IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 README Addendum


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information under Appendix A, Notices.

Fifth Edition (September 2002)

This edition applies to version 4, release 1, of the IBM(R) Directory Server and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.


This file contains information on changes and fixes that occurred after the product documentation had been translated. This file is in English only. This file can also be found by selecting library on the IBM Directory Server Web page located at



1.0 Must read known problems and general information

  • 1.1 Custom attributes cannot be deleted and added again
  • 1.2 Supported cryptographic hardware
  • 1.3 LDAP Kerberos service name change
  • 1.4 CRAM-MD5 and SASL External not supported by the Directory Management Tool
  • 1.5 Add server error with Directory Management Tool
  • 1.6 The Directory Management Tool cannot view entries when connected to a Domino(TM) server
  • 1.7 Configuration prerequisite on UNIX(R) platforms
  • 1.8 InstallShield message problems on Linux and Solaris platforms
  • 1.9 Supported locale settings for the Directory Management Tool on UNIX platforms
  • 1.10 Object classes cannot have the same name as the OID
  • 1.11 Migrating from SecureWay(R) Directory Version 3.1.1
  • 1.12 Client utilities do not call bind functions on administrator DNs
  • 1.13 Client migration problem
  • 1.14 Client connections must unbind when finished
  • 1.15 Directory Management Tool and Java components must be installed when migrating to IBM Directory Server Version 4.1
  • 1.16 Modify DN operations
  • 1.17 Directory returns attribute names in all lower case
  • 2.0 Platform specific information

  • 2.1 For AIX only
  • 2.1.1 Additional prerequisite for the AIX Version 4.3.3 operating system
  • 2.1.2 Additional requirements for the InstallShield GUI on the AIX operating system
  • 2.1.3 The InstallShield GUI does not support Catalan and Slovakian languages
  • 2.1.4 The ldapxcfg utility fails if issued from a nonwritable network drive
  • 2.1.5 Incremental installations do not support partial removals
  • 2.1.6 No readmes or license panels are displayed
  • 2.1.7 Space requirements for the /tmp directory
  • 2.1.8 The 64-bit client is missing the symbolic link /lib/libldapiconv64.a
  • 2.2 For Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows 98 only:
  • 2.2.1 The PATH environment variable must be set manually on Windows 98
  • 2.2.2 Pop-up options do not function
  • 2.3 For Solaris Operating Environment Software only:
  • 2.3.1 Solaris 8 patches
  • 2.3.2 Viewing InstallShield license file problem
  • 2.3.3 Cleaning up /tmp space
  • 2.3.4 Solaris kernel configuration parameters
  • 2.3.5 Solaris 7 locales for Server Administration and the Directory Management Tool
  • 2.3.6 Cannot use ldapcfg or ldapxcfg to configure the Directory after migration
  • 2.4 For Linux only:
  • 2.4.1 Additional memory requirements on the Linux S/390 operating system
  • 2.4.2 CRAM-MD5 implementation on Linux S/390
  • 2.4.3 Audit logging fails on Linux S/390 when migrating
  • 2.4.4 The configuration GUI and Directory Management Tool might display incorrectly on TurboLinux Version 7.0 for double-byte languages
  • 2.4.5 Directory Management Tool support is available on the Japanese version of Linux Red Hat 7.1
  • 2.4.6 Installing the IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 with DB2 Version 8
  • 2.4.7 On SuSe 7.2 Directory Management Tool panels display supported languages.
  • 2.4.8 The server must be stopped before removing the IBM Directory Server on Linux S/390
  • 2.4.9 No separate packages for the Directory Management Tool on Linux S/390
  • 2.4.10 Directory Management Tool supported on Linux S/390
  • 2.4.11 Configuration utilities fail on Linux S/390 with 2.4 kernel
  • 2.5 For HP-UX only
  • 2.5.1 Additional memory requirements for the HP-UX operating system
  • 2.5.2 Mounting the cd
  • 3.0 Corrections to documentation

  • 3.1 IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 Administration Guide
  • 3.1.1 Peer-to-peer example correction
  • 3.1.2 Undocumented parameters for the bulkload command
  • 3.2 IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 Installation and Configuration Guide for Multiplatforms
  • 3.2.1 Incorrect path of Java directory in the migration documentation
  • 3.2.2 Incorrect Web server default paths and configuration file names
  • 3.2.3 Location of the Setup.exe file
  • 3.3 IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 Server README
  • Clarification for section 5.9.7 Support for Linux for S/390
  • Appendix A. Notices

  • Trademarks

  • 1.0 Must read known problems and general information

    This information applies to the AIX(R), Windows NT(R), Windows(R) 2000, the Solaris Operating Environment Software, and Linux platforms.

