Net.Data V2R2 for OS/390 - Program Directory for DB2 V5    


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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1997, 1999. All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule contract with IBM Corp.

Table of Contents



  • Trademarks
  • Introduction

  • Data Version 2.2 Description
  • Data Version 2.2 FMIDs
  • Program Materials

  • Basic Machine-Readable Material
  • Optional Machine-Readable Material
  • Program Publications
  • Program Source Materials
  • Publications Useful During Installation
  • Program Support

  • Program Services
  • Preventive Service Planning
  • Statement of Support Procedures
  • Program and Service Level Information

  • Program Level Information
  • Service Level Information
  • Cumulative Service Tape
  • Installation Requirements and Considerations

  • Driving System Requirements
  • Machine Requirements
  • Programming Requirements
  • Target System Requirements
  • Machine Requirements
  • Programming Requisites
  • DASD Storage Requirements
  • FMIDs Deleted
  • Special Considerations
  • Installation Instructions

  • Installing Net.Data Version 2.2
  • SMP/E Considerations for Installing Net.Data Version 2.2
  • SMP/E Environment
  • SMP/E Options Subentry Values
  • SMP/E CALLLIBS Processing
  • Unload the Sample JCL from the Product Tape
  • Update and Execute the Desired Allocation Jobs
  • Allocate Distribution and Target Libraries - Base
  • Allocate HFS Data Set -- Optional
  • DDDEF Entries for Target and Distribution Target Libraries for Net.Data Version 2.2
  • Create the Hierarchical File System Structure
  • Update and Execute the SMP/E RECEIVE Job
  • Receive the Cummulative Service Tape
  • Update and Execute the SMP/E APPLY CHECK and APPLY Job
  • Perform SMP/E APPLY
  • Update and Execute the SMP/E ACCEPT CHECK and ACCEPT Job
  • Perform SMP/E ACCEPT
  • Install the Net.Data Version 2.2 Executables and DLLs
  • Approach A: Using Net.Data Version 2.2 Directories
  • Approach B: Using Web Server Directories
  • Customize the Net.Data Version 2.2 Initialization File
  • Install the Net.Data Version 2.2 Applet
  • Install the Net.Data Version 2.2 Icons and HTML files
  • Set Up the SQL and ODBC Language Environments
  • Specify the Default Code Page Environment
  • Modifying the Web Server's Configuration File
  • Modifying the Net.Data Version 2.2 Initialization File
  • Enable the Message Catalog
  • Installation Verification Process

  • Create and Load the Sample Single Byte Character Set DB2 Tables
  • Create The Tables
  • Load the Tables
  • Create and Load the Sample Double-byte Character Set DB2 Table
  • Create The Table
  • Load the Table
  • Customize the Verification and Sample Macros
  • Install the Sample Stored Procedures
  • Bind the DBRM for Net.Data Version 2.2
  • Test the Installation of Net.Data Version 2.2
  • Prepare the Test Environment
  • Execute the Verification Macros
  • Appendix A. Net.Data Version 2.2 Install Logic

    Appendix B. SMP/E JCLIN

    Reader's Comments


    1. Sample Net.Data Version 2.2 Initialization File


    References in this document to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe on any of IBM's intellectual property rights may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or service. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, except those expressly designated by IBM, is the user's responsibility.

    APAR numbers are provided in this document to assist in locating PTFs that may be required. Ongoing problem reporting may result in additional APARs being created. Therefore, the APAR lists in this document may not be complete. To obtain current service recommendations and to identify current product service requirements, always contact the IBM Customer Support Center.

    IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to the

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    The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both:

    Language Environment


    This program directory is intended for the system programmer responsible for program installation and maintenance. It contains information concerning the material and procedures associated with the installation of IBM Net.Data for OS/390 Version 2.2. This publication refers to IBM Net.Data for OS/390 Version 2.2 as Net.Data Version 2.2. You should read all of this program directory before installing the program and then keep it for future reference.

    The program directory contains the following sections:

    Before installing Net.Data Version 2.2, read "Preventive Service Planning". This section tells you how to find any updates to the information and procedures in this program directory.

    Do not use this program directory if you are installing Net.Data Version 2.2 with an MVS Custom-Built Installation Process Offering (CBIPO), SystemPac, or ServerPac. When using these offerings, use the jobs and documentation supplied with the offering. This documentation may point you to specific sections of the program directory as required.

    If you are installing Net.Data Version 2.2 using the MVS Custom-Built Product Delivery Offering (CBPDO) (5751-CS3), use the softcopy program directory provided on the CBPDO tape. Your CBPDO contains a softcopy preventive service planning (PSP) upgrade for this product. All service and HOLDDATA for Net.Data Version 2.2 are included on the CBPDO tape.

    Documentation is available in HTML at the Net.Data Web site. Please see:

    For general information, please see:

    Data Version 2.2 Description

    With IBM's Net.Data product, you can create dynamic Web pages using data from both relational and non-relational database management systems (DBMSs), including DB2, IMS, and ODBC-enabled databases, and using applications written in programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, Perl, C, C++, and REXX.

    Net.Data for OS/390 is a macro processor that executes as middleware on an OpenEdition server machine containing a Web server. You can write Net.Data application programs, called macros, that Net.Data interprets to create dynamic Web pages with customized content based on input from the user, the current state of your databases or Hierarchical File System (HFS) files, existing business logic, and other factors that you design into your macro.

    A request, in the form of a URL (uniform resource locator), flows from a browser, such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer, to a Web server that forwards the request to Net.Data for execution. Net.Data locates and executes the macro and builds a Web page that it customizes based on functions that you write. These functions can:

    Net.Data passes this Web page to the Web server, which in turn forwards the page over the network for display at the browser. Other members of the Net.Data family of products provide similar capabilities on machines executing the Windows NT, AIX, OS/2, AS/400, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, and Santa Cruz Operating System (SCO) operating systems.

    Net.Data supports industry-standard interfaces such as HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Common Gateway Interface (CGI). HTTP is used between the browser and the Web server, and CGI is used between the Web server and Net.Data. This support lets you select your favorite browser or Web server for use with Net.Data. Net.Data for OS/390 Version 2 also supports the ICAPI and GWAPI Web server Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for improved performance.

    Net.Data Version 2.2 provides the following enhancements:

    Data Version 2.2 FMIDs

    Net.Data Version 2.2 consists of the following FMIDs:


    Program Materials

    An IBM program is identified by a program number and a feature number. The program number for Net.Data Version 2.2 is 5655-DB2.

    Basic Machine-Readable Materials are materials that are supplied under the base license and feature code, and are required for the use of the product. Optional Machine-Readable Materials are orderable under separate feature codes, and are not required for the product to function.

    The program announcement material describes the features supported by Net.Data Version 2.2. Ask your IBM representative for this information if you have not already received a copy.

    Basic Machine-Readable Material

    The distribution medium for this program is 9-track magnetic tape (written at 6250 BPI), 3480 cartridge, 3590 cartridge, or 4mm cartridge. The tape or cartridge contains all the programs and data needed for installation. It is installed using SMP/E, and is in SMP/E RELFILE format. See "Installation Instructions" for more information about how to install the program.

    Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 describes the tape or cartridge. Table 4describes the file content of the program tape or cartridge.

    Note: If you are installing Net.Data Version 2.2 using the MVS Custom-Built Product Delivery Offering (CBPDO) (5751-CS3), some of the information in these figures may not be valid. Consult the CBPDO documentation for actual values.

    Table 1. Basic Material: Program Tape - Base
    Medium Feature Number Physical Volume External Label Identification VOLSER
    6250 tape 5811 1 of 1 Net.Data Base 242220
    3480 tape 5812 1 of 1 Net.Data Base 242220
    4mm cartridge 6172 1 of 1 Net.Data Base 242220

    Table 2. Basic Material: Program Tape - Japanese
    Medium Feature Number Physical Volume External Label Identification VOLSER
    6250 tape 6773 1 of 1 Net.Data Japanese 242220
    3480 tape 6774 1 of 1 Net.Data Japanese 242220
    4mm cartridge 6775 1 of 1 Net.Data Japanese 242220

    Table 3. Basic Material: Program Tape - Korean
    Medium Feature Number Physical Volume External Label Identification VOLSER
    6250 tape 6776 1 of 1 Net.Data Korean 242220
    3480 tape 6777 1 of 1 Net.Data Korean 242220
    4mm cartridge 6778 1 of 1 Net.Data Korean 242220

    Table 4. Program Tape: File Content
    VOLSER File Name Dist Library RECFM LRECL BLK
    242220 1 SMPMCS n/a FB 80 6400

    2 IBM.H242220.F1 ADTWBASE FB 80 6400

    3 IBM.H242220.F2 ADTWDBRM

    4 IBM.H242220.F3 ADTWCMD

    5 IBM.H242220.F4 ADTWDATA

    6 IBM.H242220.F5 ADTWLOAD U 0 6144

    Optional Machine-Readable Material

    No optional machine-readable materials are provided for Net.Data Version 2.2.

