######################################################################## # # # COMPONENT_NAME: WebSphere MQ Integrator # # # # FILE: MEMO.PTF # # # # Program Number 5724-A82 # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1999, 2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed Material - Property of IBM # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ######################################################################## # # # PLEASE REVIEW THE README.TXT FILE WHICH HAS BEEN UPDATED IN THIS # # MAINTENANCE RELEASE. # # # ######################################################################## PTF Memo for WebSphere MQ Integrator Version 2.1 for Windows NT/2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The memo.ptf file contains information you need for updating WebSphere MQ Integrator Version 2.1 for Windows NT/2000. This memo.ptf file corresponds to CSD01 which is defined as PTF U200168 and is divided into the following sections: o Installation and maintenance information o Documentation changes o Special information o New Era of Networks information o Service and technical support o CSD history ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INFORMATION ---------------------------------------- In order to restore a previous level you must backup replaced files. CSD01 requires approximately 350MB of disk space to do this. 150 Mb of free space should also be available for TEMPorary space. APPLYING MAINTENANCE ____________________ Maintenance updates are supplied on CD in the form of a Program Temporary Fix (PTF), referred to as a Corrective Service Diskette (CSD). You can find the latest information about available CSDs on the Internet, at this address: http://www.ibm.com/software/ts/mqseries/ You can also download CSDs from this web site. APPLYING THE MAINTENANCE INFORMATION ____________________________________ The instructions for applying and removing maintenance can be found in Appendix C (Applying Maintenance) of the Websphere MQ Integrator for Windows NT and Windows 2000 Installation Guide (GC34-5600-04) but must be amended by any changes documented below. APPLYING NEW ERA OF NETWORKS MAINTENANCE ________________________________________ As part of the install of maintenance the New Era of Networks Rules and NEONFormatter support will also be upgraded if it is installed. This will present itself as a series of separate InstallShield 6 component installs that take approximately 10-15 minutes in total. To install maintenance for New Era of Networks Rules and Formatter manually run the setup.exe file specified in the autorun.inf file in the nnsy folder on the product CD. You are able to restore a previous level of New Era Of Networks V5.2 by accessing the New Era of Networks installer. By uninstalling the latest version of the infr file, ie n0infr20_45, the previous version will be restored. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DOCUMENTATION CHANGES --------------------- None ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SPECIAL INFORMATION ------------------- PLEASE REVIEW THE README.TXT FILE WHICH HAS BEEN UPDATED IN THIS MAINTENANCE RELEASE. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NEW ERA OF NETWORKS INFORMATION ------------------------------- None ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SERVICE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT ----------------------------- This is the first release of WebSphere MQ Integrator Version 2.1 for Windows NT and Windows 2000, 5724A8201. It supersedes IBM MQSeries Integrator Version 2 for Windows NT, 5639F6100. The following APARs have been incorporated into it. Name Abstract IC26734 - SQL ERRORS OCCUR WHEN WORKING WITH DATABASEUPDATE NODE IC26799 - BIP2293 WHEN DEPLOYING A MESSAGE USING PLUG-IN PARSER IC26880 - FAILURE