    1.1 Custom attributes cannot be deleted and added again

    When you delete a custom attribute type that contained data, make sure you stop and restart not just the directory server, but also the DB2(R) instance (using the db2start and db2stop commands), before adding a new custom attribute type that uses the same name as the attribute you just deleted. If you do not stop and restart DB2 after you delete the custom attribute, you will receive an error when you try to add another custom attribute using the same name.

    Ensure that the environment variable DB2INSTANCE is set to ldapdb2 or to whatever you have named the Directory Server DB2 instance.

    1.2 Supported cryptographic hardware

    IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 supports hardware that uses the BSAFE Hardware API (BHAPI) interface including:

    Rainbow Cryptoswift
    For Windows NT and Sun 2.7 platforms.

    nCipher nFast
    For Win/NT and Sun 2.7 platforms.

    Rainbow CS 200
    For the AIX platform.

    1.3 LDAP Kerberos service name change

    An environment variable "LDAP_KRB_SERVICE_NAME" is used to determine the case of the LDAP Kerberos service name. If the variable is set to 'LDAP' then the uppercase LDAP Kerberos service name is used. If the variable is not set, then the lower case 'ldap' is used. This environment variable is used by both the ldap client and the server. By default this variable is not set.

    1.4 CRAM-MD5 and SASL External not supported by the Directory Management Tool

    At this time, if you select Secure Socket Layer (SSL) when you add a server using the Directory Management Tool, the

    Authentication types CRAM MD5 (Challenge-Response Authentication Mechanism Message-Digest Algorithm) and SASL External (Simple Authentication Security Layer) are not available. You can still add a server using SSL with the Authentication types None or Simple.

    1.5 Add server error with Directory Management Tool

    If you have selected SSL and have specified incorrect information in the entry fields and try to add a server, the connection fails. If you correct the entry fields and then try to add the server, the connection fails again.

    To correct this situation, you must exit from the Directory Management Tool. Doing this clears the Factory class information. You can now restart the Directory Management Tool and add the server with the correct information.

    Conversely, if you add the server correctly the first time, the connection succeeds. If you disconnect the server and then add it again with incorrect information, the connection still succeeds. This behavior is also corrected by exiting the Directory Management Tool.

    1.6 The Directory Management Tool cannot view entries when connected to a Domino(TM) server

    The Directory Management Tool cannot view entries when connected to a Domino server. This is a temporary restriction until a version of the Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.3 with a build date of 20020226 or later becomes available. See the IBM developer kit porting Web site at

    1.7 Configuration prerequisite on UNIX(R) platforms

    The IBM Directory configuration programs (ldapcfg, ldapucfg, ldapxcfg) require that the UNIX Korn shell (ksh) be available on the system being configured.

    1.8 InstallShield message problems on Linux and Solaris platforms

    If you are using the InstallShield Graphical User Interface (GUI) for installations on Solaris or Linux platforms, to prevent messages from being cut off in the installation panels, set the following environment variable before running the setup program:


    Setting this environment variable helps to prevent text truncation.

    1.9 Supported locale settings for the Directory Management Tool on UNIX platforms

    To enable the Directory Management Tool and to enable the Directory Management Tool helps, you must set the LC_ALL and LANG environment variables by issuing the following commands in the session where the Directory Management Tool is invoked. For example, if using the korn shell (ksh):

    export LANG=xxxxx
    export LC_ALL=xxxxx

    where xxxxx is the locale taken from the following table.

    Locale values are case sensitive.

    Table 1.

