Readme for IBM MQSeries for HP-UX Version 5.2 (HP-UX V11) Download PTFs U481511 and U481512 ====================================================================== This readme file contains information you need for updating IBM MQSeries for HP-UX V5.2 (server and/or client), as well as a summary of the contents of the latest CSD and any earlier CSDs. This is the fifth CSD, corresponding to PTFs U481511 and U481512, and it is numbered 05. It will bring your MQSeries for HP-UX Version 5.2 installation up to the following service levels for CSD05: MQSeries for HP-UX V11 base product U481511 MQSeries for HP-UX V11 DCE component U481512 All installations require PTF U481511 but PTF U481512 is only required by installations that use DCE. This PTF can be used to update the MQSeries for HP-UX V5.2 server. This PTF can be used to update the MQSeries for HP-UX V5.2 client if you installed the client in one of the following ways: a) From the MQSeries for HP-UX V5.2 CD-ROM b) From the MQSeries V5.2 client CD-ROM c) By downloading the SupportPac MACN from the web and installing it. After installation of this CSD, there is a MEMO.PTF file that contains information relating to this PTF. You are advised to read this file which contains: o installation instructions for applying maintenance o a summary of the current and superseded service levels o Special Information which may be mandatory for complete resolution of one or more of the APAR fixes shipped by this PTF. This PTF is applicable to ALL releases of product 5765-B74-00, IBM MQSeries for HP-UX Version 5.2 (HP-UX Version 11), namely the English version or any of the National Language versions. How to Download this Corrective Service ======================================= The corrective service files in this directory are of the form: U4xxxxx.tar.Z This means that they have been processed by the tar program and then compressed. The CSD consists of 2 related PTFs: U481511 and U481512 This set of PTFs forms a complete replacement for any previous CSD that you have applied to your MQSeries for HP-UX V5.2 (HP-UX Version 11) installation. The latest PTFs (U481511 and U481512) supersede all previous PTFs for MQSeries for HP-UX V5.2 (HP-UX Version 11) and they contain updates to the following components of MQSeries for HP-UX: A) PTF U481511 MQM-RUNTIME MQSeries Runtime support for external applications MQM-SERVER MQSeries server support for client connections MQM-CL-HPUX MQSeries client for HP-UX MQM-BASE MQSeries Base Kit for Client and Server MQM-SAMPLES MQSeries Samples MQM-MC-CHINES MQSeries Messages - Simplified Chinese MQM-MC-CHINET MQSeries Messages - Traditional Chinese MQM-MC-FRENCH MQSeries Messages - French MQM-MC-GERMAN MQSeries Messages - German MQM-MC-ITALIAN MQSeries Messages - Italian MQM-MC-JAPAN MQSeries Messages - Japanese MQM-MC-KOREAN MQSeries Messages - Korean MQM-MC-PORT MQSeries Messages - Portuguese-Brazilian MQM-MC-SPANISH MQSeries Messages - Spanish B) PTF U481512 MQM-DCE MQSeries server support for DCE All installations require PTF U481511 but PTF U481512 is only required by installations that use DCE. PTFs U481511 and U481512 ------------------------ The PTFs have been processed by the tar program and then compressed. To prepare for installation: 1) download the file U481511.tar.Z to your local drive in binary format 2) uncompress the file: uncompress U481511.tar.Z 3) run the tar program against the uncompressed file: tar -xvf U481511.tar 4) this will create the 2 separate PTFs in this CSD and you should select and install the subset of those PTFs that you need for your installation. Installation and Maintenance Information ======================================== A) Applying Maintenance for MQSeries for HP-UX V5.2 ------------------------------------------------ Now you will need to use swinstall to install the resulting output files, which are in the form: hp-U481511.v11 hp-U481512.v11DCE +--- PRECAUTIONS ---------------------------------------+ | | | Do not install PTF U481512 unless you use DCE with | | MQSeries for HP-UX V5.2. | | | | Do not have any queue managers operating during | | installation of maintenance on MQSeries for HP-UX | | V5.2 (Version 11). | | | | Remove any existing MQSeries shared memory and/or | | semaphores before applying or removing maintenance | | updates to MQSeries for HP-UX V5.2 (Version 11). | | | +-------------------------------------------------------+ | | | To end all running queue managers: | | | | 1. End the queue manager by issuing the command: | | | | endmqm -i QMgrName | | | | 2. Check that the queue manager has ended. | | | | Use the command: | | | | endmqm -w QMgrName | | | | The message returning should show that the queue | | manager is not available. | | | | Alternatively, use the command: | | | | ps -ef | grep mq | | | | where | is the pipe symbol. Check that there are | | no processes listed that are running command | | lines commencing "amq" or "runmq". Ignore any | | that start with amqi. | | | | 3. Issue the IPCS -A command to identify any shared | | memory segments or semaphore sets that were | | created by MQSeries. Remove these using the | | IPCRM command. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------+ B) SPACE REQUIREMENTS ------------------ The installation process for PTF U481511 requires 28MB of disk space for installation. In addition, the installation process requires an additional 28MB of disk space to save the previous level. The installation process for PTF U481512 requires 11MB of disk space for installation. In addition, the installation process requires an additional 11MB of disk space to save the previous level. This allows the PTF(s) to be removed, and the previous level to be automatically restored. If disk space is limited, the backup can be suppressed by creating an empty flag file called MQPTF_NOSAVE in the directory "/var/adm/sw/patch". Note that if this option is used, the previous level will not be restored if a PTF is removed. The only way to restore a previous level in this instance is to reinstall the product and then to reapply a previous PTF image. C) APPLYING THE MAINTENANCE INFORMATION ------------------------------------ To apply the maintenance information: 1. Log in as root, or use the command su. 2. Use the SWINSTALL command to install the patch from the supplied medium. Details of the SWINSTALL command can be found in the HP-UX Administration Guide or by using the MAN SWINSTALL command. 3. If you have installed an MQI client from your MQSeries for HP-UX installation, and if one or more of these client components have been modified by installing an update, then you MUST specifically update your MQI client installation. D) RESTORING THE PREVIOUS SERVICE LEVEL ------------------------------------ To restore the previous service level: 1. Log in as root, or use the command su. 2. Use the SWREMOVE command to remove the patch from the system. For example, to remove patch "U481511" issue the following command: swremove MQSERIES.U481511 Details of the SWREMOVE command can be found in the HP-UX Administration Guide or by using the MAN SWREMOVE command. 3. If you have installed an MQI client, and the client was updated after installing the PTF which is being removed, then you MUST specifically update your MQI client installation again, after the PTF has been removed.