|0 - acctfld8 |*|0 - startpos8|*|0 - length8 |*|0 - {NOJOBClass| - JOBClass( - INClude(jobclass{:jobclass} ...)| - EXClude(jobclass{:jobclass} ...) )}- {NOJOBName| - JOBName( - INClude(name ...)| - EXClude(name ...) ) } - {NOUSERID - USERID( - INCLUDE(NAME ...) | - EXCLUDE(NAME ...) ) } - {NOGROUPNM - GROUPNM( - INCLUDE(NAME ...) | - EXCLUDE(NAME ...) ) } - )} - ... ... ... - {NOCATALOGACCT16|CATALOGACCT16( - acctfld1 |*|0 - startpos1|*|0 - length1 |*|0 - acctfld2 |*|0 - startpos2|*|0 - length2 |*|0 - acctfld3 |*|0 - startpos3|*|0 - length3 |*|0 - acctfld4 |*|0 - startpos4|*|0 - length4 |*|0 - acctfld5 |*|0 - startpos5|*|0 - length5 |*|0 - acctfld6 |*|0 - startpos6|*|0 - length6 |*|0 - acctfld7 |*|0 - startpos7|*|0 - length7 |*|0 - acctfld8 |*|0 - startpos8|*|0 - length8 |*|0 - {NOJOBClass| - JOBClass( - INClude(jobclass{:jobclass} ...)| - EXClude(jobclass{:jobclass} ...) )}- {NOJOBName| - JOBName( - INClude(name ...)| - EXClude(name ...) ) } - {NOUSERID - USERID( - INCLUDE(NAME ...) | - EXCLUDE(NAME ...) ) } - {NOGROUPNM - GROUPNM( - INCLUDE(NAME ...) | - EXCLUDE(NAME ...) ) } - )} ) }
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any SMF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for SMF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFU83 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFU83 modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFU83 | Specifies that the IEFU83 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFU83 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFU83 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFU83 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFU83 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFU83 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFU83 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFU83 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFU83 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFU83 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFU83 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFU83 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFU83 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFU83 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a SMF user exit for IEFU83 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for IEFU83 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for IEFU83. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for IEFU83 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ERRACCT | This option allows you to specify a fill character to be used whenever a selected account code field is either missing, or has a length shorter than that specified. The character is propagated into the catalog for the length specified, or 32, whichever is shorter.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOERRACCT | Specifying NO clears any previously entered error code. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ARCSTC | Specify the name of the started task(s) which handles recalling or recovering datasets which have been migrated or backed up. Two names may be specified. If you are running IBM's DFSMSHSM this name might be HSM. This is a required keyword so that OS/EM does not try to add accounting information to datasets being recalled from migration or recovered from a backup, as the accounting information available would be for the archive manager, not the creating job or user.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DEFOWNER | Allows you to specify an owner ID to be used in the event that OS/EM is unable to locate a valid value in the ACEE.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NODEFOWNER | Clears any previously entered owner ID. Nothing will be entered in the catalog in the event OS/EM is unable to locate the value in the ACEE. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WEIGHT | Allows you to control which selection list is used in the event that multiple lists match. The list with the hightest weight will be used. In the event multiple lists have equal weights, or no weights have been assigned, the first matching list is used.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOWEIGHT | Specifying NOWEIGHT negates any previously entered weights. The first matching selection list will be used. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CATALOGACCT | Allows you to specify up to 8 account code fields which will be used to build the 32 byte account number field in the catalog. These values will only apply if there are no matching selection lists. Note: To use this option, please verify that record type 61 is enabled in the SMFPRMxx member. If a catalog account field is already present, e.g., it was specified on the IDCAMS DEFINE statement, it will not be replaced by this option. If both JOB and STEP accounting information are present, STEP accounting takes precedence.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOCATALOGACCT | Specifying NO disables the default selections. If no matching selection list if found, a catalog entry is not created. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CATALOGACCT1-16 | Up to 16 selection lists may be specified. Each list will have its own set of 8 posible accounting fields to be processed and in addition will have either Include or Exclude lists of job classes, job names, user IDs or RACF group names which must match the currently running job to be processed.
The following examples use these CATALOGACCT controls:
OS$CNTL SMF IEFU83(OPTIONS(ERRACCT(*) CATALOGACCT( 1 1 8 - 2 1 8 - 3 1 8 - 4 1 8 ) - CATALOGACCT1( 1 5 4 - 2 5 4 - 3 5 4 - 4 5 4 - JOBNAME(INC(SPXX-)) - ) )
A job with the following JOB card and no ACCT= parameter on the EXEC statement creates a dataset.
Since the JOB name does not match the criterion for selection group 1 and there is no STEP accounting field, the catalog account field would be build from the Default selection group as follows:
This would cause the 32-byte value
to be placed in the catalog account field.
Same as above but add the following account field parameter to the EXEC statement:
The default selection group would apply again since there still is no JOB name match but since there is STEP accounting information it will provide the value for the catalog account field.
Since there are no accounting fields 1 or 3 the value obtained by processing the subfields would be:
Remove the STEP accounting parameter and change the JOB name to SPXX123.
Now there is a match on JOB name with the criterion for selection group 1 (CATALOGACCT1 above).
This would cause the following to be placed in the catalog account field:
The SMF record exit (IEFU84) receives control when the SMF writer routine is branch-entered and is not entered in cross-memory mode. A return code from this exit indicates whether the system is to suppress the current SMF record.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL SMF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFU84|IEFU84( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any SMF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for SMF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFU84 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFU84 modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFU84 | Specifies that the IEFU84 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFU84 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFU84 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFU84 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFU84 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFU84 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFU84 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFU84 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFU84 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFU84 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFU84 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFU84 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFU84 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFU84 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a SMF user exit for IEFU84 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The SMF record exit (IEFU85) receives control when the SMF writer routine is branch-entered and is entered in cross-memory mode. A return code from this exit indicates whether the system is to suppress the current SMF record.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for this exit.
OS$CNTL SMF - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEFU85|IEFU85( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any SMF exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for SMF exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEFU85 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEFU85 modules.
| ||||||||||
IEFU85 | Specifies that the IEFU85 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEFU85 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEFU85 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEFU85 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEFU85 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEFU85 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEFU85 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEFU85 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEFU85 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEFU85 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEFU85 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEFU85 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEFU85 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEFU85 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a SMF user exit for IEFU85 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The following example assumes that SMF exits IEFUJV, IEFACTRT, and IEFU29 are to be activated at OS/EM initialization. Further, user exits are supplied for IEFUJV and IEFACTRT, and an exit to dump the SMF datasets is supplied for IEFU29:
The following example illustrates the issuance of OS$CNTL from TSO to disable SMF exit IEFUJV.
Assume that at initialization IEFUTL was activated with user exits USREXIT1, USREXIT2, and USREXIT3:
and now USREXIT4 is to replace USREXIT2. Each of the following commands would accomplish this:
The last example shows the final asterisk as omitted since the asterisk would be assumed by default. The first asterisk cannot be omitted so that proper positioning can be maintained.
This subcommand allows SVCs to be either deleted so they can not be executed or, optionally, replaced with a user-written program.
nnn | This is the number of the SVC which is to be deleted or replaced. | ||||
DELETE | Specifying DELETE removes the SVC from the system. If DELETE is specified, no other control words should be specified. | ||||
REPLACE | Specifying REPLACE will cause the named program to be loaded and replace the selected SVC.
| ||||
TYPE(n) | Specify the type of SVC you are replacing. Valid types are 1 through 6. | ||||
| ||||
APF | If only APF authorized programs should be allowed to execute this SVC, specify APF. | ||||
AR | Specify AR if the SVC replacement should be accessed in Access Register mode. | ||||
NONPREEMPT | Specify NONPREEMPT to keep the system from preempting your program to handle I/O. | ||||
CLEARCVTUSER | Specify CLEARCVTUSER to have the User CVT field cleared before the new SVC is loaded. | ||||
This subcommand allows OS/EM to temporarily override the ACF2
non-cancel user attribute. This allows you to enforce OS/EM's
controls such as JOBCLASSCHECK and account number checking or any of
the JCL Standards controls.
ACF2CAN | Specifies that the ACF2 non-cancel user attribute will be overridden. |
NOACF2CAN | Specifies that OS/EM will not attempt to override the ACF2 non-cancel user attribute. Any user with this attribute will be able to bypass OS/EM controls. |
By default, OS/EM will display the message OS$DCN031 *WARNING* OS/EM WILL EXPIRE IN xx DAYS every hour beginning 30 days before the current authorization code expires.
To disable this message you may use the EXPIRE subcommand.
EXPIRE | Used to control the display of message OS$DCN031.
You may create up to 32 notification groups. Each group name may be used in place of a TSO ID for any of the ABENDNOTIFY keywords.
OS$CNTL SYSTEM - {NFygroups ( - grpnme1 (id1 {id2 {id3 {id4 {id5 {id6 {id7 {id8}}}}}}} ) - ... grpnme32(id1 {id2 {id3 {id4 {id5 {id6 {id7 {id8}}}}}}} ) - )}
NFYGROUPS | Specifies that notification groups are being used.
You may have OS/EM send ABEND notify messages to 3 TSO IDs or Notify Group names when ever any OS/EM exit ABENDs.
OS$CNTL SYSTEM - {NOSYSnotify|SYSnotify ( - id1 {id2 {id3}} ) }
SYSNOTIFY | Specifies that certain TSO IDs or notify groups will be sent a TSO message in the event that an OS/EM exit ABENDs. | ||||||
NOSYSNOTIFY | No TSO messages will be sent in the event of an OS/EM exit ABEND unless specified at the exit level.
You may have OS/EM send ABEND notify messages to 3 TSO IDs or Notify Group names when ever anyuser exit ABENDs.
OS$CNTL SYSTEM - {NOUSernotify|USernotify ( - id1 {id2 {id3}} ) }
USERNOTIFY | Specifies that certain TSO IDs or notify groups will be sent a TSO message in the event that a user exit ABENDs. | ||||||
NOUSERNOTIFY | No TSO messages will be sent in the event of a user exit ABEND unless specified at the exit level.
You may have OS/EM collect and report performance statistics. Because of the added overhead caused by collection it is suggested that this option not be used except for a limited period of time.
PERFSTATS | OS/EM will collect performance statistics. The information collected includes the number of times an exit point is entered, the amount of time spent in OS/EM controllers and interface modules, the number of times an exit was called and the amount of time spent in the exit. |
NOPERFSTATS | Performance counts and timings will not be collected or reported. When this option is processed all counts and timings are returned to zero. |
This subcommand sets whether TSO exits will be active, and sets LIMIT checking for the corresponding exit modules.
OS/EM provides the following optional functions:
Exit ICQAMFX1 is the Application Manager function pre-initialization exit.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for ICQAMFX1.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICQAMFX1|ICQAMFX1( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICQAMFX1 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICQAMFX1 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICQAMFX1 | Specifies that the ICQAMFX1 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICQAMFX1 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICQAMFX1 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICQAMFX1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICQAMFX1 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICQAMFX1 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICQAMFX1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICQAMFX1 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICQAMFX1 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICQAMFX1 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICQAMFX1 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICQAMFX1 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICQAMFX1 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICQAMFX1 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for ICQAMFX1 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit ICQAMFX2 is the Application Manager function post-termination exit.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for ICQAMFX2.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICQAMFX2|ICQAMFX2( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICQAMFX2 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICQAMFX2 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICQAMFX2 | Specifies that the ICQAMFX2 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICQAMFX2 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICQAMFX2 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICQAMFX2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICQAMFX2 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICQAMFX2 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICQAMFX2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICQAMFX2 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICQAMFX2 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICQAMFX2 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICQAMFX2 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICQAMFX2 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICQAMFX2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICQAMFX2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for ICQAMFX2 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit ICQAMPX1 is the Application Manager Panel pre-display exit.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for ICQAMPX1.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICQAMPX1|ICQAMPX1( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICQAMPX1 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICQAMPX1 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICQAMPX1 | Specifies that the ICQAMPX1 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICQAMPX1 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICQAMPX1 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICQAMPX1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICQAMPX1 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICQAMPX1 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICQAMPX1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICQAMPX1 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICQAMPX1 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICQAMPX1 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICQAMPX1 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICQAMPX1 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICQAMPX1 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICQAMPX1 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for ICQAMPX1 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit ICQAMPX2 is the Application Manager Panel post-display routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for ICQAMPX2.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOICQAMPX2|ICQAMPX2( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a ICQAMPX2 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for ICQAMPX2 modules.
| ||||||||||
ICQAMPX2 | Specifies that the ICQAMPX2 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOICQAMPX2 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named ICQAMPX2 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active ICQAMPX2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of ICQAMPX2 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate ICQAMPX2 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup ICQAMPX2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup ICQAMPX2 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a ICQAMPX2 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a ICQAMPX2 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of ICQAMPX2 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for ICQAMPX2 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by ICQAMPX2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent ICQAMPX2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for ICQAMPX2 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IEEVSNX0 is the Operator SEND subcommand initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IEEVSNX0.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEEVSNX0|IEEVSNX0( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEEVSNX0 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEEVSNX0 modules.
| ||||||||||
IEEVSNX0 | Specifies that the IEEVSNX0 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEEVSNX0 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEEVSNX0 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEEVSNX0 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEEVSNX0 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEEVSNX0 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEEVSNX0 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEEVSNX0 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEEVSNX0 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEEVSNX0 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEEVSNX0 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEEVSNX0 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEEVSNX0 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEEVSNX0 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IEEVSNX0 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IEEVSNX1 is the Operator SEND subcommand pre-display routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IEEVSNX1.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEEVSNX1|IEEVSNX1( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEEVSNX1 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEEVSNX1 modules.
| ||||||||||
IEEVSNX1 | Specifies that the IEEVSNX1 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEEVSNX1 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEEVSNX1 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEEVSNX1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEEVSNX1 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEEVSNX1 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEEVSNX1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEEVSNX1 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEEVSNX1 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEEVSNX1 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEEVSNX1 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEEVSNX1 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEEVSNX1 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEEVSNX1 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IEEVSNX1 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IEEVSNX2 is the Operator SEND subcommand pre-save routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IEEVSNX2.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEEVSNX2|IEEVSNX2( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEEVSNX2 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEEVSNX2 modules.
| ||||||||||
IEEVSNX2 | Specifies that the IEEVSNX2 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEEVSNX2 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEEVSNX2 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEEVSNX2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEEVSNX2 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEEVSNX2 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEEVSNX2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEEVSNX2 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEEVSNX2 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEEVSNX2 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEEVSNX2 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEEVSNX2 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEEVSNX2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEEVSNX2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IEEVSNX2 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IEEVSNX3 is the Operator SEND subcommand failure routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IEEVSNX3.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEEVSNX3|IEEVSNX3( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEEVSNX3 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEEVSNX3 modules.
| ||||||||||
IEEVSNX3 | Specifies that the IEEVSNX3 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEEVSNX3 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEEVSNX3 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEEVSNX3 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEEVSNX3 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEEVSNX3 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEEVSNX3 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEEVSNX3 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEEVSNX3 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEEVSNX3 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEEVSNX3 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEEVSNX3 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEEVSNX3 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEEVSNX3 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IEEVSNX3 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IEEVSNX4 is the Operator SEND subcommand termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IEEVSNX4.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIEEVSNX4|IEEVSNX4( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IEEVSNX4 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IEEVSNX4 modules.
