README-10 for Service Update 10 IBM Network Station Manager for PC Server. Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------ ------------------ - RELEASE NOTES - OTHER READMES OF INTEREST - GENERAL NOTES - PREREQUISITES - IBM NETWORK STATION MANAGER CD INSTALLATION - IBM NETWORK STATION MANAGER WEB INSTALLATION - KNOWN PROBLEMS AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS - SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE 3.10 NOTES --------------------- --------------------- IBM Network Station Manager Release 3.10 is the updated PC Server version of IBM Network Station Manager Release 3.1. This cumulative release contains all of the Release 3.0 software, and software added in Service Updates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. You can install this new release of IBM Network Station Manager in the following three situations: 1. A new installation. This release installs Release 3.10 software which includes all Release 3.0 software, and software added in Service Updates 1 through 10. 2. An update to a Release 3.0, Service Update 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 installation. This release preserves your existing user preference files and installs only the Service Update 10 software. You should apply this update to all of your Release 3.x servers. Refer to the manual for instructions on how to perform a Single-Server Update Method. 3. An update to a prerelease 3.0 installation. This release preserves your existing user preference files and installs all Release 3.0 software plus Service Updates 1 through 10. In all three situations, when you install this software it updates your system to the current IBM Network Station Manager software release. This installation also preserves any existing user preferences as explained in the update and migration section of the manual. This release also contains a current manual. Identify the latest manual release by looking for the following title and date on the title page: IBM Network Station Manager Installation and Use November, 1998 Look for the manual on the IBM web site or on your IBM Network Station Manager CD. The URL is: The CD path is: \ntnsm\en\pubs\en_us\QB3AOO01.pdf (English) NOTE: The Internet-download copy of this release has installation limitations for an authentication server, a base code server, and a batch mode install (automatic installation). Refer to the IBM Network Station Manager Installation section in this readme file for more information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER READMES OF INTEREST -------------------------- -------------------------- eNetwork On Demand NDIS Intermediate Device Driver x:\ntnsm\en\products\enod\ndis\ eSuite Product Information x:\ntnsm\en\update\eSuite\1.0\Es10fix.txt IBM Network Station Manager - Supplemental Trial Products CD (look for this readme.txt file on your Supplemental Trial Products CD) x:\ntnsm\en\products\readme.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL NOTES -------------- -------------- 1. This readme file is available in English only. Its most important information is also contained in the latest version of the publication "IBM Network Station Manager Installation and Use." A PDF file copy of this publication is on your CD. You can also find this publication at the IBM Network Station publications website at: You should print this readme file so that you can refer to it as you carry out the steps contained here. 2. The CD contains several third-party products in addition to IBM Network Station Manager. You can install any of this third-party software in any language that the third-party software supports by directly installing it from the CD. The Internet download contains only the IBM Network Station Manager software plus eNetwork On-Demand (eNOD) software. You must download the third-party products separately by following the instructions on the Internet download page website. ( When you begin to install this product, you may select the language for the installation. This language selection affects only the installation process; it is not necessarily the language of the product software once it is installed. The installed language of the IBM Network Station Manager software is the language that the default Windows system locale is set to at the time of installation. 3. For Non-US users and specifically Swedish Users: The Swedish version of Microsoft Windows NT Server creates the default administrative account as 'Administrator' with an umlaut over the 'o' character. IBM Network Station Manager (NSM) does not operate with any national language characters (for example, umlauts) in any NSM user IDs. Before installing NSM with the Swedish locale set, you must create another Windows NT user ID without any national language characters. This user ID must have the same administrative authority as the original Administrator. 4. IBM Network Station Manager now includes a Network Station reboot utility for rebooting a Network Station remotely. Look for detailed instructions in the x:\ntnsm\en\utility\nsreboot.txt file, where x:\ is your CD ROM drive. You can find the utility on your IBM Network Station Manager CD at x:\ntnsm\en\utility\nsreboot.exe 5. IBM Network Station Manager now includes a Network Station migration utility that cleans up an IBM Network Station Manager release prior to Release 3.0. Look for detailed instructions in the manual. Look for the utility at x:\ntnsm\en\utility\ntnsmrr2.exe, where x:\ is your CD-ROM drive. 