    Program Publications

    Net.Data Administration and Programming Guide for OS/390

    Net.Data Reference

    Net.Data Language Environment Reference

    Net.Data Messages and Codes

    HTML, PostScript, and PDF versions of these books are available at the following url:

    Program Source Materials

    No program source materials or viewable program listings are provided for Net.Data Version 2.2.

    Publications Useful During Installation

    Table 5. Publications Useful During Installation
    Publication Title Form Number
    SMP/E User's Guide SC28-1740
    SMP/E Reference SC28-1806
    SMP/E Messages and Codes SC28-1738
    IBM Internet Connection Secure Server Planning for Installation Version 2.2 GC31-8489
    IBM Internet Connection Secure Server Webmaster's Guide Version 2.2 GC31-8490

    Program Support

    This section describes the IBM support available for Net.Data Version 2.2.

    Program Services

    Contact your IBM representative for specific information about available program services.

    Preventive Service Planning

    Before installing Net.Data Version 2.2, you should review the current Preventive Service Planning (PSP) information. If you obtained Net.Data Version 2.2 as part of a CBPDO, there is HOLDDATA and PSP information included on the CBPDO tape.

    If you obtained Net.Data Version 2.2 on a product tape, or if the CBPDO is more than two weeks old when you install it, you should contact the IBM Support Center or use S/390 SoftwareXcel to obtain the current "PSP Bucket".

    PSP Buckets are identified by UPGRADEs, which specify product levels, and SUBSETs, which specify the FMIDs for a product level. The UPGRADE and SUBSET values for Net.Data Version 2.2 are:

    Table 6. PSP Upgrade and Subset ID
    UPGRADE SUBSET Description
    DB2510 H242220 Net.Data for OS/390 Version 2.2

    Statement of Support Procedures

    Report any difficulties you have using this program to your IBM Support Center. If an APAR is required, the Support Center will provide the address to which any needed documentation can be sent.

    Table 7 identifies the component IDs (COMPID) for Net.Data Version 2.2.

    Table 7. Component IDs
    FMID COMPID Component Name RETAIN
    H242220 5655A2401 Net.Data for OS/390 Version 2.2 220

    Program and Service Level Information

    This section identifies the program and any relevant service levels of Net.Data Version 2.2. The program level refers to the APAR fixes incorporated into the program. The service level refers to the PTFs integrated. Information about the cumulative service tape is also provided.

    Program Level Information

    No APARs have been incorporated into Net.Data Version 2.2.

    Service Level Information

    No PTFs against this release of Net.Data Version 2.2 have been incorporated into the product tape.

    Cumulative Service Tape

    A cumulative service tape, containing PTFs not incorporated into this release, might be included with this program. Installation instructions for cumulative service tapes can be found in the SMP/E publications.

    If you received this product as part of a CBPDO or a ProductPac, PTFs not incorporated into this release are provided on the tape, and a separate cumulative service tape will not be provided.

    Installation Requirements and Considerations

    The following sections identify the system requirements for installing and activating Net.Data Version 2.2. The following terminology is used:

    In many cases, the same system can be used as both a driving system and a target system. However, you may want to set up a clone of your system to use as a target system by making a separate IPL-able copy of the running system. The clone should include copies of all system libraries that SMP/E updates, copies of the SMP/E CSI data sets that describe the system libraries, and your PARMLIB and PROCLIB.

    Some cases where two systems should be used include the following:

    Driving System Requirements

    This section describes the environment of the driving system required to install Net.Data Version 2.2.

    Machine Requirements

    The driving system can run in any hardware environment that supports the required software.

    Programming Requirements

    Table 8. Driving System Software Requirements
    Program Number Product Name and
    Minimum VRM/Service Level
    5645-001 OS/390 System Modification Program/Extended (SMP/E) Release 1

    Required Toleration PTFs

    Starting with OS/390 Version 2 Release 7, the DESCRIPTION operand on the ++FUNCTION statement of the System Modification Control Statements (SMPMCS) is introduced. Net.Data Version 2.2 uses the new DESCRIPTION operand on the ++FUNCTION statement. In order to avoid syntax errors on the DESCRIPTION operand during installation of Net.Data Version 2.2, you are required to install a toleration PTF. Once installed, the toleration PTF allows previous releases of SMP/E to ignore the DESCRIPTION operand.
    Required Toleration PTFs For Earlier SMP/E Releases

    • OS/390 Version 1 Release 3 and Version 2 Release 4:

      • PTF UR50597

    • OS/390 Version 2 Release 5 and Release 6:

      • PTF UR50598

    Target System Requirements

    This section describes the environment of the target system required to install and use Net.Data Version 2.2.

    Machine Requirements

    The target system can run in any hardware environment that supports the required software.

    Programming Requisites

    Minimum Requisites

    A minimum requisite is defined as one of the following:

    1. Installation Requisite: A product that is required at installation time. i.e. this product will not install successfully unless this requisite is met. This includes products that are specified as REQs, PREs, or CALLLIBs.

    2. Run Time Requisite: A product that is not required for the successful installation of this product, but is needed at run time in order for this product to work.

      Table 9. Minimum Requisites
      Program Number Product Name and
      Minimum VRM/Service Level
      5695-039 RACF 2.1 or equivalent security product with necessary support No
      Any one of the following:

      5645-001 OS/390 Version 1 Release 3 with APAR: PQ12091, OW32688, PQ10074,PQ04514 Yes

      5647-A01 OS/390 Version 2 Release 4 with PQ12091, OW32688, PQ04657, PQ04514, OW30084, OW30096, OW30100, OW30104, OW30206, OW30249, OW30288 Yes

      5647-A01 OS/390 Version 2 Release 5 with APARs PQ12091, OW32688, PQ04657, PQ04514 Yes

      5647-A01 OS/390 Version 2 Release 6 or subsequent releases Yes
      Any one of the following:

      5697-B14 Internet Connection Secure Server for OS/390 Version 2 Release 2 with APARS: PQ16990, PQ05981 No

      Lotus Domino Go Webserver for OS/390 Version 4.6.1 with APAR PQ15294 or subsequent releases

    Functional Requisites

    A functional requisite is defined as a product that is not required for the successful installation of this product or for the base function of the product, but is needed at run time for a specific function of this product to work. This includes products that are specified as IF REQs.

    Table 10. Functional Requisites
    Product Name and
    Minimum VRM/Service Level
    Function Install
    5655-DB2 DB2 for OS/390 Version 5 with APARs: PQ06950, PQ19586 RRS Attach Facility
    SQL Application Programming Interface
    DB2 CLI Feature

    In order to use Net.Data Version 2.2 Servlets you will need the following:

    Table 11. Functional Requisites - Net.Data Servlets
    Product Name and
    Minimum VRM/Service Level
    Function Install
    5647-A01 OS/390 Version 2 Release 5 with APARs PQ12091, OW32688, PQ04657, PQ04514 Net.Data Servlets Yes

    Lotus Domino Go Web Server Version 5.0 or subsequent releases
    Servlet Express No

    Optional Software

    For IMS transactions and data access, you need IMS/ESA Version 5.1 or later in your enterprise.

    For access to heterogeneous data source through DataJoiner, you need DataJoiner for AIX Version 1.2 with PTF U447593 or DataJoiner for HP-UX Version 1.1 in your enterprise.

    Incompatibility (Negative) Requisites

    A negative requisite identifies products which must not be installed on the same system as this product. Net.Data Version 2.2 has no negative requisites.

    DASD Storage Requirements

    Net.Data Version 2.2 libraries can reside on 3380 or 3390 DASD.

    Table 12 lists the total space required for each type of library.

    Table 12. Total DASD Space Required by Net.Data Version 2.2
    Library Type Total Space Required
    Target 115 blocks
    Distribution 1486 blocks
    HFS 39850 blocks (each block is 512 bytes)


    1. The data set sizes specified contain 15% extra space. You may wish to revise these numbers based on your plans for adding additional function or service.

    2. IBM recommends use of system determined blocksizes for efficient DASD utilization for all non-RECFM U data sets. For RECFM U data sets, IBM recommends a blocksize of 32760, which is the most efficient from a performance and DASD utilization perspective.

      If you choose not to use system determined blocksizes, use the blocksizes and numbers of blocks specified to allocate the data sets. Data sets can be reblocked to a larger size. Please note that the maximum allowable blocksize will depend on the type of DASD on which the dataset will reside; for example, the blocksize of data sets on a 3350 DASD cannot exceed 19,069.

