######################################################################## # # # COMPONENT_NAME: MQSeries Integrator for Windows NT # # # # FILE: MEMO.PTF # # # # Program Number 5639-F61 # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1999, 2000 # # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed Material - Property of IBM # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ######################################################################## # # # Please note that any references in this product to NEON do not refer # # to Neon Systems, Inc. # # # ######################################################################## PTF Memo for IBM MQSeries Integrator Version 2.0.1 for Windows NT** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The memo.ptf file contains information you need for updating IBM MQSeries Integrator Version 2.0.1 for Windows NT. This memo.ptf file corresponds to the sixth CSD which is defined as PTF U200189 and is divided into the following sections: o Installation and maintenance information o Documentation changes o Special information o Service and technical support o CSD history ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INFORMATION ---------------------------------------- In order to restore a previous level you must backup replaced files. CSD06 requires approximately 150MB of disk space to do this. APPLYING MAINTENANCE ____________________ Maintenance updates are supplied on CD in the form of a Program Temporary Fix (PTF), referred to as a Corrective Service Diskette (CSD). You can find the latest information about available CSDs on the Internet, at this address: http://www.ibm.com/software/ts/mqseries/ You can also download CSDs from this web site. APPLYING THE MAINTENANCE INFORMATION ____________________________________ If you need to apply maintenance updates to MQSeries Integrator Version 2.0.1: 1. Ensure that the user ID you are logged on with is a member of the Windows NT ADMINISTRATORS group in the local security domain. You are recommended to use the same ID as the one you used for installing MQSeries Integrator. 2. Ensure that all MQSeries Integrator function is stopped. You must: a. Stop execution of the Configuration Manager, the User Name Server, and all brokers on this system using the MQSISTOP command, or by stopping the Windows NT services for these components from the Services program in the Control Panel. b. Stop execution of all programs that manage MQSeries Integrator Version 1.1 rules and formats (the Visual Tester, the NEONFormatter user interface, and the NEONRules user interface). c. Stop execution of the Control Center. d. Ensure that you do not have any MQSeries Integrator Version 2.0.1 files open. 3. You are also strongly recommended to exit all Windows NT programs before applying maintenance to MQSeries Integrator. 4. If you have downloaded maintenance from the web, you must: a. Read the "memo.ptf" file associated with this maintenance on the Web site. This might contain additional information regarding the installation of maintenance. b. Select a suitable destination as the target for download. c. When the file has been downloaded, change to the download directory and run the executable file. You must choose a temporary directory to extract the maintenance files from the downloaded file. You are presented with a dialog where you can accept the default, or specify an alternative. d. Click NEXT to activate the extract. e. Click FINISH to end the dialog. f. The "setup.exe" file now runs. 5. If you are installing from CD you must: a. Read the file "memo.ptf" in the root directory of the CD, and any "Readme.txt" files also in the root directory. These files might contain additional information about how you must install this maintenance. b. Insert the maintenance CD into the appropriate drive. If you have autorun enabled, "setup.exe" will start to run automatically. If you do not, you must start "setup.exe" from the CD by doubleclicking. 6. When "setup.exe" runs, you are presented with a window that provides instructions for applying service. These include a checkbox that controls the backup of files replaced during the application of this service level. If you take the default action to replace these files (and you are recommended to do so), you can specify the directory in which the backup files are created. Click NEXT when you have made the updates you want. A confirmation window displays your choices. Click NEXT to continue, or BACK if you want to return and make further changes. 7. The maintenance is applied to MQSeries Integrator. You can cancel this action at any time by clicking CANCEL. The maintenance process backs up updated files in the subdirectory "\CSDbkup" in the MQSeries Integrator Version 2.0.1 home directory. If you click CANCEL before the maintenance process has completed, these backup files are restored and the maintenance backed out (the CSD is not applied). 8. When you have completed installation, review the "memo.ptf" file supplied as part of the CSD. Complete any manual post-install actions required. NOTE: CSDs are cumulative, therefore you do not need to apply CSD1 before you can apply CSD2. When you have installed a CSD, you are prevented from installing a previous CSD without first restoring the system using the backed-up files. RESTORING A PREVIOUS SERVICE LEVEL __________________________________ You are able to restore a previous service level if you want to, or if you are instructed to do so by your IBM Support Center. However, this is only possible if you accepted the default action to backup replaced files when you applied the current service level (see the instructions in "Applying the maintenance information"). If you need to restore MQSeries Integrator to a previous level of maintenance: 1. Ensure that the user ID you are logged on with is a member of the Windows NT ADMINISTRATORS group in the local security domain. You are recommended to use the same ID as the one you used for installing MQSeries Integrator. 2. Access the Windows NT Control Panel (Start->Settings->Control Panel). ______________________________ 3. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon. 4. Find and highlight IBM MQSeries Integrator V2.0.1, and ____________________________ click ADD/REMOVE. This starts the MQSeries Integrator uninstall program, and presents the uninstall dialog. 