=================================================================================== Temporary fix for APAR PQ87627 30/04/2004 =================================================================================== Applicable Products +++++++++++++++++++ Websphere Business Integration Message Broker for Windows, Version 5.0 Websphere Business Integration Message Broker for z/OS, Version 5.0.1 Files included ++++++++++++++ Windows ------- \bin\MtiImbParser.lil \bin\MtiImbParser.pdb z/OS ------- PQ87627.WBIMB501.FP03.ZOS.TRS Prerequisite level required +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Windows ------- WBI Message Broker for Windows, Version 5.0 at Fix Pack 03 (PTF U200213) level. z/OS ---- WBI Message Broker for z/OS, Version 5.0.1 at Fix Pack 03 (FMID HMC5010 PTF UQ85794) level. Notes +++++ This fix is for the following APAR: PQ87627 - MRM TREE IS NOT COPIED CORRECTLY WITH CNICOPYELEMENTTREE PLUGIN CALL. The User Plugin node interface has a cniCopyElementTree method which can be used to copy a message tree/subtree. This can be used to copy elements (and their children) from a source message tree to a target message tree. If this method is used on a message tree that has been parsed by the MRM then the MRM parser will be assigned as the owner of the target fields, and will be involved in the copy process. Unfortunately, parsing flags from the original tree were also copied across meaning that the target message tree did not have the correct state. The CICS Node support pac makes use of this cniCopyElementTree method and uses it on MRM message trees. Therefore this node can encounter this problem in the MRM parser and can result in an Empty MRM message tree being produced on output. This fix resolveS this problem such that an MRM message tree can be copied by the cniCopyElementTree method and hence also by the CICS Node. To Apply this fix +++++++++++++++++ Windows ------- 1) Stop the Broker using the mqsistop command. 2) Take a backup copy of the files that are to be replaced, so that in the case of an error they can be re-instated. - \bin\MtiImbParser.lil - \bin\MtiImbParser.pdb Important Note: If you choose to rename these existing files and leave them in their existing directory, please ensure that the file extension is changed during this rename. For example, do not rename MtiImbParser.lil to a name such as MtiImbParserOrig.lil. Instead rename it to a name such as MtiImbParser.Origlil which does not have the .lil extension. 3) Copy the files supplied by this fix into the \bin. - \bin\MtiImbParser.lil - \bin\MtiImbParser.pdb 4) Restart the Broker using the mqsistart command. ------- z/OS Platform --------------- The USERMOD package must be downloaded as binary and subsequently transferred to z/OS into sequential datasets with the following attributes :- Organization . . . : PS Record format . . . : FB Record length . . . : 1024 Block size . . . . : 6144 1st extent tracks . : 4 Secondary tracks . : 1 You can use the following sample JCL to allocate these datasets: //* < INSERT A VALID JOBCARD HERE > //* //ALLOCATE EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //SYSMOD1 DD DSN=..TRS, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(TRK,(4,1),RLSE), // DSORG=PS, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=1024,BLKSIZE=6144) //* Once you have allocated these datasets: The packed files can be downloaded from a distributed platform and ftp'd to the z/OS target system as binary with the replace option. e.g. put .TRS '..TRS' (replace Once loaded on the target system the datasets should be unpacked using the TRSMAIN utility program. This utility is freely available from :- http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/390/trsmain.html The following example JCL can be used to unpack the datasets after the changes have been made and a suitable job card added. //***************************************************** //* UNTERSE APAR //***************************************************** //UNPACK EXEC PGM=TRSMAIN,PARM='UNPACK' //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN= //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INFILE DD DSN=..TRS, // DISP=SHR //OUTFILE DD DSN=., // DISP=(NEW,CATLG), // SPACE=(TRK,(9,1,)) /* The resulting files can then be applied using normal SMPE