    3. Abbreviations used for the data set type are:
      Unique data set used by only the FMIDs listed. In order to determine the correct storage needed for this data set, this table provides all required information; no other tables (or program directories) need to be referenced for the data set size.
      Shared data set used by more than the FMIDs listed. In order to determine the correct storage needed for this data set, the storage size given in this table needs to be added to other tables (perhaps in other program directories). If the data set already exists, it must have enough free space to accommodate the storage size given in this table.

      If you currently have a previous release of this product installed in these libraries, the installation of this release will delete the old one and reclaim the space used by the old release and any service that had been installed. You can determine whether or not these libraries have enough space by deleting the old release with a dummy function, compressing the libraries, and comparing the space requirements with the free space in the libraries.

    Table 13. Storage Requirements for SMP/E Work Data Sets
    SMPWRK1 S PO FB 80 10 6160 3 2 250
    SMPWRK2 S PO FB 80 10 6160 3 2 250
    SMPWRK3 S PO FB 80 10 3200 3 2 250
    SMPWRK4 S PO FB 80 10 3200 3 2 250
    SMPWRK6 S PO FB 80 10 3200 3 2 300

    The following table provides an estimate of the storage needed in the SMP/E data sets for Net.Data Version 2.2. The estimates must be added to those of any other programs and service being installed to determine the total additional storage requirements.

    Table 14. Storage Requirements for SMP/E Data Sets
    SMPLOG S PS VB 260 6000 3200 510 435 --
    SMPLOGA S PS VB 260 6000 3200 510 435 --
    SMPLTS S PO U 0 800 6144 120 105 10
    SMPMTS S PO FB 80 60 3120 15 15 60
    SMPPTS S PO FB 80 400 3120 45 45 300
    SMPSCDS S PO FB 80 400 3120 45 45 300
    SMPSTS S PO FB 80 400 3120 45 45 150

    The following figures list the target and distribution libraries (data sets) and their attributes required to install Net.Data Version 2.2. The storage requirements of Net.Data Version 2.2 must be added to the storage required by other programs having data in the same data set (library).

    Table 15. Storage Requirements for Net.Data Version 2.2 Target Libraries
    SDTWBASE U PO FB 80 30 8800 6 5 5
    SDTWDATA U PO VB 256 10 6233 3 2 5
    SDTWDBRM U PO FB 80 10 8800 3 2 5
    SDTWSPUF U PO FB 80 10 8800 3 2 5
    SDTWSTRD U PO FB 80 10 8800 3 2 5
    SDTWLEIH U PO VB 256 20 2600 3 2 5
    SDTWLEID U PO VB 256 20 2600 3 2 5

    Table 16. Storage Requirements for Net.Data Version 2.2 Distribution Libraries
    ADTWBASE U PO FB 80 30 8800 6 5 5
    ADTWDATA U PO VB 256 15 6233 3 2 5
    ADTWDBRM U PO FB 80 10 8800 3 2 5
    ADTWLOAD U PO U 0 1250 6144 190 166 400
    ADTWSPUF U PO FB 80 10 8800 3 2 5
    ADTWSTRD U PO FB 80 10 8800 3 2 5
    ADTWHTML U PO VB 256 25 2600 3 2 5
    ADTWICON U PO VB 256 80 2600 6 5 5
    ADTWMACS U PO VB 256 35 2600 4 3 5
    ADTWCMD U PO VB 256 25 2600 3 2 5

    Table 17. Storage Requirements for Net.Data Version 2.2 HFS Directories
    Path Space Required
    SDTWCMD /usr/lpp/netdata/testcmd/IBM 32768 bytes
    SDTWHTM /usr/lpp/netdata/html/IBM 13249 bytes
    SDTWHTML /usr/lpp/netdata/pub/IBM 1350 bytes
    SDTWHTM2 /usr/lpp/netdata/file-data/IBM 208 bytes
    SDTWLOA3 /usr/lpp/netdata/icapi-lib/IBM 2543616 bytes
    SDTWLOA2 /usr/lpp/netdata/cgi-bin/IBM 2404352 bytes
    SDTWICON /usr/lpp/netdata/icons/IBM 6788 bytes
    SDTWJAVA /usr/lpp/netdata/java/IBM 4169 bytes
    SDTWMACS /usr/lpp/netdata/macros/IBM 62138 bytes
    SDTWENUS /usr/lpp/netdata/C/IBM 17069 bytes
    SDTWJAJP /usr/lpp/netdata/Ja_JP/IBM 17839 bytes
    SDTWKOKR /usr/lpp/netdata/Ko_KR/IBM 18972 bytes
    SDTWLOA4 /usr/lpp/netdata/servlet-lib/IBM 2424563 bytes

    FMIDs Deleted

    Installing Net.Data Version 2.2 will result in the deletion of the following FMIDs:

    Table 18. FMIDs Deleted
    Description :
    H24C110 H242220 Net.Data Version 5 Base
    H24C111 H242220 Net.Data Version 5 Japanese
    H242210 H242220 Net.Data Version 2 Release 1

    Special Considerations

    Net.Data Version 2.2 has no special considerations for the target system.

    Installation Instructions

    This chapter describes the installation method and the step-by-step procedures to install and to activate the functions of Net.Data Version 2.2.

    Please note the following:

    Installing Net.Data Version 2.2

    SMP/E Considerations for Installing Net.Data Version 2.2

    This release of Net.Data Version 2.2 is installed using the SMP/E RECEIVE, APPLY, and ACCEPT commands. The SMP/E dialogs may be used to accomplish the SMP/E installation steps.

    SMP/E Environment

    All SMP/E installation jobs provided assume that all necessary DD statements for the execution of SMP/E are defined using DDDEFs.

    Sample jobs are provided to assist you in installing Net.Data Version 2.2. After the RECEIVE step has been completed, the sample jobs can be found in SMPTLIB: IBM.H242220.F1. Make a copy of these jobs in your own library and modify them to use during the installation of Net.Data Version 2.2. The sample jobs are:

    Sample job to allocate the Base target and distribution libraries

    Sample JCL to allocate HFS data set (Optional)

    Sample job to define SMP/E DDDEFs

    Sample job to invoke the DSNMKDIR REXX exec

    Sample REXX exec to create Hierarchical File System Structure

    Sample RECEIVE job

    Sample APPLY CHECK job

    Sample APPLY job

    Sample ACCEPT CHECK job

    Sample ACCEPT job

    In the sample SMP/E jobs provided, the name of the SMP/E CSI is hlqual.SMPCSi.CSI. The global zone name in the SMP/E CSI is GLOBAL. The distribution zone name is distlib. The target zone name is targlib. The sample jobs should be updated to reflect the CSI and zone names used at your installation.

    SMP/E Options Subentry Values

    The recommended values for some SMP/E CSI subentries are shown in Table 19. Use of values lower than these may result in failures in the installation process. DSSPACE is a subentry in the GLOBAL options entry. PEMAX is a subentry of the GENERAL entry in the GLOBAL options entry. Refer to the SMP/E manuals for instructions on updating the global zone.

    Table 19. SMP/E Options Subentry Values
    SUB-ENTRY Value Comment
    DSSPACE (200,200,500) 3390 DASD tracks
    PEMAX 5500 The SMP/E default is larger than what can be specified here

    SMP/E CALLLIBS Processing

    Net.Data Version 2.2 uses the CALLLIBS function provided in SMP/E Release 8 to resolve external references during installation. When Net.Data Version 2.2 is installed, ensure the following:

    Unload the Sample JCL from the Product Tape

    Sample installation jobs are provided on the distribution tape to help you install Net.Data Version 2.2. The following sample JCL will copy the Net.Data Version 2.2 jobs from the tape. Add a job card and modify the parameters in boldface to uppercase values to meet your site's requirements before submitting.

    //IN       DD DSN=IBM.H242220.F1,UNIT=tunit,VOL=SER=242220,
    //         LABEL=(2,SL),DISP=(OLD,KEEP)
    //         DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),
    //         VOL=SER=dasdvol,UNIT=dunit,
    //         DCB=*.STEP1.IN,SPACE=(8800,(15,5,5))
    //SYSIN    DD *

    Where tunit is the unit value matching the product tape or cartridge, DTW220.INSTALL is the name of the data set where the sample jobs will reside, dasdvol is the volume serial of the DASD device where the data set will reside, and dunit is the DASD unit type of the volume.

    You can also access the sample installation jobs by performing an SMP/E RECEIVE for FMID fmid, and then copying the jobs from data set hlq.IBM.H242220.F1 to a work data set for editing and submission.