| ||||||||||
IEEVSNX4 | Specifies that the IEEVSNX4 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIEEVSNX4 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IEEVSNX4 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IEEVSNX4 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IEEVSNX4 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IEEVSNX4 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IEEVSNX4 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IEEVSNX4 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IEEVSNX4 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IEEVSNX4 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IEEVSNX4 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IEEVSNX4 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IEEVSNX4 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IEEVSNX4 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IEEVSNX4 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJADINI is the ALTLIB initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJADINI.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJADINI|IKJADINI( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJADINI exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJADINI modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJADINI | Specifies that the IKJADINI exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJADINI | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJADINI exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJADINI user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJADINI user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJADINI user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJADINI user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJADINI user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJADINI exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJADINI exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJADINI exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJADINI to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJADINI user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJADINI user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJADINI set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJADTER is the ALTLIB termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJADTER.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJADTER|IKJADTER( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJADTER exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJADTER modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJADTER | Specifies that the IKJADTER exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJADTER | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJADTER exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJADTER user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJADTER user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJADTER user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJADTER user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJADTER user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJADTER exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJADTER exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJADTER exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJADTER to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJADTER user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJADTER user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJADTER set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJCNXAC is the CONSOLE activation routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJCNXAC.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJCNXAC|IKJCNXAC( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJCNXAC exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJCNXAC modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJCNXAC | Specifies that the IKJCNXAC exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJCNXAC | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJCNXAC exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJCNXAC user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJCNXAC user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJCNXAC user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJCNXAC user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJCNXAC user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJCNXAC exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJCNXAC exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJCNXAC exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJCNXAC to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJCNXAC user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJCNXAC user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJCNXAC set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJCNXCD is the CONPROFS pre-display routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJCNXCD.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJCNXCD|IKJCNXCD( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJCNXCD exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJCNXCD modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJCNXCD | Specifies that the IKJCNXCD exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJCNXCD | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJCNXCD exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJCNXCD user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJCNXCD user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJCNXCD user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJCNXCD user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJCNXCD user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJCNXCD exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJCNXCD exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJCNXCD exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJCNXCD to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJCNXCD user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJCNXCD user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJCNXCD set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJCNXCI is the CONPROFS initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJCNXCI.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJCNXCI|IKJCNXCI( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJCNXCI exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJCNXCI modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJCNXCI | Specifies that the IKJCNXCI exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJCNXCI | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJCNXCI exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJCNXCI user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJCNXCI user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJCNXCI user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJCNXCI user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJCNXCI user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJCNXCI exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJCNXCI exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJCNXCI exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJCNXCI to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJCNXCI user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJCNXCI user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJCNXCI set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJCNXCT is the CONPROFS termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJCNXCT.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJCNXCT|IKJCNXCT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJCNXCT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJCNXCT modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJCNXCT | Specifies that the IKJCNXCT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJCNXCT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJCNXCT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJCNXCT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJCNXCT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJCNXCT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJCNXCT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJCNXCT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJCNXCT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJCNXCT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJCNXCT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJCNXCT to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJCNXCT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJCNXCT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJCNXCT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJCNXDE is the CONSOLE deactivation routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJCNXDE.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJCNXDE|IKJCNXDE( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJCNXDE exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJCNXDE modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJCNXDE | Specifies that the IKJCNXDE exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJCNXDE | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJCNXDE exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJCNXDE user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJCNXDE user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJCNXDE user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJCNXDE user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJCNXDE user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJCNXDE exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJCNXDE exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJCNXDE exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJCNXDE to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJCNXDE user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJCNXDE user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJCNXDE set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJCNXPP is the CONSOLE pre-parse routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJCNXPP.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJCNXPP|IKJCNXPP( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJCNXPP exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJCNXPP modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJCNXPP | Specifies that the IKJCNXPP exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJCNXPP | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJCNXPP exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJCNXPP user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJCNXPP user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJCNXPP user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJCNXPP user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJCNXPP user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJCNXPP exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJCNXPP exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJCNXPP exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJCNXPP to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJCNXPP user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJCNXPP user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJCNXPP set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJCNX50 is the CONSOLE 80% message capacity routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJCNX50.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJCNX50|IKJCNX50( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJCNX50 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJCNX50 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJCNX50 | Specifies that the IKJCNX50 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJCNX50 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJCNX50 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJCNX50 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJCNX50 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJCNX50 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJCNX50 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJCNX50 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJCNX50 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJCNX50 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJCNX50 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJCNX50 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJCNX50 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJCNX50 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJCNX50 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJCNX64 is the CONSOLE 100% message capacity routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJCNX64.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJCNX64|IKJCNX64( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJCNX64 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJCNX64 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJCNX64 | Specifies that the IKJCNX64 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJCNX64 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJCNX64 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJCNX64 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJCNX64 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJCNX64 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJCNX64 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJCNX64 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJCNX64 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJCNX64 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJCNX64 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJCNX64 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJCNX64 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJCNX64 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJCNX64 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJCT43I is the EXEC initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJCT43I.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJCT43I|IKJCT43I( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJCT43I exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJCT43I modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJCT43I | Specifies that the IKJCT43I exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJCT43I | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJCT43I exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJCT43I user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJCT43I user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJCT43I user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJCT43I user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJCT43I user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJCT43I exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJCT43I exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJCT43I exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJCT43I to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJCT43I user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJCT43I user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJCT43I set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJCT43T is the EXEC termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJCT43T.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJCT43T|IKJCT43T( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJCT43T exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJCT43T modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJCT43T | Specifies that the IKJCT43T exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJCT43T | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJCT43T exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJCT43T user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJCT43T user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJCT43T user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJCT43T user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJCT43T user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJCT43T exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJCT43T exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJCT43T exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJCT43T to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJCT43T user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJCT43T user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJCT43T set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJCT44B is used to add installation-written CLIST built-in functions.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJCT44B.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJCT44B|IKJCT44B( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJCT44B exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJCT44B modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJCT44B | Specifies that the IKJCT44B exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJCT44B | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJCT44B exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJCT44B user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJCT44B user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJCT44B user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJCT44B user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJCT44B user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJCT44B exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJCT44B exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJCT44B exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJCT44B to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJCT44B user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJCT44B user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJCT44B set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJCT44S is used to add installation-written CLIST statements.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJCT44S.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJCT44S|IKJCT44S( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJCT44S exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJCT44S modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJCT44S | Specifies that the IKJCT44S exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJCT44S | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJCT44S exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJCT44S user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJCT44S user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJCT44S user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJCT44S user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJCT44S user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJCT44S exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJCT44S exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJCT44S exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJCT44S to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJCT44S user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJCT44S user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJCT44S set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJEESXA is the LISTBC failure routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEESXA.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEESXA|IKJEESXA( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEESXA exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEESXA modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEESXA | Specifies that the IKJEESXA exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEESXA | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEESXA exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEESXA user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEESXA user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEESXA user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEESXA user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEESXA user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEESXA exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEESXA exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEESXA exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEESXA to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEESXA user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEESXA user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEESXA set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJEESXB is the LISTBC termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEESXB.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEESXB|IKJEESXB( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEESXB exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEESXB modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEESXB | Specifies that the IKJEESXB exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEESXB | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEESXB exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEESXB user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEESXB user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEESXB user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEESXB user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEESXB user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEESXB exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEESXB exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEESXB exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEESXB to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEESXB user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEESXB user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEESXB set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJEESX0 is the SEND command initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEESX0.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEESX0|IKJEESX0( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEESX0 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEESX0 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEESX0 | Specifies that the IKJEESX0 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEESX0 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEESX0 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEESX0 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEESX0 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEESX0 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEESX0 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEESX0 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEESX0 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEESX0 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEESX0 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEESX0 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEESX0 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEESX0 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEESX0 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJEESX1 is the SEND command pre-display routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEESX1.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEESX1|IKJEESX1( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEESX1 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEESX1 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEESX1 | Specifies that the IKJEESX1 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEESX1 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEESX1 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEESX1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEESX1 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEESX1 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEESX1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEESX1 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEESX1 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEESX1 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEESX1 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEESX1 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEESX1 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEESX1 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEESX1 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJEESX2 is the SEND command pre-save routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEESX2.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEESX2|IKJEESX2( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEESX2 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEESX2 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEESX2 | Specifies that the IKJEESX2 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEESX2 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEESX2 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEESX2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEESX2 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEESX2 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEESX2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEESX2 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEESX2 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEESX2 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEESX2 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEESX2 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEESX2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEESX2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEESX2 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJEESX3 is the SEND command failure routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEESX3.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEESX3|IKJEESX3( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEESX3 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEESX3 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEESX3 | Specifies that the IKJEESX3 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEESX3 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEESX3 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEESX3 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEESX3 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEESX3 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEESX3 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEESX3 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEESX3 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEESX3 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEESX3 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEESX3 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEESX3 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEESX3 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEESX3 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJEESX4 is the SEND command termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEESX4.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEESX4|IKJEESX4( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEESX4 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEESX4 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEESX4 | Specifies that the IKJEESX4 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEESX4 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEESX4 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEESX4 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEESX4 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEESX4 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEESX4 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEESX4 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEESX4 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEESX4 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEESX4 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEESX4 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEESX4 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEESX4 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEESX4 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJEESX5 is the LISTBC command initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEESX5.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEESX5|IKJEESX5( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEESX5 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEESX5 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEESX5 | Specifies that the IKJEESX5 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEESX5 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEESX5 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEESX5 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEESX5 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEESX5 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEESX5 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEESX5 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEESX5 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEESX5 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEESX5 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEESX5 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEESX5 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEESX5 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEESX5 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJEESX6 is the LISTBC command pre-display routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEESX6.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEESX6|IKJEESX6( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEESX6 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEESX6 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEESX6 | Specifies that the IKJEESX6 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEESX6 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEESX6 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEESX6 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEESX6 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEESX6 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEESX6 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEESX6 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEESX6 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEESX6 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEESX6 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEESX6 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEESX6 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEESX6 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEESX6 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJEESX7 is the LISTBC command pre-list routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEESX7.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEESX7|IKJEESX7( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEESX7 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEESX7 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEESX7 | Specifies that the IKJEESX7 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEESX7 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEESX7 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEESX7 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEESX7 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEESX7 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEESX7 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEESX7 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEESX7 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEESX7 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEESX7 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEESX7 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEESX7 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEESX7 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEESX7 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJEESX8 is the LISTBC command pre-read routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEESX8.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEESX8|IKJEESX8( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEESX8 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEESX8 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEESX8 | Specifies that the IKJEESX8 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEESX8 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEESX8 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEESX8 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEESX8 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEESX8 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEESX8 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEESX8 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEESX8 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEESX8 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEESX8 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEESX8 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEESX8 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEESX8 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEESX8 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IKJEESX9 is the LISTBC command pre-allocate routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEESX9.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEESX9|IKJEESX9( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEESX9 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEESX9 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEESX9 | Specifies that the IKJEESX9 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEESX9 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEESX9 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEESX9 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEESX9 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEESX9 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEESX9 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEESX9 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEESX9 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEESX9 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEESX9 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEESX9 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEESX9 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEESX9 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEESX9 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The TSO FREE command initialization exit IKJEFD21 allows you to check and change the command users issue or provide pseudo-operands.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEFD21.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFD21|IKJEFD21( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFD21 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFD21 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFD21 | Specifies that the IKJEFD21 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFD21 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFD21 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFD21 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFD21 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFD21 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFD21 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFD21 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFD21 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFD21 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFD21 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFD21 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFD21 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFD21 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFD21 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The TSO FREE command termination exit IKJEFD22 allows you to perform clean-up processing.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEFD22.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFD22|IKJEFD22( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFD22 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFD22 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFD22 | Specifies that the IKJEFD22 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFD22 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFD22 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFD22 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFD22 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFD22 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFD22 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFD22 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFD22 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFD22 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFD22 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFD22 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFD22 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFD22 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFD22 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The TSO ALLOCATE command initialization exit IKJEFD47 allows you to check and change the command users issue or provide pseudo-operands.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEFD47.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFD47|IKJEFD47( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFD47 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFD47 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFD47 | Specifies that the IKJEFD47 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFD47 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFD47 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFD47 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFD47 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFD47 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFD47 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFD47 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFD47 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFD47 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFD47 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFD47 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFD47 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFD47 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFD47 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The TSO ALLOCATE command termination exit IKJEFD49 allows you to perform clean-up processing. Specify an alternative return code.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEFD49.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFD49|IKJEFD49( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFD49 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFD49 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFD49 | Specifies that the IKJEFD49 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFD49 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFD49 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFD49 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFD49 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFD49 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFD49 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFD49 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFD49 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFD49 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFD49 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFD49 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFD49 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFD49 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFD49 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The TSO SUBMIT command exit (IKJEFF10) may be used to check submitted JCL statements and accept, reject, or modify them.
OS/EM provides the following optional control functions:
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFF10|IKJEFF10( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPTions|OPTions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(id)} - {FIRST|Last} - {Warn|NOWarn} - {Trace|NOTrace} - {NOREformatacct|REformatacct} - {NOJObclasscheck| - JObclasscheck{(NOLOG|LOG)}} - {NORAcfcheck|RAcfcheck} - {NOCommandcheck| - Commandcheck{(NOLOG|LOG)}} - {NOJEs2commandcheck| - JEs2commandcheck{(NOLOG|LOG)}} - {NOUserjobname|Userjobname - {(class{:class},... - {NOREsourcename| - REsourcename(resrce {NOLOG|LOG})} )} _ {NONotify|NOTify - {(class{:class},...)}} )} )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFF10 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFF10 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFF10 | Specifies that the IKJEFF10 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFF10 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFF10 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFF10 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFF10 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFF10 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFF10 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFF10 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFF10 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFF10 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFF10 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFF10 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFF10 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFF10 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFF10 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for IKJEFF10 | ||||||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for IKJEFF10. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for IKJEFF10 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. | ||||||||||
WARN | Specifies whether I will be activated in WARN mode. The warn option specifies that OS/EM will simulate the activation of I functions, and issue messages if the request would cause the function to fail for the I function. | ||||||||||
NOWARN | NOWARN is the default, and specifies that OS/EM will perform the I functions as specified by the options selected for the I function. | ||||||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks, used in Problem Determination for OS/EM Optional functions in conjunction with OS/EM support. | ||||||||||
NOTRACE | |||||||||||
REFORMATACCT | For first statement of job statement sequence, convert account numbers of the format (XX-YY), 'XX-YY', and XX-YY to (XX,YY). That is, remove surrounding apostrophes or replace with parentheses if none are present, and convert dashes to commas. This can be useful since the TSO ACCOUNT command cannot handle (XX-YY) account numbers but will process (XX,YY). | ||||||||||
NOREFORMATACCT | |||||||||||
JOBCLASSCHECK | Checks that the user is authorized to submit a job in the class specified on their Jobcard. Note: This check is done using the classname "FACILITY" (classname "IBMFAC" for CA-TOPSECRET) and "JOBCLASS.x" (where x is the desired jobclass) as the resource name; therefore, each named jobclass must be properly defined to your security system. If the jobclass is not properly defined, the submission will be allowed.
| ||||||||||
NOJOBCLASSCHECK | Specify NOJOBCLASSCHECK to disable this option. | ||||||||||
RACFCHECK | Check that the user is defined to your security system (RACF, CA-TOPSECRET, or CA-ACF2). Others are not allowed to submit jobs. | ||||||||||
NORACFCHECK | |||||||||||
COMMANDCHECK | Check that the user is authorized to submit jobs that contain operating system commands. The user can be limited to only specified commands, all commands, or can be precluded from submitting jobs with any operating system commands. Note: The command authorization is done via using the classname "FACILITY" (classname "IBMFAC" for CA-TOPSECRET) and "COMMAND.cmd" (where cmd is the desired command) as the resource name; therefore, each command must be properly defined to your security system. MVS commands present in the Job stream before a Jobcard will not be checked. Each defined command must be in its long form; that is, VARY, not V. Thus, the proper resource definition would be COMMAND.VARY. To permit the user to issue any operating system command, define the resource as COMMAND.* and permit the user to this resource. If the user is not permitted to any COMMAND. resources, he/she will not be permitted to include operating system commands in any submitted jobs.
| ||||||||||
NOCOMMANDCHECK | |||||||||||
JES2COMMANDCHECK | Check that the user is authorized to submit jobs that contain JES2 commands. The user can be limited to only specified commands, all commands, or can be precluded from submitting jobs with any JES2 commands. Note: The command authorization is done using the classname "FACILITY" (classname IBMFAC for CA-TOPSECRET) and JES2.$cmd (where cmd is the desired command) as the resource name; therefore, each command must be properly defined to your security system. JES2 commands present in the Job stream before a Jobcard will not be checked. The commands $VS, $ADD and $TRACE must be fully designated; all other commands must be a single letter. The proper resource designation for $A for example would be JES2.$A, a generic resource for JES2 commands would be JES2.$*, this covers all JES2 commands. To permit the user to issue any JES2 command, define the resource as JES2.* and permit the user to this resource. Read authority is sufficient. If the user is not permitted to any JES2 resources, he/she will not be permitted to include JES2 commands in any submitted jobs.
| ||||||||||
USERJOBNAME | Check that the first characters of the jobname matches the USERID. The USERJOBNAME check can be limited to certain execution classes by specifying a jobclass list. Otherwise, the option is universal. | ||||||||||
NOUSERJOBNAME | Specify NOUSERJOBNAME to disable this option.
| ||||||||||
NOTIFY | Insert a NOTIFY parameter if missing. The NOTIFY check can be limited to certain execution classes by specifying a jobclass list. Otherwise, the option is universal. | ||||||||||
NONOTIFY | Specify NONOTIFY to disable this option.
This command will activate TSO exit IKJEFF10 with user exit JOBCARD as the only active exit module. No LIMIT checking will be done:
This example activates exits USREXIT1 and USREXIT2. USREXIT2 will apply only to jobname BISP000. Note the asterisk that was entered as the first list for positioning so that BISP000 will apply to USREXIT2.