5. If one or more CSDs have been applied the dialog allows you to select the option to uninstall CSDs. Select the option to uninstall the most recently installed CSD and return to the previous service level. If you want to remove all CSDs, you must invoke this option for each one in turn to return to the base service level. If no CSDs have been applied, this option is unavailable. INSTALLING NEW COMPONENTS AFTER APPLYING MAINTENANCE ____________________________________________________ If you install maintenance and then decide to install a new component from the MQSeries Integrator CD, you will be advised that you must reapply the maintenance following installation of the new component. You are strongly recommended to do this: if you do not, it is likely that the integrity of the product files will be compromised and unexpected results might ensue. FAILURE DURING THE APPLICATION OF MAINTENANCE _____________________________________________ If you have a failure when applying a CSD (for example, a power failure), the product files are likely to be in an unknown state, especially if existing files have been replaced. You must rerun the installation of the maintenance (to completion) before using the product. To recover from this situation, assuming you accepted the option of backing up replaced files you should: Copy the contents of the backup directory (CSDbkup\1 for CSD#1,unless you chose a different backup location) back into their original locations. This is most easily done using Windows Explorer and answering yes to the message asking whether you want to replace existing files files. You can then rerun the CSD install. CHECKING THE SERVICE LEVEL __________________________ After initial installation, the MQSeries Integrator Service level indicates no service has been applied. After one or more updates, the service level is updated to show the CSD most recently applied. The service level is expressed in terms of the PTF number for a particular CSD. To check the service level, select Start->Programs->IBM MQSeries Integrator 2.0.1->Service Level. ______________________________________________________________ This displays the "memo.ptf" file containing the service level and details of the maintenance applied (PTF Number). This file is installed in the program file directory. APPLYING MAINTENANCE TO IBM DB2 UNIVERSAL DATABASE __________________________________________________ If DB2 was installed on this system by the MQSeries Integrator installation program, it is installed with no service applied. You can also obtain information about the current status of maintenance of this product, and download fix packs for DB2 from this Web site: http://www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/udb/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DOCUMENTATION CHANGES --------------------- IC29837 - COMMIT BY GROUPID DOCUMENTATION NOT CLEAR ABOUT ROLLBACK A third bullet point will be added to the WebSphere MQ Integrator Introduction and Planning Guide, Version 2.1 (GC345599-04), Part 2. Business process planning, Chapter 4. Message flows, What is a message processing node?, Error Handling, to clarify Commit By GroupId, specifically when messages are being processed as part of a message group, as follows:- o If the message was being processed as part of a message group: When handling a message flow error for a message that is part of a message group, then the previous two points apply for the current message being processed. However, consideration must be given to the messages that have already been processed in the message group, and those that have not yet been processed in the group. The first point to note is that the use of "Commit by GroupId" on the MQInput node is not synonymous with a Unit of Work. When this option is selected this will lead to a commit being issued when the last message in the message group has been processed. If an error is encountered part way through the group then the message flow error handling paths will be invoked for this particular message as documented above. This error processing could lead to a Backout being issued for the current Unit of Work. Even when using "Commit By GroupId", it would have been necessary to specify whether each preceding message was participating in the Unit of Work using the standard transactional control. Those group messages processed as part of the Unit of Work prior to the backout, will be backed out and be sent to either the backout queue, dead letter queue, or Input queue dependent on the possible configurations documented above. Irrespective of which of these is done, there may be remaining group messages on the MQInput queue that can still be processed by the message flow. If no extra group error handling has been implemented, then these remaining messages will be retrieved by the message flow, and processed in a new Unit of Work. When the last message in the group is encountered and the "Commit by GroupId" has been selected, then a commit will be issued. This presents a situation where part of the group has been backed out and part has been committed, these being divided by failing messages. Hence, "Commit by GroupId" is not synonymous with Units of Work when an error occurs for one of the group messages which leads to a rollback. To cope with this scenario, extra error handling routines should be added to the message flow so that failing message groups can be logged. This could be done in a database table, and when a group message is retrieved, the table can be examined to see if this group had failed at some point, allowing appropriate actions to be taken. This combined with standard backout processing would allow a message group to be processed in a similar fashion to a Unit of Work. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IC30627 - EXPLANATION OF CARDINALITY FUNCTION IS INCOMPLETE AND INCONSISTENT IN USING THE CONTROL CENTER The examples supplied in the Using the Control Center manual are lacking and/or incorrect in clarifying how things actually work with regards to the Cardinality function and XML messages that contain pcdata, white space characters, attributes etc. The following information on the Cardinality function will be added to the Using the Control Center manual, SC34-5602-02, Chapter 16 - Concepts of XML messages :- MQSI V2 treats XML pcdata, attributes and sub-elements as children of the element. The ESQL Cardinality function returns the number of children of a parent in the message tree. This means it counts pcdata, attributes and sub-elements together, therefore when using the Cardinality function with XML messages that contain pcdata, white space characters, attributes etc. you need to distinguish what you are determining the Cardinality of. For example, to get the Cardinality of the number of elements (tags), you would replace .