    Update and Execute the Desired Allocation Jobs

    Allocate Distribution and Target Libraries - Base

    All the installation jobs on the tape refer to private libraries. If you chose system libraries as your target libraries, you must change the installation jobs to refer to the system libraries.

    Modify and run job DTWALC to allocate the SMP/E target and distribution libraries for Net.Data Version 2.2

    Note: Be sure to read the notes in the comment section of the installation job stream. Add a job card and submit the job.

    Expected Return Codes and Messages: This job should complete with a condition code of 0.

    Allocate HFS Data Set -- Optional

    If you plan to install your product into a separate HFS data set instead of installing into the root filesystem, edit and run the sample job, member name DTWHFS, in the data set defined by the DTW220.INSTALL job, to allocate an HFS data set.

    Expected Return Codes and Messages: This job should complete with a condition code of 0.

    DDDEF Entries for Target and Distribution Target Libraries for Net.Data Version 2.2

    Edit and run the sample job, member name DTWDDDEF in the data set defined by the DTW220.INSTALL job, to help you define the Net.Data Version 2.2 data sets to your SMP/E system.

    IMPORTANT: Though all JCL must normally be in upper case to run, HFS path names may be mixed case.

    Note: Be sure to read the notes in the comment section of the installation job stream. Add a job card and submit the job.

    Expected Return Codes and Messages: This job should complete with a condition code of 0.

    Create the Hierarchical File System Structure

    1. Before SMP/E can install Net.Data Version 2.2 you have to have a directory skeleton in your HFS.

      You need to run with root authority if you are installing on '/usr/lpp/netdata'.


      Note: If your installation uses a different directory structure or name, you will need to edit the supplied default directory (/usr/lpp/netdata) accordingly.

    2. Optional

      If you decided to install your product into a separate HFS data set instead of installing into the root filesystem, mount the new HFS created on the mountpoint. (The following command must be on one line.)

      TSO MOUNT FILESYSTEM('dtw220.sdtwhfs') MOUNTPOINT('/usr/lpp/netdata') TYPE(HFS)

    3. A sample job DTWISMKD found in DTW220.INSTALL will create the skeletons. DTWISMKD must be run with root authority if you are installing on the default directory (/usr/lpp/netdata).

      If your installation uses a different directory structure or name, you will need to edit the supplied default directory (/usr/lpp/netdata) accordingly.

      Note: Be sure to read the notes in the comment section of the installation job stream. Add a job card and submit the job.

      Expected Return Codes and Messages: This job should complete with a condition code of 0.

    Update and Execute the SMP/E RECEIVE Job

    Go to the data set DTW220.INSTALL and edit member DTWREC. Make the necessary changes and run the DTWREC member.

    Note: Be sure to read the notes in the comment section of the installation job stream. Add a job card and submit the job.

    Expected Return Codes and Messages: This job should complete with a condition code of 4 or less.

    Note: If you are running a lower level of OS/390 Version 2 Release 7, your RECEIVE job will end with a return code of 4. The following warning message will be issued: GIM50050W

    Receive the Cummulative Service Tape

    Note: This step is bypassed if receiving the product from a CBPDO.

    Expected Return Codes and Messages: This job should complete with a condition code of 0.

    Update and Execute the SMP/E APPLY CHECK and APPLY Job

    When Net.Data is installed in the directory (usr/lpp/netdata), the SMP/E DTWAPPLY job must be run by a userid with a UID value of 0 (zero).


    Edit and submit sample job DTWAPPLC to perform an SMP/E APPLY CHECK for Net.Data Version 2.2. Consult the instructions in the sample job for more information.

    To receive the full benefit of the SMP/E Causer SYSMOD Summary Report, do not bypass the following on the APPLY CHECK: PRE, ID, REQ, and IFREQ. This is because the SMP/E root cause analysis identifies the cause only of ERRORS and not of WARNINGS (SYSMODs that are bypassed are treated as warnings, not errors, by SMP/E).

    The GROUPEXTEND operand indicates that SMP/E apply all requisite SYSMODs. The requisite SYSMODS might be applicable to other functions.

    For CHECK processing on APPLY, change the APPLY SELECT statement to the following:

                      APPLY S(H242220) CHECK GROUPEXTEND

    Expected Return Codes and Messages: This job should complete with a condition code of 4 or less.

    Note: If you are running a lower level of OS/390 Version 2 Release 7, your APPLY CHECK job will end with a return code of 4. The following warning message will be issued: GIM50050W

    Perform SMP/E APPLY

    Edit and submit sample job DTWAPPLY to perform an SMP/E APPLY for Net.Data Version 2.2. Consult the instructions in the sample job for more information.

    Change the APPLY SELECT statement in the sample job to the following:

                      APPLY S(H242220) GROUPEXTEND

    Expected Return Codes and Messages: This job should complete with a condition code of 4 or less.

    Note: If you are running a lower level of OS/390 Version 2 Release 7, your APPLY job will end with a return code of 4. The following warning message will be issued: GIM50050W

    Update and Execute the SMP/E ACCEPT CHECK and ACCEPT Job


    Edit and submit sample job DTWACCPC to perform an SMP/E ACCEPT CHECK for Net.Data Version 2.2. Consult the instructions in the sample job for more information.

    To receive the full benefit of the SMP/E Causer SYSMOD Summary Report, do not bypass the following on the ACCEPT CHECK: PRE, ID, REQ, and IFREQ. This is because the SMP/E root cause analysis identifies the cause only of ERRORS and not of WARNINGS (SYSMODs that are bypassed are treated as warnings, not errors, by SMP/E).

    The GROUPEXTEND operand indicates that SMP/E accept all requisite SYSMODs. The requisite SYSMODS might be applicable to other functions.

    For CHECK processing on ACCEPT, change the ACCEPT SELECT statement to the following:

                      ACCEPT S(H242220) CHECK GROUPEXTEND

    Expected Return Codes and Messages: This job should complete with a condition code of 4 or less.

    Note: If you are running a lower level of OS/390 Version 2 Release 7, your ACCEPT CHECK job will end with a return code of 4. The following warning message will be issued: GIM50050W

    Perform SMP/E ACCEPT

    Net.Data Version 2.2. Consult the instructions in the sample job for more information.

    Change the ACCEPT SELECT in the sample job statement to the following:

                      ACCEPT S(H242220) GROUPEXTEND

    Edit and submit sample job DTWACPT to perform an SMP/E ACCEPT for

    Before using SMP/E to load new distribution libraries, it is recommended that you set the ACCJCLIN indicator in the distribution zone. This will cause entries produced from JCLIN to be saved in the distribution zone whenever a SYSMOD containing inline JCLIN is ACCEPTed. For more information on the ACCJCLIN indicator, see the description of inline JCLIN in the SMP/E manuals.

    Expected Return Codes and Messages: This job should complete with a condition code of 4 or less.

    Note: If you are running a lower level of OS/390 Version 2 Release 7, your ACCEPT job will end with a return code of 4. The following warning message will be issued: GIM50050W

    Install the Net.Data Version 2.2 Executables and DLLs

    Unless you modified the directory structure or name when you created the hierarchical file system directory for Net.Data Version 2.2, the previous steps installed the Net.Data Version 2.2 executables and DLLs in the directories:


    Note: If you did modify the directory structure or name, then substitute your choice for /usr/lpp/netdata in the installation instructions that follow.

    Since /usr/lpp/netdata is not your Web server's root directory, the Web server cannot process client requests for Net.Data Version 2.2 unless you make some additional modifications to the Web server's configuration. Either of the following approaches can be used to complete the installation of the executables and DLLs:

    Approach A: Using Net.Data Version 2.2 Directories

    For use of CGI:

    1. Add an Exec directive to the Web server's configuration file (/etc/httpd.conf) that redirects Net.Data Version 2.2 requests to the /usr/lpp/netdata/cgi-bin directory. One possible Exec directive is the following:

      Exec /netdata-cgi/* /usr/lpp/netdata/cgi-bin/*

    2. Add your Net.Data Version 2.2 cgi-bin directory to the LIBPATH statement of the Web server's environment variables file (/etc/httpd.envvars). If your Net.Data Version 2.2 cgi-bin directory is /usr/lpp/netdata/cgi-bin, then your LIBPATH statement should be similar to the following:


    For use of ICAPI or GWAPI:

    1. Add a ServerInit directive to the Web server's configuration file (/etc/httpd.conf) that tells the Web server how to initialize Net.Data Version 2.2. One possible ServerInit directive is the following:

      ServerInit /usr/lpp/netdata/icapi-lib/db2www:dtw_init

    2. Add a Service directive to the Web server's configuration file (/etc/httpd.conf) that redirects Net.Data Version 2.2 requests to the /usr/lpp/netdata/icapi-lib directory. One possible Service directive is the following:

      Service /netdata-cgi/db2www* /usr/lpp/netdata/icapi-lib/db2www:dtw_icapi*

    3. Add your Net.Data Version 2.2 icapi-lib directory to the LIBPATH statement of the Web server's environment variables file (/etc/httpd.envvars). If your Net.Data Version 2.2 icapi-lib directory is /usr/lpp/netdata/icapi-lib , then your LIBPATH statement should be similar to the following:


    For Use of Net.Data Servlets:

    1. Add your NetDataServlets.jar file to the CLASSPATH statement of your Web server's environment variables file (/etc/httpd.envvars). If your NetDataServlets.jar file is /usr/lpp/netdata/servlet-lib/NetDataServlets.jar, then your CLASSPATH statement should be similar to the following:


      Note: The entire path statement needs to be specified on the same line.

