Note |
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information under Appendix A, Notices. |
This file contains a description of the IBM(R) Directory Server Client SDK Version 5.1. This Software Developer Kit (SDK) provides LDAP application development support for the following operating systems:
Considerations for secure LDAP (using SSL)
Installing the IBM Directory Server clients
The IBM Directory Server Client SDK provides the tools required to develop LDAP applications, including the following:
The sample programs are provided in the following locations:
Included with the samples is a makefile for use with the sample programs, as well as a sample LDIF file.
The LDAP C libraries enable the programmer to develop applications that can access an LDAP-compliant Directory Server, including, but not limited to the following:
The LDAP API provides typical Directory Server functions such as read, write and search. The client can authenticate itself to the Directory Server using a password and Distinguished Name (DN) (simple) or one of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) mechanisms (CRAM-MD5, GSSAPI or EXTERNAL).
The client SDK includes tools to build your own LDAP application (LDAP Version 2 or LDAP Version 3). Note that the client SDK for C also provides support for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which provides data confidentiality (encryption) on connections protected by SSL. SSL support is enabled when the IBM Global Security Kit, Version 6.0.3 (GSKit) is installed. GSKit is optional software that is included with the IBM Directory Server package.
In addition to the Readme file, online documents including the Administration Guide and the Programming Reference are provided in PDF and HTML format.
The IBM Directory Server Version 5.1 supports the use of the JNDI client from Sun Microsystems. For information about the JNDI client, go to the Sun Microsystems Web site at
For Windows systems:
For AIX systems:
For Solaris systems:
For Linux systems:
For HP-UX systems:
More information is available on the Web. See the IBM Directory Server page at for general information and announcements.
Version 5.1 of the IBM Client SDK requires that GSKit 6.0.3 be installed for SSL support. The LDAP libraries and utilities provided with the client SDK use the SSL libraries, if present. The SSL libraries are provided as part of the IBM GSKit 6.0.3. If GSKit has been installed, the LDAP library dynamically loads the SSL libraries and uses them to enable support for SSL. If GSKit has not been installed and the SSL libraries are not available, the LDAP library is fully functional with the exception of SSL support.
By using SSL with server authentication, an LDAP application can use simple LDAP authentication (user ID and password) over a secure, encrypted communication connection. SSL thus provides for the establishment of a secure connection between the LDAP client application and the LDAP server. In addition, SSL provides data confidentiality (encryption) on connections protected by SSL. Authentication of servers to the clients is accomplished with X.509 certificates.
See the IBM Directory Server Version 5.1 C-Client SDK Programming Reference and the IBM Directory Server Version 5.1 Installation and Configuration Guide for information about GSKit.
Use the following sections to install an IBM Directory Server client on different operating system platforms.
For information about installing the server or the Web Administration Tool, see the IBM Directory Server Version 5.1 Installation and Configuration Guide.
Use this procedure to install clients on Windows platforms. This procedure is for installing the client only. If you want to install other components, such as the server or the Web Administration Tool, see the IBM Directory Server Version 5.1 Installation and Configuration Guide.
The InstallShield GUI has two installation options: Typical and Custom. If you want to accept the default settings, select Typical during installation. If you are an experienced user and want to customize your installation, select Custom.
To install the IBM Directory Server 5.1 client on Windows platforms:
If the CD-ROM does not automatically start the installation program, click Start->Run.
The language window is displayed.
If you want to change your selection, click Back. To begin installation, click Next.
You have completed installation.
Use the following procedure to install UNIX-based clients with the InstallShield GUI, except on the following platforms:
Clients on these platforms must be installed using the appropriate system utilities.
This procedure is for installing the client only. If you want to install other components, such as the server or the Web Administration Tool, see the IBM Directory Server Version 5.1 Installation and Configuration Guide.
The InstallShield GUI has two installation options: Typical and Custom. If you want to accept the default settings, select Typical during installation. If you are an experienced user and want to customize your installation, select Custom.
To install the IBM Directory Server 5.1 client on UNIX platforms:
Attention: If you have a version of IBM Directory Server already installed on your system, a message is displayed telling you that you must remove it before installing.
You have completed installation.
You can use the InstallShield GUI or either smit or installp from a command prompt to install the IBM Directory Server. If you use the InstallShield GUI to install, you must also use it to uninstall.
For more detailed information on AIX installation procedures and commands, see the IBM Directory Server Version 5.1 Installation and Configuration Guide.
The following instructions assume that you are installing from a CD-ROM with the device name /dev/cd0.
To install IBM Directory Server using smit:
smit install
and press Enter. The Software Installation and Maintenance window is displayed.
For this example the non-SSL package is used. If you select the list option, you see, for example:
> ldap.client ALL IBM Directory Client Runtime (No SSL) IBM Directory Client SDK > ldap.html.en_US ALL IBM Directory HTML Install/Config Gd-U.S. English IBM Directory HTML Man Pages - U.S. English
Select the filesets you want to install and click OK.
lslpp -L | grep ldap
The output displayed lists all the filesets starting with ldap. This includes the client, HTML, and message filesets. For example:
ldap.client.adt C IBM Directory SDK ldap.client.rte C IBM Directory Client ldap.html.en_US.config C IBM Directory HTML C IBM Directory HTML man ldap.msg.en_US C IBM Directory Messages
To install IBM Directory Server from a command prompt:
installp -ld /dev/cd0 | grep ldap
A list all of the installable IBM Directory Server packages is displayed.