The TSO exit for OUTPUT, STATUS, and CANCEL commands allow you to tailor the way users can handle the processing of batch jobs and their output.
OS/EM provides only basic exit control functions for IKJEFF53.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFF53|IKJEFF53( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} -
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFF53 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFF53 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFF53 | Specifies that the IKJEFF53 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFF53 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFF53 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFF53 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFF53 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFF53 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFF53 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFF53 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFF53 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFF53 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFF53 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFF53 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFF53 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFF53 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFF53 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The TSO logon pre-prompt exit allows you to verify, change, or supply logon parameters and system characteristics, cancel logon requests, provide your own JCL statements, or display your own full-screen logon panel.
It also performs the following authorized functions: specify the first TSO/E command, return job and SYSOUT classes, bypass RACF, return the relative block address (RBA), pass data to the logoff exit, specify security label of current logon session, and specify languages to be used for displaying translated information.
OS/EM provides the following optional functions:
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFLD1|IKJEFLD1( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - {NOOPTions|OPTions( - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify(id)} - {First|Last} - {TRace|NOTRace} - {NOMail|Mail} - {NONotices|Notices} - {NOTSbpassword|TSbpassword} )} )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFLD1 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFLD1 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFLD1 | Specifies that the IKJEFLD1 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFLD1 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFLD1 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFLD1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFLD1 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFLD1 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFLD1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFLD1 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFLD1 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFLD1 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFLD1 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFLD1 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFLD1 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFLD1 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFLD1 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
OPTIONS | Specifies that an optional OS/EM control function is to be enabled for IKJEFLD1 | ||||||
NOOPTIONS | The NOOPTIONS parameter will totally disable the optional OS/EM control function for IKJEFLD1. Note: The optional OS/EM JCL Standards control functions must be installed for this parameter to have any effect. | ||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when an OS/EM exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that an OS/EM exit module has ABENDED. | ||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO USERID of OS/EM exit module ABENDS. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||
| ||||||
LAST | Specifies whether the optional OS/EM JCL Standards functions for IKJEFLD1 will be applied before or after the user exits are invoked. Note: OS/EM control functions are invoked FIRST by default. | ||||||
TRACE | Write GTF Trace records for critical control blocks | ||||||
NOTRACE | Disables GTF trace records (This is the default) | ||||||
TSBPASSWORD | Turn on bit to have TSO insert RACF password into the TSB, required if using options to add TSO passwords to the Jobcard. | ||||||
NOTSBPASSWORD | Disables the insertion of the TSO password into the Jobcard | ||||||
Turns on a bit, so that a TSO user will receive BRODCAST messages that are directed specifically at them during TSO logon, (i.e. NOTIFY= on a Jobcard) | |||||||
NOMAIL | Turns on a bit, so that a TSO user will not receive BRODCAST messages that are directed specifically at them during TSO logon, (i.e. NOTIFY= on a Jobcard) | ||||||
NOTICES | Turns on a bit, so that TSO users will receive BRODCAST messages that are directed to all users during TSO logon, (i.e. SEND command from the Console Operator to all TSO users specifying the LOGON parameter) | ||||||
NONOTICES | Turns on a bit, so that TSO users will not receive BRODCAST messages that are directed to all users during TSO logon, (i.e. SEND command from the Console Operator to all TSO users specifying the LOGON parameter) |
This command will activate TSO exit IKJEFLD1 with user exit LOGONEX as the only active exit module. No LIMIT checking will be done:
This example activates exits LOGONEX1 and LOGONEX2. LOGONEX2 will apply only to TSO user SPGTIH. Note the asterisk that was entered as the first list for positioning so that BISP000 will apply to LOGONEX2.
The TSO logoff exit IKJEFLD2 allows you to tailor the TSO/E logoff process, gather accounting information, control UADS and RACF data base updates, and control re-logons.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEFLD2.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFLD2|IKJEFLD2( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFLD2 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFLD2 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFLD2 | Specifies that the IKJEFLD2 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFLD2 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFLD2 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFLD2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFLD2 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFLD2 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFLD2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFLD2 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFLD2 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFLD2 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFLD2 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFLD2 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFLD2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFLD2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFLD2 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The TSO logon post-prompt exit allows you to examine, modify, and add JCL statements associated with the logon process.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEFLD3.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFLD3|IKJEFLD3( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFLD3 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFLD3 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFLD3 | Specifies that the IKJEFLD3 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFLD3 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFLD3 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFLD3 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFLD3 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFLD3 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFLD3 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFLD3 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFLD3 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFLD3 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFLD3 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFLD3 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFLD3 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFLD3 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFLD3 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The TSO logon pre-display exit IKJEFLN1 allows you to update information on the logon panel and process installation-defined fields on the logon panel.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEFLN1.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFLN1|IKJEFLN1( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFLN1 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFLN1 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFLN1 | Specifies that the IKJEFLN1 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFLN1 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFLN1 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFLN1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFLN1 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFLN1 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFLN1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFLN1 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFLN1 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFLN1 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFLN1 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFLN1 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFLN1 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFLN1 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFLN1 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The TSO logon post-display exit IKJEFLN2 allows you to validate and process fields on the logon panel, re-prompt the user for information, and also request display of help screens.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEFLN2.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFLN2|IKJEFLN2( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFLN2 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFLN2 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFLN2 | Specifies that the IKJEFLN2 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFLN2 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFLN2 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFLN2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFLN2 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFLN2 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFLN2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFLN2 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFLN2 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFLN2 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFLN2 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFLN2 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFLN2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFLN2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFLN2 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The IKJEFXG1 exit allows you to tailor PUTGET and GETLINE processing.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEFXG1.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFXG1|IKJEFXG1( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFXG1 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFXG1 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFXG1 | Specifies that the IKJEFXG1 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFXG1 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFXG1 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFXG1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFXG1 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFXG1 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFXG1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFXG1 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFXG1 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFXG1 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFXG1 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFXG1 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFXG1 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFXG1 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFXG1 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The IKJEFY11 exit is the OUTDES initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEFY11.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFY11|IKJEFY11( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFY11 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFY11 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFY11 | Specifies that the IKJEFY11 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFY11 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFY11 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFY11 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFY11 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFY11 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFY11 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFY11 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFY11 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFY11 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFY11 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFY11 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFY11 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFY11 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFY11 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The IKJEFY12 exit is the OUTDES termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEFY12.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFY12|IKJEFY12( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFY12 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFY12 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFY12 | Specifies that the IKJEFY12 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFY12 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFY12 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFY12 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFY12 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFY12 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFY12 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFY12 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFY12 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFY12 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFY12 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFY12 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFY12 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFY12 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFY12 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The IKJEFY60 exit is the PRINTDS command initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEFY60.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFY60|IKJEFY60( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFY60 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFY60 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFY60 | Specifies that the IKJEFY60 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFY60 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFY60 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFY60 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFY60 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFY60 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFY60 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFY60 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFY60 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFY60 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFY60 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFY60 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFY60 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFY60 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFY60 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The IKJEFY64 exit is the PRINTDS command termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEFY64.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEFY64|IKJEFY64( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEFY64 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEFY64 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEFY64 | Specifies that the IKJEFY64 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEFY64 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEFY64 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEFY64 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEFY64 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEFY64 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEFY64 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEFY64 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEFY64 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEFY64 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEFY64 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEFY64 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEFY64 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEFY64 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEFY64 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The IKJEGASI exit is the TESTAUTH subcommand initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEGASI.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEGASI|IKJEGASI( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEGASI exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEGASI modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEGASI | Specifies that the IKJEGASI exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEGASI | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEGASI exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEGASI user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEGASI user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEGASI user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEGASI user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEGASI user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEGASI exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEGASI exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEGASI exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEGASI to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEGASI user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEGASI user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEGASI set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The IKJEGAST exit is the TESTAUTH subcommand termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEGAST.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEGAST|IKJEGAST( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEGAST exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEGAST modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEGAST | Specifies that the IKJEGAST exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEGAST | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEGAST exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEGAST user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEGAST user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEGAST user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEGAST user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEGAST user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEGAST exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEGAST exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEGAST exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEGAST to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEGAST user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEGAST user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEGAST set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The IKJEGAUI exit is the TESTAUTH command initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEGAUI.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEGAUI|IKJEGAUI( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEGAUI exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEGAUI modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEGAUI | Specifies that the IKJEGAUI exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEGAUI | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEGAUI exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEGAUI user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEGAUI user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEGAUI user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEGAUI user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEGAUI user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEGAUI exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEGAUI exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEGAUI exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEGAUI to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEGAUI user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEGAUI user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEGAUI set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The IKJEGAUT exit is the TESTAUTH command termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEGAUT.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEGAUT|IKJEGAUT( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEGAUT exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEGAUT modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEGAUT | Specifies that the IKJEGAUT exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEGAUT | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEGAUT exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEGAUT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEGAUT user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEGAUT user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEGAUT user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEGAUT user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEGAUT exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEGAUT exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEGAUT exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEGAUT to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEGAUT user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEGAUT user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEGAUT set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The IKJEGCIE exit is the TEST subcommand initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEGCIE.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEGCIE|IKJEGCIE( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEGCIE exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEGCIE modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEGCIE | Specifies that the IKJEGCIE exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEGCIE | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEGCIE exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEGCIE user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEGCIE user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEGCIE user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEGCIE user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEGCIE user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEGCIE exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEGCIE exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEGCIE exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEGCIE to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEGCIE user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEGCIE user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEGCIE set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The IKJEGCTE exit is the TEST subcommand termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEGCTE.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEGCTE|IKJEGCTE( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEGCTE exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEGCTE modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEGCTE | Specifies that the IKJEGCTE exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEGCTE | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEGCTE exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEGCTE user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEGCTE user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEGCTE user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEGCTE user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEGCTE user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEGCTE exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEGCTE exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEGCTE exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEGCTE to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEGCTE user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEGCTE user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEGCTE set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The IKJEGMIE exit is the TEST command initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEGMIE.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEGMIE|IKJEGMIE( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEGMIE exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEGMIE modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEGMIE | Specifies that the IKJEGMIE exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEGMIE | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEGMIE exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEGMIE user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEGMIE user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEGMIE user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEGMIE user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEGMIE user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEGMIE exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEGMIE exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEGMIE exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEGMIE to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEGMIE user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEGMIE user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEGMIE set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The IKJEGMTE exit is the TEST command termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJEGMTE.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJEGMTE|IKJEGMTE( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJEGMTE exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJEGMTE modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJEGMTE | Specifies that the IKJEGMTE exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJEGMTE | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJEGMTE exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJEGMTE user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJEGMTE user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJEGMTE user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJEGMTE user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJEGMTE user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJEGMTE exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJEGMTE exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJEGMTE exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJEGMTE to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJEGMTE user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJEGMTE user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJEGMTE set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The IKJPRMX1 exit is the PARMLIB initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJPRMX1.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJPRMX1|IKJPRMX1( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJPRMX1 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJPRMX1 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJPRMX1 | Specifies that the IKJPRMX1 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJPRMX1 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJPRMX1 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJPRMX1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJPRMX1 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJPRMX1 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJPRMX1 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJPRMX1 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJPRMX1 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJPRMX1 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJPRMX1 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJPRMX1 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJPRMX1 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJPRMX1 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJPRMX1 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The IKJPRMX2 exit is the PARMLIB termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IKJPRMX2.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIKJPRMX2|IKJPRMX2( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IKJPRMX2 exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IKJPRMX2 modules.
| ||||||||||
IKJPRMX2 | Specifies that the IKJPRMX2 exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIKJPRMX2 | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IKJPRMX2 exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IKJPRMX2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IKJPRMX2 user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IKJPRMX2 user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IKJPRMX2 user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IKJPRMX2 user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IKJPRMX2 exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IKJPRMX2 exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IKJPRMX2 exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IKJPRMX2 to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IKJPRMX2 user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IKJPRMX2 user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IKJPRMX2 set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit INMCZ21R is the TSO TRANSMIT command names dataset pre-allocation exit.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for INMCZ21R.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOINMCZ21R|INMCZ21R( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a INMCZ21R exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for INMCZ21R modules.
| ||||||||||
INMCZ21R | Specifies that the INMCZ21R exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOINMCZ21R | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named INMCZ21R exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active INMCZ21R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of INMCZ21R user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate INMCZ21R user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup INMCZ21R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup INMCZ21R user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a INMCZ21R exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a INMCZ21R exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of INMCZ21R exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for INMCZ21R to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by INMCZ21R user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent INMCZ21R user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for INMCZ21R set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit INMRZ01R is the TSO RECEIVE command initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for INMRZ01R.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOINMRZ01R|INMRZ01R( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a INMRZ01R exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for INMRZ01R modules.
| ||||||||||
INMRZ01R | Specifies that the INMRZ01R exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOINMRZ01R | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named INMRZ01R exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active INMRZ01R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of INMRZ01R user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate INMRZ01R user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup INMRZ01R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup INMRZ01R user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a INMRZ01R exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a INMRZ01R exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of INMRZ01R exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for INMRZ01R to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by INMRZ01R user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent INMRZ01R user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for INMRZ01R set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit INMRZ02R is the TSO RECEIVE command termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for INMRZ02R.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOINMRZ02R|INMRZ02R( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a INMRZ02R exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for INMRZ02R modules.
| ||||||||||
INMRZ02R | Specifies that the INMRZ02R exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOINMRZ02R | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named INMRZ02R exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active INMRZ02R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of INMRZ02R user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate INMRZ02R user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup INMRZ02R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup INMRZ02R user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a INMRZ02R exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a INMRZ02R exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of INMRZ02R exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for INMRZ02R to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by INMRZ02R user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent INMRZ02R user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for INMRZ02R set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit INMRZ04R is the TSO RECEIVE command notification routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for INMRZ04R.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOINMRZ04R|INMRZ04R( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a INMRZ04R exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for INMRZ04R modules.
| ||||||||||
INMRZ04R | Specifies that the INMRZ04R exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOINMRZ04R | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named INMRZ04R exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active INMRZ04R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of INMRZ04R user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate INMRZ04R user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup INMRZ04R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup INMRZ04R user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a INMRZ04R exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a INMRZ04R exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of INMRZ04R exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for INMRZ04R to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by INMRZ04R user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent INMRZ04R user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for INMRZ04R set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The INMRZ05R exit is the TSO RECEIVE command acknowledgment notification routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for INMRZ05R.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOINMRZ05R|INMRZ05R( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a INMRZ05R exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for INMRZ05R modules.
| ||||||||||
INMRZ05R | Specifies that the INMRZ05R exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOINMRZ05R | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named INMRZ05R exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active INMRZ05R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of INMRZ05R user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate INMRZ05R user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup INMRZ05R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup INMRZ05R user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a INMRZ05R exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a INMRZ05R exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of INMRZ05R exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for INMRZ05R to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by INMRZ05R user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent INMRZ05R user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for INMRZ05R set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The INMRZ06R exit is the TSO RECEIVE command pre-acknowledgment notification routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for INMRZ06R.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOINMRZ06R|INMRZ06R( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a INMRZ06R exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for INMRZ06R modules.
| ||||||||||
INMRZ06R | Specifies that the INMRZ06R exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOINMRZ06R | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named INMRZ06R exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active INMRZ06R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of INMRZ06R user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate INMRZ06R user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup INMRZ06R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup INMRZ06R user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a INMRZ06R exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a INMRZ06R exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of INMRZ06R exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for INMRZ06R to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by INMRZ06R user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent INMRZ06R user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for INMRZ06R set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The INMRZ11R exit is the TSO RECEIVE command data set pre-processing routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for INMRZ11R.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOINMRZ11R|INMRZ11R( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a INMRZ11R exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for INMRZ11R modules.
| ||||||||||
INMRZ11R | Specifies that the INMRZ11R exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOINMRZ11R | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named INMRZ11R exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active INMRZ11R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of INMRZ11R user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate INMRZ11R user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup INMRZ11R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup INMRZ11R user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a INMRZ11R exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a INMRZ11R exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of INMRZ11R exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for INMRZ11R to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by INMRZ11R user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent INMRZ11R user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for INMRZ11R set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The INMRZ12R exit is the TSO RECEIVE command data set post-processing routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for INMRZ12R.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOINMRZ12R|INMRZ12R( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a INMRZ12R exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for INMRZ12R modules.
