################################################################################ # # # IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms # # # # cp2ucm.exe : Utility to convert the Old AFP Viewer Code Point Mapping # # files to UCM files for use with ICU. # # # # 5724-J33 (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORPORATION 2006 # # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # # NOTE: This program sample is provided on an as-is basis. # # # ################################################################################ The cp2ucm.exe utility is provided as a means to convert existing custom Code Point Mapping Files (*.cp) from the Old AFP Viewer to UCM files for inclusion in the ICU Data Library. The new AFP Viewer, provided with the 7125 OnDemand client, no longer supports the use of these Code Point Mapping files. Customers who have customized their Code Point Mapping files will have to convert them using this utility and then include them in the icudt30l.dat file. They may also have to edit the convrtrs.txt file when rebuilding the ICU Data Library so that their new Converter will be used. For more information on Rebuilding the ICU Data Library visit the Web Based Technical Support web site at: http://www.ibm.com/support/us Search for Technical Documents: 7007227 Customizing code page mappings for the OnDemand client has changed for Versions and later. and http://www.ibm.com/software/data/ondemand/mp/support.html Search for Technical Notes: Customizing code page mappings for the OnDemand client has changed for Versions and later. 1227219 Starting with DB2 Content Manager OnDemand 8.3 (, all codepage conversion is done using ICU 3.0. 1227169 Starting with FixPack 7125 of DB2 Content Manager OnDemand, the Client installation customization has changed. The syntax for the cp2ucm.exe is simple. Just supply the codepage of the Code Point Mapping file and an appropriately named UCM file will be generated. Example: cp2ucm 300 This will convert the 300.cp file in the current directory to a UCM file named ibm-300_p100-2006.ucm.