    2. Add your Net.Data servlet-lib directory to the LIBPATH statement of your Web server's environment variables file (/etc/httpd.envvars). If your Net.Data servlet-lib directory is /usr/lpp/netdata/servlet-lib/, then your LIBPATH statement should be similar to the following:


    Attention: Only one of the directories /usr/lpp/netdata/cgi-bin, /usr/lpp/netdata/icapi-lib and /usr/lpp/netdata/servlet-lib can be included in the LIBPATH of the Web server's environment variables file (/etc/httpd.envvars). Including more than one directory will lead to conflicts.

    Approach B: Using Web Server Directories

    For use of CGI:

    1. Move the executables and DLLs (appldll, db2www, dtwle, dtwlei, dtwsql, dtwsqlv6, filedll, odbcdll, perldll, rexxdll, sysdll) to the Web server's cgi-bin directory. The Web server default cgi-bin directory is /usr/lpp/internet/server_root/cgi-bin.

      Note: The Web server's default root directory is specified by the ServerRoot directive in the Web server's configuration file (/etc/httpd.conf) and may have been changed when the Web server was installed. The Web server's default cgi-bin directory is specified by an Exec directive in the Web server's configuration file and may also have been changed when the Web server was installed. If your Web server's root directory is different than /usr/lpp/internet/server_root or your Web server's cgi-bin directory is different than /usr/lpp/internet/server_root/cgi-bin, then substitute your choices as appropriate in these installation instructions.

    2. Add the Web server's cgi-bin directory to the LIBPATH statement of the Web server's environment variables file (/etc/httpd.envvars). If your Web server cgi-bin directory is /usr/lpp/internet/server_root/cgi-bin, then your LIBPATH statement should be similar to the following:

      LIBPATH=/usr/lpp/internet/bin: /usr/lpp/internet/server_root/cgi-bin

      Note: The entire path statement needs to be specified on the same line.

    For use of ICAPI or GWAPI:

    1. Move the executables and DLLs (appldll, db2www, dtwle, dtwlei, dtwsql, dtwsqlv6, filedll, odbcdll, perldll, rexxdll, sysdll) to the Web server's cgi-bin directory. The Web server default cgi-bin directory is /usr/lpp/internet/server_root/cgi-bin .

    2. Add a ServerInit directive to the Web server's configuration file (/etc/httpd.conf) that tells the Web server how to initialize Net.Data Version 2.2. One possible ServerInit directive is the following:

      ServerInit /usr/lpp/internet/server_root/cgi-bin/db2www:dtw_init

    3. Add a Service directive to the Web server's configuration file (/etc/httpd.conf) that redirects Net.Data Version 2.2 requests to the /usr/lpp/internet/server_root/cgi-bin directory. One possible Service directive is the following:

      Service /cgi-bin/db2www* /usr/lpp/internet/server_root/cgi-bin/db2www:dtw_icapi*

    4. Add the Web server's cgi-bin directory to the LIBPATH statement of the Web server's environment variables file (/etc/httpd.envvars). If your Web server cgi-bin directory is /usr/lpp/internet/server_root/cgi-bin, then your LIBPATH statement should be similar to the following:

      LIBPATH=/usr/lpp/internet/bin: /usr/lpp/internet/server_root/cgi-bin

      Note: The entire path statement needs to be specified on the same line.

    For Use of Net.Data Servlets

    1. Add your NetDataServlets.jar file to the CLASSPATH statement of your Web server's environment variables file (/etc/httpd.envvars). If your NetDataServlets.jar file is /usr/lpp/netdata/servlet-lib/NetDataServlets.jar, then your CLASSPATH statement should be similar to the following:


      Note: The entire path statement needs to be specified on the same line.

    2. Move the Net.Data DLLs (, appldll, dtwle, dtwlei, dtwsql, dtwsqlv6, filedll, odbcdll, perldll, rexxdll, sysdll) to your Web server's cgi-bin directory. The Web server default cgi-bin directory is:


    3. Add your Web server's cgi-bin directory to the LIBPATH statement of your Web server's environment variables file (/etc/httpd.envvars). If your Web server cgi-bin directory is /usr/lpp/internet/server_root/cgi-bin/, then your LIBPATH statement should be similar to the following:


      Note: The entire path statement needs to be specified on the same line.

    Note: If you choose to move the executables and DLLs to the Web server's cgi-bin directory, then these copies must be manually refreshed whenever maintenance is applied to the Net.Data Version 2.2 product.

    For more detail on installing the Web server configuration file directives, refer to the Webmaster's Guide for your Web server. For more information, refer to "Publications Useful During Installation".

    Ensure that the permissions for the Net.Data Version 2.2 executables and DLLs and for each directory in the path to the executables and DLLs are 755.

    Customize the Net.Data Version 2.2 Initialization File

    The previous steps created a sample Net.Data Version 2.2 initialization file named db2www.ini in directory /usr/lpp/netdata/pub. Copy this file to the Web server's document root directory.

    Note: The Web server's document root directory is specified in the Web server's configuration file (/etc/httpd.conf) by the Pass directive with request template "/*". The Web server's default document root directory is /usr/lpp/internet/server_root/pub, but this may have been changed when the Web server was installed. If your Web server's document root directory is different than /usr/lpp/internet/server_root/pub, then substitute your choice as appropriate in these installation instructions.

    If you installed Net.Data Version 2.2 in the directory /usr/lpp/netdata, then you can copy the initialization file by executing the following shell command under OMVS:

    cp /usr/lpp/netdata/pub/db2www.ini /usr/lpp/internet/server_root/pub

    Figure 1 contains the sample Net.Data Version 2.2 initialization file that is shipped with Net.Data Version 2.2.

    Figure 1. Sample Net.Data Version 2.2 Initialization File
    First off, in section 6.9, Figure 19 has the sample INI file that we
    ship. This needs to be replaced with the following:

    %{ ************* Path Configuration Statements *************** %}
    %{ Modify the following paths to specify the macro, executable,%}
    %{ and flat-file paths for your applications                   %}
    MACRO_PATH /usr/lpp/netdata/macros;
    EXEC_PATH /usr/lpp/netdata/testcmd;
    FFI_PATH /usr/lpp/netdata/file-data;
    %{ ************* Configuration Variable Statements *********** %}
    %{ Change DB2SSID to specify the default subsystem ID you will %}
    %{ use for your applications.  Change DB2PLAN to specify the   %}
    %{ default plan name for your applications.                    %}
    %{ If your applications require the use of the variable        %}
    %{ SHOWSQL, then change DTW_SHOWSQL to yes.  If your           %}
    %{ application require the use of Direct Request, then change  %}
    %{ DTW_DIRECT_REQUEST to yes.                                  %}
    %{ ************* Environment Configuration Statements ******** %}
    %{ If you plan to use DB2 V6 for your applications,            %}
    %{ change dtwsql to dtwsqlv6 in the ENVIRONMENT statement      %}
    %{ for DTW_SQL.                                                %}
    ENVIRONMENT (DTW_SQL) dtwsql ()
    ENVIRONMENT (DTW_PERL) perldll ()
    ENVIRONMENT (DTW_REXX) rexxdll ()
    ENVIRONMENT (DTW_FILE) filedll ()
    ENVIRONMENT (DTW_ODBC) odbcdll ()

    Note: Version 2.2 removes the requirement that RETURN_CODE must be placed on the ENVIRONMENT statements. If you are using an initialization file from a prior version, remove RETURN_CODE from the ENVIRONMENT statements. Also, DTW_DEFAULT is no longer a separate language environment and its ENVIRONMENT statement must be removed from the initialization file.