    Language Locales by platform

    AIX Red Hat 7.2 SuSE 7.2 TurboLinux 6.5 Solaris 7 Solaris 8
    Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR pt_BR pt_BR
    pt_BR pt_BR or pt
    Catalan ca_ES

    Czech cs_CZ

    French fr_FR fr_FR fr_FR
    fr fr
    German de_DE de_DE de_DE
    de de_DE or de
    Hungarian hu_HU

    Italian it_IT it_IT it_IT
    it it
    Japanese Ja_JP ja_JP
    ja_JP ja ja_JP.PCK
    Korean ko_KR

    ko_KR ko ko
    Polish pl_PL

    Russian ru_RU

    Simplified Chinese Zh_CN

    zh_CN zh zh
    Spanish es_ES es_ES es_ES
    es es
    Traditional Chinese Zh_TW

    zh_TW zh_TW zh_TW
    On the Solaris 7 operating system, the Server Administration GUI requires a different code page in the Web server configuration file to run in Japanese and Traditional Chinese languages.

    1.10 Object classes cannot have the same name as the OID

    If you want to create an object class, ensure that its name is not the same as the object identifier (OID) of the object class. Otherwise you will have problems with inheritance and be unable to delete the object class.

    1.11 Migrating from SecureWay(R) Directory Version 3.1.1

    If you are migrating from the from SecureWay Directory Version 3.1.1, you must do a complete migration to Version 3.2 (preferably Version 3.2.2) including starting the server and importing data. To be able to migrate to IBM Directory Version 4.1 you must export your data from Version 3.2.2.

    1.12 Client utilities do not call bind functions on administrator DNs

    The -D binddn -w passwd option does not call bind functions on administrator DNs for the following utilities:

    1.13 Client migration problem

    The client only package (ldap32client) for the IBM SecureWay Directory Version 3.2.2 creates two entries in the registry:

    This creates a problem when trying to migrate to the IBM Directory Server Version 4.1. The migration tool tries to migrate both the server and the client, although only the client is actually installed. To avoid this problem, you must use the regedit command to manually delete the SecureWay Directory Server and it version from the Registry.

    1.14 Client connections must unbind when finished

    When an LDAP client connects to a server, the connection and resources associated with it remain active until the client does an "unbind" operation or the TCP/IP connection is broken in some other way. It is very important that LDAP applications are designed to always do unbinds when they are finished with a connection to an LDAP server. This applies to Java applications as well as C applications.

    1.15 Directory Management Tool and Java components must be installed when migrating to IBM Directory Server Version 4.1

    When migrating to version 4.1, the Directory Management Tool and Java components must be installed for the migration to complete successfully. These components are:

    For AIX systems: IBM Directory Client DMT IBM Directory Client Java

    For Microsoft(R) Windows-based systems:

    DMT 4.1 and Java 1.3

    For Solaris systems:

    IBMldapdj IBM Directory DMT

    For Linux (Intel-based) systems:

    ldap-dmtjava-4.1-1.i386.rpm (no SSL)
    ldap-dmtjavad-4.1-1.i386.rpm (SSL enabled)
    This problem does not apply to Linux S/390(R) because the components are installed as part of the client component.

    1.16 Modify DN operations

    The IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 supports renaming leaf entries only. It does not support

    1.17 Directory returns attribute names in all lower case

    The IBM Directory Server returns the attribute names of a search in lower case. This situation is fixed by installing IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 FixPak 1. You can download the appropriate FixPak for your operating system from the IBM Directory Server Support Web site at

    FixPak1 enables you to set an environment variable, IBM_ATTRCASE=YES, either in the slapd32.conf file or as an environment variable. This needs to be done before the slapd process is started.

    To edit the slapd32.conf file, use a text editor to add the line:

    ibm-slapdSetEnv: IBMLDAP_ATTRCASE=YES

    to the stanza:

    dn: cn=Front End, cn=Configuration

    If the environment variable IBM_ATTRCASE is set to YES (must be in upper case), the server behaves the following way:

    2.0 Platform specific information

    2.1 For AIX only

    The following information applies only to the AIX operating system.

    2.1.1 Additional prerequisite for the AIX Version 4.3.3 operating system

    Before installing the IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 on the AIX Version 4.3.3 operating system, ensure that the following file sets have been installed:

    2.1.2 Additional requirements for the InstallShield GUI on the AIX operating system

    The InstallShield GUI uses Java 1.3.1, and requires the following operating levels of AIX:

    For AIX Version 4.3.3, Java 1.3.1 requires the AIX 4330-09 Recommended Maintenance Level. This maintenance package is intended for customers who already have AIX 4.3.3 installed. The AIX 4330-09 maintenance package can be downloaded from, using APAR number IY22024. If you are a licensee of AIX 4.3.3, you can obtain an Update CD by contacting your point of sale and requesting feature code 0838.

