How to install using these zip files: 1) The zip files contain imbedded directories, so ensure that you unzip using a tool that can unzip the directory structure as well. 2) You can install this CSD from diskettes, or hard drive: a) From diskettes :- -- unzip each file onto a separate diskette -- labeling the diskettes using the last number of the file name as the diskette number (e.g. U2000811.ZIP is diskette 1 of 7). The diskettes should have NO disk label. b) From hard drive :- -- unzip all zip files into a temporary directory on your hard drive. Each zip file must reside in a separate directory in this temp directory. U2000811.ZIP must be placed in a directory called \disk1, U2000812.ZIP must be in \disk2, etc. 3) In either case, follow the directions in the MEMO file (on disk 1, if installing from diskettes) to install. ENSURE that you have STOPPED ALL MQSERIES tasks before doing the install. ENSURE THAT MQSERIES IS STOPPED from the Services menu, if you are starting any MQSeries processes automatically via Windows NT Services.