Some examples of United States English-specific packages are: ldap.msg.en_US
installp -acgXd /dev/cd0 packages
where :
To install only the IBM Directory Server client files, type:
installp -acgXd /dev/cd0 ldap.client
To install all of the IBM Directory Server filesets (including every language translation of messages), type:
installp -acgXd /dev/cd0 ldap
lslpp -L | grep ldap
The output displayed lists all the filesets starting with ldap. This includes the client, html, and message filesets. For example:
ldap.client.adt C F IBM Directory SDK ldap.client.rte C F IBM Directory Client Runtime
If you installed an SSL-enabled version of IBM Directory Server, you must install GSKit to take advantage of the security features. You can use either SMIT or installp.
To install using SMIT:
The installp command installs available software products in a compatible installation package. To Install GSKit using installp, type the following at a command prompt:
installp -acgXd gskak.rte
You can use the InstallShield GUI, the admintool utility, or pkgadd from a command prompt to install IBM Directory Server. If you use the InstallShield GUI to install, you must use the InstallShield GUI to uninstall.
The following IBM Directory Server client packages are available for installation. Because of package dependencies, the order of installation is significant. Install the packages in the following order:
Because of package dependencies, the order of installation is significant. Install the packages in the following order:
If the client package is not installed first, the installation fails.
During the installation of the client on Solaris Operating Environment Software, you might encounter the following message:
A non-IBM version of LDAP has been located on your system. In order to usethe command line version of the IBM supplied files, the existing files (ldapadd,ldapdelete, ldaplist, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn, ldapsearch) must be relocated. Specify the new directory in which to move the files (/usr/bin/ldapsparc) [?,q]
Press Enter to accept the default directory (/usr/bin/ldapsparc), or type a new path name and press Enter, or type q and press Enter to quit.
After relocating the files, you might see these additional messages:
## Processing system information. WARNING: /usr/bin/ldapadd <no longer a linked file> WARNING: /usr/bin/ldapdelete <no longer a regular file> WARNING: /usr/bin/ldapmodify <no longer a regular file> WARNING: /usr/bin/ldapmodrdn <no longer a regular file> WARNING: /usr/bin/ldapsearch <no longer a regular file> ## Verifying package dependencies. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. The following files are already installed on the system and are being used by another package: /usr/bin/ldapadd /usr/bin/ldapdelete /usr/bin/ldapmodify /usr/bin/ldapmodrdn /usr/bin/ldapsearch Do you want to install these conflicting files [y,n,?,q]
Type y and press Enter to continue the installation. The existing files are moved to the directory previously specified and the IBM Directory Server files are installed in the /usr/bin directory.
To install IBM Directory Server using the admintool utility:
The Users window is displayed.
IBM Directory Client IBM Directory Documentation (for all languages) IBM Directory Messages (for all languages)
Remember that you must install the IBMldapc package first.
This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of installing the package.
These scripts create the IBM Directory Server user ID. Type y to continue.
To install IBM Directory Server from a command prompt:
pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/ldap51_us pkglist
where pkglist is the list of packages you want to install. Do not use the system default of ALL. The system does not sequence the packages correctly and the installation fails.
The following packages are available:
IBMldapc IBM Directory Client (sparc) IBMldixxx IBM Directory documentation (sparc) IBMldmxxx IBM Directory messages (sparc)
where xxx is a specific language identifier.The order in which the packages are listed is crucial. If package dependencies are not met, the installation fails.
pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/ldap51 IBMldapc
pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/ldap51 IBMldapc IBMldixxx
One method to determine if you have a previously installed version of LDAP is to issue the following command to query the installed packages:
rpm -qa | grep -i ldap
This command finds any installed applications containing the name ldap. This method works only if you have a version of LDAP that contains the string ldap in its application names.
You can use the InstallShield GUI on all Linux platforms except Linux for S/390 and UnitedLinux.
The IBM Directory Server client for Linux operating systems is provided in the following packages:
Intel-based Linux packages:
Linux for S/390 packages:
To install the IBM Directory Server client with no SSL:
rpm -ihv ldap-client-5.1-1.i386.rpm
rpm -qa | grep ldap
If the product has been successfully installed, the following is displayed:
rpm -ihv ldap-msg-xxx-5.1-1.i386.rpm rpm -ihv ldap-html-xxx-5.1-1.i386.rpm
After installing the messages, set the following environment variables:
export NLSPATH=/usr/share/i18n/msg/%L/%N export LANG=xxx LC_ALL=xxx
where xxx is the language. For example, en_US for English.
To install the IBM Directory Server client with encryption:
rpm -hiv ldap-clientd-5.1-1.i386.rpm
rpm -qa | grep ldap
If the product has been successfully installed, the following is displayed:
rpm -hiv ldap-msg-xxx-5.1-1.i386.rpm rpm -hiv ldap-html-xxx-5.1-1.i386.rpm
After installing the messages, set the following environment variables:
export NLSPATH=/usr/share/i18n/msg/%L/%N export LANG=xxx LC_ALL=xxx
where xxx is the language. For example, en_US for English.
To install the HP-UX client, perform the following steps:
For example, at a command prompt type:
export SHLIB_PATH=/usr/lib;$SHLIB_PATH
echo 'export NLSPATH=/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N' >>~/.profile
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