TO START/STOP ALL MESSAGE FLOWS FOR AN EXECUTION GRP IC26952 - CREATION OF RESPONSE MSG FAILS DUE TO NULL NAMEVALUECCSID IC27033 - TRACE DOES NOT SHOW CORRECT DATA - XML STATEMENT WITH A NULL IC27038 - ADD MAPPING IN AN OUTPUT MESSAGE COMPUTE NODE IS NOT POSSIBLE IC27068 - REGISTER A SUBSCRIPTION GIVES THE EVENT ERROR 7053 -UNEXPECTED IC27301 - SETTING MQMD.EXPIRY FIELD TO AN ABSOLUTE VALUE IN COMPUTE NODE IC27350 - RFH2 THAT IS ADDED AFTER THE BODY OF THE MESSAGE SHOULD NOT BE IC27394 - INCOMPATIBILITY BETWEEN MQSI-TIMESTAMP-DATATYPE AND THE FORMAT IC27806 - DATA FLOW ENGINE WILL NOT RECOVER FROM ERRORS DURING DELETION IC27959 - DELETING A DATABASE REFERENCE FROM A COMPUTE NODE DOES NOT STO IC28174 - COMPOUND NODE OF A FLOW CONTAINING LABELS CANNOT BE INCLUDED IC28312 - FLOAT DATA TYPES OF LENGTH 8 ARE NOT HANDLED CORRECTLY WHEN SE IC28324 - COBOL COPYBOOK IMPORT PROBLEM, MESSAGE BIP1812S RECEIVED. IC28401 - BIP2211E ERROR OCCURRED BY USING BYUSERID IN ORDER MODE OF INP IC28443 - BIP1812S RECEIVED USING THE CONTROL CENTER GENERATE FUNCTION I IC28446 - INSTALL GUIDE DOES NOT DISCUSS ABOUT MQSI_PARAMETERS_FILE VARI IC28447 - INSTALL GUIDE PAGE 129/130 HAVE INCORRECT NAMES FOR NT CONSIST IC28452 - RULES NODE - SUBSCRIPTION REFORMAT OPERATION IS IGNORING THE IN IC28518 - 1. CREATING A BITSTREAM THAT CONTAINS A REPEATING SEGMENT OF IC28520 - LOOP ON COMPUTE NODE - REPEATING ELEMENT USES A REPEAT COUNT IC28605 - MESSAGE FLOW LOOP WITH MSGBIP2608I MSGBIP2623I AND MSGBIP2611I IC28607 - HEX FF VALUES NOT VALID FOR STRING TYPES IC28724 - IMPORT OF COBOL COPY BOOK THAT DOES NOT HAVE A COMPLETELY ASCE IC28810 - SUBSCRIPTIONS WON T SHOW UP FOR A SINGLE USERID IC28926 - SIGNED PACKED DECIMALS WILL ACCEPT F AS WELL AS C AND D IC29022 - BIP1812E CAUSED DURING A DEPLOY IN STRUCTURES WITH MANY EBMEDD IC29033 - MQSI V201 USING DUPLICATE FLOW FEATURE TO CREATE MESSAGE FLOW IC29180 - THE INTERVAL DATETIME TYPE DOESN T WORK AS DOCUMENTED IC29184 - XML-PARSE ENVIRONMENT INCORRECT IC29200 - XML MESSAGE GETTING TRUNCATED AFTER PROCESSING THROUGH COMPUTE IC29210 - MQSIMRMCOPYMSGSET CHANGES TWO ATTRIBUTES OF THE COPY IT MAKES IC29235 - SPURIOUS ESQL SYNTAX ERROR IN COMPUTE NODE WHEN SETTING A FIELD IC29371 - MQSI DOES NOT PROPERLY CONVERT HEX VALUE FOR UNICODE CODE-POINT IC29387 - MESSAGE TRANSLATION INTERFACE SEEMS TO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE IC29416 - COMPUTE NODE ADD MAPPING TO MRM LAYOUT GENERATES BAD ESQL IC29489 - DBCS MESSAGES WERE NOT CONVERT CORRECTLY FROM PC CODEPAGE TO H IC29506 - MQSI SUPERUSER IBMMQSI2 CAN CHECKOUT RESOURCES, BUT GETS AN ERR IC29632 - MQSI - INCORRECT STRUCLENGTH AND NAMEVALUELENGTH IN RFH2 LOOP IC29775 - MQSI BROKER DO NOT PASS THE MQMD CONTEXT INFORMATION WHEN A IC29789 - IT APPEARS THAT A CDATA SECTION IS MARKED AS "SPECIAL" IN THEXM IC29801 - MQSI V2 FAILS TO RECONNECT AFTER ORACLE HAS BEEN BOUNCED IC29992 - IF DEFAULTHEX IN THE DB TABLE HAS 1000 BYTES OR MORE THEN SPACE IC30171 - REORDER OF ELEMENTS FOR A MESSAGE SET, WITHIN A COMPOUND TYPE IC30173 - MQINPUT CATCH TERMINAL DOES NOT COMMIT DATABASE LOCKS. IC30195 - EG ABEND WHEN USING TWO MESSAGES OF THE SAME STRUCTURE WITHIN IC30424 - AFTER APPLIED CSD2, THE MESSAGE BROKER INTERNAL PROBLEM ERROR O IC30497 - ERRORS OCCURRING DURING MQSI GUI CONNECTION TO ORACLE 8.1.6 NE IC30653 - WHEN YOU UNSET A PROMOTED PROPERTY, DEFAULT IS LOST IC30673 - SQL SYNTAX CHECKER REPORTS ERROR ON VALID SYNTAX WHICH DEPLOYS IC30970 - GLOBALLY CO-ORDINATED FLOW INVOKING NEON PARSER CAUSE XA PROBLE IC31150 - GETTING AN ERROR BIP1835E. THE CREATE RUNTIME MESSAGE DIC. IC31345 - COBOL IMPORT PROBLEM WHEN LEVEL NUMBERS FIELDS NOT ASCENDING IC31362 - MESSAGE GROUPING FUNCTION ONLY PROCEED THE FIRST MESSAGE IC31445 - DEFINING A STRING MRM-MESSAGE ELEMENT AS NULL-TERMINATED WITHIN IC31806 - PROBLEM IMPORTING COBOL COPYBOOK. IMPORTER DOESN T LIKE EXTRA IC31825 - BOTHRESH AND BOQNAME NOT WORKING PROPERLY WHEN ERROR OCCURS ON IY12651 - DATA FLOW ENGINE WILL NOT RECOVER FROM ERRORS DURING DELETION IY13621 - MQSI MRM MESSAGE IS CAUSING THE BROKER TO SPIN IY14540 - AIX BROKER CONFIGURATION LIBPATH MODIFICATION MISSING IN DOCUM IY14660 - MEMORY CORRUPTION ON AIX USING DB2 VIA TCP/IP WITH NIS ENABLED IY14720 - MSGBIP2301E WHEN A BROKER TRIES TO LOAD THE MQSI SAMPLE PLUGIN IY14970 - DOCUMENTATION INCORRECT/NEEDS CHANGE ON COMPILERS SUPPORTED BY IY15310 - MEMORY LEAK AND THROUGHPUT DEGREDATION IY16379 - EXECUTION GROUP TERMINATES ON STARTUP WITH BIP2123 IY16620 - MQSI CORE DUMP CAUSED BY ADDRESS ALIGHNMENT ISSUE WHEN BINDING IY16679 - INADEQUATE ERROR MESSAGE PRODUCED FOR EXECUTION GROUP FAILURE IY16970 - DFE STOPS PROCESSING MESSAGES FOR A FLOW. INCOMING MESSAGES BA IY17486 - COBOL STRUCTURES, CONTAINING SIGNED DECIMAL NUMBERS (PIC S9), IY17561 - RULES NODE NOT PROCESSING A MQS EXPIRY NO PROPAGATE FIELD IN SU IY17772 - AFTER UPGRADE MQSI VERSION F/V1.1 T/V2.0.1, MQSI BROKER HANG IY17780 - DFE NOT STARTING PROCESSING OF MESSAGES ON THE INPUT QUEUES IY17806 - WHEN BROKER HAS LONG CONNECTION TO DATABASE, SOMETIMES THE CONN IY17808 - XML PARSER ADD TRUE TO THE END OF XML DECLARATION. IY18104 - CAST FUNCTION INTERMITTENTLY FAILING IY18146 - IF THE BROKERDB IS ORACLE, ADDITIONAL NLSPATH IS REQUIRED. IY18245 - PERFORMANCE FIX TO ADDRESS INEFFICENCY IN BIT STREAM FOR IY18458 - ERROR PUT TO DLQ BY THROW NODE IS UNREADABLE - 4048 ERROR AND IY19242 - LOCAL_TIMEZONE ESQL IS RETURN 239/241 INSTEAD OF 240 ABOUT 50% IY19382 - DATAFLOWENGINE LOOP IY19787 - BIP1205E DATABASE EXCEPTION SQL0302N ON DEPLOY IY20050 - ERROR WHEN OUTPUT TERMINAL THAT IS LABELLED WITH A NAME THAT IY21179 - DFE COSUMING HIGH CPU AND HANGING WITH NO ERRORS IY22261 - BROKER IN AIX SMP ENVIRONMENT MEMORY MANAGEMENT VULNERABLE TO F IY23087 - EXCESSIVE CASHING PERFORMED BY MQSI CAN LEAD TO MEMORY HEAP The WebSphere MQ support page is located at: http://www.ibm.com/software/ts/mqseries/support from which you can obtain the latest information about various WebSphere MQ topics including :- - Hints and Tips - APARs and Fix Packages - FAQs - Support downloads - Newsgroups For the latest versions of WebSphere MQ Integrator Version 2.1 for Windows NT and Windows 2000 documentation see the following Web page on the MQSeries Web site: http://www.ibm.com/software/ts/mqseries/library/manualsa/ The README file shipped with WebSphere MQ Integrator Version 2.1 contains information that was current at that time. The very latest information is available at:- http://www.ibm.com/software/ts/mqseries/support/readme/index.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CSD HISTORY =========== CSD01 - U200168 ________________ This is CSD01 for WebSphere MQ Integrator Version 2.1 for Windows NT and Windows 2000. It is delivered via PTF U200168 for APAR IC32577. It contains fixes for ALL the problems listed below: Name - Abstract IC32577 - CUMLULATIVE MAINTENANCE #01 FOR WEBSPHEREMQ INTEGRATOR FOR NT IC30350 - CONFIGMGR NOT DETECTING A COMM LINK FAILURE TO DB2, GIVES IC31802 - GETTING PARSING ERRORS WHILE USING REPEATING FIELDS WITH SECOND IC32018 - WHEN A REFORMAT OPEARTION IN A NEON-MQSI-ENVIRONMENT DOES NOT IY16738 - START OF BROKER CONFIGURED TO USE ORACLE GIVES AN ERROR - UNABL IY24362 - CONVERSION INCORROUT FROM OS/390 TO OS/400. IY25465 - SCADA NODE STOPS TRANSMITTING MESSAGES THROUGH FLOW f16275 - Command line deploy utilities f22449.2- Add non loaded skip node to the workspace when it is check out. f23369.2- ESQL Syntax Checker:Removing field names checking in path f24217 - Complete set of diagnostic streams written under single JOBLOG. readme - README updates for CSD01 17377 - mqsilist shows