Package name: (DB2 Installer in English) (DB2 Installer in Japanese) Description: This is the Version 5 package for DB2 Installer for DB2 for OS/390. This package runs on OS/2 workstations and (optionally) connects to OS/390 via TCP/IP. Which product the package is for: DB2 Installer for DB2 for OS/390 Version 5. How to install the package: The recommended approach for updating a DB2 Installer system is to re-install the package. This is the easiest and least error prone scenario. Create a temporary folder (tmpfldr) on your workstation to hold the package in either English or Japanese. You will need about 10 megabytes for this folder. FTP the ZIP file to the temporary folder. Unzip the package using the command: PKUNZIP2 -d x:\tmpfldr\WIV5EN.ZIP where 'x' is the drive where you have placed the package and 'tmpfldr' is the name of your temporary folder. To install DB2 Installer for the first time, please type x:\tmpfldr\INSTALL from the OS/2 command prompt where x is the drive and tmpfldr is the temporary folder you created. You can also double click the "INSTALL" icon from the temporary folder. If you are re-installing the package, the install program will ask if you want to delete the current package. Select yes at this prompt. The install package will only delete the IBM files, any customer created files will be preserved. Then execute the install program again to do the install. List of files in the installed package: \DB2WI510 (default high level directory) \DB2WI (executable, dlls, help, etc.) abtame40.mpr abtbae40.mpr abtcwe40.mpr abteva40.dll abtico40.dll abtpbe40.mpr abtprm40.dll abtrce40.mpr abtvre40.mpr autop.dll check.dll cursors.obj DB2Inst.exe DB2Inst.icx dsnine00.mpr dsnmie00.mpr essae40.dll escgi40.dll esdec40.dll esswp40.dll estdk40.dll estko40.dll estkp40.dll estks40.dll esvm40.dll ftpcoe00.mpr ftpcpyjb.tmp ftpdel.tmp ftpdir.tmp ftpget.tmp ftpgetsq.tmp ftpput.tmp grupmemb.dll infolist.txt insma16.dll inspl16.dll insticon.dll instmain.ico instsk.cnt instsk.gid instsk.hlp iplmvs.dll job_ico2.dll legnd.dll locate.dll readonly.dll rgf.txt setup.bmp wizbmp.dll wizprog.dll \SDSNSAMP (JCL templates) \CLIST dsnemc01 dsnh dsnhc dsnu \INSTALL chkcols clntijca clntijid clntijsg clntijsg clntijtm clntijuz dsnbr14 dsnemc01 dsntesq dsntesq1 dsntesq2 dsntesq3 dsntesq4 dsntesq5 dsntijca dsntijde dsntijex dsntijft dsntijfv dsntijsg dsntijsu dsntijtc dsntijtm dsntijuz dsntijvc grants invplans sqlchk \SAMPLES dsntej0 dsntej1 dsntej1p dsntej2a dsntej2c dsntej2d dsntej2e dsntej2f dsntej3c dsntej3p dsntej4c dsntej4p dsntej5a dsntej5c dsntej5p dsntej6 dsntej6d dsntej6p dsntej6s dsntej6t \SMP dsntccac dsntccap dsntcjac dsntcjae dsntcjap dsntcjrc dsntecac dsntecap dsntejae dsntejap dsntejrc dsntejsm dsnticac dsnticap dsntija1 dsntija2 dsntijac dsntijae dsntijap dsntijrc dsntijsm dsntijud dsntncac dsntncap dsntnjac dsntnjae dsntnjap dsntnjrc dsntnjsm \LISTCAT listcat