    The sample Net.Data Version 2.2 initialization file makes several assumptions about customizing the setting of Net.Data Version 2.2 variables and about configuring Net.Data Version 2.2 language environments and search paths. These assumptions may not be correct for your environment:

    Net.Data Version 2.2 specifies several variables that affect the way in which Net.Data Version 2.2 language environments process calls to functions defined in %FUNCTION blocks. The settings of these variables must be passed to a language environment in order to have an affect. For example, a macro defines a LOCATION variable to specify the location name of the remote DBMS at which an SQL statement within a DTW_SQL function is to be executed. The value of LOCATION must be passed to the SQL language environment (DTW_SQL) so that the SQL language environment can connect to the designated remote DBMS. In order to accomplish this goal, change the line

    ENVIRONMENT (DTW_SQL) dtwsql ()



    If you want to be able to override the default settings of the DB2PLAN and DB2SSID variables in macro files when the SQL language environment is invoked, then you need to also include them on the environment statement for DTW_SQL as follows:


    Refer to the Net.Data Version 2.2 Language Environment Guide for a complete list of the variables that can be passed to the language environments.

    If you desire to use the Net.Data Version 2.2 ODBC language environment, then you must specify the name of your DB2 CLI initialization file in the Net.Data Version 2.2 initialization file using the DSNAOINI statement. For example, if the name of your DB2 CLI initialization file is DBNC.DSNAOINI, then add the following statement to the Net.Data Version 2.2 initialization file:


    Note: The user ID or user IDs under which Net.Data Version 2.2 executes must have read access to your DB2 CLI initialization file.

    Ensure that the permissions for the Net.Data Version 2.2 initialization file are 644.

    Install the Net.Data Version 2.2 Applet

    Subsequent sections of this document specify an installation verification test that allows you to verify the successful installation of Net.Data Version 2.2 for OS/390. The installation verification test executes a Net.Data Version 2.2 macro that references an applet class contained within a directory created by the SMP/E installation process. This macro does not function properly unless the following pass directive is added to the Web server's configuration file (/etc/httpd.conf):

    Pass /netdata-java/* /usr/lpp/netdata/java/*

    Note: This pass directive must be placed before the pass rules for server administration in order to supersede the installation server administration rules.

    Install the Net.Data Version 2.2 Icons and HTML files

    The sample Net.Data Version 2.2 macros included in the directory /usr/lpp/netdata/macros make use of icons and HTML files within directories created by the SMP/E installation process. These macros do not function properly unless the following pass directives are added to the Web server's configuration file (/etc/httpd.conf):

       Pass   /netdata-html/*      /usr/lpp/netdata/html/*
       Pass   /netdata-icons/*     /usr/lpp/netdata/icons/*

    Note: These pass directives must be placed before the pass rules for server administration in order to supersede the installation

    Set Up the SQL and ODBC Language Environments

    If you do plan to go through the installation verification process for Net.Data, then postpone this step until after you have built the sample stored procedures.

    The SQL and ODBC Language Environments require RRS Attach Facility when using Net.Data with ICAPI or GWAPI. Make sure the RRS Attach Facility is installed for DB2 and OS/390 RRS is installed and configured properly.

    The SQL language environment (DTW_SQL) and the ODBC language environment (DTW_ODBC) use the DB2 load module library SDSNLOAD. The Net.Data Version 2.2 SQL and ODBC language environments require that this library reside in LINKLIST or that it be specified in the STEPLIB DD statement of the Web server startup procedure. The name and location of the Web server startup procedure depends on your system configuration.

    A plan for Net.Data Version 2.2 must be created before the Net.Data Version 2.2 SQL and ODBC language environments can be used to call stored procedures or to execute other types of SQL statements. The binds required for creating this plan depend on the language environments that you plan to use and the location of your stored procedures.

    Sample JCL for binding the Net.Data DBRM into a package, for creating a Net.Data plan that permits the use of the SQL language environment with DB2 Version 5, and for granting EXECUTE authority on the plan to PUBLIC can be found in DTW220.SDTWBASE(DTWBIND). If you plan to use both the SQL and ODBC language environments, then the DBRMs for DB2 CLI must be bound into the same plan as the Net.Data DBRM. Sample JCL for binding the Net.Data DBRM and the DB2 CLI DBRMs into a package, for creating a Net.Data plan that permits the use of the SQL and ODBC language environments with DB2 Version 5, and for granting EXECUTE authority on the plan to PUBLIC can be found in DTW220.SDTWBASE(DTWOBIND). You may need to make some minor changes to the sample JCL in order to successfully execute the JCL within your environment. The prefix of the SDSNEXIT and SDSNLOAD data set names specified in the STEPLIB DD statement may be incorrect for your installation. The values specified by the SYSTEM option of the DSN command and the PLAN option of the RUN command may also be incorrect for your installation. The SYSTEM option of the DSN command specifies the name of the DB2 subsystem and should be identical to the subsystem ID specified in the DB2SSID statement of the Net.Data initialization file. The PLAN option of the RUN command specifies the name of the application plan for the DSNTIAD program. If you do not plan to go through the installation verification process for Net.Data, which is described in "Installation Verification Process" then delete the TSTRPKG.TSTINSRT and TSTRPKG.TSTDELET from the package list. Make whatever other modifications are appropriate and submit the JCL.

    If you plan to use the ODBC language environment with ICAPI or GWAPI, the MVSATTACHTYPE variable in the DB2 CLI initialization file must be set to RRSAF. Also, the PLANNAME variable must be set to the same plan name as the one specified for DB2PLAN in the Net.Data Version 2.2 initialization file.

    Specify the Default Code Page Environment

    Both Net.Data Version 2.2 and the Web server make assumptions about the default code page environment. If these assumptions are incorrect for your installation, then you must make modifications to the Web server's configuration file and to the Net.Data Version 2.2 initialization file.

    Modifying the Web Server's Configuration File

    The Web server's configuration file (/etc/httpd.conf) specifies the default code page environment through DefaultFsCp and DefaultNetCp directives. The DefaultFsCp directive specifies the default file system code page on the server. This is the EBCDIC code page in which the Web server expects to receive text streams from Net.Data Version 2.2. The DefaultNetCp directive specifies the default network codepage. This is the ASCII codepage used to encode text streams that are served by the Web server.

    The Web server program default settings are:

    DefaultFsCp IBM-1047 (Latin 1/Open Systems)

    DefaultNetCp ISO8859-1

    These default settings work fine for Latin 1 languages but will not produce the correct results for other languages such as Japanese and Korean. One possible pair of default settings for Japanese is:

    DefaultFsCp IBM-939 (Japanese Latin Extended)

    DefaultNetCp IBM-932

    One possible pair of default settings for Korean is:

    DefaultFsCp IBM-933

    DefaultNetCp IBM-949

    Modifying the Net.Data Version 2.2 Initialization File

    Net.Data Version 2.2 assumes that the codepage for your DB2 database is the same as the codepage specified by the Web server's DefaultFsCp directive. If this is incorrect, then you must use the DefaultDBCp variable to specify the codepage of your DB2 database. For example, if the codepage of your DB2 database is IBM-930, add the following to your Net.Data Version 2.2 initialization file:

    DefaultDBCp IBM-930

    The setting of this variable directs Net.Data Version 2.2 to convert SQL statements and stored procedure input parameters from the default file system codepage to the database codepage, and to convert result sets and stored procedure output parameters from the database codepage to the file system codepage. No conversion is performed if this variable is not set.

    Tip: You do not need to set this configuration variable if the codepage of your database is the same as the codepage of your macros. Doing so would lead to unnecessary codepage conversions.

    Enable the Message Catalog

    Net.Data Version 2.2 for OS/390 provides English, Japanese and Korean message catalogs. The setting of environment variables within the Web server's environment variables file (/etc/httpd.envvars) enables the use of message catalogs and specifies the particular message catalog from which Net.Data Version 2.2 messages will be obtained.

    Unless you modified the directory structure or name when you created the hierarchical file system directory for Net.Data Version 2.2, you have already installed the Net.Data Version 2.2 English, Japanese and Korean message catalogs in the files /usr/lpp/netdata/C/, /usr/lpp/netdata/Ja_JP/ and /usr/lpp/netdata/Ko_KR/ respectively. If you did modify the directory structure or name, then substitute your choice for /usr/lpp/netdata in the following installation steps:

    1. To enable the use of Net.Data Version 2.2 message catalogs, add /usr/lpp/netdata/%L/%N to the NLSPATH statement in the Web server's environment variables file. Your NLSPATH statement should be similar to the following:

      NLSPATH=/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N: /usr/lpp/internet/%L/%N:/usr/lpp/netdata/%L/%N

      Note: The entire path statement needs to be specified on the same line.

