################################################################################ # IBM Content Manager OnDemand Web Enablement Kit # # AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Sun Solaris, Windows # # README # # Release # # April 13, 2001 # # # # 5697-G34 (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORPORATION 2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # ################################################################################ The information about OnDemand contained in this README file was not available at the time that the OnDemand publications were printed. Please make a note of these items, which supersede the information in the OnDemand publications. For the latest information about OnDemand, see the OnDemand Web site at: http://www.software.ibm.com/data/ondemand For the latest Release Notes (including upgrade instructions), see: ftp://service.software.ibm.com/software/ondemand/fixes/v71/7.1.0.X/ReleaseNotes.pdf ================================================================================ 1. Contents 2. Installation 3. Web Enablement Kit Change History 3.1 CGI/Servlet Release ( PTF ( 3.2 AFP Plugin Release ( PTF ( 3.3 Image Plugin Release ( 3.4 Java Line Data Applet Release ( PTF ( 3.5 Java AFP2HTML Applet Release ( PTF ( ================================================================================ 2. Installation Before using the latest version of the Web Enablement Kit, you must delete all of the files from the Web Enablement Kit cache directory. The directory is specified by the ARSWWW_CACHE_DIR directive in the arswww.cfg file. This release includes the following files: README - This file. arswww.cgi - This is the Web Enablement Kit CGI program. This file should be placed into a directory within your Web server directory space which has been designated as executable and can contain CGI applications. arsscknt.dll (Windows) arssck32.dll (Windows) - This file should be left in the installation directory. arsct32.dll (Windows) - This file must be placed in the same directory as the arswww.cgi file. ArsWWWServlet.jar ArsWWWInterface.class arswwwsl.dll (NT) libarswwwsl.a (AIX) libarswwwsl.so (SunOS) libarswwwsl.sl (HPUX) - Servlet support files. ArsWWWServlet.jar should be placed into the web server's servlet directory. Because the servlet uses JNI, you may have to put ArsWWWInterface.class and the shared library file into into a directory other than the web server's servlet directory. This is due to class loader issues. See the documentation for more information. arswww.ini - This is the configuration file for the cgi/servlet. See the documentation for information on the configuration settings. This file must be placed in the same directory as the cgi or servlet program. afp2html.ini - This is the configuration file for the AFP2WEB Transform. See the documentation for information on the configuration settings. afp2pdf.ini - This is the configuration file for the AFP2PDF Transform. See the documentation for information on the configuration settings. arsxenos.ini - This is the configuration file for the XENOS Transform. See the documentation for information on the configuration settings. locale/arscpcs.cfg - This file contains the code page to code set mappings. This file should stay in the installation directory. locale/uconvtab/* - These files are the iconv conversion tables. They should stay in the installation directory. samples/template.htm - This is a sample of what a template html file can look like. samples/logon.htm - This is another sample html file demonstrating how to gather logon information from the end user and submit it to arswww.cgi. samples/credit.htm - This is another sample html file demonstrating the use of another script function, dochitlist. samples/frames.htm samples/fcredit.htm samples/fblank.htm samples/ftemplat.htm - These are sample html files demonstrating how to use the _frame parameter to build a frames based application. images/grytxtr4.jpg images/odcol2in.gif - These are the images referenced in the sample html files. images/odic_att.gif - image used for Showing Document Attachments - These images are used for the ODDOC type images/odic_aa.gif - image used for Add Annotation button images/odic_aad.gif - image used for Add Annotation button (disabled) images/odic_va.gif - image used for View Annotation button images/odic_vad.gif - image used for View Annotation button (disabled) images/odic_vd.gif - image used for View Document button images/odic_vdd.gif - image used for View Document button (disabled) - These images are used when enabling commands for the command icons column of the document list table. (See the documentation for more information). To use your own images, simply rename your image to one of the names above. images/* - The remainder of the images are used by the applet toolbars. They should be placed in the ARSWWW_IMAGE_DIR directory. (See the documentation for more information). These images cannot be replaced with your own images. plugins/afpplgus.exe - IBM OnDemand AFP Plugin - English only plugins/afpplgin.exe - IBM OnDemand AFP Plugin - All languages including DBCS support plugins/afpplgin.zip - IBM OnDemand AFP Plugin - Zip format for all languages include DBCS support plugins/imgplgin.exe - IBM OnDemand Image Plugin - All languages - These are self extracting files (InstallShield). These files should be downloaded to the user's Windows 98, Windows NT, or Windows 2000 system, and run to install the appropriate plug-in. If the user is running a browser while the installation is in progress, then the user must stop and restart the browser before the plugins can be used. applets/ODLineDataViewer.jar - IBM OnDemand Line Data Viewer applet. applets/ODLineDataViewer.cab - IBM OnDemand Line Data Viewer applet. - These applet files are used when enabling the java line data viewer applet. (See the documentation for more information). applets/ODAfp2Html.jar - IBM OnDemand AFP Transform applet. applets/ODAfp2Html.cab - IBM OnDemand AFP Transform applet. - These applet files are used when enabling the java AFP2HTML viewer applet. (See the documentation for more information). --------------end of Installation----------------------------------------------- 3. Web Enablement Kit Change History -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 CGI/Servlet Release ( - Pre-reqs - AIX 4.3.3 or later - HP-UX 11.0 or later - Linux Kernal 2.2.14 or later - Sun Solaris 8 or later (SPARC only) - Windows NT 4.0 SP5 or later - Windows 2000 or later PTF ( - Fixed a bug which caused IE nolinks parameter to not work with IPlanet 4.0.4 or 4.0.6 --------------end of CGI/Servlet------------------------------------------------ 3.2 AFP Plugin Release ( - Version - Pre-reqs - Windows 98 or later - Windows NT 4.0 SP5 or later - Windows 2000 or later PTF ( - Version 1.57 --------------end of AFP Plugin------------------------------------------------- 3.3 Image Plugin Release ( - Pre-reqs - Windows 98 or later - Windows NT 4.0 SP5 or later - Windows 2000 or later --------------end of Image Plugin----------------------------------------------- 3.4 Java Line Data Applet Release ( PTF ( - Fixed a bug which is caused by a known Microsoft issue which results in getting the wrong user home directory for applets --------------end of Java Line Data Applet-------------------------------------- 3.5 Java AFP2HTML Applet Release ( PTF ( - Fixed a bug which is caused by a known Microsoft issue which results in getting the wrong user home directory for applets --------------end of Java AFP2HTML Applet--------------------------------------- ---------------end of Web Enablement Kit Change History-------------------------