| ||||||||||
INMRZ12R | Specifies that the INMRZ12R exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOINMRZ12R | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named INMRZ12R exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active INMRZ12R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of INMRZ12R user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate INMRZ12R user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup INMRZ12R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup INMRZ12R user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a INMRZ12R exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a INMRZ12R exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of INMRZ12R exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for INMRZ12R to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by INMRZ12R user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent INMRZ12R user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for INMRZ12R set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The INMRZ13R exit is the TSO RECEIVE command data set encryption routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for INMRZ13R.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOINMRZ13R|INMRZ13R( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a INMRZ13R exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for INMRZ13R modules.
| ||||||||||
INMRZ13R | Specifies that the INMRZ13R exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOINMRZ13R | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named INMRZ13R exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active INMRZ13R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of INMRZ13R user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate INMRZ13R user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup INMRZ13R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup INMRZ13R user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a INMRZ13R exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a INMRZ13R exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of INMRZ13R exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for INMRZ13R to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by INMRZ13R user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent INMRZ13R user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for INMRZ13R set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The INMRZ15R exit is the TSO RECEIVE command post-prompt routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for INMRZ15R.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOINMRZ15R|INMRZ15R( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a INMRZ15R exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for INMRZ15R modules.
| ||||||||||
INMRZ15R | Specifies that the INMRZ15R exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOINMRZ15R | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named INMRZ15R exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active INMRZ15R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of INMRZ15R user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate INMRZ15R user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup INMRZ15R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup INMRZ15R user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a INMRZ15R exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a INMRZ15R exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of INMRZ15R exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for INMRZ15R to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by INMRZ15R user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent INMRZ15R user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for INMRZ15R set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
The INMRZ21R exit is the TSO RECEIVE command log data set pre-allocation routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for INMRZ21R.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOINMRZ21R|INMRZ21R( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a INMRZ21R exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for INMRZ21R modules.
| ||||||||||
INMRZ21R | Specifies that the INMRZ21R exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOINMRZ21R | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named INMRZ21R exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active INMRZ21R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of INMRZ21R user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate INMRZ21R user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup INMRZ21R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup INMRZ21R user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a INMRZ21R exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a INMRZ21R exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of INMRZ21R exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for INMRZ21R to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by INMRZ21R user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent INMRZ21R user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for INMRZ21R set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit INMXZ01R is the TSO TRANSMIT command startup exit.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for INMXZ01R.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOINMXZ01R|INMXZ01R( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a INMXZ01R exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for INMXZ01R modules.
| ||||||||||
INMXZ01R | Specifies that the INMXZ01R exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOINMXZ01R | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named INMXZ01R exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active INMXZ01R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of INMXZ01R user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate INMXZ01R user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup INMXZ01R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup INMXZ01R user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a INMXZ01R exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a INMXZ01R exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of INMXZ01R exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for INMXZ01R to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by INMXZ01R user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent INMXZ01R user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for INMXZ01R set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit INMXZ02R is the TSO TRANSMIT command termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for INMXZ02R.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOINMXZ02R|INMXZ02R( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a INMXZ02R exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for INMXZ02R modules.
| ||||||||||
INMXZ02R | Specifies that the INMXZ02R exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOINMXZ02R | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named INMXZ02R exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active INMXZ02R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of INMXZ02R user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate INMXZ02R user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup INMXZ02R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup INMXZ02R user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a INMXZ02R exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a INMXZ02R exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of INMXZ02R exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for INMXZ02R to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by INMXZ02R user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent INMXZ02R user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for INMXZ02R set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit INMXZ03R is the TSO TRANSMIT command encryption exit.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for INMXZ03R.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOINMXZ03R|INMXZ03R( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a INMXZ03R exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for INMXZ03R modules.
| ||||||||||
INMXZ03R | Specifies that the INMXZ03R exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOINMXZ03R | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named INMXZ03R exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active INMXZ03R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of INMXZ03R user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate INMXZ03R user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup INMXZ03R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup INMXZ03R user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a INMXZ03R exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a INMXZ03R exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of INMXZ03R exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for INMXZ03R to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by INMXZ03R user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent INMXZ03R user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for INMXZ03R set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit INMXZ21R is the TSO TRANSMIT command log data set pre-allocation routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for INMXZ21R.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOINMXZ21R|INMXZ21R( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a INMXZ21R exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for INMXZ21R modules.
| ||||||||||
INMXZ21R | Specifies that the INMXZ21R exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOINMXZ21R | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named INMXZ21R exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active INMXZ21R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of INMXZ21R user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate INMXZ21R user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup INMXZ21R user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup INMXZ21R user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a INMXZ21R exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a INMXZ21R exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of INMXZ21R exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for INMXZ21R to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by INMXZ21R user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent INMXZ21R user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for INMXZ21R set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IRXINITX is the REXX pre-environment initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IRXINITX.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIRXINITX|IRXINITX( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IRXINITX exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IRXINITX modules.
| ||||||||||
IRXINITX | Specifies that the IRXINITX exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIRXINITX | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IRXINITX exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IRXINITX user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IRXINITX user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IRXINITX user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IRXINITX user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IRXINITX user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IRXINITX exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IRXINITX exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IRXINITX exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IRXINITX to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IRXINITX user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IRXINITX user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IRXINITX set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IRXITMV is the REXX post-environment initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IRXITMV.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIRXITMV|IRXITMV( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IRXITMV exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IRXITMV modules.
| ||||||||||
IRXITMV | Specifies that the IRXITMV exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIRXITMV | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IRXITMV exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IRXITMV user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IRXITMV user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IRXITMV user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IRXITMV user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IRXITMV user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IRXITMV exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IRXITMV exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IRXITMV exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IRXITMV to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IRXITMV user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IRXITMV user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IRXITMV set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IRXITTS is the REXX post-environment initialization routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IRXITTS.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIRXITTS|IRXITTS( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IRXITTS exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IRXITTS modules.
| ||||||||||
IRXITTS | Specifies that the IRXITTS exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIRXITTS | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IRXITTS exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IRXITTS user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IRXITTS user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IRXITTS user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IRXITTS user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IRXITTS user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IRXITTS exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IRXITTS exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IRXITTS exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IRXITTS to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IRXITTS user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IRXITTS user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IRXITTS set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
Exit IRXTERMX is the REXX environment termination routine.
OS/EM supplies only basic exit control functions for IRXTERMX.
OS$CNTL TSO - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - 0|*|id1 {0|*|id2 {0|*|id3 }})} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} - {NOIRXTERMX|IRXTERMX( - {ENable|DISABLE} - {NUmber( num1 num2 num3 )} - {NOExits|Exits(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOBAckup|BAckup(0|*|exit1 {0|*|exit2 {0|*|exit3}})})} - {NOABendnotify|ABendnotify( - (0|*|id1a {0|*|id2a {0|*|id3a }}) - (0|*|id1b {0|*|id2b {0|*|id3b }}) - (0|*|id1c {0|*|id2c {0|*|id3c }}) }) - {NOLIMit|LIMit( - (jobmask1,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask2,...)|*|0 - {(jobmask3,...)|*|0}})} - {NOVAlidrc|VAlidrc(rc,...)} - {NOGoodrc|Goodrc(rc,...)} - {NODIsablerc|DISABLERc(rc)} - {DEFaultrc(rc)} - )}
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that a TSO message will be sent if any TSO exit ABENDs. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that no messages will be sent for TSO exit ABENDs.
| ||||||||||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a IRXTERMX exit module from a private authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for IRXTERMX modules.
| ||||||||||
IRXTERMX | Specifies that the IRXTERMX exit point is to be activated. | ||||||||||
NOIRXTERMX | The NO option can be used to completely nullify the exit point and disable and reset any options in effect for it. | ||||||||||
ENABLE | Specifies that the named IRXTERMX exit point is be passed control for exit module execution. | ||||||||||
DISABLE | The DISABLE option can be used to take an exit point out of service, or temporarily disable an exit point, but all the options that were specified previously are retained and will not have to be re-specified if the exit is enabled again. | ||||||||||
NUMBER | You may specify up to 3 user exits per OS$CNTL command. As OS/EM supports 255 user exits per exit point at least one number should be specified here.
| ||||||||||
NOEXITS | Specifies that any active IRXTERMX user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
EXITS(...) | Specifies that the list of IRXTERMX user exits be activated. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate IRXTERMX user exits that were not activated at initialization. The exits will be called in the order listed.
| ||||||||||
NOBACKUP | Specifies that all active backup IRXTERMX user exits are to be disabled. This is only effective after initialization. | ||||||||||
BACKUP(...) | Specifies that the list of backup IRXTERMX user exits are to be activated. Backup exits are only called if the primary exit is not present, usually due to a primary exit failure. This can be specified at initialization, or later to load and activate backup user exits that were not activated at initialization. (The backup User exit modules will be called in the order listed).
| ||||||||||
ABENDNOTIFY | Specifies that when a IRXTERMX exit module ABENDs a TSO NOTIFY message should be sent to up to 3 TSO IDs or notify group names indicating that a IRXTERMX exit module has ABENDed. | ||||||||||
NOABENDNOTIFY | The NO option can be used to nullify the option to notify a TSO user of IRXTERMX exit module ABENDs. Note: See "NFYGROUPS" for information about notify group names.
| ||||||||||
LIMIT | Specifies that Job name limits are requested, to limit user exit modules for IRXTERMX to a specific Jobname(s) or a Jobname mask(s). | ||||||||||
NOLIMIT | The NO option can be used to nullify the option for Job name limits.
| ||||||||||
VALIDRC | Checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by IBM exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution. | ||||||||||
NOVALIDRC | NOVALIDRC turns off return code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
GOODRC | Check for good return codes (register 15) being issued by IRXTERMX user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent IRXTERMX user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a TSO user exit for IRXTERMX set the return code to zero (Indicates the Job processing is to be cancelled), then no other User exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. | ||||||||||
NOGOODRC | NOGOODRC turns off good code checking for user exit modules
| ||||||||||
DISABLERC | Check for a return code (register 15) being issued by user exit modules that disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc. | ||||||||||
NODISABLERC | NODISABLERC turns off disable return code checking for the exit point.
| ||||||||||
DEFAULTRC | The return code (register 15) passed by the exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.
This subcommand lists all information about the exits. The information is normally directed to your screen, but may be directed to a file by specifying the DDNAME parameter.
OS$CNTL QUERY {ALL|ACTIVE| - {ALLOC{(exit,,,)}} - {DASD{(exit,,,)}} - {HSM{(exit,,,)}} - {ISPF{(exit,,,)}} - {JES2{(exit,,,)}} - {JES3{(exit,,,)}} - {MISC{(exit,,,)}} - {POOL} - {RACF{(exit,,,)}} - {SAF{(exit,,,)}} - {SMF{(exit,,,)}} - {TSO{(exit,,,)}} - {SYSTEM} - {JESNAME(jes)} - {DDNAME(name)}
| |||
ALL lists the status of all the user exits; module names associated with each user exit; and LIMIT checking rules in effect for each exit. If the OS/EM optional functions are installed, the list includes the options in effect for the appropriate exits; the jobs, started tasks, and userids for which password processing is in effect; and the current DASD allocation rules. ACTIVE shows the same information as ALL but limited to ACTIVE exits. ACTIVE is the default. | |||
Lists the status of the Allocation user exits; the module name(s) associated with each; and, if the optional OS/EM control functions are installed, status of the OS/EM tape control and NOT CATALOGED 2 options. If an allocation exit list is named, the list will pertain to those exits only. | |||
Lists the status of the DASD user exits; the module name(s) associated with each; and, if the optional OS/EM control functions are installed, the status of the OS/EM DADSM exits and the current DASD allocation rules. If a DADSM exit list is named, the list will pertain to those exits only. | |||
Lists the status of the DFHSM user exits; the module name(s) associated with each; and, if the optional OS/EM control functions are installed, then of the OS/EM options:
If a DFHSM exit list is named, the list will pertain to those exits only. | |||
Lists the status of the ISPF user exits; the module name(s) associated with each; and, if the optional OS/EM control functions are installed, then of the OS/EM options:
If an ISPF exit list is named, the list will pertain to those exits only. | |||
Lists the status of the JES2 user exits; the module name(s) and entries associated with each; and, if the optional OS/EM control functions are installed, the status of the OS/EM functions:
If a JES2 exit list is named, the list will pertain to those exits only. | |||
Lists the status of the JES3 user exits; the entries associated with each exit list. If a JES3 exit list is named, the list will pertain to those exits only. | |||
Lists the status of the MISC user exits; the entries associated with each exit list. If a MISC exit list is named, the list will pertain to those exits only. | |||
Lists the definitions of QUICKPOOL options selected including volume groups, dataset name groups, and the volume pool/dataset name group relationships. | |||
Lists the status of the user RACF exits; and if the optional OS/EM control functions are installed, the status of:
If a RACF exit list is named, the list will pertain to those exits only. | |||
Lists the status of the user SAF exits. If a SAF exit list is named, the list will pertain to those exits only. | |||
Lists the status of the user SMF exits; module name(s) associated with each; and, if the optional OS/EM control functions are installed, the OS/EM options:
If a SMF exit list is named, the list will pertain to those exits only. | |||
Lists the status of the user TSO exits; module names associated with each user exit; and, if the optional OS/EM control functions are installed, the OS/EM options:
If a TSO exit list is named, the list will pertain to those exits only. | |||
Lists the status of the OS/EM control modules. This option will note the status of the OS/EM control functions. Note: The ISPF interface for this command allocates a file for SYSTSPRT for you in BROWSE to view the output of the QUERY command. | |||
JESNAME | The query display may be limited to a single JES2 subsystem name.
| ||
DDNAME | The output from the query command may be directed to a file by preallocating the file to the specified DDNAME. The file should have the attributes: RECFM=VB,LRECL=125,BLKSIZE=8192,DSORG=PS.
The following is a representative example of what you would see as a result of a OS$CNTL QUERY ACTIVE command at your terminal, either at the TSO READY or on the ISPF Option 6 panel.
This command is used to RELOAD OS/EM control and interface modules, RELOAD, or LOAD if not already loaded, user exit modules.
Unlike the other OS$CNTL commands, RELOAD does not accept multiple parameters. You may only specify one keyword and its attendant parameter. While it is possible to load and activate a previously inactive exit with the RELOAD command, LIMIT checking cannot be specified. If you wish LIMIT checking to be in effect for the exit, you will have to issue the standard OS$CNTL command for the exit. The intent of the RELOAD command is to simplify the reloading of an exit module you have changed without having to specify complete syntax of the ordinary OS$CNTL command.
Since each user exit must be explicitly entered by name, this command is used to change, or add, user exits for the ALLOC, SMF, TSO, JES2, JES3, RACF, and HSM commands without having to account for the positional nature of the option used to specify user exits in these commands. Using this command to load modules also activates the named exit if it is not already active.
OS$CNTL RELOAD - OS$ACTRT | - OS$ADEXT | - OS$ALCCN | - OS$ASYNC | - OS$BDEXT | - OS$CDEXT | - OS$CMD | - OS$DADCN | - OS$DB401 | - OS$DEL | - OS$EFF10 | - OS$EFLD1 | - OS$HSMCN | - OS$ISPCN | - OS$JSCBA | - OS$J2MCN | - OS$J2OFF | - OS$J2SCN | - OS$J2X02 | - OS$J2X05 | - OS$J2X06 | - OS$J3ECN | - OS$J3OFF | - OS$J3SVC | - OS$LIMIT | - OS$LOCK | - OS$MDEXT | - OS$MMEXT | - OS$MVEXT | - OS$NOTFY | - OS$POST0 | - OS$PRE00 | - OS$QMSG | - OS$RACCN | - OS$RDEXT | - OS$SECHK | - OS$SMFCN | - OS$STATE | - OS$STOR | - OS$SVCCN | - OS$SVC0 | - OS$SVC3 | - OS$TSOCN | - OS$TSSRB | - OS$UJI | - OS$UJP | - OS$USI | - OS$UTL | - OS$U84CN | - OS$WTO | - OS$W21SD | - OS$0002F | - OS$0004B | - OS$24ITF | - {LIBrary(library.dsn)}
OS/EM System Module | The name of the OS/EM System module to be reloaded (see list of valid OS/EM System Modules above) | ||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a OS/EM system module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for OS/EM system module modules.