    2. The value of the LANG statement in the Web server's environment variables file (/etc/httpd.envvars) selects the specific catalog that Net.Data Version 2.2 will use. To select the English message catalog, specify:


      To select the Japanese message catalog, specify:


      To select the Korean message catalog, specify:


    Installation Verification Process

    The process described in this section allows you to perform a simple test that verifies the successful installation of Net.Data Version 2.2 for OS/390. The setup for this test includes creating and loading sample databases, customizing verification macros, installing sample stored procedures, and binding Net.Data Version 2.2. Sample JCL for performing a number of these tasks is provided in the DTW220.SDTWBASE partitioned data set. Before executing this JCL on your system, you must make the following changes to the samples:

    Note: The DTW220.SDTWBASE, DTW220.SDTWSPUF, and DTW220.SDTWSTRD partitioned data set is under SMP/E control and cannot be modified. Consequently, you must make these modifications and the other modifications described below to copies of these members stored within a partitioned data set that you create.

    Create and Load the Sample Single Byte Character Set DB2 Tables

    Create The Tables

    In order to execute the majority of the verification test macros, you must create a sample DB2 single byte character set (SBCS) database. The DDL statements for accomplishing this can be found in DTW220.SDTWSPUF(DTWDBDL).

    DTWDBDL creates a database called CELDIAL containing the following four tables:

    The CREATE DATABASE and CREATE TABLESPACE SQL statements specify the default storage group SYSDEFLT. You may need to modify this storage group name before executing these statements.

    DTWDBDL also includes GRANTs to PUBLIC for SELECT and UPDATE authority on the tables accessed in the verification test. If the security policies of your environment prohibit or discourage the use of PUBLIC, then other possibilities include granting SELECT and UPDATE authority on the tables to the user ID the Web server runs under, or, if a protection setup is specified in the Web server's configuration file, to the user ID specified in the protection directive.

    For more detail on installing the Web server configuration file directives, refer to the Webmaster's Guide for your Web server. For more information, refer to "Publications Useful During Installation".

    Submit the DDL for the creation of the CELDIAL database and the execution of these grants of authority using SPUFI or an equivalent facility.

    Load the Tables

    The JCL for loading the sample tables using the DB2 LOAD Utility can be found in DTW220.SDTWBASE(DTWDBLD). The members DTWCSTD, DTWORDE, DTWORSU, and DTWUIDC of the partitioned dataset DTW220.SDTWDATA contain data for populating the tables. You may need to modify the DB2 subsystem name and the user ID specified in the PARM field of the EXEC statement before executing this JCL.

    Note: The sample table data is provided in the codepage IBM-1047. If your database codepage is different from IBM-1047, some characters may not display correctly in the Installation Verification Process unless the data is converted to the appropriate codepage.

    For further information about the use of the DSNUPROC JCL procedure, refer to the DB2 Utilities Guide and Reference.

    Create and Load the Sample Double-byte Character Set DB2 Table

    Note: This step is for customers who plan to use a DBCS enabled operating system and browser and to retrieve double-byte character set data values from a DB2 database. If this does not apply to your installation, then you should skip this step.

    Create The Table

    In order to execute the double-byte character set verification test macro, you must create a sample DB2 database with double-byte data. The DDL statements for accomplishing this can be found in DTW220.SDTWSPUF(DTWCRED).

    DTWCRED creates a database called CELDBCS containing the following table:

    The CREATE DATABASE and CREATE TABLESPACE SQL statements specify the default storage group SYSDEFLT. You may need to modify this storage group name before executing these statements.

    DTWCRED also includes a GRANTs to PUBLIC for SELECT and UPDATE authority on DBCS. If the security policies of your environment prohibit or discourage the use of PUBLIC, then other possibilities include granting SELECT and UPDATE authority on the table to the user ID the Web server runs under, or, if a protection setup is specified in the Web server's configuration file, to the user ID specified in the protection directive.

    For more detail on installing the Web server configuration file directives, refer to the Webmaster's Guide for your Web server. For more information, refer to "Publications Useful During Installation".

    Submit the DDL for the creation of the CELDBCS database and the execution of the grant of authority using SPUFI or an equivalent facility.

    Load the Table

    The SQL for inserting rows into the DBCS table can be found in DTW220.SDTWSPUF(DTWINSD).

    Customize the Verification and Sample Macros

    The SQL statements within the verification and sample macros specify ibmuser as the owner of the tables that the macros access. Replace ibmuser with the user ID of the user who executed the DDL that created the tables.

    Note: To identify the macros that need to be modified, execute the following shell commands:

    cd /usr/lpp/netdata/macros

    grep -e ibmuser -i -l *

    Install the Sample Stored Procedures

    One of the features provided by Net.Data Version 2.2 is support for DB2 Stored Procedures. Two sample stored procedures (TSTINSRT and TSTDELET) have been provided to test this feature. TSTINSRT inserts a row into the CUSTOMER table. TSTDELET deletes one or more rows from the CUSTOMER table. The following steps install these stored procedures:

    1. Enable Stored Procedure Support on your DB2 Subsystem.

      If you do not have stored procedure support enabled on your DB2 subsystem, refer to your DB2 manuals and the following Redbook for instructions on enabling stored procedure support:

      Getting Started with DB2 Stored Procedures: Give them a Call through the Network (SG24-4693-00)

    2. Create the Stored Procedure Load Modules

      1. Modify the Source Code

        The stored procedures specify IBMUSER as the owner of the tables that the stored procedures access. Replace IBMUSER with the user ID of the user who executed the DDL that created the tables. Members DTWINSRT and DTWDELET of the DTW220.SDTWSTRD partitioned data set contain the source code for the stored procedures.

      2. Precompile the Source Code

        Sample JCL for precompiling the TSTINSRT and TSTDELET stored procedures can be found in DTW220.SDTWBASE(DTWINPCM) and DTW220.SDTWBASE(DTWDLPCM), respectively. The prefix of the SDSNEXIT, SDSNLOAD, and SDSNSAMP data set names specified in the STEPLIB and SYSLIB DD statements of this sample JCL depends on the version of DB2 that you are using and may be incorrect for your installation. The data set names specified on the DBRMLIB, SYSIN, and SYSCIN DD statements may also be incorrect for your installation. The SYSIN DD statement specifies the data set name for the stored procedure source code. The SYSCIN DD statement specifies the data set name for the precompiler modified source code, which is the input data set to the C/C++ compile step. The DBRMLIB DD statement specifies the data set name for the DBRM, which is the input data set to the bind step. Modify the prefix and data set names as required and submit the JCL.

      3. Compile the Modified Source Code

        Sample JCL for compiling the precompiler modified source code for the TSTINSRT and TSTDELET stored procedures can be found in DTW220.SDTWBASE(DTWINCC) and DTW220.SDTWBASE(DTWDLCC), respectively. The program names specified on the EXEC statement and the data set names specified on the STEPLIB, SYSMSGS, and SYSLIB DD statements of this sample JCL depend on the level of C/C++ compiler that you are using and may be incorrect for your installation. The data set names specified on the SYSIN and SYSLIN DD statements may also be incorrect for your installation. The SYSIN DD statement specifies the data set name for the precompiler modified stored procedure source code. The SYSLIN DD statement specifies the data set name for the object code, which is the input data set to the prelink step. Make the appropriate modifications and submit the JCL.

      4. Prelink and Link the Object Code

        Sample JCL for prelinking and linking the object code for the TSTINSRT and TSTDELET stored procedures can be found in DTW220.SDTWBASE(DTWINLNK) and DTW220.SDTWBASE(DTWDLLNK), respectively. The prefix of the SDSNLOAD data set name specified in the STEPLIB DD statement of the prelink step and the SYSLIB DD statement of the link step depend on the version of DB2 that you are using and may be incorrect for your installation. The data set names specified on the STEPLIB, SYSMSGS, SYSLIB, and SYSIN DD statements of the prelink step depend on the level of prelinker that you are using and may be incorrect for your installation. The first data set name specified on the SYSLIB DD statement of the link step depends on the level of linkage editor that you are using and may be incorrect for your installation. The data set names specified on the OBJECT DD statement of the prelink step and on the SYSLMOD DD statement of the link step may also be incorrect for your installation. The OBJECT DD statement specifies the data set name for the stored procedure object code created by the compile step. The SYSLMOD DD statement specifies the data set name for the stored procedure load module, which is the output data set of the link step. Make the appropriate modifications and submit the JCL.

        Note: The COND_CODE for the prelink steps of DTWINLNK and DTWDLLNK will be 4.

        For DTWINLNK you will receive the following warning:

        WARNING EDC4015: Unresolved references are detected: CEEBETBL CEEROOTA @@TRT DSNHLI sprintf CEESG003 EDCINPL

        For DTWDLLNK you will receive the following warning:

        WARNING EDC4015: Unresolved references are detected: CEEBETBL CEEROOTA @@TRT DSNHLI CEESG003 EDCINPL

        The COND_CODE for the link steps of DTWINLNK and DTWDLLNK will be 0.