    For AIX Version 5.1, Java 1.3.1 requires the AIX 5100-01 Recommended Maintenance Level. This maintenance package is intended for customers who already have AIX 5.1.0 installed. The AIX 5100-01 maintenance package can be downloaded from, using APAR number IY21957. If you are a licensee of AIX 5.1, you can obtain an Update CD by contacting your point of sale.

    Before updating your AIX 5.1.0 system to the AIX 5100-01 maintenance level, you must first apply and commit APAR IY19375 (which includes bos.mp64,, and bos.up Run smitty update and pick IY19375 to install. When the installation is completed, you must restart your system. After the system has restarted, you can then install the AIX 5100-01 maintenance level. After the maintenance level has been installed, you must again restart your system. See the AIX 5L(TM) for POWER Version 5.1 Release Notes for more information. APAR IY19375 can be obtained from the AIX Electronic Fix Distribution site:

    2.1.3 The InstallShield GUI does not support Catalan and Slovakian languages

    The InstallShield Graphical User Interface (GUI) for AIX does not have language support for Catalan and Slovakian. You can still use the InstallShield GUI to install the IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 with the English files. If you want to install the translated version of the IBM Directory Server , you must use the smit utility. See the IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 Installation and Configuration Guide for Multiplatforms for details on using smit to install the IBM Directory Server.

    2.1.4 The ldapxcfg utility fails if issued from a nonwritable network drive

    The ldapxcfg configuration utility fails if issued from a nonwritable network drive. You must change to a writable, nonnetwork drive (for example, /tmp), before running the configuration program.

    2.1.5 Incremental installations do not support partial removals

    When installing using the InstallShield GUI, all the components that you want to install (for example: server, client, DB2, and so forth) need to be installed at the same time, if at a later time you might want to remove a component. If incremental installations are done, that is the client is installed, and later the server is installed , then all components must be uninstalled together, otherwise the uninstall process fails, although it indicates success.

    2.1.6 No readmes or license panels are displayed

    No readmes or license panels are displayed during the InstallShield GUI installation. The readmes, server.pdf or .htm and client.pdf or .htm, can be found in the /usr/ldap/language/readme/ directory on the installation CD. After the installation, the license files are in the directory /usr/ldap/license.

    2.1.7 Space requirements for the /tmp directory

    Because the InstallShield GUI uses a significant amount of /tmp space on AIX. It is recommended that you increase the amount of /tmp space from 400 MB to at least 650 MB.

    2.1.8 The 64-bit client is missing the symbolic link /lib/libldapiconv64.a

    The IBM Directory Version 4.1 64-bit client is missing the symbolic link /lib/libldapiconv64.a . The libibmldap64.a file is needed in the /lib directory to run 64 bit Kerberos on AIX 5.1. To create this link, issue the following command:

    ln -s /usr/ldap/lib/aix5/libldapiconv64.a 	/lib/libldapiconv64.a 

    2.2 For Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows 98 only:

    The following information applies only to theWindows NT and Windows 2000 platforms.

    2.2.1 The PATH environment variable must be set manually on Windows 98

    The installation process for the Windows 98 client does not automatically set the PATH environment variable. You must manually set this variable to:

    <installation drive>:\<installation path>\bin

    2.2.2 Pop-up options do not function

    When installing on Windows operating systems, if you already have some IBM Directory Server files on your system, you might receive a pop-up that says, "The program xxx exists on this system and is newer than the one being installed. Do you want to replace this file?" You cannot select any option on this pop-up. You must click the x to close this pop-up box so that the install can continue. Please note that the files mentioned in this pop-up are not replaced.

    When installing in a directory other than C:\Program Files\IBM\LDAP, the start icons are not created on the desktop.

    2.3 For Solaris Operating Environment Software only:

    The following information applies only to the Solaris Operating Environment Software.