OS$CNTL RELOAD - IEFDB401{(MODNAME)} | - IEFALLOD{(MODNAME)} | - IEFALLSW{(MODNAME)} | - IEFALLVE{(MODNAME)} | - IEFALLVM{(MODNAME)} | - {PRimary|BAckup} - {FIrst|SEcond|THird} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)}
Allocation exit point | The name of the Allocation exit point to be reloaded (see list of valid Allocation exit points above) | ||
modname | An optional parameter specifying the module name of the Allocation user exit to be reloaded. If this name is not specified, the module name of the last Allocation user exit to occupy this exit position will be reloaded. If you are unsure of the last Allocation user exit name to occupy this exit position, issue a QUERY command to determine the last Allocation user exit to occupy the user exit position. | ||
PRIMARY | Specifies that the module name of the Allocation exit name to be reloaded is a primary user exit. | ||
BACKUP | Specifies that the module name of the Allocation exit name to be reloaded is a backup user exit. | ||
FIRST | Specifies to reload user exit number one for Allocation exit point. | ||
SECOND | Specifies to reload user exit number two for Allocation exit point. | ||
THIRD | Specifies to reload user exit number three for Allocation exit point. | ||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a User exit exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for User exit modules.
OS$CNTL RELOAD - IGGPOST0{(MODNAME)} | - IGGPRE00{(MODNAME)} | - {PRimary|BAckup} - {FIrst|SEcond|THird} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)}
DFP exit point | The name of the DFP exit point to be reloaded (see list of valid DFP exit points above) | ||
modname | An optional parameter specifying the module name of the DFP user exit to be reloaded. If this name is not specified, the module name of the last DFP user exit to occupy this exit position will be reloaded. If you are unsure of the last DFP user exit name to occupy this exit position, issue a QUERY command to determine the last DFP user exit to occupy the user exit position. | ||
PRIMARY | Specifies that the module name of the DFP exit name to be reloaded is a primary user exit. | ||
BACKUP | Specifies that the module name of the DFP exit name to be reloaded is a backup user exit. | ||
FIRST | Specifies to reload user exit number one for DFP exit point. | ||
SECOND | Specifies to reload user exit number two for DFP exit point. | ||
THIRD | Specifies to reload user exit number three for DFP exit point. | ||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a User exit exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for User exit modules.
DFHSM exit point | The name of the DFHSM exit point to be reloaded (see list of valid DFHSM exit points above) | ||
modname | An optional parameter specifying the module name of the DFHSM user exit to be reloaded. If this name is not specified, the module name of the last DFHSM user exit to occupy this exit position will be reloaded. If you are unsure of the last DFHSM user exit name to occupy this exit position, issue a QUERY command to determine the last DFHSM user exit to occupy the user exit position. | ||
PRIMARY | Specifies that the module name of the DFHSM exit name to be reloaded is a primary user exit. | ||
BACKUP | Specifies that the module name of the DFHSM exit name to be reloaded is a backup user exit. | ||
FIRST | Specifies to reload user exit number one for DFHSM exit point. | ||
SECOND | Specifies to reload user exit number two for DFHSM exit point. | ||
THIRD | Specifies to reload user exit number three for DFHSM exit point. | ||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a User exit exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for User exit modules.
OS$CNTL RELOAD - EXIT1{(MODNAME)} | - EXIT2{(MODNAME)} | - EXIT3{(MODNAME)} | - EXIT4{(MODNAME)} | - EXIT5{(MODNAME)} | - EXIT6{(MODNAME)} | - EXIT7{(MODNAME)} | - EXIT8{(MODNAME)} | - EXIT9{(MODNAME)} | - EXIT10{(MODNAME)} | - EXIT11{(MODNAME)} | - EXIT12{(MODNAME)} | - EXIT13{(MODNAME)} | - EXIT14{(MODNAME)} | - EXIT15{(MODNAME)} | - EXIT16{(MODNAME)} | - {PRimary|BAckup} - {FIrst|SEcond|THird} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)}
ISPF exit point | The name of the ISPF exit point to be reloaded (see list of valid ISPF exit points above) | ||
modname | An optional parameter specifying the module name of the ISPF user exit to be reloaded. If this name is not specified, the module name of the last ISPF user exit to occupy this exit position will be reloaded. If you are unsure of the last ISPF user exit name to occupy this exit position, issue a QUERY command to determine the last ISPF user exit to occupy the user exit position. | ||
PRIMARY | Specifies that the module name of the ISPF exit name to be reloaded is a primary user exit. | ||
BACKUP | Specifies that the module name of the ISPF exit name to be reloaded is a backup user exit. | ||
FIRST | Specifies to reload user exit number one for ISPF exit point. | ||
SECOND | Specifies to reload user exit number two for ISPF exit point. | ||
THIRD | Specifies to reload user exit number three for ISPF exit point. | ||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a User exit exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for User exit modules.
OS$CNTL RELOAD - J2EXITnnn{(lmodname:entryname)} - {PRimary|BAckup} - {FIrst|SEcond|THird} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)}
JES2 exit point | The name of the JES2 exit point to be reloaded (see list of valid JES2 exit points above) | ||
lmodname:entryname | An optional parameter specifying the module name of the JES2 user exit to be reloaded. If this name is not specified, the module name of the last JES2 user exit to occupy this exit position will be reloaded. If you are unsure of the last JES2 user exit name to occupy this exit position, issue a QUERY command to determine the last JES2 user exit to occupy the user exit position. | ||
PRIMARY | Specifies that the module name of the JES2 exit name to be reloaded is a primary user exit. | ||
BACKUP | Specifies that the module name of the JES2 exit name to be reloaded is a backup user exit. | ||
FIRST | Specifies to reload user exit number one for JES2 exit point. | ||
SECOND | Specifies to reload user exit number two for JES2 exit point. | ||
THIRD | Specifies to reload user exit number three for JES2 exit point. | ||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a User exit exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for User exit modules.
OS$CNTL RELOAD - J3EXITnn{(modname)} - {PRimary|BAckup} - {FIrst|SEcond|THird} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)} -
JES3 exit point | The name of the JES3 exit point to be reloaded (see list of valid JES3 exit points above) | ||
modname | An optional parameter specifying the module name of the JES3 user exit to be reloaded. If this name is not specified, the module name of the last JES3 user exit to occupy this exit position will be reloaded. If you are unsure of the last JES3 user exit name to occupy this exit position, issue a QUERY command to determine the last JES3 user exit to occupy the user exit position. | ||
PRIMARY | Specifies that the module name of the JES3 exit name to be reloaded is a primary user exit. | ||
BACKUP | Specifies that the module name of the JES3 exit name to be reloaded is a backup user exit. | ||
FIRST | Specifies to reload user exit number one for JES3 exit point. | ||
SECOND | Specifies to reload user exit number two for JES3 exit point. | ||
THIRD | Specifies to reload user exit number three for JES3 exit point. | ||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a User exit exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for User exit modules.
RACF exit point | The name of the RACF exit point to be reloaded (see list of valid RACF exit points above) | ||
modname | An optional parameter specifying the module name of the RACF user exit to be reloaded. If this name is not specified, the module name of the last RACF user exit to occupy this exit position will be reloaded. If you are unsure of the last RACF user exit name to occupy this exit position, issue a QUERY command to determine the last RACF user exit to occupy the user exit position. | ||
PRIMARY | Specifies that the module name of the RACF exit name to be reloaded is a primary user exit. | ||
BACKUP | Specifies that the module name of the RACF exit name to be reloaded is a backup user exit. | ||
FIRST | Specifies to reload user exit number one for RACF exit point. | ||
SECOND | Specifies to reload user exit number two for RACF exit point. | ||
THIRD | Specifies to reload user exit number three for RACF exit point. | ||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a User exit exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for User exit modules.
RACF Table | The name of the RACF Table to be reloaded or reset | ||
tblname | An optional parameter specifying the module name of the RACF Table to be replaced. | ||
RESET | |||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a table module exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for table module modules.
OS$CNTL RELOAD - IEFACTRT{(MODNAME)} | - IEFUJI{(MODNAME)} | - IEFUJP{(MODNAME)} | - IEFUJV{(MODNAME)} | - IEFUSI{(MODNAME)} | - IEFUSO{(MODNAME)} | - IEFUTL{(MODNAME)} | - IEFU29{(MODNAME)} | - IEFU83{(MODNAME)} | - IEFU84{(MODNAME)} | - IEFU85{(MODNAME)} | - {PRimary|BAckup} - {FIrst|SEcond|THird} - {LIBrary(library.dsn)}
SMF exit point | The name of the SMF exit point to be reloaded (see list of valid SMF exit points above) | ||
modname | An optional parameter specifying the module name of the SMF user exit to be reloaded. If this name is not specified, the module name of the last SMF user exit to occupy this exit position will be reloaded. If you are unsure of the last SMF user exit name to occupy this exit position, issue a QUERY command to determine the last SMF user exit to occupy the user exit position. | ||
PRIMARY | Specifies that the module name of the SMF exit name to be reloaded is a primary user exit. | ||
BACKUP | Specifies that the module name of the SMF exit name to be reloaded is a backup user exit. | ||
FIRST | Specifies to reload user exit number one for SMF exit point. | ||
SECOND | Specifies to reload user exit number two for SMF exit point. | ||
THIRD | Specifies to reload user exit number three for SMF exit point. | ||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a User exit exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for User exit modules.
These commands will reload, and activate, user exits #1 and #2 for SMF IEFUSI:
Each exit is loaded with a single invocation of the OS$CNTL RELOAD command as required.
Now, assume that the above commands were the first time that USREXIT1 and USREXIT2 were loaded. You have made modifications to USREXIT1 which you want to reload. The following command will accomplish this:
Note: The module name is not specified. Since you are reloading USREXIT1, the name need not be entered since it will be the assumed name when the RELOAD command executes.
TSO exit point | The name of the TSO exit point to be reloaded (see list of valid TSO exit points above) | ||
modname | An optional parameter specifying the module name of the TSO user exit to be reloaded. If this name is not specified, the module name of the last TSO user exit to occupy this exit position will be reloaded. If you are unsure of the last TSO user exit name to occupy this exit position, issue a QUERY command to determine the last TSO user exit to occupy the user exit position. | ||
PRIMARY | Specifies that the module name of the TSO exit name to be reloaded is a primary user exit. | ||
BACKUP | Specifies that the module name of the TSO exit name to be reloaded is a backup user exit. | ||
FIRST | Specifies to reload user exit number one for TSO exit point. | ||
SECOND | Specifies to reload user exit number two for TSO exit point. | ||
THIRD | Specifies to reload user exit number three for TSO exit point. | ||
LIBRARY | Specifies the loading of a User exit exit module from a private Authorized library named library.dsn. If this parameter is omitted then the normal MVS search criteria is used for User exit modules.
These commands will activate SMF exit IEFUJV using module USREXIT1 as exit one. It will reload JES2 exit four, user exit two. Since no module specified, the previous name is assumed. Although not required (JES2 is default subsystem name) the JES subsystem name is specified.
This section provides a list of important topics, which you will need to consider prior to installing OS/EM. The intent is to assist you in assessing the impact, if any, that OS/EM will have on your installation.
You must supply Trident Services with the CPU serial number of each machine that OS/EM will run on. This number is available from IBM (or other manufacturer if your CPU is not from IBM) and consists of a six digit number. The four low-order numbers are the important ones.
If you are unsure of your CPU serial number, you may enter the following command on an MVS master console to obtain it.
In this sample display, the serial number of ID 0 is '0114BA'. The last 4 characters are the CPU model number. OS/EM uses the last 4 characters of the serial number, in this case '14BA'.
Every user exit currently in use at your installation should be thoroughly documented as to it's use and the location of both source and load members. All such exits should be functioning properly and should not modify any control blocks not specifically allowed at the exit point. Further, your exits should do nothing more than what is explicitly allowed in the relevant IBM documentation.
If any of these exits can be replaced by using OS/EM's optional facilities, determine if the optional facilities meet all your needs. If your exits contain more functions than those supplied by OS/EM, consider recoding your exits leaving only those functions not supplied by OS/EM.
You will also need to determine at what point you want the optional OS/EM functions to be invoked, either before your own exits or after all your exits have been processed. It is entirely possible that a conflict can develop between your own exits and the optional functions. For example, the optional functions supplied for IKJEFF10 modify the JOB statement. If your IKJEFF10 exit depends on certain information in a certain format on the JOB statement, the OS/EM optional processing might result in a different result for your exit.
In order to use the RELOAD function provided in the ISPF Interface, all user exits need to be defined to the Interface using the Basic Exits Functions. Although OS/EM will automatically find and load all user exits which have the standard IBM module names and are in the Linklist whether or not they have been defined to the Interface, the list of modules eligible to be reloaded is built from your entries in the Basic Exits Functions. If you prefer not to enter this information, please refer to "RELOAD Command" on page RELOAD-1 in the OS/EM Reference Manual for instructions on reloading modules manually.
Note: This information will be added automatically to the interface during the upgrade process or during the 'REBUILD' function from the 'MAINTENANCE' section of the interface.
Many products, such as job schedulers and SYSOUT archival systems, depend on exits to accomplish their work. You should know at which exit points these supplied exits are invoked, and where they currently reside.
Many of these products also require the same exit point. You should determine in what order they should be invoked if OS/EM is to load and enable them.
The OS/EM optional feature Job Routing allows an installation to route jobs to specific LPARs within a MAS. The Job Routing Communications dataset must be on DASD shared by each LPAR within the MAS. Additionally the Job Routing function must be enabled on each LPAR within a MAS concurrently. Failure to do so will result in jobs not being allowed to execute on LPARs where Job Routing is active if they have been through the interpreter on a LPAR without Job Routing. Conversely, LPARs within the MAS without Job Routing active may select jobs for execution without the specified resources.
At installations where it is not permissible for a 3rd party product to manage RACF user exits, you may specify to OS/EM to use SAF as the security system in use (see Step 7 of the installation instructions.) This will disable OS/EM from managing RACF exits as well as disallowing use of any OS/EM feature for RACF such as Surrogate Password Control, while still allowing calls to RACF for validation of other controls such as JOBCLASSCHECK (see Step 6 of the installation instructions.)
You should determine which of your exits have been installed via the SMP/E USERMOD process. Once OS/EM has been installed, SMP/E knowledge of such exits is no longer necessary. OS/EM dynamically loads its interface modules during initialization; and these, in turn, dynamically load your user exit modules. Therefore, after successful installation, you should remove the exits from SMP/E by the RESTORE function and link them into an OS/EM accessible library with different names (e.g. MYUJI), then update the OS/EM initialization parms to load the new names.
If your installation does not currently have a consistent dataset naming convention, one should be developed to make full use of the OS/EM DASD allocation built-in facility. At a minimum, the naming convention should be able to distinguish between production and test datasets. Ideally, your convention should be able to segregate the various types of datasets in your installation, datasets used primarily for online applications, those datasets used primarily for batch, etc.
Think in terms of classes of data. That is, you might have datasets used for online applications. These datasets should be allocated for the least amount of volume, channel, and control unit contention. Such datasets would constitute a class in OS/EM terms, a dataset name group.
To ensure that these dataset name groups get the processing you want them to have, volumes should be pooled. If you have volumes that have multiple physical and logical paths, these volumes should be reserved for those datasets that have critical access requirements for online datasets. By listing these volumes in a particular OS/EM volume group and designating the proper dataset name group to this volume group, you can ensure that all such datasets will be properly allocated.
If your installation has an existing dataset naming convention, determine if an adequate number of dataset name groups can be created to accomplish your allocation goals. You may find that, without too much re-working of your existing convention, you can group datasets in a satisfactory manner.
OS/EM can also be of benefit in migrating to a new dataset naming convention. You can define a couple of dataset name groups representing a subset of the new convention, establish one or two volume groups for these dataset name groups, and as you allocate datasets under the new names, they will be placed on these reserved volumes. Once volumes are free of datasets under the old names, they can then be used to establish new volume groups with dataset name groups representing another subset of the new convention. Migration can then be done in small, easy steps.
Most likely your installation already has rules concerning the use of tape devices by test jobs. These may be codified in some standards manual; or an informal set of rules, sometimes enforced by operators when there are not enough tape devices to go around. Whatever the rules, you should give some thought as to how you want to implement this OS/EM function. Remember, this function is intended primarily as a means to enforce your installation's standards concerning tape usage by test jobs. The wrong MAXTAPE value applied to a production job class would certainly not win you any friends in your operations group.
Also remember that tape devices are counted as allocation proceeds; therefore, jobs may cancel that did not cancel before (due to the job getting the devices, and possibly forcing other production jobs to wait until the devices are deallocated). You should give thought to running this function in WARN mode so that violations will be apparent to users before their jobs start canceling.
Determine which users, if any, will be allowed to submit operating system and JES2 commands in JCL. The simplest approach would be to severely limit this ability, say to a few system programmers, and RACF define resources COMMAND.* and JES2.$* only; and only permit the appropriate userids. However, if you have other requirements, just ensure that the appropriate resource definitions are in place before invoking this function.
Many OS/EM optional functions may be applied on a job class basis. This means that your installation should have a well-defined set of rules for job class usage. Any rules you develop should account for the following:
However, you should have at least one class reserved for those production jobs that consume excessive resources and single-thread such jobs through this class. We also recommend that you reserve one production class for those jobs that absolutely need to be executed when they are submitted. Such jobs would be the SMF dump job; and, if your CICS journal is on disk, the job that dumps a full disk journal to tape.
