################################################################################ # # # COMPONENT_NAME: IBM WebSphere MQ Event Broker Version 2.1 for Multiplatform # # # # FILE: MEMO.PTF # # # # Program Number 5724-A74 # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1999, 2000 # # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed Material - Property of IBM # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ################################################################################ PTF Memo for IBM WebSphere MQ Event Broker Version 2.1 for Multiplatforms** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The memo.ptf file contains information you need for updating IBM WebSphere MQ Event Broker Version 2.1. This memo.ptf file corresponds to CSD01 which is defined as the following PTFs :- - U200185 for Windows NT/2000 - U485318 for AIX - U485537 for Sun Solaris - U485329 for HP-UX This memo.ptf file is divided into the following sections: o Installation and maintenance information o Documentation changes o Special information o Service and technical support o CSD history ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INFORMATION ---------------------------------------- Maintenance updates are supplied on CD in the form of a Program Temporary Fix (PTF), referred to as a Corrective Service Diskette (CSD). You can find the latest information about available CSDs on the Internet, at this address: http://www.ibm.com/software/ts/mqseries/ You can also download CSDs from this web site. APPLYING THE MAINTENANCE INFORMATION ____________________________________ The instructions for applying and removing maintenance can be found in the Applying Maintenance Appendix of the WebSphere MQ Event Broker Installation Guide, but must be amended by any changes documented below. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DOCUMENTATION CHANGES --------------------- None. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SPECIAL INFORMATION ------------------- None. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SERVICE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT ----------------------------- This is the first release of WebSphere MQ Event Broker Version 2.1. The WebSphere MQ support page is located at: http://www.ibm.com/software/ts/mqseries/support from which you can obtain the latest information about various WebSphere MQ topics including :- - Hints and Tips - APARs and Fix Packages - FAQs - Support downloads - Newsgroups For the latest versions of WebSphere MQ Event Broker product documentation see the following Web page on the MQSeries Web site: http://www.ibm.com/software/ts/mqseries/library/manualsa/ The README file shipped with WebSphere MQ Event Broker products contains information that was current at that time. The very latest information is available at:- http://www.ibm.com/software/ts/mqseries/support/readme/index.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CSD HISTORY =========== CSD01 _____ This is CSD01 for WebSphere MQ Event Broker Version 2.1. It is delivered via the following PTFs:- - U200185 for Windows NT/2000 - U485318 for AIX - U485537 for Sun Solaris - U485329 for HP-UX It contains fixes for ALL the problems listed below: Name - Abstract IC34749 - CUMUL MAINT 01 FOR WEBSPHERE MQ EVENT BROKER V2.1 FOR NT IY35912 - CUMUL MAINT 01 FOR WEBSPHERE MQ EVENT BROKER V2.1 FOR AIX IY35939 - CUMUL MAINT 01 FOR WEBSPHERE MQ EVENT BROKER V2.1 FOR HP-UX IY35940 - CUMUL MAINT 01 FOR WEBSPHERE MQ EVENT BROKER V2.1 FOR SUN IC34041 - CONTINOUS PUBLICATION NODE RESULTING IN EG FAILURE WITH BOOTSTR IC34178 - USING DATE FORMAT FROM XML TO MRM, THERE IS A DECREASE OF ONE IC34489 - USE OF INVALID CODEPAGE IN MRM CAUSES BROKER TO ABEND IC34526 - PROBLEMS