* with .(XML.tag) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IC33040 - INSUFFICIENT DETAIL ON IMPLEMENTING THE PASSTHRU FUNCTION. Description of the PASSTHRU statement, previously described in the MQSeries Integrator, Using the Control Centre manual, SC34560200, and now described in the WebSphere MQ Integrator ESQL Reference guide, SC34-5923-02, will be expanded in Chapter 4; ESQL statements, as follows: If two or more other parameters are passed, each parameter is bound to the corresponding question mark in the statement string: that is, the first parameter is bound to the first question mark, the second parameter is bound to the second question mark, and so on. The question marks are processed as parameter markers in a prepared SQL statement by the DBMS. This means that if you are passing values to functions in the DBMS you will have to be sure to have appropriately typed your parameter markers. For example, in DB2 a parameter marker would be cast as follows: SET OutputRoot.XML.Result.Data = PASSTHRU('SELECT * FROM user1.stocktable where time=TIMESTAMP(CAST(? as TIMESTAMP)), '1999-12-31-'); ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IY29461 - ADD TO DOCUMENTATION THAT IT IS NECESSARY TO HAVE A MATCHING CALL CNIDELETEMESSAGE IN A CUSTOM NODE IF THERE IS A CNICREATEMESSAGE A matching call to cniDeleteMessage is required for every call to cniCreateMessage, otherwise a memory leak will occur. The following information will be added to the MQSeries Integrator Programming Guide, SC34-5603-01, regarding the use of cniCreateMessage(). In Chapter 6, Implementing a plug-in node or parser; Implementing a message processing node; Build an output message, a note will be added to the end of the second paragraph (The input message is read-only ......... syntax element navigation and access.) as follows:- Note that the copy of the input message created by the cniCreateMessage function must be deleted by a matching call to the cniDeleteMessage function after the message has been propagated, or during cleanup processing after an exception has been thrown. This will ensure resources allocated by cniCreateMessage are returned. In Chapter 8, Node implementation and utility functions; Node utility function interface; the description for the cniCreateMessage function will include a reference to the cniDeleteMessage function, as follows:- Note that for every call to this function, there should be a matching call to cniDeleteMessage to return allocated resources once the processing on the output message has been completed. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IY18146 - IF THE BROKERDB IS ORACLE, ADDITIONAL NLSPATH IS REQUIRED. When the environment is set to a Japanese code page the broker will not start. This is because Oracle cannot be accessed when running in the Japanese code page. When using an Oracle Database on UNIX, the following environment variables must be set to ensure the broker starts cleanly: LC_MESSAGES=en_US LANG=en_US Alternatively, en_GB also works. This information will be added to the MQSeries Integrator Installation Guide. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IY17772 - AFTER UPGRADE MQSI VERSION F/V1.1 T/V2.0.1, MQSI BROKER HANG IN CASE OF USING USEREXIT PROGRAM. The MQSI V2.0.1 Administration Guide incorrectly states "If you are currently using user exits with MQSeries Integrator Version 1.1, your exits will work unchanged." This is not the case. The MQSeries Integrator V2.0.1 Administration Guide, Chapter 9, Previous versions of MQSeries Integrator, Version 1, User exits (SC34579204) has been corrected to read: If you are currently using user exits with MQSeries Integrator Version 1.1, you must re-compile them as multi-thread objects which MUST link with multi-thread (thread-safe) libraries. Failure to do this will result in unpredictable errors. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IY14970 - DOCUMENTATION INCORRECT/NEEDS CHANGE ON COMPILERS SUPPORTED BY MQSI V2.0.1 FOR SUN SOLARIS The list of supported compilers in the MQSI V2.0.1 Installation Guide is incorrect. The MQSeries Integrator for Sun Solaris Installation Guide V2.0.1, GC34-5842-02, Chapter 2. Planning for Installation, System setup,Software Requirements, Optional products Application programming support has been corrected to read:- The following software compilers are supported: o Sun WorkShop Compiler C Version 5.0 o Sun WorkShop Compiler C++ Version 5.0 o Micro Focus COBOL compiler Version 4.0 for UNIX ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IC28446 - INSTALL GUIDE DOES NOT DESCRIBE MQSI_PARAMETERS_FILE VARIABLE The environment variable MQSI_PARAMETERS_FILE is not documented in the MQSeries Integrator Version 2 Installation Guides. The environment variable MQSI_PARAMETERS_FILE is documented in the MQSeries Introduction and Planning book, GC34-5599-01, Appendix A, Planning for migration and integration, MQSeries Integrator Version 1, Run-time section. This will be added to the MQSeries Integrator Version 2 Installation Guides, GC345841 (AIX), GC345864 (Solaris) and GC345600 (NT). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IC28447 - INSTALL GUIDE HAS INCORRECT NAMES FOR NT CONSISTENCY CHECKER The Windows NT Installation Guide has incorrect file names in the Windows NT consistency checker commands. The MQSeries Integrator for Windows NT Installation Guide V2.0.1, GC34-5600-01, Appendix D. using NEONFormatter and NEONRules Nodes, Migrating rules and formats, Checking consistency will be corrected for Windows NT as follows:- Oracle formatcc110.cmd >formatcc110.log rulescc110.cmd >rulescc110.log Sybase and SQL Server formatcc110.cmd >formatcc110.log rulescc110.cmd >rulescc110.log DB2 formatcc110.cmd >formatcc110.log rulescc110.cmd >rulescc110.log ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IY14720 - MSGBIP2301E WHEN A BROKER TRIES TO LOAD THE MQSI SAMPLE PLUGIN NODE BIPSAMPPLUGINNODE Plug-in node documentation in the Programming Guide is missing the object file name. The MQSeries Integrator Programming Guide V2.0.1, Part 2, Programming a plug-in node or parser; Chapter 6, Implementing a plug-in node or parser, Compiling a plug-in will be corrected. The section, Compilation, sub section Compiling on AIX will be changed to include the object file name AS FOLLOWS:- xlc_r -bM:SRE -bexpall -bnoentry -o BipSampPluginNode.lil -L /lib -l imbdfplg BipSampPluginNode.o ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IY14540 - AIX BROKER CONFIGURATION LIBPATH MODIFICATION MISSING IN DOCUME The Installation Guide does not include the LIBPATH required for creation of a broker on AIX. The MQSeries Integrator for AIX Installation Guide V2.0.1, Appendix A, System changes after installation, Environment variables, will have LIBPATH added to the list needing to be set, for example set LIBPATH=/usr/mqsi/merant/lib ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 11318 - Implement ICU 1.6 for enhanced EUC support The latest version ICU 1.6 incorporates a new mechanism for packaging ICU data in the form of a shared DLL with the benefit of improved performance. The new release has improved locale support including support for EUC and further OS390 code pages. For a full list of supported code pages see file README.CCSID. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SPECIAL INFORMATION ------------------- CSD06 (PTF U200189) ___________________ IY38894 - BIP2322E AND BIP8040E ERRORS WHEN MIGRATING A V201 BROKER USING AN ORACLE BROKER DATABASE TO V202/V210. There is a known problem on AIX and HP/UX when migrating V201 brokers that use Oracle for the broker database to V2.0.2 or V2.1. The following errors may be reported when running the mqsicreatebroker command to create a temporary broker to upgrade the broker database:- BIP2322E: Database Error: SQL State IM003 Native Error Code 80 Error Text 'Specified driver could not be loaded'. BIP8040E: Unable to connect to the database. This occurs because the Driver parameter in the /var/mqsi/odbc/.odbc.ini file for the Oracle ODBC Data Source Name specified in the mqsicreatebroker command references the Merant Oracle Driver that shipped with V2.0.1. To rectify this problem it is necessary to amend the parameter for each Oracle Data Source used by MQSI brokers to reference the relevant Merant Oracle Driver that ships with V2.0.2 or V2.1. This involves replacing the reference to UKor815 with UKor816. For example, on AIX change Driver=/usr/opt/mqsi/merant/lib/UKor815.so to Driver=/usr/opt/mqsi/merant/lib/UKor816.so on HP/UX change Driver=/opt/mqsi/merant/lib/UKor815.sl to Driver=/opt/mqsi/merant/lib/UKor816.sl ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CSD05 (PTF U200176) ___________________ IY29169 - UNABLE TO LOAD MIGRATION LIL ON V201 SOLARIS BROKER WORKING WITH MQSERIES INTEGRATOR VERSION 2.0.1 BROKERS AFTER MIGRATION. If you want to continue working with one or more brokers in your broker domain at MQSeries Integrator Version 2.0.1 level after you have migrated your Configuration Manager and Control Center to Websphere MQ Integrator Version 2.1, you must install a migration library on each relevant broker system as supplied in this maintenance release. 1. Copy the migration loadable implementation library (lil) file imbdfmignd.lil from \migration to the \bin directory within the MQSeries Integrator Version 2.0.1 product directory (for Windows NT), or the /lil directory within the MQSeries Integrator Version 2.0.1 product directory (for Unix). 2. Restart the broker. If you do not install this migration library, when you deploy to a MQSeries Integrator Version 2.0.1 broker from the Websphere MQ Integrator Version 2.1 Control Center, errors BIP2087, BIP4041 and BIP2241 are generated and the operation fails. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IC29727 - CREATE CONFIGMGR FAILS WHEN A USERID USED TO ACCESS THE MRMDB CONTAINS A $ (DOLLAR) SIGN PREFIX An attempt to run the 'mqsicreateconfigmgr' command, using as a parameter a user id beginning with a $ (dollar) sign, causes the command to fail with a BIP1801S error. This problem may also occur when other non-alphanumeric characters are used. Until this problem is fully investigated and resolved, it is recommended that customers restrict characters of the MQSI service user ids to the letters A to Z, a to z and numbers 0 to 9. It is our belief that in most cases, user ids already conform to this rule. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CSD04 (PTF U200162) ___________________ IC32427 - V201 AND V202 TO V2.1 MRM MIGRATION AND COEXISTENCE WMQI V2.1 contains a major upgrade to MRM capability. As a result of this upgrade, the format of the message dictionary that flows from the Configuration Manager to brokers during a deploy operation has changed compared with MQSeries Integrator V2.0.x. Migration details are in the Administration Guide, chapter 12. Please note the following additional information: Importing 2.0.x message sets into a 2.1 Configuration Manager. When importing 2.0.x message sets into the 2.1 Configuration Manager you may choose to create a default XML wire format layer. This additional layer allows a 2.1 broker to process application messages that specify a message domain of 'MRM' and a message format of 'XML'. You create the layer by adding the '-x XML' option to your mqsiimpexpmsgset command line. You may specify any valid name for the new layer, but for compatibility with existing messages and message flows you must use 'XML'. If you do not migrate your Control Centers, Configuration Manager and all brokers in the domain to WMQI 2.1 at the same time, then you must be aware of the following extra information that applies to co-existence scenarios: A 2.1 Configuration Manager may co-exist with 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 brokers, as long as message sets assigned to the 2.0.x brokers do NOT exploit the new messaging functionality available in 2.1. This is the recommended co-existence scenario. In order to implement this scenario, you must perform the following steps: 1) Apply the fix for APAR IC32427 to all the 2.0.x brokers in the domain. 