old 'default' execution group label after rename 18007 - Cannot set breakpts in main flow whilst in subflow 18405 - mqsichange with -a only does not work 18578 - mqsicreate / mqsichange -t on AIX has no error msg 19673.4 - Handling errors during lil loading on OS390 (and related) 20308 - MRM-mqsimrmimpexp gives wrong errMsg when MsgSet is incomplete 20408 - report trace command does not produce output on OS/390 20847 - MRM-BIP1930E is not displayed correctly 20946 - DateTime - MRM Parser Support 20955 - MRM Data Converters - handling overflow 21208 - The control centre users don't accurately reflect real users 21208.1 - Primary group not enumerated on Unix Platforms. 21569 - OS390 Java Plugin Node Message Flow Failure 21724.1 - New message for 21724. 21843 - MRM-DATETIME processing ignores Era 22144 - MRM-self-defining messages unacceptable to MRM. 22233 - The call ImbWstring MtiImbParser::getTypeProperty() 22249 - MRM TDS Writer is writing TagDataSeparator when not required 22521 - Control Centre unacceptably slow when adding types to workspace 22548 - MRM-Modified Self defining elems cause DI prob. 22548.1 - XML - Parsing of compound types with attribute values results 22654 - 0 occurrences of repeating elem/comptype failing for CWF input. 22687 - Java trace not working from registry setting 22751 - GMTTIMESTAMP gives incorrect results 22836 - MRM-XWF Encoding not working 22925 - BIP1802: error message gives wrong name for database. 23037 - The time zone in the JVM is being set explicitly to GMT. 23147 - Typing 'NNRie' produces help text, core dump. 23232 - TDS strings containing just spaces fail on AIX 23283 - Poor performance of TextBufferReader::getStringSection 23309 - Change description on STEPLIB_NAME 23316.1 - Maintain list of delimiters to improve TDS performance 23316.2 - In TDSParser SetReservedChars not reset for service string 23318.1 - Memory Leaks in MRM (part 2) 23341 - MRM: CWF Parsing of Choice Message Fails 23351 - 390 debugger will not start 23359 - Swift importer fails with "attribute name is not defined" 23404 - Unnecessary bracket in syntax description of "mqsichangetrace" 23429 - Dataflow engine terminates on large (cust mfs) debug deploys 23453 - Trace formatting-ImbMqOutputNode::evaluate 23476 - Expiry event not available 23543 - Boolean default values not being written out on Unix and 390 23545 - MtiImbParserFactory in stdout 23558 - Ambigious behaviour for TDS messages with choice type. 23568 - Repeating choice not working correctly 23568.1 - Some problems with choices. 23577 - STRESS: Code dump in mixed test with NNSY nodes on HP 23581 - Command line deploy - misleading message 23583 - CWF output not working for nested choice 23584 - Cmd line deploy - no message returned when -f and -a flags used 23599 - Currently the Java node API does not have an onDelete( ) method 23603 - STRESS: Resource Manager errors in XMLtoMRMCWF 23605 - Trace entries missing in textbffr.cpp 23614 - MRM-Errors handling binary DATETIMEs 23622 - mqsiimportmsgflows - no msg flow in Control Center 23627 - dump formatter abends no memory 23651 - Add fields in the ESQL and the new field gets concatenated 23667 - STRESS: SQL server error in aggregation tests 23670 - MRM-DTD Generator does not append * and + to appropriate elems 23690 - Update .bat files 23697 - Some console messages have old format 23701 - cb command converts mixed case lilpath to lower case - 23703 - MRM-problem with encoding for base type binary. 23713 - bipjrst reset broker has problems with clearing one queue 23719 - wmqpslist coredumps on Unix 23722.1 - Implement MRM implicit casts at the tree level 23723 - Wrong description of console command is displayed 23738 - Shipped Merant ODBC driver still "available" after uninstall 23765 - abend in ImbUGI because of wrong linkage 23784 - Unable to debug failing flow 23786 - MRM-can assign any string value to Boolean elements. 