    2.3.1 Solaris 8 patches

    You need to install the recommended patches for the Solaris 8 operating system, to ensure correct execution of LDAP utility functions (such as ldif2db, db2lidf and bulkload). You can download Solaris patches directly from Sun Microsystems, Inc. at the following Web site: http://sunsolve.Sun.COM.

    2.3.2 Viewing InstallShield license file problem

    When installing the IBM Directory Server in a language other than English, if you select the View in English button on the license agreement panel for the InstallShield utility, the install ends. This is a known problem and a permanent restriction for this release.

    2.3.3 Cleaning up /tmp space

    Using the InstallShield GUI might leave tempory directories in the /tmp directory. To free this space you need to delete any directories with ismp* from the /tmp directory after you have completed installing the IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 on your machine.

    2.3.4 Solaris kernel configuration parameters

    Running DB2 on the Solaris operating system might require updating Solaris kernel configuration parameters.

    To set a kernel parameter, add a line at the end of the /etc/system file as follows:

    set <paramter_name> = <value>

    For example, to set the value of the msgsys:msginfo_msgmax parameter, add the following lines to the end of the /etc/system file:

    set msgsys:msginfo_msgmax = 65535
    set msgsys:msginfo_msgmnb = 65535
    set msgsys:msginfo_msgmap = 258
    set msgsys:msginfo_msgmni = 256 
    set msgsys:msginfo_msgssz = 16
    set msgsys:msginfo_msgtql = 512
    set msgsys:msginfo_msgseg = 32768
    set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax = 268435456
    set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg = 64
    set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni = 300
    set semsys:seminfo_semmni = 512
    set semsys:seminfo_semmap = 514
    set semsys:seminfo_semmns = 1024
    set semsys:seminfo_semmnu = 1024
    set semsys:seminfo_semmsl = 50
    set max_nprocs = 65535
    set maxuprc = 65535

    Sample files with recommended configuration parameters are provided in the /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/cfg directory.

    At the time of this release DB2 Version 7.2 is functionally equivalent to DB2 Version 7.1 with FixPak 3. DB2 maintains the Version 7.1 package names in Version 7.2.

    The file names are (based on the amount of physical memory on your system):

    2.3.5 Solaris 7 locales for Server Administration and the Directory Management Tool

    For the Server Administration utility, use the following locales in the Web server's configuration file. These locales are case sensitive.

    Table 2. Server Administration locales

    Language Locale
    Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR
    French fr
    German de
    Italian it
    Spanish es
    Japanese ja
    Korean ko
    Simplified Chinese zh
    Traditional Chinese zh_TW.BIG5

    For the Directory Management Tool utility, use the following locales in the session where the Directory Management Tool is invoked. These locales are case sensitive.

    Table 3. Directory Management Tool locales

    Language Locale
    Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR
    French fr
    German de
    Italian it
    Spanish es
    Japanese ja
    Korean ko
    Simplified Chinese zh
    Traditional Chinese zh_TW

    2.3.6 Cannot use ldapcfg or ldapxcfg to configure the Directory after migration

    When migrating to IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 from a previous release of the IBM SecureWay Directory, the uninstallation of the previous directory does not always remove all the files.

    On the Solaris operating system, if you use the pkgrm command to uninstall the SecureWay Directory and DB2, you might encounter problems trying to configure the IBM Directory Version 4.1.

    If you have successfully installed the updated DB2 and Directory 4.1 and are unable to run ldapcfg or ldapxcfg to configure the Directory. Check if the following symbolic links were left behind from the previous version of the Directory:

    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 30 Aug 20 16:56 /opt/IBMldaps/lib/ ->
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 32 Aug 20 16:56 /opt/IBMldaps/lib/ ->

    If these symbolic links were not removed when the previous version of the Directory was removed or they were not overwritten when Directory 4.1 was installed, you must either of the following:

    2.4 For Linux only:

    The following information applies only to the Linux operating systems.

    2.4.1 Additional memory requirements on the Linux S/390 operating system

    If you are operating the Directory Management Tool on the same machine that you installed the IBM Directory Server, you might need to increase your memory from the minimum requirement of 256 MB to the strongly recommended level of 512 MB.