Some of the optional OS/EM control functions allow you to check that a specified job class is valid for the job. These classes must be defined to your security system using the classname FACILITY (or IBMFAC for CA-TOPSECRET) and resource JOBCLASS.x where x is the desired class. If the resource is not defined, OS/EM will by default allow access to the resource, so no Job will fail.
The optional OS/EM IEFUSI function is applied based on the weight assigned to each selection criteria type: program name, job class or job name. Before applying storage limits, determine, at the very least, your installation's use of job classes. If, for example, you start CICS as a job, you would not want to specify the CICS job class with the wrong storage limits. In this case, it would be better to specify DFHSIP as a program name and assign it to a REGION keyword with the appropriate limits.
When using SMF exit IEFU83, including the OS/EM extended function Catalog Account Control, it is possible that SVC dumps will be produced for S71A abends. These abends are normally supressed by the Catalog Address Space where they occur, but when CAS is called by IEFU83 a dump may be produced as OS/EM's SMF Controller may detect the abend. The same problem may be encountered without OS/EM as the SMF ESTAE routine IEEMB830 would then detect the abend.
IBM recommends that you set a SLIP trap in IEASLP00 in SYS1.PARMLIB to suppress the dump. An example for ABEND71A is:
This information is documentated in IBM APAR OW13864.
To use the OS/EM support of the ISPF installation-wide exits, you must have set the EXITS keyword on the ISPMTAIL macro to YES, or by using the ISPCCONF command to change the ISPDFLTS setting 'Enable ISPF Exits'.
For detailed instructions, refer to the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual, section Tailoring ISPF Defaults.
Also be sure that you do not have a version of ISPEXITS available in a STEPLIB in any ISPF logon procedure, otherwise ISPEXITS will be loaded from the STEPLIB and not from the OS/EM load library. Any exit (and associated data area) coded in your ISPEXITS module must be defined to OS/EM via the Basic Exits function.
OS/EM is distributed as a pre-built SMP/E environment. The installation process is performed through an ISPF dialogue that guides the user to:
Additional installation steps involve setting up system environment and other related subsystems (e.g. RACF, DFSMShsm) to support OS/EM operation.
Some changes to the system PARMLIB will be required to enable OS/EM operation.
This section identifies the system requirements for installing and running OS/EM.
OS/EM is distributed via CD. This CD contains a binary distribution file named OSM0600.DIST.TERSE. As the name implies, the data is in the 'TERSED' format using the TRSMAIN utility. Users who do not have the TRSMAIN utility installed on their system can obtain it from the IBM Technical Support website:
Download the distribution file into a sequential dataset with the following attributes:
The distribution dataset contains a pre-built SMP/E environment which is loaded into the pre-allocated datasets. An ISPF dialogue is provided to guide the user through the installation process (this is similar to a ServerPac installation procedure). Follow these instructions carefully to avoid errors when attepting to load the SMP/E environment.
The Installation Library contains the ISPF dialogue and JCL skeletons that are used to define and load all the OS/EM datasets. Extract the Installation Library using the following JCL:
Execute the Installation Dialog by entering the following TSO command:
Ensure that dataset names specified in the above command is the same that was used in installation step 1.
The following menu will be displayed:
Figure 1. OS/EM Installation Menu
The pre-built OS/EM SMP/E environment is loaded by executing the selection items in the main menu in sequence.
Figure 2. OS/EM Installation Variables
Subsequent installation steps will submit jobs. For each job that will be submitted, the following panel will be displayed:
Figure 3. OS/EM Installation Job Submission
Alter the JOB statement to meet your installation's standards and then select option 1 to submit the job. You may browse or edit the JCL prior to submission using options 2 and 3.
Important - If your installation uses multiple JES systems with different release or maintenance levels, the JES offset table must be generated on each of these systems.
Once all installation steps have been completed, terminate the dialogue by pressing PF3.
Many of the OS/EM optional functions such as the Job Class Checking, Account Number Checking, DDNAME Checking, JCL parameter checking, MVS Operating System and JES2 commands are controlled by appropriate definitions to your installation's security system (RACF, CA-TOPSECRET, or CA-ACF2). If you intend to use these functions, the proper definitions must be in place before OS/EM can enforce the use of these resources. If resource checking (RACROUTE) for a particular resource is requested by OS/EM and the resource is not defined to the installation's security system, OS/EM will by default allow the use of the requested resource if using RACF, or disallow the use of the requested resource if using ACF2.
All such definitions are done by establishing the proper resources within the class FACILITY (CA-TOPSECRET users will use class IBMFAC). Job class resources take the form JOBCLASS.x where x is the desired jobclass. Users would then be permitted to the proper jobclass. For example, if JOBCLASSCHECKING is in effect, and resource JOBCLASS.A is defined, users would have to be permitted to this resource before they could submit jobs to JOBCLASS A. READ authority is sufficient.
MVS Operating system and JES2 command submittal authority is also defined within class FACILITY (or IBMFAC). The resource takes the form COMMAND.cmd for operating system commands, and JES2.$cmd for JES2 commands.
For operating system commands, cmd is the long form of the command. For example, COMMAND.MOUNT would be specified as the resource name for establishing authority to issue MVS MOUNT commands (do not code COMMAND.M).
The commands $VS, $ADD and $TRACE must be fully designated; all other commands must be a single letter. The proper resource designation for $A for example would be JES2.$A, a generic resource for JES2 commands would be JES2.$*, this covers all JES2 commands.
To permit the user to issue any JES2 command, define the resource as JES2.* and permit the user to this resource. Read authority is sufficient.
Finally, use of the OS$CNTL command can be controlled via your security system. Again, the class is FACILITY|IBMFAC and the resource is OS$CNTL.sysid.function, where sysid is the four character SMF id of your system, and function is either ALLOC, CODE, DASD, HSM, ISPF, JES2, JES3, POOL, QUERY, RACF, RELOAD, SMF, SVC, or TSO. READ access is sufficient.
Note: The resource OS$CNTL.sysid.RACF must be defined before any RACF commands may be issued. Protection of other commands is optional.
OS/EM runs as a MVS subsystem. Therefore, the subsystem name must be defined. Edit your SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNxx to add OSEM as the subsystem name. The member IEFSSN60 in the OS/EM SAMPLIB can be copied into your current IEFSSN member in SYS1.PARMLIB or copy IEFSSN60 into SYS1.PARMLIB as member IEFSSNOS and update the IEASYS member parameter SSN=(00,OS).
SUBSYS SUBNAME(OSEM) INITRTN(OS$IPL) INITPARM('subs,MSG=x,SVC=nnn,SEC=yyyy,CLASS=zzzzzzzz,SMF=xx') ,SMF=(xx,yyy)') ,SMF=(,yyy)')
OSEM is the sub-system name, OS$IPL is the execution module that establishes the OS/EM environment.
The additional entries are the initialization parameters that are
The INITPARM string is passed to the subsystem initialization routine. This string contains the following parameters:
subs | The OS/EM Job Entry Subsystem to control
x | The message support required during OS/EM Sub-system initialization
nnn | The SVC number you want OS/EM to use with JES3 only. If you omit this parameter (SVC=nnn), as in the example, OS/EM starts scanning for an available SVC number and will use the first available number. The OS/EM scan starts at SVC number 255 and works backwards. |
yyyy | Defines the security system installed at your installation. You must code this operand, along with the CLASS parameter, if you intend to use any of the OS/EM functions that depend on security system definitions. |
zzzzzzzz | Resource class for authorization checking |
xx | |
yyy | SMF number to use for audit records. Note: See SMF Record Format in the appendix for the format of these SMF records. |
The OSEM procedure is automatically invoked by the OS/EM subsystem initialization. This procedure initializes the OS/EM environment.
The SAMPLIB member OSEM contains a sample procedure. Copy this member into a PROCLIB pointed to by your Master Scheduler JCL and update it to reflect your dataset naming.
Ensure that 'xhlq' is set to the datset name high-level qualifier for the OS/EM executable datasets.
In this example, the SYSTSIN DD statement is a concatenation that points to the initialization members that build the OS/EM environment. This is the way in which initialization members are built by the ISPF interface.
Since OSEM runs as a started task, you must define OSEM to your security system giving it SYS1 authority. Otherwise OS/EM initialization will fail.
Perform one of the following procedures:
Perform one of the following procedures:
Note: The OS/EM CLIST library is shipped with LRECL=80 and RECFM=FB. Only CLIST libraries with like characteristics can be concatenated. If your CLIST libraries are RECFM=VB, it is recommended that you use the sample CLIST ICQSMC00 to copy these CLISTS to a RECFM=VB CLIST dataset. ICQSMC00 is shipped in the IBM library ICQ.ICQSAMP as a part of TSO/E.
Since you will use the ISPF interface on a regular basis, you should place an entry for the interface on an ISPF menu, preferably a menu that is not widely available to your regular ISPF users.
If you use O as the selection letter, the entry in the menu's )PROC section would be:
You will also need to add the following line at the end of the menu's )PROC section to allow users to go directly to an OS/EM sub-menu.
This procedure will build the initial OS/EM PARMLIB and ISPF Table library entries for your environment:
This process may take several minutes. When complete, the OS/EM Tables and Initialization members will be initialized.
If this is a new installation, go to step 13.
The Upgrade function parses a Query Report of your current OS/EM environment to determine which exits and/or optional features you are using and stores that information in the OS/EM Version 6.0 PARMLIB and ISPF Table library.
Perform the following procedure to upgrade to OS/EM Version 6.0:
The upgrade process may take several minutes. When complete, the OS/EM settings from the current environment or the saved Query Report will be migrated to the OS/EM 6.0 tables.
Users upgrading from a prior release of OS/EM should skip to Step 15 because Step 12 copies the existing authorization codes into the new tables.
See Authorization Code, Definition and Use in the OS/EM User Guide for complete instructions.
Users upgrading from a prior release of OS/EM should skip to Step 15 because Step 12 creates the initialization member.
If you are only installing the HSM Optimizer Reports go to step 22.
See the OS/EM User Guide for complete instructions.
The OS/EM AUTOINSTALL feature (new to OS/EM Version 6.0) will process the JES2 initialization parameters and automatically place the defined user exits under OS/EM control. Therefore, there is nothing that a new user must do to implement existing JES2 exits in OS/EM.
However, since OS/EM provides centralized management of all common user exits, it makes more sense to explicitly define the user exits to OS/EM. These exits can be defined to OS/EM before or after the initial IPLs with OS/EM 6.0.
The OS/EM processing rules for JES2 exits are:
A suggested migration strategy from JES2 PARM definitions to OS/EM is:
If you are using the JES2 Pre-Initialization Exit (EXIT0) to control the start of the JES2 Initialization process, it must be Link Edited as a separate Load Module with a name other than HASPXIT0, and additional Exit Entry Points (such as EXIT19 or EXIT24, for example) should not be included. These should be assembled and Link Edited into a separate Load Module (or Modules) of their own and additionally defined to OS/EM, as appropriate.
Beginning with OS/390 Version 2 Release 4, IBM has provided a compatibility and migration aid in the form of a user Exit 5 routine. Without OS/EM, this exit is invoked automatically if you do not specify your own Exit 5. Since OS/EM enables Exit 5 this user exit will not be automatically invoked. To ensure that this exit continues to be available, you must define it to the OS/EM Basic Exits Function. The module name of this exit is HASX05C with an entry point name of HASX5CTR. Because this exit is not MVS re-entrant, you will need to code KEY: 1 on the OS/EM entry panel.
Prior versions of OS/EM required users to define OS/EM JES2 the interface module and the user exit points in the JES2 initialization parms. The OS/EM AUTOINSTALL feature (new to OS/EM Version 6.0) automatically adds the OS/EM JES2 Interface for all of the user exit points.
Users who are upgrading to OS/EM 6.0 must remove the OS/EM LOADMOD and EXIT(nnn) definitions from the JES2 initialization parms before IPLing with OSEM 6.0:
Failure to remove these definitions will cause OS/EM to attempt to dynamically define these exits during JES2 initialization. These definitions will fail (load module not found) and error messages will be issued, but JES2 and OS/EM initialization will continue normally.
Make the following changes to the system PARMLIB:
OS/EM Version 6 introduces significant architectural changes that affect how it is configured to OS/390 & z/OS.
Note: If the EXIT ADD statements are not removed, message CSV431I will be issued at IPL time for each entry point (Module Not Found). This will not prevent OS/EM from initializing successfully.
This step may be skipped during an upgrade of OS/EM, however you should review your ARCCMDxx member to be sure all DFHSM exits are specified.
In order to activate the HSM Optimizer functions the DFHSM ARCCMDxx parm member must be updated to enable all the DFHSM exits.
This step may be skipped during an upgrade of OS/EM, however you should review your SMFPRMxx member to be sure all SMF exits are enabled. The EXITS parameter should be specified on both the SYS and SUBSYS keywords, as the following example shows:
This step may be skipped during an upgrade.
RACF provides three types of password authentication:
Prior to RACF release 2.1 the default authentication method was the masking algorithm. Beginning with RACF release 2.1, a two-step method of checking is the default, where RACF uses both the masking algorithm and the DES algorithm.
You must control the type of authentication used via OS/EM if you are running RACF 2.1 or above.
Note: For more information on using the ISPF Facility MVS Basic Exit Support, see the OS/EM User Guide. For more information regarding RACF Password Authentication, refer to the RACF System Programmer's Guide.
IPL the system. OS/EM will initialize with the parameters you placed in the parmlib members pointed to by the OSEM procedure.
Use the ISPF interface at any time to modify processing options and/or user exits, or to build initialization members that your installation requires.
Refer to the OS/EM Version 6.0 Users Guide initializing and creating HSM Optimizer Reports.
The following is a list of SMF, TSO, ISPF, JES2, JES3, RACF, Allocation and DFP exits that OS/EM currently supports. The standard support manages the loading and execution of up to three user exits, and optionally an OS/EM exit that provides the Extended support. The listed usage may not cover all the conditions the exit can handle; it is only suggestive of the common use.