23796 - MRM BIP2160 trying SWIFT -> CWF 23805 - EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (C0000005) 23819 - FI events during TDS parser destruction 23821 - MRM BIP1951 if no length on CWF endofbitstream 23852 - STRESS: Core File from UserNameServer in Mixed test 23856 - Refresh New Era SysMgmtGuide in docs pkg 23861 - MRM Add mapping for element in nested type 23882 - TDS:LengthValueOf is enable if embedded simple(element or type) 23892 - MRM: Deleting types can cause database corruption. 23894 - MRM rounding of CWF packed decimal on input 23896 - MRM CWF null chars in fixed length strings 23899.2 - TDS Writer related fixes for defect 23905 - MRM-DTD Imprtr,typng non existent filenme doesn't throw an err 23906 - OS390: mqsicreatebroker allows invalid broker name. 23907 - Disconnecting Scada client on HP-UX causes EG failure 23915 - MRM-DTD Imprtr creates uncheckinable cmpts names frm valid DTDs 23921 - MRM-all inline DTD data dropped on output. 23922 - MRM BIP5285 with TDS unresolved choice 23929 - Parsing BaseType in TDSParser 23947 - Config manager and broker JVM's share a CLASSPATH 23961 - Abend during MbSQLStatement object usage 23966 - MRM BIP1950 because EDIFACT Boolean Null not set 23972 - STL exception in TDSValidator::ValidateMessageTypeMembers 23974 - Memory leak in MRM2 with TDS fix 23983 - IC01 ref to the jar files jfaceall and argo 23994 - No error messages for out of range timeoutvalues 23997 - CoreDump on Mqsistop + unexpected syslog messages. 24001 - MRM BIP0068 on save to shared 24005 - Stopping and starting broker causes database errors 24038 - Unable to connect from English CC to Chinese ConfigMgr 24044 - Problem with TDS repeating structures. 24047 - Unable to change type composition from sequence to choice. 24055 - Database deadlocks on SQLServer when unknown timeout set 24061 - MRM2 Data Datatype test failing 24068 - MRM BIP5339 input EDIFACT/TDS output XML 24073 - STRESS: Memory Leaks shown in Bitstream Parsing tests 24075 - CWF Repeats not working with Choice Type 24077 - Unexpected response to invalid input 24078 - Problem with compound elements/types within a choice type. 24089 - MRM: TDS Mnemonics aren't used by the TDS Parser or Writer. 24089.1 - MRM: TDSWriter not writing mnemonics 24098 - Memory used after being freed in choice parse 24102 - MRM-error message 5503 when copy input root to output root. 24104 - MRM-problem rendering compound element with base type. 24110 - Can't check in repeating choice with Repeat Type as "Value of" 24112 - SIGSEGV raised but DFE did not core dump 24115 - MRM: TDS Parser causes execution group restart when RFH2 type t 24126 - DataCnv::IntFromInt32 and DataCnv::IntFromInt64 need to check f 24133 - MRM: STL Errors & exec group restart on Debug builds 24144 - MRM - INT64_MAX is not defined properly on AIX 24148 - MRM TDS fixed length output max occurrences instead of actual 24152 - MRM-broker abend following TDS length delimited message input. 24175 - NNRie and the Rules GUI rearrange long rules 24176 - MRM TDS BIP5425 on fixed length repeat structure 24177 - RC=9 from BIP$JCVP verification job. 24180 - TDS Fixed Length Choice padding is incorrect. 24181 - MVS: Broker will not start with DB2_CONVERSION=MIXED 24203 - MRM EDIFACT UNA not processed in runtime 24206 - MRM-standalone clause in xml declaration not suppressed. 24220 - TDS read error, integer -99 out of bounds 24223 - The XL plugin doesn't return the default for for anonymoud simp 24229 - NNFie loses data from Substitute output operations 24230 - Error with TDS decimal->CWF packed decimal when precision set 24235 - MRM-MRMB0425 is failing on all platforms 24235.1 - Same problem as 24235 but on parsing. 