2) Migrate the existing 2.0.x Configuration Manager to V2.1 and apply cumulative maintenance zero to the 2.1 Configuration Manager. Once the first step is complete you will still be able to administer your brokers using the 2.0.x Configuration Manager. After you complete the second step you will be able to add 2.1 brokers to the domain. If the message set does exploit new MRM function, the deploy to a 2.0.x broker will fail with a BIP5293 message. Function that can cause this error includes: - Types with composition other than 'ordered set' and 'unordered set'. - Types with context other than 'open'. - Types with Types as members. - Types with Messages as members. - Simple Types other than 'binary', 'boolean', 'float', 'integer', and 'string'. - Type Members of type 'string' with no maximum length specified. You may specify the maximum length by adding an Element Value Constraint with the role of Max Length. - Types with a value. If your Compound Type has a value, there will be a 'Type' field shown on the main properties page for the type, below the 'Suspended from Use' field. A 2.0.1 or 2.0.2 Configuration Manager may co-exist with 2.1 brokers. Note that this co-existence scenario is NOT supported for application messages that specify a message domain of 'MRM' and a message format of 'XML'. In order to implement this scenario you must perform the following steps, IN THIS ORDER: 1) Apply the fix for APAR IC32427 to all the 2.0.x brokers in the domain. 2) Apply the fix for APAR IC32427 to the 2.0.x Configuration Manager. 3) Apply cumulative maintenance zero to 2.1 brokers, and add them to the domain. Once the first step is complete you will still be able to administer your existing brokers using the 2.0.x Configuration Manager. If you apply the fix for APAR IC32427 to the 2.0.x Configuration Manager before applying the fix to the 2.0.x brokers then message sets may fail to deploy. If the failure occurs, BIP5145 and BIP5280 messages will be reported by the broker. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IC30970 - GLOBALLY CO-ORDINATED FLOW INVOKING NEON PARSER CAUSE XA PROBLEM LEAVING DB INVOLVED IN A TRANSACTION LOCKOUT. This problem has been resolved by introducing a new environment variable, MQSI_NEON_XA_ON. If it is not set there is no change in operation i.e. one connection per process and New Era nodes connect to the database themselves. If it is set to anything AND we are using DB2, then xa support is enabled, i.e. we have one database connection per thread and we connect to the New Era database on their behalf. This environment variable changes the connection to the New Era database from a per process to a per thread basis. As each connection has it's own cache of rules and formats it is expected that memory usage will increase. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CSD03 (PTF U200146) ___________________ IC30497 - ERRORS OCCURRING DURING MQSI GUI CONNECTION TO ORACLE 8.1.6 NEON DATABASE Errors occurr during MQSI V1.1 GUI connection to AN Oracle 8.1.6 (or later) NEON database. The MQSI GUI crashes with no error message. To connect to an Oracle 8.1.6 database, and above, via the MQSI Formatter or Rules GUI, customers will need to choose the ORACLE 7.3 option from the DBMS pull-down menu. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IC29775 - MQSI BROKER DO NOT PASS THE MQMD CONTEXT INFORMATION WHEN A MESSAGE IS PUT TO THE BACKOUT OR DEAD LETTER QUEUE. The MQSI broker dataflowengine does not propagate the context information from the MQMD when the message is put to the backout or dead letter queue. This problem is now resolved. Prior to this fix, if a message was sent to the backout queue or the dead letter queue by the MQInput node, then the MQ Identity context was re-generated, not passed on. The context in the backout queue has now been changed to be PASS_ALL. The fields affected by this change are UserIdentifier, AccountingToken and ApplIdentityData. The MQPUT is now called with MQPMO_PASS_ALL_CONTEXT. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IY21179 - DFE CONSUMING HIGH CPU AND HANGING WITH NO ERRORS A message flow that processed a message successfully on NT failed to complete on AIX. This was due to a stack overflow problem on AIX. On Unix platforms, MQSI overrides the default thread stack size and allocates a stack size of 1MB to each thread. On NT, MQSI does not override the default thread stack which is sufficiently high at 2MB. This problem has been fixed by allowing the default thread stack size of 1MB on Unix platforms to be overridden by use of a new environment variable:- MQSI_THREAD_STACK_SIZE The stack size should be specified in bytes, so to set the thread stack size to 2MB for example, set the following in the environment from which the Broker will be started: MQSI_THREAD_STACK_SIZE=2000000 export MQSI_THREAD_STACK_SIZE This environment variable is only applicable on the Unix platforms. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CSD02 (PTF U200137) ___________________ IC28810 - SUBSCRIPTIONS WON'T SHOW UP FOR A SINGLE USERID The fix for this problem has removed the lowercaseing applied by the Control Centre on the user identifier (userid) in Subscriptions View; userid has become case sensitive. In order to display subscriptions it is now necessary to respect the case of the userid to get its subscriptions in the view. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CSD01 (PTF U200132) ___________________ IY13468 - DEFECT IN CLI IN REGARDS TO HOW WE DETERMINE THE CTX USED AT THE ENVIRONMENT LEVEL. Broker not stopping after an mqsistop command has been issued An intermittent problem has been discovered on AIX and Sun Solaris where the broker may not shutdown following the issuing of the mqsistop command (without the -i option). This is only a problem when using DB2 as a broker or customer database. If you encounter such a symptom, then the broker should be able to be successfully shutdown by re-issuing an mqsistop command, specifying the -i option. This problem has been raised against DB2 as APAR IY13468. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 9049 - MRMB31 Memory leak associated with datasource keyword. During a redeploy operation to a running broker, a memory leak could occur under certain situations. This fix addresses this problem. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 13135 - XML white space on tree copies to NameVal parsers The following information will be added to Appendix C of the MQSeries Integrator Using the Control Center V2.0.1 book, SC34-5602-01. Copying messages between parsers Compute node expressions can copy part of an input message to an output message. The results of such a copy depend upon the type of input and output parsers involved. Like parsers Where both the source and target messages have the same folder structure at root level, a "like-parser-copy" is performed. For example: SET OutputRoot.MQMD = InputRoot.MQMD; will result in all the children in the MQMD folder of the input message being copied to the MQMD folder of the output message. Another example of a tree structure which will support a like-parser-copy is: SET OutputRoot.XML.Data.Account = InputRoot.XML.Customer.Bank.Data; Unlike Parsers Where the source and target messages have different folder structures at root level, it is not possible to make an exact copy of the message source. Instead, the "unlike-parser-copy" views the source message as a set of nested folders terminated by a leaf name-value pair. For example, copying the following message from XML to MTI: Value31Value32 will produce a name element "Name3", and a name-value element called "Name31" with the value "Value31". Note: The second XML pcdata (Value32) cannot be represented and will be discarded. The unlike-parser-copy scans the source tree, and copies folders, also known as name elements, and leaf name-value pairs. Everything else, including elements flagged as "special" by the source parser, will not be copied. An example of a tree structure resulting in an unlike-parser-copy is: SET OutputRoot.MTI.Data.Account = InputRoot.XML.Data.Account; Note: If the algorithm used to make an unlike-parser-copy does not suit your tree structure, it might be necessary to further qualify the source field to restrict the amount of tree copied. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 13137 - cpiCreateContext() called for each message parsed When running a broker which receives messages which are parsed using a plugin parser, then the parsers implementation function, cpiCreateContext() was being called multiple times on the same thread. This function should be invoked once only, on creation of the instance of the parser. Instead, the function was being called each time a message was received. This could cause problems in the operation of the parser, depending on the way in which that parser was implemented. One known possible side-effect would be to provoke a memory leak. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 13300 - ODBCINI must not be set on login accounts If, on AIX and Sun Solaris systems you have previously installed an ODBC driver from Merant, then you must ensure that the UNIX environment variable ODBCINI is NOT set on any login accounts used to create or start message brokers. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SERVICE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT ----------------------------- This is the second release of product 5639F6100, IBM MQSeries Integrator Version 2 for Windows NT. The following APARs have been incorporated into it. Name Abstract IC27033 - TRACE DOES NOT SHOW CORRECT DATA - XML STATEMENT WITH A NULL IC27038 - ADD MAPPING IN AN OUTPUT MESSAGE COMPUTE NODE IS NOT POSSIBLE IC27068 - REGISTER A SUBSCRIPTION GIVES THE EVENT ERROR 7053 -UNEXPECTED IC26734 - SQL ERRORS OCCUR WHEN WORKING WITH DATABASEUPDATE NODE IC26799 - BIP2293 WHEN DEPLOYING A MESSAGE USING PLUG-IN PARSER IC26880 - FAILURE TO START/STOP ALL MESSAGE FLOWS FOR AN EXECUTION GRP IC26952 - CREATION OF RESPONSE MSG FAILS DUE TO NULL NAMEVALUECCSID The MQSeries support page is located at: http://www.ibm.com/software/ts/mqseries/support from which you can obtain the latest information about various MQSeries topics including :- - Hints and Tips - APARs and Fix Packages - FAQs - Support downloads - Newsgroups For the latest versions of MQSI V2.0.1 documentation see the following Web page on the MQSeries Web site: http://www.ibm.com/software/ts/mqseries/library/manualsa/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CSD HISTORY =========== CSD06 (PTF U200189) ___________________ This is the sixth PTF for IBM MQSeries Integrator Version 2.0.1 for Windows NT. It is delivered via PTF U200189 for APAR IC35154. It contains fixes for ALL the problems listed below: Name - Abstract IC35154 - CUMULATIVE MAINT #06 FOR MQSERIES INTEGRATOR FOR NT V201 IC33887 - BIP1767S DURING DEPLOY OF A BIG MSGFLOW CONTAINING 60 SUB-FLOWS IY27218 - ERROR WHEN SELECTING DATETIME WITH MILLISECONDS ON MSSQL IY30276 - PROBLEM RECEIVING > 1998 BYTES OF DATA FROM ORACLE CLOB COLUMN IY32888 - PROBLEMS WITH DEPLOYING THE EXECUTION GROUPS THAT ARE IN INVALI IY33063 - CWF DATA OVERFLOW ERROR WHEN USING REPEATING STRUCTURES IY33904 - STATUS OF REMOVED MESSAGE SETS IS NOT UPDATED CORRECTLY ON THE IY34240 - BIP2080 MESSAGE IS LOGGED IN SYSLOG BECAUSE EXECUTION GROUP ( E IY35094 - V201 CSD04 DEPLOY GENERATES COREDUMP BIP2060E IY37803 - BROKER FAILS TO CONNECT TO ITS DATABASE, AFTER A DATABASE RECYL IY38894 - MIGRATION FROM V201 TO V202 USING ORACLE 815 27269 - Exception caught on changebroker when serviceid not correct 27390 - Ensure that a XML delete message always works 28612 - Persistent msgs written to Temporary Dynamic Queues CSD05 (PTF U200176) ___________________ This is the fifth PTF for IBM MQSeries Integrator Version 2.0.1 for Windows NT. It is delivered via PTF U200176 for APAR IC33434. It contains fixes for ALL the problems listed below: Name - Abstract IC33434 - CUMULATIVE MAINT #05 FOR MQSERIES INTEGRATOR FOR WINDOWS NT V201 IC29837 - COMMIT BY GROUPID DOCUMENTATION NOT CLEAR ABOUT ROLLBACK IC30627 - EXPLANATION OF CARDINALITY FUNCTION IS INCOMPLETE AND IC31345 - COBOL IMPORT PROBLEM WHEN LEVEL NUMBERS FIELDS NOT ASCENDING IC31787 - MQSICHANGEUSERNAMESERVER ACCEPTS INVALID USERID, AND CHANGES IC33040 - INSUFFICIENT DETAIL ON IMPLEMENTING THE PASSTHRU FUNCTION. IC33126 - INCORRECT COPYBOOK IMPORT CAUSES CONFIGMGR TO HANG IC33135 - BIP1350 CONTROL CENTER TIME OUT, CONFIGMGR NOT RESPONDING IC33456 - CONFIGMGR LOCKING UP DUE TO EXCEPTION IN JAVA IC33693 - BIP1812S WHEN IMPORTING COBOL COPYBOOK ON MQ V5.2 IC33751 - ACCESS VIOLATION (BIP2160) ON DEPLOY DUE TO USE OF ::ITERATOR IC33959 - MQSIREADLOG/MQSIFORMATLOG GIVES BIP8029E ERROR WHEN USERID IY16738 - START OF BROKER CONFIGURED TO USE ORACLE GIVES AN ERROR - UNABL IY21734 - MQSI CRASHED WHEN ADDITIONAL INSTANCES OF A MESSAGE-FLOW WERE