    3. Bind the Stored Procedures

      Sample JCL for binding the DBRMs created during the precompile step for the TSTINSRT and TSTDELET stored procedures can be found in DTW220.SDTWBASE(DTWINBND) and DTW220.SDTWBASE(DTWDLBND), respectively. The prefix of the SDSNEXIT and SDSNLOAD data set names specified in the STEPLIB DD statement depend on the version of DB2 that you are using and may be incorrect for your installation. The data set name specified on the DBRMLIB DD statement and the value specified by the SYSTEM option of the DSN command may also be incorrect for your installation. The DBRMLIB DD statement specifies the data set name for the DBRM created by the precompile step. The SYSTEM option of the DSN command specifies the name of the DB2 subsystem and should be identical to the subsystem id specified in the DB2SSID statement of the db2www.ini file. Make the appropriate modifications and submit the JCL.

    4. Define the Stored Procedures to DB2

      You cannot use the TSTINSRT and TSTDELET stored procedures until they are defined to DB2.

      In DB2 V5, these stored procedures cannot run until they are defined in the catalog table SYSPROCEDURES. The DDL statement for accomplishing this goal can be found in DTW220.SDTWSPUF(DTWSTPV5). Submit the DDL using SPUFI or an equivalent facility.

    Bind the DBRM for Net.Data Version 2.2

    A plan for Net.Data Version 2.2 must be created before the Net.Data Version 2.2 SQL and ODBC language environments can be used to call stored procedures or to execute other types of SQL statements. The binds required for creating this plan depend on the language environments that you plan to use and the location of your stored procedures.

    Sample JCL for binding the Net.Data DBRM into a package, for binding the Net.Data package and the packages of the TSTINSRT and TSTDELET stored procedures into a plan that permits the use of the SQL language environment with DB2 Version 5, and for granting EXECUTE authority on the plan to PUBLIC can be found in DTW220.SDTWBASE(DTWBIND). If you plan to use both the SQL and ODBC language environments, then the DBRMs for DB2 CLI must be bound into the same plan as the Net.Data DBRM. Sample JCL for binding the Net.Data DBRM and the DB2 CLI DBRMs into a package, for binding the Net.Data package and the packages of the TSTINSRT and TSTDELET stored procedures into a plan that permits the use of the SQL and ODBC language environments with DB2 Version 5, and for granting EXECUTE authority on the plan to PUBLIC can be found in DTW220.SDTWBASE(DTWOBIND). You may need to make some minor changes to the sample JCL in order to successfully execute the JCL within your environment. The prefix of the SDSNEXIT and SDSNLOAD data set names specified in the STEPLIB DD statement depend on the version of DB2 that you are using and may be incorrect for your installation. The values specified by the SYSTEM option of the DSN command and the PLAN option of the RUN command may also be incorrect for your installation. The SYSTEM option of the DSN command specifies the name of the DB2 subsystem and should be identical to the subsystem ID specified in the DB2SSID statement of the Net.Data initialization file. The PLAN option of the RUN command specifies the name of the application plan for the DSNTIAD program. Make the appropriate modifications and submit the JCL.

    Test the Installation of Net.Data Version 2.2

    Prepare the Test Environment

    The following steps complete the preparation of the test environment:

    Execute the Verification Macros

    The test for verifying the successful installation of Net.Data Version 2.2 requires that you use a Web browser to execute the verification macros. Before performing this test, ensure that the permissions for the verification macros and for each directory in the path to the verification macros are 755.

    Note: For the use of CGI, these instructions assume that you added the following Exec directive to your Web server's configuration file:

    Exec /netdata-cgi/* /usr/lpp/netdata/cgi-bin/*

    For the use of ICAPI or GWAPI, these instructions assume that you added the following Service directive to your Web server's configuration file:

    Service /netdata-cgi/db2www* /usr/lpp/netdata/icapi-lib/db2www:dtw_icapi*

    If you installed the Net.Data Version 2.2 executables and DLLs in the Web server's cgi-bin directory, then replace "netdata-cgi" with "cgi-bin" in the following instructions.

    Use a Web browser to test the various Net.Data Version 2.2 components:

    Appendix A. Net.Data Version 2.2 Install Logic

    The SMP/E Modification Control Statements (SMPMCS) for Net.Data Version 2.2 are contained in the SMPMCS file on the installation tape. The SMPMCS for each FMID in the product will be loaded to the SMPPTS data set, with a member name matching the FMID, when the FMID is SMP/E RECEIVEd. You may browse or print these members using TSO/E, ISPF, or IEBGENER (or IEBPTPCH).

    Appendix B. SMP/E JCLIN

    //H242220     (ACCT#),PGMRNAME,
    //             MSGCLASS=A,CLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1)
    //*    5655-DB2
    //SYSLMOD   DD PATH='/usr/lpp/netdata/cgi-bin/IBM'
    //SYSLIN    DD *
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../appldll'
          NAME DTWAPPL (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../odbcdll'
          NAME DTWODBC (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../db2www'
          NAME DTWWWW (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../filedll'
          NAME DTWFILE (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../dtwle'
          NAME DTWLE (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../perldll'
          NAME DTWPERL (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../rexxdll'
          NAME DTWREXX (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../dtwsql'
          NAME DTWSQL (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../dtwsqlv6'
          NAME DTWSQL6 (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../sysdll'
          NAME DTWSYS (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../dtwlei'
          NAME DTWLEI (R)
    //SYSLMOD   DD PATH='/usr/lpp/netdata/icapi-lib/IBM'
    //SYSLIN    DD *
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../appldll'
          NAME DTWIAPPL (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../odbcdll'
          NAME DTWIODBC (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../db2www'
          NAME DTWIWWW (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../filedll'
          NAME DTWIFILE (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../dtwle'
          NAME DTWILE (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../perldll'
          NAME DTWIPERL (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../rexxdll'
          NAME DTWIREXX (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../dtwsql'
          NAME DTWISQL (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../dtwsqlv6'
          NAME DTWISQL6 (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../sysdll'
          NAME DTWISYS (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../dtwlei'
          NAME DTWILEI (R)
    //SYSLMOD   DD PATH='/usr/lpp/netdata/servlet-lib/IBM'
    //SYSLIN    DD *
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../appldll'
          NAME DTWSAPPL (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../odbcdll'
          NAME DTWSODBC (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../'
          NAME DTWSWWW (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../filedll'
          NAME DTWSFILE (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../dtwle'
          NAME DTWSLE (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../perldll'
          NAME DTWSPERL (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../rexxdll'
          NAME DTWSREXX (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../dtwsql'
          NAME DTWSSQL (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../dtwsqlv6'
          NAME DTWSSQL6 (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../sysdll'
          NAME DTWSSYS (R)
      SETOPT PARM(PATHMODE(0,7,5,5))
         ALIAS '../dtwlei'
          NAME DTWSLEI (R)

    The JCLIN for Net.Data Version 2.2 is contained in the RELFILEs on the installation tape. These files will be loaded to disk by SMP/E when the product is SMP/E RECEIVEd. You may browse or print these files using TSO/E, ISPF, or IEBGENER (or IEBPTPCH).

    The files containing JCLIN are:

    FMID H242220: 'high-level-qualifier.H242220.F1(H242220)

    Note: The high-level qualifier is the qualifier specified as the DSPREFIX in the SMP/E OPTIONS.

    Reader's Comments

    Program Directory for IBM Net.Data for OS/390 Version 2.2

    You may use this form to comment about this document, its organization, or subject matter with the understanding that IBM may use or distribute whatever information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.

    For each of the topics below please indicate your satisfaction level by circling your choice from the rating scale. If a statement does not apply, please circle N.
      very                                 very          not
    satisfied  <=====================>  dissatisfied  applicable
        1        2        3        4         5            N

    Ease of product installation 1 2 3 4 5 N
    Contents of program directory 1 2 3 4 5 N
    Installation Verification Programs 1 2 3 4 5 N
    Time to install the product 1 2 3 4 5 N
    Readability and organization of program directory tasks 1 2 3 4 5 N
    Necessity of all installation tasks 1 2 3 4 5 N
    Accuracy of the definition of the installation tasks 1 2 3 4 5 N
    Technical level of the installation tasks 1 2 3 4 5 N
    Ease of getting the system into production after installation 1 2 3 4 5 N

    How did you order this product?


    Is this the first time your organization has installed this product?


    Were the people who did the installation experienced with the installation of MVS products?


    If yes, how many years? __

    If you have any comments to make about your ratings above, or any other aspect of the product installation, please list them below:













    Please provide the following contact information:

    Name and Job Title

    Thank you for your participation.

    Please send the completed form to (or give to your IBM representative who will forward it to the IBM Net.Data for OS/390 Version 2.2 Development group):