    2.4.2 CRAM-MD5 implementation on Linux S/390

    At this time CRAM-MD5 implementations on Linux S/390 do not interact with non-LinuxS/390 platforms.

    2.4.3 Audit logging fails on Linux S/390 when migrating

    If you are migrating from the SecureWay Directory Version 3.2.2, to enable audit logging to function, users on Linux S/390 need to manually add a line to the slapd32.conf file. In the stanza that begins with the dn:

    dn: cn=SchemaDB,cn=LDCF Backends,cn=IBM SecureWay,cn=Schemas,cn=Configuration

    add the line:

    ibm-slapdPlugin: audit /lib/ audit_init

    2.4.4 The configuration GUI and Directory Management Tool might display incorrectly on TurboLinux Version 7.0 for double-byte languages

    Currently in double-byte languages, any IBM Directory Server applications that have a GUI and are using Java coding, might display corrupted text on TurboLinux 7.0. These applications display correctly on TurboLinux 6.5.

    2.4.5 Directory Management Tool support is available on the Japanese version of Linux Red Hat 7.1

    In the IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 server readme, section 6.2.4 stated that trying to start the Directory Management Tool on the Japanese version of Linux Red Hat 7.1 resulted in an 'mprotect' error message. This condition has been corrected.

    2.4.6 Installing the IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 with DB2 Version 8

    If you you have DB2 Version 8 installed and are installing the IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 using the native RPM installation, you must specify the --nodeps flag. For example:

    rpm -i --nodeps ldap-server-4.1-1.i386.rpm

    After installing the IBM Directory Server with either the InstallShield GUI installation or the native RPM installation, the following links and modifications need to be made:

    ln -fs /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/lib/    /usr/ldap/lib/
        chown    ldap.ldap    /usr/ldap/lib/

    ln -fs /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1      /usr/ldap/db2
        chown    ldap.ldap    /usr/ldap/db2

    2.4.7 On SuSe 7.2 Directory Management Tool panels display supported languages.

    In the IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 server readme, section 6.8.2 stated that only English panels were displayed for the Directory Management Tool on SuSe 7.2. This condition has been corrected and the Directory Management Tool panels are displayed in the supported languages.

    2.4.8 The server must be stopped before removing the IBM Directory Server on Linux S/390

    You must stop the server before uninstalling the IBM Directory Server. If you attempt to uninstall the IBM Directory Server while the server is running, you can complete the operation, but the server continues to run.

    2.4.9 No separate packages for the Directory Management Tool on Linux S/390

    IBM(R) Directory Server Version 4.1 Installation and Configuration Guide for Multiplatforms lists in the chapter 'Installing using Linux utilities' the lists following packages for Linux S/390:

    These packages do not exist for Linux S/390, they apply only to Linux (Intel-based distributions). The Directory Management Tool for Linux S/390 is included in the client packages.

    2.4.10 Directory Management Tool supported on Linux S/390

    IBM Directory Server 4.1 Release Notes says that the Directory Management Tool interoperates with the IBM Directory Server on Linux (Intel-based distributions). The restriction is no longer true. The Directory Management Tool interoperates with the IBM Directory Server on Linux Intel-based distributions and Linux S/390.

    2.4.11 Configuration utilities fail on Linux S/390 with 2.4 kernel

    The java supplied with the IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 in the /usr/ldap/java directory fails on Linux S/390 with 2.4 kernel. It returns the error:

    **Out of memory, exiting**

    To avoid this error use either the IBM JDK or JRE Version 1.3.1.

    After installing the IBM Directory Server Version 4.1, perform the following:

    1. Either rename or remove the /usr/ldap/java dir and create a link to the 131 version of java.
    2. Edit the /usr/ldap/bin/ldapcfg file need to remove the comment ( # ) from the line:
      # export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/

    The ldapcfg, ldapxcfg, and ldapucfg utilities can now be used.

    2.5 For HP-UX only

    This information applies to the HP-UX operating system only.

    2.5.1 Additional memory requirements for the HP-UX operating system

    The minimum memory requirement for the IBM Directory Server is upgraded from 256 MB to 512 MB.