IY26160 - BIP2088E AND BIP2106E AT DEPLOYMENT OPERATION. IY26567 - RESETCONTENTDESCRIPTOR NODE DOESN T FORMAT MRM MESSAGE CORRECTL IY27441 - MQSI V202 BROKER CAN T RESET BIP2135E STATUS ONCE THE MESSAGE IY28733 - CSD02 IC30011 CHANGED THE PROCESS OF ERROR AT MQINPUT NODE WHER IY28995 - BIPSERVICE TERMINATING ON AIX IN AN ENVIRONMENT WITH LOT OF MQS IY29050 - ORA-03113: DFE TERMINATES AFTER A LOSS OF COMMUNICATION WITH DB IY29128 - BROKER 'CONFIGURATION MESSAGES' ARE SENT TO THE MQSERIES DEAD IY29169 - UNABLE TO LOAD MIGRATION LIL ON V201 SOLARIS BROKER IY29419 - BROKER EXITING EARLY BEFORE CONFIGURATION MESSAGE ARRIVE FROM E IY29461 - ADD TO DOCUMENTATION THAT IT S NECESSARY TO HAVE A MATCHINGCALL IY30936 - BIP2106 ERROR OCCURRS AFTER PROCESSING LOTS OF MESSAGES - DFE A IY32246 - DATABASE ACCESS THROUGH PLUGIN NODE CAUSING EXPECTION IY32892 - MRM APPEARS TO BE FLATTENING EMBEDDED LEVELS. f23727 - Reduce AdminAgents memory requirements on deploy 18857 - Addition to IC29801 - Native Error Code 3114 23536 - BIP2801E on broker startup if DB2 not installed 25993 - Deploy failures cause a cascade of failures 26276 - No Java trace with executionGroupTraceOverrideLevel set 26392 - _exit needs include 26489 - thread terminate handler throws away cause of failure 26502 - No retry on BSUBSCRIPTIONS table lock. 26503 - Hang in JVM during DFE termination. 26796 - configmgr jvm heap size goes negative CSD04 (PTF U200162) ___________________ This is the fourth PTF for IBM MQSeries Integrator Version 2.0.1 for Windows NT. It is delivered via PTF U200162 for APAR IC31710. It contains fixes for ALL the problems listed below: Name - Abstract IC31710 - CUMULATIVE MAINT #04 FOR MQSERIES INTEGRATOR FOR WINDOWS NT V201 IC29180 - THE INTERVAL DATETIME TYPE DOESN T WORK AS DOCUMENTED IC29387 - MESSAGE TRANSLATION INTERFACE SEEMS TO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE IC29789 - IT APPEARS THAT A CDATA SECTION IS MARKED AS "SPECIAL" IN THEXM IC29873 - NO ABILITY TO ASSIGN A VALUE OUTSIDE THE SPECIFIED RANGE IC30505 - ERROR HANDLING IN EXECUTION GROUP, CAUSES THE EXECUTION GROUP IC30970 - GLOBALLY CO-ORDINATED FLOW INVOKING NEON PARSER CAUSE XA PROBLE IC31150 - GETTING AN ERROR BIP1835E. THE CREATE RUNTIME MESSAGE DIC. IC31766 - MQSIREPORTTRACE DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY WITH USERNAMESERVER COM IC31802 - GETTING PARSING ERRORS WHILE USING REPEATING FIELDS WITH SECOND IC31806 - PROBLEM IMPORTING COBOL COPYBOOK. IMPORTER DOESN T LIKE EXTRA IC31825 - BOTHRESH AND BOQNAME NOT WORKING PROPERLY WHEN ERROR OCCURS ON IC31916 - MESSAGE CONVERSTION TROUBLE (SI/SO HANDLING) WITH MQSI IC32018 - WHEN A REFORMAT OPEARTION IN A NEON-MQSI-ENVIRONMENT DOES NOT IC32037 - MQSI ERROR RFH2 MESSAGE FAILS TO CONVERT. REASON 2116 IC32427 - V201 AND V202 TO V2.1 MRM MIGRATION AND COEXISTENCE IY16261 - MQSI201 IGNORE NEON NODE. CSD1 FOR MQSI201 HAS NO MKEXPS. IY22100 - CONTROL CENTER CACHE NOT REFRESHING PROPERLY. IY22197 - ELEMENTS CONTAINING THE &APOS: ENTITY ARE NOT BEING HANDLED COR IY22757 - INCOMPLETE OR INVAVID SUBSCRIPTION DATA RETURNED DURING PUB/SUB IY23076 - DEFINING BINARY ELEMENTS/FIELDS IN A MRM-MESSAGE SET WITH IY23087 - EXCESSIVE CASHING PERFORMED BY MQSI CAN LEAD TO MEMORY HEAP 21983 - New Era renaming 16758 - Exponential growth of DeletePub messages in collective 16951.1 - Standard XML entities rejected when standalone="yes" 18105 - Mixed stress test fails with corupt core file 20404 - Multiple broker deploy fails 21173 - Using \u3044 causes filter error CSD03 (PTF U200146) ___________________ This is the third PTF for IBM MQSeries Integrator Version 2.0.1 for Windows NT. It is delivered via PTF U200146 for APAR IC30259. It contains fixes for ALL the problems listed below: Name - Abstract IC30259 - CUMULATIVE MAINT #03 FOR MQSERIES INTEGRATOR FOR WINDOWS NT V201 IC28463 - LENGTH FUNCTION NOT WORKING IF THE ELEMENT ARRIVE WITH A DATA O IC29210 - MQSIMRMCOPYMSGSET CHANGES TWO ATTRIBUTES OF THE COPY IT MAKES IC29235 - SPURIOUS ESQL SYNTAX ERROR IN COMPUTE NODE WHEN SETTING A FIELD IC29416 - COMPUTE NODE ADD MAPPING TO MRM LAYOUT GENERATES BAD ESQL IC29489 - DBCS MESSAGES WERE NOT CONVERT CORRECTLY FROM PC CODEPAGE TO HO IC29632 - MQSI - INCORRECT STRUCLENGTH AND NAMEVALUELENGTH IN RFH2 LOOP IC29775 - MQSI BROKER DO NOT PASS THE MQMD CONTEXT INFORMATION WHEN A IC29801 - MQSI V2 FAILS TO RECONNECT AFTER ORACLE HAS BEEN BOUNCED IC29992 - IF DEFAULTHEX IN THE DB TABLE HAS 1000 BYTES OR MORE THEN SPACE IC30011 - INCORRECT MESSAGES, WHICH ARE SENT TO THE FAILURE-TERMINAL OF A IC30171 - REORDER OF ELEMENTS FOR A MESSAGE SET, WITHIN A COMPOUND TYPE IC30173 - MQINPUT CATCH TERMINAL DOES NOT COMMIT DATABASE LOCKS. IC30195 - EG ABEND WHEN USING TWO MESSAGES OF THE SAME STRUCTURE WITHIN IC30424 - AFTER APPLIED CSD2, THE MESSAGE BROKER INTERNAL PROBLEM ERROR O IC30497 - ERRORS OCCURRING DURING MQSI GUI CONNECTION TO ORACLE 8.1.6 NEO IC30502 - OUTPUT TREE AFTER PARSING XML MESSAGE IS NOT CORRECT IC30653 - WHEN YOU UNSET A PROMOTED PROPERTY, DEFAULT IS LOST IC30673 - SQL SYNTAX CHECKER REPORTS ERROR ON VALID SYNTAX WHICH DEPLOYS IY14970 - DOCUMENTATION INCORRECT/NEEDS CHANGE ON COMPILERS SUPPORTED BY IY16379 - EXECUTION GROUP TERMINATES ON STARTUP WITH BIP2123 IY16679 - INADEQUATE ERROR MESSAGE PRODUCED FOR EXECUTION GROUP FAILURE IY16970 - DFE STOPS PROCESSING MESSAGES FOR A FLOW. INCOMING MESSAGES BAC IY17486 - COBOL STRUCTURES, CONTAINING SIGNED DECIMAL NUMBERS (PIC S9), IY17561 - RULES NODE NOT PROCESSING A MQS EXPIRY NO PROPAGATE FIELD IN SU IY17772 - AFTER UPGRADE MQSI VERSION F/V1.1 T/V2.0.1, MQSI BROKER HANG IY17780 - DFE NOT STARTING PROCESSING OF MESSAGES ON THE INPUT QUEUES IY17806 - WHEN BROKER HAS LONG CONNECTION TO DATABASE, SOMETIMES THE CONN IY17808 - XML PARSER ADD TRUE TO THE END OF XML DECLARATION. IY18104 - CAST FUNCTION INTERMITTENTLY FAILING IY18146 - IF THE BROKERDB IS ORACLE, ADDITIONAL NLSPATH IS REQUIRED. IY18245 - PERFORMANCE FIX TO ADDRESS INEFFICENCY IN BIT STREAM FOR IY18458 - ERROR PUT TO DLQ BY THROW NODE IS UNREADABLE - 4048 ERROR AND IY19242 - LOCAL_TIMEZONE ESQL IS RETURN 239/241 INSTEAD OF 240 ABOUT 50% IY19382 - DATAFLOWENGINE LOOP IY21179 - DFE COSUMING HIGH CPU AND HANGING WITH NO ERRORS IY22261 - BROKER IN AIX SMP ENVIRONMENT MEMORY MANAGEMENT VULNERABLE TO F 14500 - Over optimization in MTI refresh bitstream method 15071 - Can't put more than 999 