There is one APAR fix available for use with the product code distributed on the original product CD-ROM. 1. APAR FIX IC29945.tar.Z ====================== a. Contents ======== APAR IC29945 ------------ It was possible for a user to uninstall MQSeries for Compaq Tru64 even while a queue manager was running. This would have resulted in abnormal termination of any running queue manager(s) as well as exposing the user to the risk of data corruption and/or loss. When 'setld' was invoked with the '-d' option, it would detect if a queue manager was running when it would print out an error message: You seem to have an MQSeries queue manager still running. You must stop the processes by using the endmqm command before trying to remove the package. It would also print a diagnostic message: setld:Subset deletion declined. However the subset would still get deleted. This caused abnormal termination of any queue managers running at the time, as well as causing potential data loss. The problem was caused by checking the state of queue managers in the wrong phase of the uninstall process. b. APAR FIX installation ===================== The APAR fix (IC29945.tar.Z) for this problem consists of a single compressed tar file which contains replacements for the following files in MQSeries for Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.1: MQS_RUNTIME.scp MQS_SERVER.scp MQS_CLIENT.scp MQS_SAMPLES.scp MQS_MAN.scp MQS_JAVABASE.scp MQS_JAVABINDING.scp MQS_JAVACLIENT.scp MQS_IGRUNTIME.scp MQS_IGRUNTIMED.scp MQS_IGSAMPLE.scp MQS_IGSAMPLED.scp MQS_LANG_DE_DE.scp MQS_LANG_ES_ES.scp MQS_LANG_FR_FR.scp MQS_LANG_IT_IT.scp MQS_LANG_JA_JP.scp MQS_LANG_KO_KR.scp MQS_LANG_PT_BR.scp MQS_LANG_ZH_CN.scp MQS_LANG_ZH_TW.scp MQS_HTML_PUBS.scp MQS_HTML_DE_DE.scp MQS_HTML_ES_ES.scp MQS_HTML_FR_FR.scp MQS_HTML_IT_IT.scp MQS_HTML_JA_JP.scp MQS_HTML_KO_KR.scp MQS_HTML_PT_BR.scp MQS_HTML_ZH_CN.scp MQS_HTML_ZH_TW.scp To apply the fix :- (1) Ensure that all the work is done under the 'root' login. (2) Uncompress and untar the compressed tar file IC29945.tar.Z into a temporary directory (3) Take backup copies of the following files on your system: MQS_RUNTIME.scp MQS_SERVER.scp MQS_CLIENT.scp MQS_SAMPLES.scp MQS_MAN.scp MQS_JAVABASE.scp MQS_JAVABINDING.scp MQS_JAVACLIENT.scp MQS_IGRUNTIME.scp MQS_IGRUNTIMED.scp MQS_IGSAMPLE.scp MQS_IGSAMPLED.scp MQS_LANG_DE_DE.scp MQS_LANG_ES_ES.scp MQS_LANG_FR_FR.scp MQS_LANG_IT_IT.scp MQS_LANG_JA_JP.scp MQS_LANG_KO_KR.scp MQS_LANG_PT_BR.scp MQS_LANG_ZH_CN.scp MQS_LANG_ZH_TW.scp MQS_HTML_PUBS.scp MQS_HTML_DE_DE.scp MQS_HTML_ES_ES.scp MQS_HTML_FR_FR.scp MQS_HTML_IT_IT.scp MQS_HTML_JA_JP.scp MQS_HTML_KO_KR.scp MQS_HTML_PT_BR.scp MQS_HTML_ZH_CN.scp MQS_HTML_ZH_TW.scp (4) Invoke the update_setld script by issuing the command: "./update_setld" from the directory in which the archive was uncompressed.