The corrective service files in this directory are of the form: U4xxxxx.tar.Z This means that they have been processed by the tar program and then compressed. The latest PTF (U474387) supersedes all previous PTFs for MQSeries for Sun Solaris V5.2 and it contains updates to the following components of MQSeries for Sun Solaris: runtime MQSeries Runtime support for external applications server MQSeries server support for client connections dce_server MQSeries support for DCE in server net_gtspl MQSeries Internet Gateway Samples sol_client MQSeries client libraries for Sun Solaris To use the latest PTF file, perform the following steps: 1) download the file to your local system in binary mode 2) uncompress U474387.tar.Z 3) tar -xvf U474387.tar >> Note: >> ===== >> >> This PTF has been refreshed on 6th June because the original >> packaging for the ftp site omitted the strmqm executable. >> >> If you installed the earlier version of this PTF then you >> can either remove the original PTF and reinstall the new PTF >> or alternatively you can download the additional executable >> from the file U474387.strmqm.tar.Z and install the >> library as follows: >> (1) Uncompress and tar the compressed tar file U474387.strmqm.tar.Z into a temporary directory (2) Do not have queue managers running while you are applying or removing maintenance updates to MQSeries for Sun Solaris V5.2 (3) Remove any existing MQSeries shared memory and/or semaphores before applying or removing maintenance updates to MQSeries for Sun Solaris V5.2 (4) Take a backup copy of the strmqm excutable on your system. (5) Copy over the new version of this executable to your system, into /opt/mqm/bin, after making a secure backup copy of the original executable. (6) Ensure that the owner and group of the executable is mqm/mqm using the command chown mqm:mqm .. (7) Ensure that the permissions of the executable is -r-xr-xr-x using the command chmod 555 .. (8) Restart the queue managers. PTF U474387 ----------- After installation of this CSD, there is a MEMO.PTF file that contains information relating to this PTF. You are advised to read this file which contains: o installation instructions for applying maintenance o a summary of the current and superseded service levels o Special Information which may be mandatory for complete resolution of one or more of the APAR fixes shipped by this PTF. This PTF is applicable to ALL releases of product 5765-B75-00, IBM MQSeries for Sun Solaris Version 5.2, namely the English version or any of the National Language versions. INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INFORMATION ---------------------------------------- Applying Maintenance to MQSeries for Sun Solaris V5.2 ----------------------------------------------------- These steps will ensure that you are left with files that are installable using the normal install method for your platform. +--- PRECAUTIONS ---------------------------------------+ | | | Do not have any queue managers operating during | | installation of maintenance on MQSeries for Sun | | Solaris V5.2. | | | | Remove any existing MQSeries shared memory and/or | | semaphores before applying or removing maintenance | | updates to MQSeries for Sun Solaris V5.2. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------+ | | | To end all running queue managers: | | | | 1. End the queue manager by issuing the command: | | | | endmqm -i QMgrName | | | | 2. Check that the queue manager has ended. | | | | Use the command: | | | | endmqm -w QMgrName | | | | The message returning should show that the queue | | manager is not available. | | | | Alternatively, use the command: | | | | ps -ef | grep mq | | | | where | is the pipe symbol. Check that there are | | no processes listed that are running command | | lines commencing "amq" or "runmq". Ignore any | | that start with "amqi". | | | | 3. Issue the IPCS -A command to identify any shared | | memory segments or semaphore sets that were | | created by MQSeries. Remove these using the | | IPCRM command. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------+ SPACE REQUIREMENTS ------------------ The installation process for this PTF requires 11MB of disk space for installation. In addition, the installation process requires an additional 11MB of disk space to save the previous level. This allows a PTF to be removed, and the previous level to be automatically restored. If disk space is limited, the backup can be suppressed by creating an empty flag file called MQPTF_NOSAVE in the directory "/var/sadm/pkg". Note that if this option is used, the previous level will not be restored if a PTF is removed. The only way to restore a previous level in this instance is to reinstall the product and then to reapply a previous PTF image. APPLYING THE MAINTENANCE INFORMATION ------------------------------------ 1. Change to the directory where the CSD is saved. 2. Install the software by entering and executing the following command: pkgadd -d ./mqm-U474387.image Note: this filename may be slightly different. For further information on using PKGADD to install software packages, see the Solaris documentation. RESTORING THE PREVIOUS SERVICE LEVEL ------------------------------------ To restore the previous service level: 1. Log in as root, or use the command su. 2. Use the PKGRM command to remove the latest PTF from the system. For example, to remove PTF "U474387" issue the following command: pkgrm mqm-upd01 Error messages of the form "" can be ignored. Details of the PKGRM command can be found in the Solaris documentation, or by using the MAN PKGRM command. 3. If you have installed an MQI client, and the client was updated after installing the PTF that is being removed, then you MUST specifically update your MQI client installation again, after the PTF has been removed.