bytes of data into an Oracle column 15130 - SIGBUS on SQLExtendedFetch within Compute node 15634 - MQInput catch terminal does not commit database locks 15937 - Error msg from date/time columns in Oracle on Solaris 16516 - PMR: AdminAgent Recovery is compromised 16520 - Cannot insert more than 4000 bytes into Oracle CLOB 16675 - getControlType() missing logNamedExitData 16843 - Whitespace between XML tags is corrupted on AIX 17052 - STRESS: Subscriptions expire immediately during BST 17169 - XML parser: insets TRUE string in parsed block 17763 - CCI_SQL_TRANSACTION_COMMIT ignored 17764 - ImbDecimal needs to support ".xyz" numbers 17994 - XML Parser does not correctly process empty elements 18496 - DFE process seems to be dying after 20216 - Exception thrown creating EG on a migration broker CSD02 (PTF U200137) ___________________ This is the second PTF for IBM MQSeries Integrator Version 2.0.1 for Windows NT. It is delivered via PTF U200137 for APAR IC29150. It contains fixes for ALL the problems listed below: Name - Abstract IC29150 - CUMULATIVE MAINT #02 FOR MQSERIES INTEGRATOR FOR WINDOWS NT V201 IC27301 - SETTING MQMD.EXPIRY FIELD TO AN ABSOLUTE VALUE IN COMPUTE NODE IC28312 - FLOAT DATA TYPES OF LENGTH 8 ARE NOT HANDLED CORRECTLY WHEN SEN IC28324 - COBOL COPYBOOK IMPORT PROBLEM, MESSAGE BIP1812S RECEIVED. IC28443 - BIP1812S RECEIVED USING THE CONTROL CENTER GENERATE FUNCTION IF IC28446 - INSTALL GUIDE DOES NOT DISCUSS ABOUT MQSI_PARAMETERS_FILE VARIA IC28447 - INSTALL GUIDE PAGE 129/130 HAVE INCORRECT NAMES FOR NT CONSISTE IC28518 - 1. CREATING A BITSTREAM THAT CONTAINS A REPEATING SEGMENT OF IC28520 - LOOP ON COMPUTE NODE - REPEATING ELEMENT USES A REPEAT COUNT IC28605 - MESSAGE FLOW LOOP WITH MSGBIP2608I MSGBIP2623I AND MSGBIP2611I IC28724 - IMPORT OF COBOL COPY BOOK THAT DOES NOT HAVE A COMPLETELY ASCEN IC28810 - SUBSCRIPTIONS WON T SHOW UP FOR A SINGLE USERID IC28926 - SIGNED PACKED DECIMALS WILL ACCEPT F AS WELL AS C AND D IC29022 - BIP1812E CAUSED DURING A DEPLOY IN STRUCTURES WITH MANY EBMEDDE IC29033 - MQSI V201 USING DUPLICATE FLOW FEATURE TO CREATE MESSAGE FLOW IC29184 - XML-PARSE ENVIRONMENT INCORRECT IC29200 - XML MESSAGE GETTING TRUNCATED AFTER PROCESSING THROUGH COMPUTE IY14540 - AIX BROKER CONFIGURATION LIBPATH MODIFICATION MISSING IN DOCUME IY14660 - MEMORY CORRUPTION ON AIX USING DB2 VIA TCP/IP WITH NIS ENABLED IY14720 - MSGBIP2301E WHEN A BROKER TRIES TO LOAD THE MQSI SAMPLE PLUGIN IY15310 - MEMORY LEAK AND THROUGHPUT DEGREDATION IY16620 - MQSI CORE DUMP CAUSED BY ADDRESS ALIGHNMENT ISSUE WHEN BINDING 12057 - Access Violation in MtiImbParser.lil 13319.1 - Node properties dialog change size everytime it opens 13440 - STRESS: Repeated BIP2132 on mixed stress test 13440.1 - ImbPubSubThreads redesign 13590 - ibm-948 missing two chars 13643 - Scrolling and expand tree over than 1 second with 400 elements 13643.1 - CC opening can be slowed due to caches initialisation 13650 - storage leak in compute with CWF format 13767 - Memory leaks and Performance 14043 - Memory leak in WritePackedDecimal 14150 - Leakage XML OUT for tags at Structure Start (Perhaps) 14573 - The Parent name is wrong for CWF error messages 15311 - DB Insert into Oracle 8.1.6 can cause DFE core dump CSD01 (PTF U200132) ___________________ This is the first PTF for IBM MQSeries Integrator Version 2.0.1 for Windows NT. It is delivered via PTF U200132 for APAR IC27857. It contains fixes for ALL the problems listed below: Name Abstract IC27857 - CUMULATIVE MAINT #01 FOR MQSERIES INTEGRATOR FOR WINDOWS NT V201 IC27806 - DATA FLOW ENGINE WILL NOT RECOVER FROM ERRORS DURING DELETION IC27959 - DELETING A DATABASE REFERENCE FROM A COMPUTE NODE DOES NOT STO IC28174 - COMPOUND NODE OF A FLOW CONTAINING LABELS CANNOT BE INCLUDED IC28401 - BIP2211E ERROR OCCURRED BY USING BYUSERID IN ORDER MODE OF INP IY12651 - DATA FLOW ENGINE WILL NOT RECOVER FROM ERRORS DURING DELETION IY13621 - MQSI MRM MESSAGE IS CAUSING THE BROKER TO SPIN f8167 - Properties windows always resizes back to default f13255 - Properties windows divider always gets back to default posit'n 9049 - MRMB31 Memory leak associated with datasource keyword. 11318 - Implement ICU 1.6 for enhanced EUC support 12106 - MRMB0408 Boolean tests fail 12191 - mqsistop causes DFE core in ~ostream_withassign (Neon?) 12201 - Messages without inserts get incorrect processing of quotes 12331 - Usage message wrong for mqsireport 12437 - Core dump when ODBC trace active 12507 - Generate fails for Gold Messageset. 12642 - Broker spins when Create ExecutionGroup does not respond 12678 - 1812 Generated when prod. Msg Bk for Gold Message set 12698 - sample directory not removed on uninstall 12772 - Cannot delete Brokers on Uninstall 12789 - Data flow engine will not recover from errors during deletion 12805 - executionGroupTraceOverrideLevel broken 12848 - Apparent memory leak in MTI 12889 - MRMB3503 Dataflowengine abnormally terminated event2160 12917 - NT: DB2: deploy invalid config msg -> broker terminates 12922 - mqsistop usernameserver gives BIP2015 12966 - Scribble IVP fails if no '.' in classpath 12975 - Data base update causes a memory leak on AIX using Oracle 12978 - Problem with sequencing of actions in the Tour 12989 - The CWF property of a string can only be set to a fixed length 12997 - DataFlowEngine locks on deploy with Sybase 13028 - MQRFH2 parser rejects valid RFH2 from AMI 13038 - DataFlowEngine locks on deploy with Sybase 13048 - Memory leak in ImbDecimal class 13121 - cniElementDecimalValue returning unexpected result. 13135 - XML white space on tree copies to NameVal parsers 13137 - cpiCreateContext() called for each message parsed 13149 - Element tree detached unexpectedly in plugin parser 13185 - Pub Sub is never going to work when access control is enabled 13187 - COBOL / C importer name clash (PMR 36770,278,000) 13188 - Reference to removed object in compute node mapping 13221 - Allow threads in a DataFlowEngine to run concurrently by dflt 13261 - Button labels doesn't change but the text indicates they will 13272 - An error message issued when using byUserID. 13300 - ODBCINI must not be set on login accounts 13356 - Valid mapping lines are removed when deleting an input message 13389 - 'pow' function gives SIGSEGV on AIX 13425 - Large columns >2000 bytes corrupted on retrieval ####### ------- end of file MEMO.PTF ------------#######################