IMPORTING XML SCHEMA FILE USING THE NEW PROVISION IC34563 - BIP5288E ERROR AT CSD03 LEVEL IC34602 - A BROKER DATABASE CONNECTION *LEAK* UPON MQISDP CLIENT IC35052 - ADDRESS TREE COPYING FROM USER PARSER CREATED MESSAGE TREES IC35342 - CODE PROBLEM WITH MULTIBYTE CHARACTER SETS IC35371 - DELTA DEPLOYS PREVENT A FLOW FROM RESTARTING IC35397 - ADD MSGFLOW VERY SLOW - IMPROVE PERFORMANCE IC35479 - QUEUE MANAGER HANGS AFTER INITIATING USER LOGS OFF IY25775 - PROBLEM WITH BIGINT DATATYPE ON AIX IY27218 - ERROR WHEN SELECTING DATETIME WITH MILLISECONDS ON MSSQL IY28005 - LOOP ON MSG BIP2609E BIP2608E BIP2610E IF THE MQINPUT NODE IS A IY30276 - PROBLEM RECEIVING > 1998 BYTES OF DATA FROM ORACLE CLOB COLUMN IY34240 - BIP2080 MESSAGE IS LOGGED IN SYSLOG BECAUSE EXECUTION GROUP ( E IY34362 - Oracle DB connection not re-established if user DB session ends IY34362 - ORACLE DB CONNECTION IS NOT RE-ESTABLISHED IF USER DB SESSION I IY34951 - NEGATIVE EXTDEC WITH TRAIL 0 INCORRECT ON SOME EBCDIC CODEPAGES IY35037 - THE CWF TAB HAVING STRING JUSTIFICATION SET TO RIGHT JUSTIFY AN IY35724 - TDS PARSER FAILS TO DETECT THE END OF A REPEAT. IY37213 - FOLDERBITSTREAM CONSTANT INCORRECT ON AIX PLATFORM IY37803 - BROKER FAILS TO CONNECT TO ITS DATABASE, AFTER A DATABASE RECYL IY37997 - 'MQCMITS ISSUED WHEN NO MSG AVAILABLE'. IY38589 - BIP2228E ON ORACLE DB IPL IY38673 - BIP2135E DATA CONVERSION ERROR DURING CONVERT FROM SJIS 943 TO IY40186 - SEMOP FAILURE IN IMBNAMEDMUTEX CAUSES DATAFLOWENGINE ABEND PQ71609 - THE CODE NOW CHECKS FOR A NULL POINTER FOR THE DICTIONARY AND I f14155 - InputNode changes for SWIFT minimum validation f23841 - Enhanced BITSTREAM: RFH2 parser enblement f24881 - Improve scalability of large message processing f25230 - Implementing forwarding of interbrokerHost/Port s26073 - Improve messageset id usability (broker, CM changes) f26336 - Optimized (small) jar for MQe clients f29079 - Friendly Broker Placeholder Feature 25673 - Exception on setting value 9996 into Feddback field for Mb msg 25986 - PrivateRegistry causes MQeInputNode failure 26097 - Stopped flow not recreated on broker stop/restart 26130 - MQe/SCADA Participant tables are not protected by a semaphore 27217 - MRM- Validation not carried out for flow: MQInput->MQOutput 27274 - Problem using reclaimed syntax elements. 27594 - SSHIP:REG:Input node fail term not propagating msg correctly 27674 - Change unsupported database message to a warning (BIP2112) 27753.1 - Internal error raised by PWFData 27841 - SWIFT:VAL:min and max occurs not validated at compute node 27844 - SWIFT:VAL:Closed type inside opendef makes opendef act closed 27868 - Broker internal error when DELETE cursor followed by ATTACH 27921 - SWIFT:VAL:Missing mand. not validated after selfdef elem on o/p 27929 - SWIFT:VAL: MT562, problem with repeat within repeat validation 27938 - JVM OutOfMemeryError 27955 - SWIFT:VAL: MT300 repeating sequence causes val failure. 28005 - Interface to RgXExp matcher to take end offset 28026 - SWIFT: VAL: MT450: 52B: wrong path in choice being validated. 28027 - Use datatype when matching 28028 - Filters containing a leading - fail 28047 - SWIFT: VAL: MT562 Some still failing 28056 - SWIFT: 2001: VAL: MT204 57A: failures with validation. 28059 - German CSD3 Refresh install contains one garbage char 28088 - Correct m_Parent issues 28114 - MRM-EFIX has caused "Unknown Type content" regression 28124 - SWIFT: MT330 Fails to parse 28158 - CmdAssit is being packaged on WebSphere builds 28160 - MRM-2nd SWIFT EFIX causes abend on AIX 28187 - SWIFT: MT700 41D: extra inserted. 