APPLYING MAINTENANCE ____________________ CLOSE DOWN ANY MQSERIES AND MQSERIES INTEGRATOR V1.1 PROCESSES YOU HAVE RUNNING BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO APPLY MAINTENANCE. Read the "memo.ptf" file associated with the maintenance on the supplied media. This might contain additional information regarding the installation of maintenance. NT __ Ensure that the user ID you are logged on with is a member of the Windows NT ADMINISTRATORS group in the local security domain. During installation of maintenance replaced files are automatically backed up. Reply Yes at the prompt to overwrite read only files. 1. From the CSD CD-ROM or Web Site select the correct image directory for your machine and database and copy to a temporary directory on the target machine's local hard drive. 2. Double click on 'setup.exe' and follow the instructions on the screen. 3. When the installation has finished, open a MSDOS prompt window and change to the MQSeries Integrator v1.1 root directory. The default root directory on NT is c:\mqi. 4. Run the following script to register the Visual Tester OCX files. vtupdate.cmd The script arguments are: vtupdate.cmd [ noq | mq | mqc ] [ora7 | ora8 | syb | db2 | mssql ] noq = no queuing mq = MQSeries queuing mqc = MQSeries client queuing ora7 = Oracle 7 database ora8 = Oracle 8 database syb = Sybase database db2 = DB2 database mssql = Microsoft SQL Server database After Installation, on running the NNFie utility, you will be warned that there is a conflict with existing formatter elements. You will be prompted to overwrite, ignore or rename the component. Select the overwrite option. To uninstall the csd use the 'uninstall latest csd' icon from the program folder in the startup menu. AIX ___ Log in as root (or use command su) 1. Copy the image from the web to a temporary location on your hard drive or mount your CD drive. 2. Use the 'installp' command with the -a -d options. Do not commit (-c option) the update until you are sure that the CSD has been applied and is working properly. 3. The CSD install process automatically backs-up your original files. You can back out the changes made by the CSD at any time until you commit the update. 4. The CSD install process cannot search your registry to see which database version of MQSeries Integrator v1.1 is installed therefore you must make sure you have the right image before installing. HP-UX V10/11 ____________ Log in as root (or use command su) 1. Copy the image from the web to a temporary location on your hard drive or mount your CD drive. 2. Use the 'swinstall' command to install the CSD. The CSD will automatically backup the original files to a system area on your local drive. The original files are restored if you uninstall the CSD. Note: If disk space is limited, the backup can be suppressed by creating an empty flag file called: MQPTF_NOSAVE in the directory /var/adm/sw/patch. Be aware that if this option is used, the PTF cannot be removed unless the flag file MQPTF_FORCEREMOVE is present in the directory /var/adm/sw/patch. WARNING: Use of this option will leave the product in an unusable state. The only way to restore a previous level in this instance is to reinstall the product and reapply the required PTF. Sun Solaris. ____________ Log in as root (or use command su) 1. Copy the image from the web or CD to a temporary location on your hard drive. 2. Change to your temporary location and make a temporary directory. 3. Use the 'pkgtrans' command with the arguments 'package name' and 'location'. The location where the package is unpacked to is the temporary directory you have just created. 4. Use the 'pkgadd' command to install the CSD. Note: When running the 'pkgadd' command you will get a warning asking if you want to overwrite conflicting code. Answer yes to this. The CSD will automatically backup the original files to a system area on your local drive. The original files are restored if you uninstall the CSD.