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IBM Migration Utility Explorer README

Copyright Statement

© Copyright Transiom Software, Inc. 2015, 2020 All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or disclosure of any part of the system is prohibited. Transiom Software, Inc. has granted IBM a non-exclusive license to market PEngiGUI as IBM Migration Utility Explorer.

© Copyright IBM® Corporation 2015, 2020. All rights reserved. For legal information, see


IBM Migration Utility Explorer Process Flowchart

Link to an easy to follow flow chart style presentation.

The flowchart provides information regarding:

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IBM Migration Utility Explorer is a stand-alone Eclipse-based IDE environment that gives workstation users the capability to create, edit and syntax check Easytrieve Plus programs supported by IBM Migration Utility (IMU) V5.1 and later versions. More significant features of the IBM Migration Utility Explorer are:

There is a 32 bit and 64 bit version of the IBM Migration Utility Explorer.

The version you run is dependent on the Java you have installed, not whether your Windows operating system is 32 bit or 64 bit.

If you are not sure what version of Java you are running, try the 64 bit version of the IBM Migration Utility Explorer first.

For more comprehensive details on using the IBM Migration Utility Explorer please see the following documentation located under Help -> Help Contents.

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Hardware Requirements

The following minimum hardware levels are required:

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Supported Platforms

One of the following levels of the Microsoft Windows operating system:

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Software Requirements

One of the following Java versions are required:

The following IBM products for z/OS are needed:
  1. Required Products:.
  2. Optional Products:.

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Mainframe (z/OS) Requirements

The users of IBM Migration Utility Explorer will need the following:

  1. A TSO User ID with ISPF capability.
  2. FTP Client to z/OS and z/OS to Client capability.
  3. IBM Migration Utility for z/OS V5.1 or later.
  4. The knowledge of how to use IMU.
  5. The knowledge of how to run Jobs on z/OS.
  6. The ability to look at input, output and hold JES2/JES3 queues.
  7. The FTP Server on z/OS with Jesinterfacelevel=1 or Jesinterfacelevel=2.

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General Concepts

IBM Migration Utility Explorer runs on you personal computer. It allows you to do mainframe tasks on your PC using the Graphical User Interface (GUI), eliminating the use of mainframe resources. Its use is supplemented by your existing 3270 access to TSO/ISPF and the z/OS environment. IMU JOBs/JCL and programs are developed on your PC and run on z/OS. The 3270 session or IBM Migration Utility Explorer z/OS JES Interface is used to look at the JOB completion, the output and/or any other mainframe resources.

Note: IBM Migration Utility Explorer does not provide a 3270 emulator. Use your existing 3270 environment or obtain a 3270 emulator like IBM Personal Communications.

The IMU Explorer Graphical User Interface consists of the following:

The Home Screen

  1. The Main Menu at the top.
  2. The Tool bar below the Menu at the top.
  3. The Mainshell Tree of opened directories on the left. The tree consists of directories found in the Work Space/Folder opened at start-up time, and directories subsequently opened via the Home Screen menu File -> Open Directory choice. .
  4. The General Purpose Screen on the right. The General Purpose Screen is where the z/OS JES Queue, the Help documents and the program Browse screen are shown. The screen is also referred to as the TAB area. Multiple TABs can be opened. Each opened TAB is shown at the top of the TAB area. Initially, the TAB area is blank. .

The Editor Screen(s)

There are four (4) different edit/browse capabilities.

  1. Easytrieve Plus Syntax check and general text editor.
  2. Simple text editor.
  3. Hex Editor (allows viewing and editing files in hexadecimal mode.
  4. File Browsing.

    The Easytrieve Plus syntax check editor is primarily designed to do syntax check and edit Easytrieve Plus programs. However, you can use Easytrieve Plus syntax check editor to edit other text files such as COBOL, BAL, Macros etc.

The Help Documents Screen(s)

    This screen lets you select documents to be searched for help.