28193 - MQ Publishers with mulit topics fail with IP 28199 - Embedded messages no longer separated by delimiter of parent 28207 - efix incorrect empty message (with elements) handling 28228 - During uninstall psapi.dll gets locked by MQ5.3 28239 - RetainedPubSubMutex lock file orphaned 28267 - MA0C Migration fails 28276 - Abend of DFE following several thousand SWIFT tests 28281 - Startup Trace causes UNS to fail startup 28301 - Nulls changed to empty strings when cross-streaming 28306 - wmqpsreportproperties -x doesn't work 28319 - Make JMS-compliant filtering the EB Default 28320 - Multiple responses sent for bad message. 28325 - Broker blows up WAS at stop time 28328 - wmqps_setupdatabase has to be modified 28332 - Datetime problems 28335 - Null characters produced in RFH response 28344 - erase command causing ERROR when file not there. 28345 - Missing jar files in wmqpslccdom/wmqpslccsedm.bat 28362 - Mandatory binary elements 28366 - Altering a named subscription to an existing traditional sub do 28370 - Fix toString method in MatchIdentifier 28371 - Unsubscribing a single subidentity cancels the subscription 28375 - AS400 database: (GEAC) broker loops in fetch with Client Access 28376 - No response when subscribing with RegOpt NoAlter 28377 - Errors whilst casting in subscription filters 28394 - BOTP 149050 28429 - wmqpsstop Broker causes intermittent Abend 28430 - Warning messages don't generate full responses. 28431 - BOTP Defect 149663 28458 - wmqpsbrowse fails when querying subidentity'd table 28461 - Unsubscribing a single subidentity cancels the subscription 28468 - bipservie check needs removing from WEMPS preremove script to e 28491 - NullPointer Exception thrown when doing AddName to a subscripti 28494 - Variable UserID option is not removed with subsequent subscript 28514 - MRM- Empty tags in mcd cause broker abend 28532 - Tag comparisons in parser 28546 - IllegalStateException: MQJMS3038 Message Consumer is closed rec 28548 - Res. Mgr. caching of dictionaries failing 28563 - NBIO modification to use 28612 - Persistent msgs written to Temporary Dynamic Queues 28691 - I've attached a message set, message flow and test message whic 28704 - Merant Driver Manager update 29593 - BrokerManager.java connects to terminal in 29730 - disthub, bipbroker jars; bins 29765 - Prevent brokermanager stop when no broker present 29768 - AIX Event broker and MQSI broker do not allow 29787 - Change parsing script and add a file to bldcdrom.bat 29862 - Merant driver20 updates 29878 - Java error executing Scribble program on AIX Event Broker 29925 - WEMPS broker does not call WASAuthorisation with security on 29954 - Library libNativePersonality not loaded in Personality.java 30042 - HOT: Failed to create Java VM 30070 - HOT: Failed to create Java VM 30085 - Ora9iR2:XA:case 15005178: Unable to load Oracle XA library. 30124 - Can't remove more than one clone from cloned network at a time 30131 - Cloned broker changeproperties value checking required. 30161 - Ensure broker stopped in brokermanager before returning. 30207 - extra merant driver changes for Greyhound 30268 - DeregSub with DeregAll on cloned broker network has no effect 30294 - Messages are missing from cloned brokers 30320 - Unexpected Java exception whilst creating TopicSubscriber in mu 30331 - CCN5063 (S) The text ")" is unexpected. 30390 - New Merant files 30404 - The text ")" is unexpected.<85> 30469 - xml files are unicode - therefore binary (ugh) 30476 - wmqpsstop is hanging on HPUX platform 30481 - Brokers can be created as clones even if in Collective 30487 - Variable userid's not working as expected 30512 - wmqps_setupdatabase is incorrect for HP/Oracle 9 30519 - Event Broker .odbc.ini file contains wmqi references 30564 - HP Oracle 9i abends on S210G when creating execution group. 98831.31 - XML Parser using incorrect ccsid ####### ------- end of file MEMO.PTF ------------#######################