    2.5.2 Mounting the cd

    To mount the cd, issue the following commands:

    1. pfs_mountd &
    2. pfsd &
    3. mkdir /cdrom
    4. pfs_mount <cd-rom device name> /cdrom

    An example of a <cd-rom device name> is /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0.

    swinstall does not automatically read the CD. You need to supply the full path to the install image. The path to the SSL enabled client-server package is /cdrom/ldap41_us/hpux11_ibmldap41servers.depot.

    3.0 Corrections to documentation

    Attention: Links to the Library page on the IBM Directory Web site, might change. If the documentation links do not function correctly go to and select library from the referenced page.

    The following information became available after the documentation was translated.

    3.1 IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 Administration Guide

    This information applies to the Administration Guide:

    3.1.1 Peer-to-peer example correction

    In the Example section of Using peer-to-peer replication the following stanzas have been changed by removing the machine reference from the replicaHost attribute and the addition of several other attributes:

    A replica object is added to the machine 1 database through the following ldif file:

    dn: cn=machine2, cn=localhost
    cn: machine2
    replicaBindDN: cn=peer
    replicaCredentials: <machine2password>
    replicaPort: 389
    replicaHost: <fully-qualified-hostname>
    replicaBindMethod: Simple 
    replicaUseSSL: FALSE 
    0objectclass: replicaObject 
    objectclass: top

    and the stanza:

    A replica object is added to the machine 2 database through the following ldif file:

    dn: cn=machine1, cn=localhost
    cn: machine1
    replicaBindDN: cn=peer
    replicaCredentials:  <machine1password>
    replicaPort: 389
    replicaHost: <fully-qualified-hostname>
    replicaBindMethod: Simple 
    replicaUseSSL: FALSE 
    objectclass: replicaObject 
    objectclass: top

    3.1.2 Undocumented parameters for the bulkload command

    These previously undocumented parameters are supported by the bulkload command:

    -R <yes|no>
    Specifies whether to remove the directory which was used for temporary data. Default is yes.
    This directory is the default directory ore the one specified by the -L parameter.

    -x|-X <yes|no>
    Specifies whether to translate entry data to database code page. Default is no.
    This parameter is only necessary when using a non-UTF-8 database.

    3.2 IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 Installation and Configuration Guide for Multiplatforms

    The following information applies to the Installation Guide:

    3.2.1 Incorrect path of Java directory in the migration documentation

    In "Chapter 11. Migration" in the IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 Installation and Configuration Guide for Multiplatforms, the "Migration from SecureWay Directory Version 3.2.x for Windows 2000 or Windows NT InstallShield GUI installations" and "Migration from SecureWay Directory Version 3.2.x for UNIX installations" sections refer to the following JNDI related directory paths:

    These paths are incorrect. On a UNIX operating system, the correct JNDI related directory paths are:

    Source (copy from):

    Target (copy to):

    For a Windows 2000 or Windows NT operating system, use back slashes instead of forward slashes:

    <install path>\java\bin\* 

    3.2.2 Incorrect Web server default paths and configuration file names

    In the IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 Installation and Configuration Guide for Multiplatforms, 'Chapter 9. Configuration' contains some incorrect Web server default paths and configuration file names. The correct paths and file names are:

    3.2.3 Location of the Setup.exe file

    In Chapter 3 under the section Installing IBM Directory 4.1 on a Windows 98, Windows 2000 or Windows NT platform, step 1 of both the typical and custom installations does not specify the location of the Setup.exe file. The following is the correct text for both steps.

    To begin installing IBM Directory 4.1:

    1. Insert the CD in your CD-ROM drive.

      If the CD-ROM does not automatically start, click Start->Run. Depending on whether you are installing locally from a CD or remotely from the network, select the drive for your CD-ROM or for the appropriate network path. In the \ismp folder, double-click the Setup.exe icon.

      A language panel is displayed.

    3.3 IBM Directory Server Version 4.1 Server README

    The following information applies to the Server README.

    Clarification for section 5.9.7 Support for Linux for S/390

    This release supports Linux for S/390. Using DB2 fixpack7 with either DB2 7.1 fixpack3 or DB2 7.2, enables Suse SLES 7.0 and Red Hat 7.2 to be supported with the 2.4 kernel. To enable the ldap client operations to work with the 2.4 kernel, set the environment variable LD_PRELOAD to /usr/lib/ TurboLinux is supported with the 2.2.19 kernel.

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