The FTP connection interface

    This is your FTP Client for communicating with the mainframe, including JES.

    FTP Connection is needed to traffic files from and to z/OS.

    A JES interface folder is created in the work folder for each unique FTP Connection. The JES Interface folders are named as #JesSpool(FTPSite_TSOUSER). These are readily seen at the top of the Tree.

File management feature

    Manages files in your work folder including, copy, paste, delete, recovery and file archiving, etc.

Work Space Folder

    A Work Space/Folder is needed on your local machine where all programs, macros, DCLGENs and JES Spool files are kept. This Work Space/Folder is created for you when you launch IBM Migration Utility (IMU) Explorer for the first time. You can create additional work folders as needed by launching IMU Explorer with new work folder names. Each new Work Folder is created with all the necessary components/sub-folders from the default WorkFolder located in the IMU Explorer supplied AppData folder.

    One instance of IMU Explorer works with a single Work Folder. You can launch a separate IMU Explorer for uniquely named Work Folder.

    A Default work folder contains directories of programs, files, macros, DCLGENs and JES Spool files.

    You can create new files or download existing files located on z/OS system.

    A work folder consists of:

    1. One or more Local directories where local files are kept.
    2. One z/OS JES Spool directory for each TSO user FTP connection .
    3. RemoteLibs directory where z/OS PDS/PDSE libraries are kept.
    4. ~RunFolder (dialogs history and Temporary work files).
    5. ~javalog.txt (IMU Explorer messages).
    6. ~editor_debug.txt (IMU Explorer editor debug messages).
    7. System-Error-Message.txt (System ABEND messages).

    Each directory in the work folder may contain the following:

    1. Temporary files internally used by IMU Explorer.
      • .templates - JCL template symbols.
      • .metafolder - file(s) encoding information.
      • ~tempPDS - PDS Member names used for comparing of PDS/PDSE to local Directory.
      • Work files and directories that start with ~.
      • Work files and directories that end with ~.
    2. An archive sub-directory used to house edited file changes.

Easytrieve Plus macros and DB2 DCLGens interface

    Manages Easytrieve Plus macros and DCLGens on your local system.

    There may be a need to download the Easytrieve Plus macros and DCLGENs for DB2. You can download the needed files before hand with FTP, otherwise the editor will prompt you to retrieve the required component when needed.

    The created default directories are:

    1. DCLGens - DB2 DCLGEN copy books.
    2. eztJcl - JCL Files.
    3. eztMacros - Easytrieve Plus macros.
    4. eztReports - Easytrieve Plus standard reports.
    5. eztSource - Easytrieve Plus programs source.
    6. imuDrilDownDocuments - IMU generated Drilldown reports.
    7. imuJsonDocuments - IMU Generated JSON Documents.
    8. imuRmuHtmlDocuments - IMU generated RUM/HTML reports.
    9. imuXmlDocuments - IMU generated XML documents.
    10. RemoteLibs - z/OS PDS libraries.
    11. rmuJcl - Stand-alone RMU JCL.
    12. rmuReports - RMU reports generated with Stand-alone RMU.
    13. utilities - Utilities JCL.

    The above directories are designed to be used as needed. The directories can be customized/renamed or you can create whatever directories are deemed necessary.

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Installing IBM Migration Utility Explorer

To install IBM Migration Utility Explorer:

  1. Make a new folder where to store the IBM Migration Utility Explorer file. Choose an easy to remember folder name.
  2. Download the "IMU_Explorer_prod32bit_V3.1" or "IMU_Explorer_prod64bit_V3.1" from the IBM Migration Utility Explorer home page:
  3. Right click on the download .zip, select "WinZip" then "Extract to here" to extract product components into the newly created folder.
  4. Open the IBM Migration Utility Explorer folder that contains the extracted files.
  5. If you are using 32 bit JAVA, double click on the Setup32.vbs file.
  6. If you are using 64 bit JAVA, double click on the Setup64.vbs file.
  7. Note: A shortcut is created to your desktop, a 64bit JAVA shortcut or a 32bit JAVA shortcut, depending on which one you chose.