IEFALLOD | Allocated/Offline Device Exit |
IEFALLSW | Specific Waits Exit |
IEFALLVE | Volume Enqueue Exit |
IEFALLVM | Volume Mount Exit |
IEFDB401 | Allocation Input Validation Exit (SVC99) |
IGGPRE00 | DADSM Pre-processing for Allocate, Extend, Scratch, Partial Release and Rename |
IGGPOST0 | DADSM Post-processing for Allocate, Extend, Scratch, Partial Release and Rename |
ARCADEXT | Data Set Deletion Exit |
ARCBDEXT | Data Set Backup Exit |
ARCBEEXT | ABARS Backup Error Exit |
ARCCBEXT | Control Data Set Backup Exit |
ARCCDEXT | Data Set Reblock Exit |
ARCCREXT | ABARS Conflict Resolution Exit |
ARCEDEXT | ABARS Expiration Date Exit |
ARCINEXT | Initialization Exit |
ARCMDEXT | Data Set Migration Exit |
ARCMMEXT | Second-Level Migration Data Set Exit |
ARCMVEXT | Space Management Volume Exit |
ARCM2EXT | ABARS Migration Level 2 Data Set Exit |
ARCRDEXT | Recall Exit (Not valid for SMS Managed Data Sets) |
ARCRPEXT | Recall/Recover Priority Exit |
ARCSAEXT | Space Management and Backup Exit |
ARCSDEXT | Shutdown Exit |
ARCSKEXT | ABARS Data Set Skip Exit |
ARCTDEXT | Tape Data Set Exit |
ARCTEEXT | Tape Ejected Exit |
ARCTVEXT | Tape Volume Exit |
Exit 1 | ISPF initialization |
Exit 2 | ISPF termination |
Exit 3 | SELECT service start |
Exit 4 | SELECT service end |
Exit 5 | TSO command start |
Exit 6 | TSO command end |
Exit 7 | LIBDEF service |
Exit 8 | RESERVE |
Exit 9 | RELEASE |
Exit 10 | Logical screen start |
Exit 11 | Logical screen end |
Exit 12 | ISPF/PDF service start |
Exit 13 | ISPF/PDF service end |
Exit 14 | SWAP logical screens |
Exit 15 | DISPLAY service start |
Exit 16 | Log, list, and temporary data set allocation |
Exit 0 | Pre-initialization |
Exit 1 | Print/Punch Separators |
Exit 2 | Job Statement Scan |
Exit 3 | Job Statement Accounting Field Scan |
Exit 4 | JCL and JES2 Control Statement Scan |
Exit 5 | JES2 Command Preprocessor |
Exit 6 | Converter/Interpreter Text Scan |
Exit 7 | JCT Read/Write (JES2) |
Exit 8 | Control Block Read/Write (User) |
Exit 9 | Job Output Overflow |
Exit 10 | $WTO Screen |
Exit 11 | Spool Partitioning Allocation ($TRACK) |
Exit 12 | Spool Partitioning Allocation ($STRAK) |
Exit 13 | TSO/E Interactive Data Transmission Facility Screening and Notification |
Exit 14 | Job Queue Work Select - $QGET |
Exit 15 | Output Data Set/Copy Select |
Exit 16 | Notify |
Exit 19 | Initialization Statement |
Exit 20 | End of Input |
Exit 21 | SMF Record |
Exit 22 | Cancel/Status |
Exit 23 | FSS Job Separator Page (JSPA) Processing |
Exit 24 | Post-initialization |
Exit 25 | JCT Read (FSS) |
Exit 26 | Termination/Resource Release |
Exit 27 | PCE Attach/Detach |
Exit 28 | Subsystem Interface (SSI) Job Termination |
Exit 29 | Subsystem Interface (SSI) End-of-Memory |
Exit 30 | Subsystem Interface (SSI) Data Set Open and RESTART |
Exit 31 | Subsystem Interface (SSI) Allocation |
Exit 32 | Subsystem Interface (SSI) Job Selection |
Exit 33 | Subsystem Interface (SSI) Data Set Close |
Exit 34 | Subsystem Interface (SSI) Data Set Unallocation |
Exit 35 | Subsystem Interface (SSI) End-of-Task |
Exit 36 | Pre-security Authorization Call |
Exit 37 | Post-security Authorization Call |
Exit 38 | TSO/E Receive Data Set Disposition |
Exit 39 | NJE SYSOUT Reception Data Set Disposition |
Exit 40 | Modifying SYSOUT Characteristics |
Exit 41 | Modifying Output Grouping Key Selection |
Exit 42 | Modifying a Notify User Message |
Exit 43 | Transaction Program Select/Terminate/Change |
Exit 44 | JES2 Converter Exit (Main Task) |
Exit 45 | Pre-SJF Exit Request |
Exit 46 | Transmitting a NJE Data Area |
Exit 47 | Receiving a NJE Data Area |
Exit 48 | Subsystem Interface (SSI) SYSOUT Data Set Unallocation |
Exit 49 | Job Queue Work Select |
IATUX01 | Reserved Name |
IATUX02 | Reserved Name |
IATUX03 | Examine of modify Converter/Interpreter Text created from JCL |
IATUX04 | Examine the Job Information from the JCL |
IATUX05 | Examine the Step Information from the JCL |
IATUX06 | Examine DD Statement Information from the JCL |
IATUX07 | Examine or Substitute Unit, Type and Volume Serial Information |
IATUX08 | Examine Setup Information |
IATUX09 | Examine Final Job Status, JST and JVT |
IATUX10 | Generate a Message |
IATUX11 | Inhibit Printing of the LOCATE Request or Response |
IATUX14 | Job Validation/Restart LOCATE Request or Response |
IATUX15 | Scan an Initialization Statement |
IATUX16 | Reserved Name |
IATUX17 | Define Set of Scheduler Elements |
IATUX18 | Check Input Authority Level for Consoles |
IATUX19 | Examine or Modify Data Temporary OSE |
IATUX20 | Examine or Modify Data Written on Job Header Pages |
IATUX21 | Create and Write Data Set Headers for Output Data Sets |
IATUX22 | Examine or Alter the Forms Alignment |
IATUX23 | Examine or Modify Data Written to Trailer Pages |
IATUX24 | Examine the Net-id and Devices Requested |
IATUX25 | Examine or Modify Volume Serial Number |
IATUX26 | Examine MVS Scheduler Control Blocks |
IATUX27 | Examine or Alter the JDAB, JCT and JMR |
IATUX28 | Examine the Accounting Information as Provided by the Job Statement |
IATUX29 | Examine the Accounting Information as Provided JCT, JDAB and JMR |
IATUX30 | Examine Authority Level for TSO/E Terminal Commands |
IATUX31 | Examine or Modify Destination or Message Text |
IATUX32 | Override the DYNALLDSN Initialization Statement |
IATUX33 | JES3 Control Statement and the JCL EXEC Statement Installation Exit |
IATUX34 | JCL DD Statement User Exit and the JCL EXEC Statement Installation Exit |
IATUX35 | Validity Check Network Commands |
IATUX36 | Collect Accounting Information |
IATUX37 | Modify the JES3 Networking Data Set Header |
IATUX38 | Change the SYSOUT Class for Networking Data Sets |
IATUX39 | Modify the Data Set Header for a SYSOUT Data Set |
IATUX40 | Modify Job Header |
IATUX41 | Determine the Disposition of Job Over JCL Limit |
IATUX42 | TSO/E Interactive Data Transmission Facility Screening and Notification |
IATUX43 | Modify Job Header Segments |
IATUX44 | Examine and Modify the JCL |
IATUX45 | Examine and Modify the Data Sent to an Output Writer FSS |
IATUX46 | Select Processors Eligible for Converter/Interpreter Processing |
IATUX47 | Reserved Name |
IATUX48 | Override Operator Modification of Output Data Sets |
IATUX49 | Override Address Selected for Converter/Interpreter Processing |
IATUX50 | Process User Defined BSIDMOD Codes for Converter/Interpreter |
IATUX56 | Authorize JES3 Commands Entered Through BDT |
IATUX57 | Select a Single WTO Routing Code for JES3 MGSROUTE |
IATUX58 | Modify Security Information Before JES3 Security Processing |
IATUX59 | Modify Security Information After JES3 Security Processing |
IATUX60 | Determine Action to take when a TSO/E User is Unable to Receive a Data Set |
IATUX61 | During MDS Processing, Choose Whether a Job Should be Cancelled or Sent to the Error Queue |
IATUX62 | Overrides the Decision to Accept a Tape or Disk Mount |
IATUX66 | Assigns Transmission Priority to a SNA/NJE Data Stream |
IATUX67 | Determines Action when Remote Data Set is Rejected by RACF |
IATUX68 | Modify Local NJE Job Trailers |
IATUX69 | Determine If a Message is to be Sent to the Jes3 Global Address Space |
IATUX70 | Perform Additional Message Processing |
IATUX71 | Modify a Tape Request Setup Message |
IATUX72 | Examine/Modify a Temporary OSE or an OSE Moved to Writer Queue |
IATUX73 - IATUX99 are provided for future compatibility allowing for the specification of the Linkage Types:
ICHCCX00 | RACF password |
ICHCNX00 | RACF password |
ICHDEX01 | RACF password encryption |
ICHPWX01 | New Password exit |
IRRACX01 | ACEE Compression/Decompression Exit |
IRRACX02 | ACEE Compression/Decompression Exit |
IRREVX01 | RACF Common Command Exit |
ICHRTX00 | MVS Router |
IRRSXT00 | SAF Callable Services Router |
IEFACTRT | SMF Job/Step Termination Exit |
IEFUJI | Job Initiation Exit |
IEFUJP | Job Purge Exit |
IEFUJV | Job Validation Exit |
IEFUSI | Step Initiation Exit |
IEFUSO | SYSOUT Limit Exit |
IEFUTL | Time Limit Exit |
IEFU29 | SMF Dump Exit |
IEFU83 | SMF Record Exit |
IEFU84 | SMF Record Exit |
IEFU85 | SMF Record Exit |
ICQAMFX1 | Application Manager Function Pre-initialization |
ICQAMFX2 | Application Manager Function Post-termination |
ICQAMPX1 | Application Manager Panel Pre-display |
ICQAMPX2 | Application Manager Panel Post-display |
IEEVSNX0 | OPER SEND subcommand Initialization |
IEEVSNX1 | OPER SEND subcommand Pre-display |
IEEVSNX2 | OPER SEND subcommand Pre-save |
IEEVSNX3 | OPER SEND subcommand Failure |
IEEVSNX4 | OPER SEND subcommand Termination |
IKJADINI | ALTLIB Initialization |
IKJADTER | ALTLIB Termination |
IKJCNXCI | CONSPROF Initialization |
IKJCNXDE | CONSOLE Deactivation |
IKJCNX50 | CONSOLE 80% Message Capacity |
IKJCNX64 | CONSOLE 100% Message Capacity |
IKJCT43I | EXEC Initialization |
IKJCT43T | EXEC Termination |
IKJCT44B | Add Installation-written CLIST Built-in Functions |
IKJCT44S | Add Installation-written CLIST Statements |
IKJEESXB | LISTBC Termination |
IKJEESX0 | SEND Initialization |
IKJEESX1 | SEND Pre-display |
IKJEESX2 | SEND Pre-save |
IKJEESX3 | SEND Failure |
IKJEESX4 | SEND Termination |
IKJEESX5 | LISTBC Initialization |
IKJEESX6 | LISTBC Pre-display |
IKJEESX7 | LISTBC Pre-list |
IKJEESX8 | LISTBC Pre-read |
IKJEESX9 | LISTBC Pre-allocate |
IKJEFD21 | FREE Initialization |
IKJEFD22 | FREE Termination |
IKJEFD47 | ALLOCATE Command Initialization |
IKJEFD49 | ALLOCATE Command Termination |
IKJEFF10 | SUBMIT Command |
IKJEFLD1 | Logon Authorized Pre-prompt |
IKJEFLD3 | LOGON post-prompt |
IKJEFLN1 | Logon Pre-display |
IKJEFLN2 | Logon Post-display |
IKJEFXG1 | Tailor PUTGET and GETLINE processing |
IKJEFY11 | OUTDES Initialization |
IKJEFY12 | OUTDES Termination |
IKJEFY60 | PRINTDS Initialization |
IKJEFY64 | PRINTDS Termination |
IKJEGASI | TESTAUTH Subcommand Initialization |
IKJEGAST | TESTAUTH Subcommand Termination |
IKJEGAUI | TESTAUTH Initialization |
IKJEGCIE | TEST Subcommand Initialization |
IKJEGCTE | TEST Subcommand Termination |
IKJEGMIE | TEST Initialization |
IKJEGMTE | TEST Termination |
IKJPRMX1 | PARMLIB Initialization |
IKJPRMX2 | PARMLIB Termination |
INMCZ21R | TRANSMIT/RECEIVE NAMES Data Set Pre-allocation |
INMRZ01R | RECEIVE Initialization |
INMRZ02R | RECEIVE Termination |
INMRZ04R | RECEIVE Notification |
INMRZ05R | RECEIVE Acknowledgment Notification |
INMRZ06R | RECEIVE Pre-acknowledgment Notification |
INMRZ11R | RECEIVE Data Set Pre-processing |
INMRZ12R | RECEIVE Data Set Post-processing |
INMRZ13R | RECEIVE Data Set Encryption |
INMRZ15R | RECEIVE Post-prompt |
INMRZ21R | RECEIVE Log Data Set Pre-allocation |
INMXZ02R | TRANSMIT Termination |
INMXZ03R | TRANSMIT Encryption |
INMXZ21R | TRANSMIT Log Data Set Pre-allocation |
IRXINITX | REXX Pre-environment Initialization |
IRXITMV | REXX Post-environment Initialization |
IRXITTS | REXX Post-environment Initialization |
IRXTERMX | REXX Environment Termination |
Dataset Name Groups are used to establish a list of dataset name masks and/or dataset names. This group name is then used in various OS/EM functions instead of specifying the same dataset names in every function.
Build groups as needed. A dataset name or mask may appear in more than one group since each OS/EM function will use Dataset Name Groups in a different way.
Create, change and delete groups by using this dialog. The panels presented allow maintenance of the list of Dataset Name Groups or masks that constitute a group, and add descriptions to groups for documentation purposes.
Refer to the OS/EM User's Guide for detailed information (see Dataset Name Groups).
Dataset name masks are created by using qualifiers within a dataset name. Valid qualifiers are:
Qualifier | Description |
? | The question mark is used to unconditionally match any single character (except periods) where the question mark occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed. |
1 | The ampersand is used to unconditionally match any single alpha character where the ampersand occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed. |
% | The percent sign is used to unconditionally match any single numeric character where the percent sign occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed. |
- | The minus sign is used to unconditionally match a single node of the dataset name. Multiples are allowed. |
+ | The plus sign is used to unconditionally match all characters/nodes of the dataset name beyond where it is entered in the specification. A single plus sign may be specified. |
Example | Explanation |
AA | Specifies single-level dataset AAA |
AA?AA | Specifies a single-level dataset name of five characters. The first and last two characters are AA. The third character can be anything: AA5AA,AABAA, etc. |
AA+ | Specifies any dataset name beginning with the two characters AA: AA55.TEST |
AA- | Specifies a single-level dataset name beginning with the characters AA: AA5PROD |
AA.+ | Specifies a two or more level dataset name. The first node is AA: AA.PROD.COMP |
AA.- | Specifies a two level dataset name. The first node is AA: AA.CICS |
-.AA | Specifies a two level dataset name. The last node is AA: PROD.AA |
SYS1.-.HRP1000 | Specifies a three-level dataset name. The first node is SYS1 |
-.-.- | Specifies any three-level dataset name. This type of specification will match every three-level dataset name within your installation. |
GSAX.-.PRM | Specifies a three-level dataset name. The first node is GSAX |
SYS?.- | Specifies a two-level dataset name. The first node starts with SYS and any other character. The second node can be anything: SYS1.LINKLIB |
SYS1- | Specifies a two-level dataset name. The first node starts with SYS and any other alphabetic character. The second node can be anything: SYSX.LINKLIB |
SYS%.- | Specifies a two-level dataset name. The first node starts with SYS and any other numeric character. The second node can be anything: SYS5.LINKLIB |
SYSX.-.EZT??? | Specifies a three-level dataset name. The first node is SYSX. The second node can be anything. The third node begins with EZT and any three characters: SYSX.CICS.EZT030 |
??SYSUT?.+ | Specifies a two or more level dataset name. The first node begins with any two characters, followed by SYSUT and any other single character. |
AA.+.BB | Specifies a three or more level dataset name. The first node is AA and the last node is BB. |
AA+AA | Specifies a single-level dataset name. The first two characters are AA and the last two characters are AA. The up to four middle characters can be anything. There has to be at least one middle character - AAAA will not match. |
SYSX.PROCLIB | A fully qualified dataset name. |
Volume name groups are used to establish a list of DASD volumes. This group name is then used in various OS/EM functions instead of specifying the same volume serial numbers in every function.
Build groups as needed. A volume serial number may appear in more than one group since each OS/EM function will use volume serial numbers in a different way.
Create, change and delete groups by using this dialog. The panels presented allow specification of a subset of all groups to operate on, add descriptions to groups for documentation purposes, and maintain the list of volume serial numbers or masks that constitute a group.
Refer to the OS/EM User's Guide for detail information (see Volume Groups).
Volume/Jobname masks are created by using qualifiers within a volume serial number or Jobname. Valid qualifiers are:
Qualifier | Description |
? | The question mark is used to unconditionally match any single character (except periods) where the question mark occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed. |
1 | The ampersand is used to unconditionally match any single alpha character where the ampersand occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed. |
% | The percent sign is used to unconditionally match any single numeric character where the percent sign occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed. |
- | The dash is used to unconditionally match any preceding or succeeding character(s). Multiples are allowed. |
Example | Explanation |
VOL0%% | Matches any serial number that begins with VOL0 and any two numeric characters: VOL010 |
&%%%%% | Matches any serial number that begins with any alpha character and five numbers. |
Example | Explanation |
SPJTH- | Matches any Jobname that begins with SPJTH |
-SP- | Matches any Jobname that contains the characters SP in any position |
Masks are created by using qualifiers within a volume serial number, Jobname, Program name, TSO User ID, or Terminal ID.
Qualifier | Description |
? | The question mark is used to unconditionally match any single character (except periods) where the question mark occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed. |
1 | The ampersand is used to unconditionally match any single alpha character where the ampersand occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed. |
% | The percent sign is used to unconditionally match any single numeric character where the percent sign occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed. |
- | The dash is used to unconditionally match any preceding or succeeding character(s). Multiples are allowed. |
Example | Explanation |
VOL0%% | Matches any serial number that begins with VOL0 and any two numeric characters: VOL010 |
&%%%%% | Matches any serial number that begins with any alpha character and five numbers. |
Example | Explanation |
SPJTH- | Matches any Jobname that begins with SPJTH |
-SP- | Matches any Jobname that contains the characters SP in any position |
Example | Explanation |
TSOGS%%% | Matches any Terminal ID that begins with TSOGS and three numbers |
Example | Explanation |
DFHSIP | Matches the program name DFHSIP (CICS). |
The SMF records written as an audit trail have the following format:
Refer to the SMF Recording section of the OS/EM User Guide for instructions on activating this option.
See member SMFPRINT in the OS/EM SAMPLIB for a job to print these SMF records.
The following are JES2 commands which control the Job Routing function. Each command is protected by RACF and the resource and command authority needed is listed at the end of the appendix.