6. IBM Network Station Manager requires one of the following Windows NT Server Service Packs: Service Pack 3 for Windows NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 4 for Windows NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 5 for Windows NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 6 for Windows NT Server 4.0 NOTE: Service Pack 4 for Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition is specifically for Terminal Server Edition and is not required. Service Pack 5 for Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition is specifically for Terminal Server Edition and is not required. 7. For additional IBM Network Station information, please read the information on the IBM Network Station Support website. This website includes information on configuration, solutions, and other support information for all IBM Network Station platforms. Access the IBM Network Station Support website at the following URL: Follow links to the Network Station Support website. 8. The Internet download for IBM Network Station Manager release 3.10 does not include the 128-bit Netscape browser. If you require the 128-bit Netscape browser for your Network Stations, order the CD from 9. To assign a failover boot host using DHCP, create DHCP Option 219. Refer to the "IBM Network Station Manager Installation and Use" publication for details on creating new DHCP options. You must create this option as a string. The Network Station requires the boot server IP address in an alphanumeric format similar to DHCP Option 66. The Network Station tries to start up from the IP address specified in Option 66. If this does not work, the Network Station switches to the IP address specified in Option 219. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PREREQUISITES -------------- -------------- Before you install IBM Network Station Manager, you must meet several prerequisites. Refer to the IBM Network Station Manager Installation and Use manual for instructions on how to install the following prerequisites: 1. Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 or Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition on your server. A. You must format your hard drive with the NTFS file system. The IBM Network Station Manager installation fails if you use the FAT file system. B. You must have 800 mb of free space for Windows NT Server 4.0 and 1000 mb free for Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition. You need this space to install IBM Network Station Manager and the required software products. C. The regional settings for your server should reflect your language and locale. 2. Service Pack 3, Service Pack 4, Service Pack 5 or Service Pack 6 for Windows NT Server 4.0. NOTE: Service Pack 4 for Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition is specifically for Terminal Server Edition and is not required. Service Pack 5 for Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition is specifically for Terminal Server Edition and is not required. 3. One of the following Web browsers: A. Netscape Navigator 4.04 (included on your IBM Network Station Manager CD) through Netscape Navigator 4.72. (see, B. Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 through 5.01. (see, 4. One of the following Web servers: A. Lotus Domino Go for Windows NT (included on your IBM Network Station Manager CD). B. Microsoft's Internet Information Server 4.0 (IIS 4.0) NOTE: Microsoft does not support IIS 4.0 on the Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition platform. If you are running IIS 4.0 on Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition, you have two options: - Continue with IIS 4.0 If you are not experiencing any problems, you may continue to use IIS 4.0 without Microsoft support. IBM tested Network Station Manager on IIS 4.0 on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Terminal Server Edition, and did not experience any problems. However, since Microsoft does not support IIS 4.0 on Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Terminal Server Edition, IBM can not either. - Switch to Lotus Domino Go Follow these instructions: 1. Uninstall IIS 4.0. 2. Restart your Microsoft Windows NT server. 3. Install Lotus Domino Go 4. Restart your Microsoft Windows NT server. 5. Reinstall IBM Network Station Manager using the single-server migration path to preserve your user environment. If you wish to run IBM Network Station Manager in a supported environment, we recommend using Lotus Domino Go on Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition. If you want more information on Microsoft's support of IIS 4.0 on Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition, see article Q190157 at 5. For DHCP, choose one of the following options: A. IBM DHCP services that you may install during setup (on your IBM Network Station Manager CD). B. Microsoft DHCP services. (see, C. Another version of DHCP or no DHCP services at all. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM NETWORK STATION MANAGER CD INSTALLATION -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- If you plan to update from a previous version of IBM Network Station Manager, read the update section in the "IBM Network Station Manager Installation and Use" publication. You cannot install an authentication server or a base code server with an Internet-download copy of IBM Network Station Manager. You may install and upgrade an authentication server or a base code server by following these instructions: 1. Install an authentication server or a base code server by using the IBM Network Station Manager CD installation program. Refer to the "IBM Network Station Manager Installation and Use" publication for instructions. 2. Update your authentication server software or base code server software with the Internet-download copy of IBM Network Station Manager 3.10. To install IBM Network Station Manager from the CD, insert your IBM Network Station Manager CD into your CD ROM drive. Refer to the instructions in the "IBM Network Station Manager Installation and Use" publication. Notes for users of Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition (TSE): 1. To install any software on TSE, you must carry out the following steps to make the registry information and icons accessible to all users: A. From a Windows NT command prompt, type 'change user /install'. B. Insert the IBM Network Station Manager CD and start the installation. C. After setup is complete, type 'change user /execute' at the command prompt. 2. Microsoft recommends that you do not install TSE as a Primary Domain Controller or a Backup Domain Controller. Read the readme file on your Windows NT TSE CD for further information. IBM recommends running IBM Network Station Manager on a Stand-Alone server or on a Member Server of a domain. 3. When you install the Option Pack on your Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition server, choose the minimal installation. This Option Pack installs Internet Information Server 4.0 (IIS). If you selected IIS when you installed Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition, the IIS level may be at 3.0. Install the Option Pack to update IIS to level 4.0. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM NETWORK STATION MANAGER WEB INSTALLATION -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- To install IBM Network Station Manager (NSM) from the web, download a copy of Release 3.10 from You can download and install either the whole file or the file segments that you need to create the whole file. You should also obtain the Readme.htm file from the web page. The Readme.htm file contains installation instructions that are specific to the web installation. If you plan to use any command-line options described in the "IBM Network Station Manager Installation and Use" publication, you need to follow the installation instructions from the web Readme.htm file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOMATIC INSTALLATION (BATCH MODE) --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- You can now use the IBM Network Station Manager Setup program to silently install IBM Network Station Manager on more than one identical server. Setup creates a response file which you can use to install IBM Network Station Manager on additional, identical servers. Refer to the IBM Network Station Manager Installation section in this readme file for instructions on running command-line option installations of IBM Network Station Manager. The automatic installation only works from a CD copy of IBM Network Station Manager. You cannot use this procedure if you downloaded IBM Network Station Manager from the internet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOT SERVER ------------- ------------- IBM Network Station Manager now allows administrators to create separate Boot servers and Authentication servers. This gives you centralized user administration and it allows you to boot from local Windows NT Servers and run applications from the closest Windows NT Server. All Network Station executable programs run locally from the local boot server, while users authenticate from the central server. This is especially useful for Enterprise networks because it greatly reduces WAN network traffic. If you install a Boot server, you need to direct Netscape to access the IBM Network Station Manager configuration utility from the Authentication server rather than the Boot server. To do this you need to edit a preference file on your Boot server. 1. Make a backup copy of x:\{float}\nstation\PRODBASE\mods\Nav\pref. You can name the backup copy "pref.bak" or "pref.old". (x:\{float}\ is the drive and directory where you installed IBM Network Station Manager). 2. Open the original pref file in a text editor. 3. Find and replace the two instances of BOOTHOST to AUTHENTICATION_HOST. The two BOOTHOST values are nested within longer commands. Only change the two BOOTHOST values to AUTHENTICATION_HOST within the commands. 4. Save your file. Refer to the IBM Network Station Manager Installation section in this readme file for instructions on running command-line option installations of IBM Network Station Manager. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLING CITRIX METAFRAME AND LOTUS SMARTSUITE 97 SOFTWARE ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- You can use a trial copy of Citrix MetaFrame software with IBM Network Station Manager. This software allows you to run Windows applications through the ICA protocol on your Network Station. The MetaFrame software requires Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition. Your Citrix MetaFrame CD also includes a trial copy of Lotus SmartSuite 97 software. You may automatically install this software during your Citrix MetaFrame installation. After the installation, refer to the "IBM Network Station Manager Installation and Use" manual to configure Lotus SmartSuite 97 software for a Network Station user. To install your trial Citrix MetaFrame software, follow these instructions: 1. Insert the Citrix MetaFrame CD into your CD-ROM drive. A dialog box appears. 2. Select Installing Citrix MetaFrame. When prompted, select Install Lotus SmartSuite 97. Refer to the "IBM Network Station Manager Installation and Use" manual for additional information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLING NCD WINCENTER UIS SOFTWARE ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- You received NCD WinCenter UIS software with your IBM Network Station Manager software. This software allows you to run Windows applications over the X11 Windows protocol on your Network Station. This software requires Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition. To install your trial NCD WinCenter UIS software, insert the IBM Network Station Manager - Supplemental Trial Products CD into your CD-ROM drive. A dialog box appears. Select NCD WinCenter UIS. Refer to the "IBM Network Station Manager Installation and Use" manual for additional information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIGURING LOTUS SMARTSUITE 97 TRIAL VERSION SOFTWARE ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Install your Lotus SmartSuite 97 software automatically when you install your Citrix MetaFrame software. After the installation, you need to configure the Lotus SmartSuite 97 software for a Network Station user. The full version of Lotus SmartSuite 97 software is licensed on a per-processor basis, and not on a per-server basis. Contact your IBM Business Partner or Lotus reseller for details and pricing information for the full version of Lotus SmartSuite 97. Refer to the "IBM Network Station Manager Installation and Use" manual for additional information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOWN PROBLEMS AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- 1. The IBM Network Station Manager installation may not work with some antivirus software packages. If you have an antivirus product installed on your server, disable it until you completely install IBM Network Station Manager on your server. Restart your antivirus software after you complete the installation. IBM Network Station Manager has been verified to be free of viruses at the time of creation. 2. If your Network Station panics and your Windows NT Server displays a blue screen when you print from your Network Station during a MetaFrame ICA session, you need to apply hotfix ME100033 to your MetaFrame software. The ME100033 hotfix resolves the problem where an automatically created client network printer causes the print spooler to crash. To get the ME100033 hotfix, go to, select "ftp, hotfixes, service packs", then select the desired product and language combination. Download the ME100033 hotfix and install it as instructed in the ME100033 hotfix readme.txt file. 3. When you start a Citrix MetaFrame session with a Network Station, the colors for your Network Station menu bar may change. When you minimize or close the MetaFrame session, the Network Station menu bar colors return to normal. 4. If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 to run IBM Network Station Manager, you should install the Microsoft Q235239 backspace fix. The Microsoft Q235239 backspace fix allows the backspace key to work properly when you are working with Javascript input form fields. Without this fix, users may experience problems while using the backspace key to delete characters from input fields in IBM Network Station Manager. Download the Q235239 backspace fix from Microsoft's website. Refer to Microsoft's instructions for installing the Q235239 backspace fix. 5. If you uninstall IBM Network Station Manager and you plan to reinstall it, you must reboot the server before you begin to reinstall IBM Network Station Manager. If you do not reboot first, the reinstalled IBM Network Station Manager software may fail to authenticate with the Lotus Domino Go Webserver. 6. The following known problem only applies to Lotus eSuite Workplace users. IBM Network Station Manager Release 3 Service Update 3 (3.03) may install a Lotus eSuite WorkPlace 1.0 patch regardless of whether or not you installed Lotus eSuite WorkPlace 1.0. This patch prevents a successful Lotus eSuite WorkPlace 1.5 installation unless you installed Lotus eSuite WorkPlace 1.0. This applies only under the following condition: A. If you installed IBM Network Station Manager Release 3.03 or if you upgraded from Release 3.03 to Release 3.10. 