24240 - The defaults for XML SYSTEMID and PUBLICID are the wrong way ar 24252 - MRM BIP5426 Tagged fixed length repeating elements 24260 - Using mqsideploy the wrong BIP message is displayed 24261 - MRM-DTD Importer produces AQM7610E when importing a DTD 24263 - TDS fixed length compound choice type not working. 24265 - Parameters in call to IMBDate are reversed 24273 - CPI/MTIIMBParser Error messages 24277 - MRM-MRMB0815 & 1115 fail on OS/390 24280 - NNSY Formatter GUI does not import format definitions 24288 - ERRMSG: TDS Missing Group Indicator BIP5437 insertion 24290 - MRM TDS X12 default settings wrong 24293 - Some CWF exceptions logged even though they are not errors 24303 - Incorrrect message number used for incomplete message set 24319 - MRM-MRMB1815 is failing on Windows 24321 - Pointer returned from cniGetEnvironment is wrong. 24326 - IC01 export return codes (nonexistant flow) 24327 - Parsing of EDI problem 24340 - Requested changes to NNInstall-Driver.sh 24346 - ERRMSG: TDS Incorrect Issuing of 5422 24354 - definition of UINT32_MAX has a ... at the end of it 24361 - ERRMSG: CWF 5181 Insertions not working 24368 - MRM BIP1949 trying to check in Type 24381 - ERRMSG: Generation of new BIP msg req'd for use by TDS Parser 24392 - ERRMSG: CWF Expected BIP5520 Not Being Thrown 24395 - ERRMSG: BIP5519 Insertions not working 24402 - MRM- Generate Message Book HTML contains nonsense min/max info 24406 - mqsifindandreplace replaces keyword with quoted lowercase equiv 24411 - MRM-elements rendered as xmlAttribute not found. 24412 - MRM-XML/Perf: broker keeps opening ccsid 0 24413 - MRM: TDSWriter has problems writing out message, and gives litt 24431 - XML message in Double Byte char set causes XML ParserException 24437 - Syntax error reported from quoted field references 24453 - MRM BIP8184 message content unclear 24457 - IC01: -r flag used in mqsideploy causes timeout 24462 - onDelete method java call stops msg flow deletion. 24474 - Dictionary delete memory that was allocated with malloc. 24475 - MRM BIP1812 manipulating large message 24560 - Field in ENVFILE not updated 24581 - Missing line feed escape in BIP0001E error message 24656 - MRM-DATETIME CSD1 regression. Packed decimal DATETIMEs not pars 24661 - wrong description of Compound Type attribute Type Composition 24675 - MRM - CWF->CWF Cannot write out to different output msg 24698 - MRM-Irrelevant ESQL makes message fail inexplicably GA PTF - U200167 ________________ This is the GA PTF for WebSphere MQ Integrator Version 2.1 for Windows NT and Windows 2000. It is delivered via PTF U200167 for APAR IC32367. It contains fixes for ALL the problems listed below: Name - Abstract IC32367 - CUMULATIVE MAINTENANCE #00 FOR WEBSPHEREMQ INTEGRATOR FOR NT 17516.1 - MRM BuildTimeDictionary S202 Compatibility 19673.3 - Handling errors during lil loading on OS390 20950.2 - MRM - Integer Backward compatibility support - RTD Extractor 21724 - S000-L010828_D Java exception when starting execution group 21930 - Oracle XA on NT makes the execution group unresponsive. 22534 - MVS: Data corrupted when Inserting DBCS string in Database node 23218 - MRM MRMB5914 extended decimal dbcs codepage 23351.2 - 390 debugger will not start 23379 - Choice has stopped working for CWF messages 23683 - STRESS:Abend file produced during destruction of a locale objec 23813 - STRESS: Memory corruption with large repeating message 24013 - MRM-cwf error writing to bitstream causes broker abend. 24031 - NNSY Updates to CIF file ( mqsicompcif) 24056.1 - Rename WMQI_REGISTRY 24079 - Allow import to proceed even if importing attributes fails. 24255 - Update classpath within envnt.bat 24256 - BIP$JCVP job should return Java 24323 - Sample nnsyreg.dat needs changing to include NNFIE session ####### ------- end of file MEMO.PTF ------------#######################