Display Backlog This command displays information about jobs in the different JES queues. | |
Display Conflicts This command displays jobs that are currently unable to run on any system in the MAS complex because they have a routing to a resource that is not defined on any member of the MAS. Note that the criterion here is whether the resource is defined to a member of the MAS, not whether that member is currently active. Command Syntax: $DC{,LIST | ,ALL} With no operands, the response is a single line giving the number of jobs unable to run and the number of resources that those jobs require. With the "LIST" parameter, the response is multiple lines giving the number of jobs that need each undefined resource, and the name of those resources. With the "ALL" operand, the response lists each job that is unable to run as well as listing each resource that that job requires. | |
Display Printers/Punches The $DP command gives a simple one-line display for each printer or punch defined to JES, showing its status. Command Syntax: $DP{,PUN} Without the "PUN" operand, each printer is listed. With the "PUN" operand, each punch is listed. | |
Display Resources The $DRESOURCE command lists resources defined to the members of the MAS. These are the resources that are referenced by the /*ROUTE JECL statements and by the JOBNAME and PROGRAMNAME routing functions. Command Syntax: $DRESOURCE{,ALL | ,SID} Note: The command may be abbreviated to $DRE, but no shorter as it would then be interpreted as the standard JES2 $DR command. With no operands, the command produces a list of those resources attached to the MAS member where it was issued. With the "ALL" operand, it lists resources for all the members of the MAS. With the "SID" operand (the system ID of a specific MAS member), it lists the resources attached to that specific member. | |
List Forms The $LF command lists the work that exists in the hardcopy queue, grouped by form, prmode, dest, writer, burst and select. For each unique combination of the above, the number of sysout datasets in each class is listed. The scope of the command may be changed by entering additional selection criteria on the command. Command Syntax: $LF{,F=xxxxxxxx} Select by FORM {,W=xxxxxxxx} Select by WRITER {,PRMODE=xxxxxxxx} Select by PRMODE {,C=xxxx} Select by FCB {,T=xxxx} Select by UCS {,J=Jnnnnn{-nnnnn} | ,J=Snnnnn{-nnnnn} | ,J=Tnnnnn{-nnnnn}} Select by JOB/STC/TSU numbers {,R=xxxxxxxx{-xxxxxxxx}} Select by Destination. Operand is NODE or NODE1-NODE2, RMT or RMT1-RMT2, NODE.RMT or NODE1.RMT1-NODE2.RMT2, NODE.USERID or USERID {,Q=x...} Select by SYSOUT classes {,LIM=nnn{-nnn}} Select by LINE number range {,PLIM=nnn{-nnn}} Select by PAGE number range {,D=A |,D=H} Select ALL or HELD {,B=Y |,B=N} Select by BURST=YES or BURST=NO {,S=Y |,S=N} Select by SELECTABLE or NOT SELECTABLE {,JOBS} Request that DISPLAY be broken down by individual JOBS | |
List JOBQUEUE by NAME This command produces a detailed list of jobs awaiting execution by jobname, showing resources, DJC holds and such. Command Syntax: $LN{,ALL{,IND} | Select by SYSAFF ALL ,ANY | Select by SYSAFF ANY ,SID | Select by SYSAFF to a SID ,IND} Select by independent mode {,V=xxxxxx} Select by SPOOL VOLSER {,AFTER=xxxxxxxx{(nnnnn)} Select by AFTER specification JOBNAME and optional JOB NUMBER {,BEFORE=xxxxxxxx{(nnnnn)} Select by BEFORE specification JOBNAME and optional JOB NUMBER {,WITH=xxxxxxxx{(nnnnn)} Select by WITH specification JOBNAME and optional JOB NUMBER {,PRED=xxxxxxxx{(nnnnn)} Select by PRED specification JOBNAME and optional JOB NUMBER {,EXCLUDE=xxxxxxx{(nnnnn)} Select by EXCLUDE specification JOBNAME and optional JOB NUMBER {,CNTL=xxxxxx} Select by CNTL resource, resource is 1-44 characters, alpha, numeric, national, underscore and period. Period cannot be first or last character {,RES=xxxxxx} Select by ROUTING resource Resource is 1-44 characters, alpha, numeric, national, underscore and period. Period cannot be first or last character {,ROUTE=nnn{-nnn}} Select by execution routing NODE or NODE.RMT. No USERIDS. {,Q=XEQ | Select XEQ queue ,Q=CNV | Select CONVERT queue ,Q=STC | Select STCS ,Q=TSU | Select TSUS ,Q=HOLD | Select HELD jobs ,Q=READY | Select READY jobs ,Q=ACTIVE | Select ACTIVE JOBS/STCS/TSUS ,Q=DJCOWN | Select owners of DJC resources ,Q=DJCHOLD} Select JOBS held for DJC {,C=x{-x}} Select by JOBCLASS range; classes may be A-Z, 0-9, * (CNV), $ (STC), or @ (TSU). | |
List JOBQUEUE This command produces a summary list of jobs awaiting execution. The Command Syntax is the same as the $LN command. | |
Resource ADD command. | |
Resource DELETE command. These two commands allow you to ADD and DELETE resources from a MAS member. Command Syntax: $QA | $QD $QA = ADD, $QD = DELETE ,xxxx Resource name (1-44 bytes) {,SID} SID where add/delete is to take place. The default is the system where the command is entered. {,FORCE} (DELETE only) Delete the resource even if the resource is currently in use by an active job on the targeted system. | |
These commands add and delete DEPENDENT JOB CONTROL (DJC) conditions, routing resources and CNTL specifications for jobs already in the job queue. Command Syntax:
$Q'xxxxxxxx' Specify JOBNAME $QJnnnnn{-nnnnn} Specify JOB number(s) {,HSMRETRY} Retry failed HRECALLs {,RELEASE(HSM)} Do not hold job for HRECALLs {,HOLD(HSM)} Hold job for HRECALLs {,RELEASE(USERLIMIT)} Do not hold job for user limits {,HOLD(USERLIMIT)} Hold job for user limits {,RELEASE(PGMLIMIT)} Do not hold job for program limits {,HOLD(PGMLIMIT)} Hold job for program limits {,JOBROUTE=xxxxxx,NODE=nnnn} Route specified job(s) to node if JOBROUTE resource is assigned to the job {,RELEASE(DJC)} Do not hold job for dependent job controls {,NOAFTER} Remove AFTER conditions {,NOPRED} Remove PRED conditions {,NOBEFORE} Remove BEFORE conditions {,NOWITH} Remove WITH conditions {,NOEXCLUDE} Remove EXCLUDE conditions {,NOCNTL} Remove all CNTL resources {,NOROUTE} Remove all ROUTING resources {,ADDRES=xxxx} Add ROUTING resource. OBSOLETE. Use ROUTE instead. {,DELRES=xxxx} Remove ROUTING resource. OBSOLETE. Use ROUTE instead. {,ROUTE=({+|-}xxxx,....)} Add or remove ROUTING resource. + (ADD) and - (DEL) are optional and default to add. 1 to 8 resources may be specified. Enclosing parens are optional if only 1 resource is specified. NOTE: A job can never have more than 8 ROUTING resources. {,CNTL=({+|-}xxxx{-SHR | -EXC},...) Add or remove CNTL resource. + (ADD) and - (DEL) are optional and defaults to ADD. -SHR and -EXC are optional and default to -SHR. Not meaningful for delete. 1 to 8 CNTLs may be specified. Enclosing parens are optional if only 1 resource is specified. NOTE: A job can never have more than 8 CNTL resources. {,AFTER=({+|-}xxxxx{(nnnn|wait|mult)},...) Add or Remove AFTER resource. + (ADD) 1- (DEL) are optional and default to ADD. JOBNUM, WAIT and MULT are optional. WAIT and MULT are not valid for DELETE. Up to 10 AFTER statements may be specified with the constraint that a job may never have more than 10 DJC entries of all types combined. The enclosing parentheses are optional if only one job is specified. {,BEFORE=({+|-}xxxx{(nnnn|OK|MULT)},...) Add or remove BEFORE resource. + (ADD) 1- (DEL) are optional and default to ADD. JOBNUM, and MULT are optional. MULT and OK are not valid for DELETE. Up to 10 BEFORE statements may be specified with the constraint that a job may never have more than 10 DJC entries of all types combined. The enclosing parentheses are optional if only one job is specified. {,EXCLUDE=({+|-}xxxx(nnnn|OK|MULT)},...) Add or remove EXCLUDE resource. + (ADD) 1- (DEL) are optional and default to ADD. JOBNUM and MULT are optional. MULT and OK are not valid for DELETE. Up to 10 exclude statements may be specified with the constraint that a job may never have more than 10 DJC entries of all types combined. The enclosing parentheses are optional if only one job is specified. {,PRED=({+|-}xxxx{(nnnn|WAIT|MULT)},...) Add or remove PRED resource. + (ADD) 1- (DEL) are optional and default to add. JOBNUM, WAIT and MULT are optional. WAIT and MULT are not valid for DELETE. Up to 10 PRED statements may be specified with the constraint that a job may never have more than 10 DJC entries of all types combined. The enclosing parentheses are optional if only one job is specified. {,WITH=({+|-}xxxx{(nnnn|WAIT|mult)},...) Add or remove WITH resource. + (ADD) 1- (DEL) are optional and defaults to ADD. JOBNUM, WAIT and MULT are optional. WAIT and MULT are not valid for DELETE. Up to 10 WITH statements may be specified with the constraint that a job may never have more than 10 DJC entries of all types combined. The enclosing parentheses are optional if only one job is specified. |
Command | Resource Name | Authority |
Replace jesx with the name of your JES2 subsystem.
Note: All listed resources are defined to the OPERCMDS class.
These cards provide a facility by which jobs can be routed to specific CPUs depending on the availability of a particular resource name assigned to a CPU. Resource names are user defined and specified with the $QA command. Once defined, these resource names attached to a CPU remain in effect until they are detached via the $QD command.
Resources specified can define physical I/O units which may be attached to only one CPU at a time, or possibly a software name which may only pertain to one particular CPU.
The format of the resource routing JCL statement is:
/*ROUTE XEQ resourcename
The card must follow the JOB statement.
Note: This card is not required if the optional routing rules defined with OS/EM in JES2 EXIT5 are used.
Following are some examples of using the ROUTE XEQ control card:
System # Resources Attached 1 DUALD, IMS 2 3525 3 IMS,TSO,NOINQ //BSPROUT JOB (,,,7552,429),'TEST RESOURCE',CLASS=A /*ROUTE XEQ IMS //S1 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14
This job will be scheduled to either system #1 or system #3 because of the IMS resource requested.
The $DC command is used to display those jobs which have used the /*ROUTE XEQ resource control card and no CPUs have that resource name attached. For example, using the above list, if a job were submitted with a '/*ROUTE XEQ SCANNER' control card, the job would never execute no matter how many initiators were available until a $QA,SCANNER command was issued on a system in the complex. This would be detectable by issuing a $DC command which would display those jobs waiting for resource names.
Other /*ROUTE control cards formats are:
The resource name 'HERE' causes the job to be scheduled for execution on the CPU which read the JCL (controlling the card reader.)
Note: Do not have an initiator add the SYSAFF=* parameter to a job as this overrides OS/EM Job Routing.
The CNTL and THREAD cards are processed identically.
This feature provides the ability to single-thread jobs through execution which need a device of which there is only one and must be used serially. Some examples would be the 3525, DUAL density drive and the OCR scanner.
By using the /*CNTL card, you can define a resource name that you need exclusive control of. If any other jobs come into the system with the same control name, they will not execute simultaneously on the same or other CPUs in the complex. This provides better control over the resources that must be used serially. This does not affect jobs running without the /*CNTL card or running in a system without shared spool.
The format for resource control is:
/*CNTL resourcename,EXC or /*CNTL resourcename,SHR (the default is SHR)
Users may also protect datasets from being updated by different jobs on the same or different CPUs by using the /*CNTL card. Each /*CNTL card may have a 1 to 44 character control name and an EXC or SHR specification.
Jobs with the same control name will not execute simutaneously if one of the jobs has an EXC control specification. Jobs with SHR may execute simutaneously on any CPU.
Following are /*CNTL and /*THREAD usage examples:
In the above example, whichever job began execution first, would lockout the other job from beginning until it has completed.
In the above example, all 3 jobs could run simultaneously as they all specify the SHR option. Up to 8 CNTL cards may be specified at one time.
In the following syntax diagrams, the first optional parameter indicates the action to be taken if the referenced job is not in the execute queue, (for the /*BEFORE card, the job must also not yet be executing). If a specific job is referenced, i.e. the job number is supplied, only the IGNORE and FAIL options are acceptable. The IGNORE option indicates that the card is to be treated as a comment. The FAIL option indicates that the job is to be failed by passing a return code of 12 back to JES2. The OK option indicates that the statement will apply to all jobs with the specified jobname. The WAIT option indicates that the job is to wait until a job with the specified jobname is read into the system.
The second optional parameter indicates what action to take if there are multiple jobs in the system with the specified jobname. This situation can never arise if a job number is specified as there can only be one job with a given job number. The options are processed the same as the first option.
Note: There may be 10 Dependent Job Control statements per job.
The purpose of these options is to override, for an individual statement, the default options set by the OS$CNTL command.
These cards provide a means to schedule jobs before, after or with another. The control card follows the jobcard or any other JES2 control cards (ROUTE - CNTL).
Following is an example of the use of these control cards:
In the above example, job BSPTEST would not execute until job BSPFIRST has finished execution, even though BSPTEST has a higher priority.
The following messages may be issued by the OS/EM Job Routing option:
$HASP921 LIST FORMS (multiple texts)
$HASP940 jjjj(nnn) * -- AFTER JOBNAME = xxxx --
$HASP941 jjjj(nnn) * -- WITH JOBNAME = xxxx --
$HASP942 jjjj(nnn) * -- RESOURCE ROUTING = xxxxx --
$HASP943 jjjj(nnn) * -- CONTROL INFO = xxxxx --
$HASP944 jjjj(nnn) * -- BEFORE JOBNAME = xxxx --
$HASP945 LIST JOBQUEUE (multiple texts)
$HASP947 DISPLAY RESOURCE (multiple texts)
$HASP948 DISPLAY CONFLICT (multiple texts)
$HASP949 DISPLAY BACKLOG (multiple texts)
$HASP950 jobname(JOBnnnn) * -- JOBROUTE 999 xxxxxx = y --
The following operator commands are available to control TAPESHR functions.
In the following command formats, dev_spec refers to the syntax allowed for ordinary MVS vary commands, e.g. 580 or 580-581 or (580,582-588), etc.
To vary a device onto TAPESHR control, that is to have TAPESHR assume control of varying the device online and offline as needed to fulfill the needs of the various systems.
To cause TAPESHR to relinquish control of a device.
To indicate to TAPESHR that a device is not to be used, that is brought online, on this system only. The device is still eligible for use on other systems.
To indicate to TAPESHR that a device which was previously varied offline locally may once again be used on this system. This command must be issued on the same system as the VARY OFFLINE,LOCAL command.
To indicate to TAPESHR that a device is not to be used by any system in the complex. This command may be issued on any system.
To indicate to TAPESHR that a device that was previously varied offline globally may now be used again. This command may be issued on any system.
Displays all devices defined to tapeshr and their current status (see Display Units command below for a list of status codes).
A modify command is available to shut down OS$TPSHR.
F OS$TPSHR,STOP {option}
Where {option} is:
This causes TAPESHR to wait until all owned tape devices have gone offline and so may safely be used by other systems where TAPESHR is still active.
The devices which do not go offline within 15 seconds will be removed from TAPESHR control and it will become the operator's responsibility to coordinate the use of those devices on the various systems. Note that if any uncontrolled device is eligible for use when a job goes into allocation recovery, TAPESHR will not participate in device selection other than to remove all TAPESHR devices from the candidate list, thus forcing the job to use an uncontrolled device.
The devices which do not go offline within 15 seconds will be marked as globally offline to protect them from being allocated by another TAPESHR system. After the devices go offline on the system where TAPESHR is being terminated, the operator may issue a command to vary them back online globally to make them available to the other systems where TAPESHR is still active.
You may optionally use the STOP command (P).
The STOP command uses the GLOBALOFFLINE option.
The Display Units command has been enhanced to show the TAPESHR status of those devices controlled by TAPESHR. The additional data includes the system currently owning the device (or the word 'NONE'). There may also be additional characters appended to show additional information. These include:
Indicates the device is allocated.
Indicates local offline.
The -LO status can be removed by issuing a vary online,local command.
Indicates the device is pending local offline.
Indicates global offline.
The -GO status can be removed by issuing a vary online,global command.
Indicates pending global offline.
Indicates error offline. Error offline indicates that an attempt was made to vary the device online and the system was unable to bring the device online for some (usually hardware) reason. This status can be cleared by re-issuing the vary online command once the problem has been resolved.
Indicates restricted device.
Indicates pending status.
Indicates device being deleted.
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