1. If you installed Lotus eSuite WorkPlace 1.0, this problem does not affect your Lotus eSuite WorkPlace 1.5 installation. 2. If you did not install Lotus eSuite WorkPlace 1.0, you need to perform the following corrective action before you install Lotus eSuite WorkPlace 1.5. You need to delete the eSuite folder in the x:\{float}\nstation\Prodbase subdirectory, where x:\{float}\ is the location of IBM Network Station Manager Release 3.03. Follow these instructions to delete the eSuite folder: a. From your Windows NT server desktop, click Start->Programs->Windows NT Explorer. b. Open x:\{float}\nstation, where x:\{float}\ is the location of IBM Network Station Manager Release 3.03. c. Open x:\{float}\nstation\Prodbase, where x:\{float}\ is the location of IBM Network Station Manager Release 3.03. d. Right-click on the eSuite folder. e. Select Delete. f. Select Yes. You may safely remove the Lotus eSuite WorkPlace 1.0 eSuite folder if you do not use Lotus eSuite WorkPlace software. 7. If you installed Lotus eSuite WorkPlace Release 1.0 and the Lotus eSuite desktop does not appear on your Network Station, you may need to apply a Lotus eSuite WorkPlace Release 1.0 Fix. Look for the fix on your IBM Network Station Manager CD at x:\ntnsm\en\update\eSuite\1.0\Es10fix.exe, where x: is your CD-ROM Drive. Read the Es10fix.txt file for detailed installation instructions. This file is in the same directory. NOTE: If you installed Lotus eSuite WorkPlace Release 1.0 before you installed IBM Network Station Manager Release 3 Service Update 3, you do not need to apply the fix. Your Service Update 3 installation automatically applies the eSuite fix. 8. If you experience problems while installing Lotus products such as Lotus Notes or Lotus SmartSuite 97 on your server, check to see if you installed Service Pack 1 for Internet Explorer 4.0. You may need to uninstall Internet Explorer before you install your Lotus products. Reinstall your Internet Explorer application afterwards. 9. If you have a multiple-processor server in a token-ring network, you should install the post Service Pack 3 Q156655 NDIS fix from Microsoft to improve your overall computing performance. Download the Q156655 NDIS fix from Microsoft's website. The NDIS fix may also improve performance on multiple-processor servers in other environments. Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4.0 and Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition Service Pack 4 include the Q156655 NDIS fix. You do not have to install the fix if you installed Service Pack 4. 10. IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-ring ISA adapters require the latest IBM device driver. If you use an earlier device driver, you may experience problems. Look for the latest driver at the following URL: 11. The NDIS Intermediate Driver, also known as the IBM DHCP Driver, is incompatible with certain network adapter cards: A. Driver AMDPCN.SYS, which controls the onboard Ethernet card in the IBM PC 325, may be incompatible with the NDIS Intermediate Driver. Contact AMD for an updated driver. B. Driver IBMENIIN.SYS, which controls the Ethernet /A adapter for MCA, may be incompatible with the NDIS Intermediate Driver. A newer driver for this network interface card is not available. 12. Before you install IBM Network Station Manager on an Integrated Netfinity Server for AS/400 (formerly known as an Integrated PC Server), you must apply V4R2 PTF SF49473 or V4R3 PTF 51098 to your AS/400 server. At this time, the Integrated Netfinity Server for AS/400 does not support IBM DHCP. 1. When you install IBM Network Station Manager on an Integrated Netfinity Server for AS/400, you will see the following dialog box: 'If you want to install IBM DHCP, select 'Yes'. If you want to install Microsoft DHCP or no DHCP services, select 'No'. 2. Select No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ----------------------------- ----------------------------- The portion of this Licensed Program that is contained in the ntnsmver.exe and service.exe utility programs contains 4.4BSD Lite code developed by the University of Berkeley and its contributors. The following terms and conditions apply to this portion of the Licensed Program: IBM LICENSES THE ntnsmver.exe and service.exe CODE "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IBM DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE USE OF SUCH CODE WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY COPYRIGHT,TRADE SECRET, PATENT, OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, PROPRIETARY, OR CONTRACTUAL RIGHT OF ANY THIRD PARTY. In addition, The Regents of the University of California require that the following notice be reprinted: All of the documentation and software included in the 4.4BSD and 4.4BSD-Lite Releases is copyrighted by The Regents of the University of California. Copyright 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. These special terms and conditions apply only to the ntnsmver.exe and service.exe utility programs included in this IBM Network Station Manager for PC Server release, and to no other part of the Licensed Program.