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Getting Started with IBM Migration Utility Explorer

Once you have installed IBM Migration Utility Explorer, follow the steps below to get started.

On the Desktop, double-click the IMU_Explorer shortcut (or double click on the Run32bitJar.vbs file in the install folder).

If the IMU_explorer does not initiate, open Run32jar_log.txt or Run64jar_log.txt (in your home directory) with NOTEPAD. These logs are created by the operating system. The cause of failure should be there. The most likely cause of failure is the JAVA version, for example, you are attempting to initiate 64 bit Explorer on a 32 bit JAVA VM.

When the system initiates, you will be prompted with an option to review the ReadmeFirst document and/or continue with the setup.
It is highly recommended that you carefully review the ReadmeFirst and follow the steps for the setup and customization.
You can leave the ReadmeFirst file open and continue.

When you select Continue, the IBM Migration Utility Explorer splash screen will appear displaying copyright information.

You will be prompted to specify a Work Directory (workspace/folder) location for the IBM Migration Utility Explorer. We recommend the default workspace as shown in the dialog. If you select a workspace/folder that does not exist, one is created for you.

Depending on your installation you may be prompted to import select folders. Select the Help button (?) for more details.

The license will be displayed for your review and acceptance.

Next will be the IMU verification configuration prompting you for the IMU product library and an FTP connection to verify your IBM Migration Utility V5.1 or later installation.

With a successful verification you will see a message that GlobalJclSetSymbols.txt symbols file were created. The global symbols file template must be customized before use. See Important Notes below for more details.

The IBM Migration Utility Explorer Home Screen will appear with a tree on the left. The tree shows all available Directories in your work space.

Note: All file names that will be sent to z/OS must be compatible with the z/OS PDS/PDSE naming conventions.

Continue to Important Notes for recommended next steps.

The file type in local directory(s) describes the type of file as follows:

Business Assembly Language (BAL) program
Binary file (z/OS EBCDIC / CP037 Codeset))
PEngiBAT Source
Common Conditional Language (CCL1) macro
COBOL Source
Easytrieve Plus macro
Character Separated Values (CSV) file for spread sheet use
IBM Migration Utility Drill Down report
Easytrieve Classic program file
Easytrieve Plus program file
IBM Migration Utility Explorer express files
  .html or .htm
Java program
z/OS JCL file (can contain in stream Easytrieve Plus programs or other text)
JSON document produced by IBM Migration Utility JSON report option
Standard z/OS report (Legacy Report) and JES Spool File
Assembler Macro
PDF Document (Acrobat Reader document)
IBM Report Modernization (RMU) Utility Script language
IBM Report Modernization Utility reports
XML Document
Standard text file (ASCII)

For files with no extension, editor assumes the type based on the file content.

Important notes:

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Mainframe Interface Summary

You can do the following using the FTP connection:

  1. Manage connections using profile names (z/OS system names.) .
  2. Transfer files to and from mainframe at folder (mass transfer) or file level. .
  3. Submit Jobs to run on z/OS from Mainshell Tree or the Editor Screen:
    1. Submit Jobs that contain standard JCL.
  4. JES interface provides for:
    1. Viewing Jobs output in the JES Queue.
    2. Synchronizing Local JES Folder with the JES Queue.
    3. Purging Jobs from the JES Queue.
    4. Retrieving Jobs from the JES Queue.
  5. Synchronize edited programs/files with remote system:
    1. Update PDS/PDSE with a specific file.
    2. On demand, update PDS/PDSE from the history log of edited files.
    3. At shut down, update PDS/PDSE from the history log of edited files.

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Updating IBM Migration Utility Explorer

  1. Updates to the IBM Migration Utility Explorer will be placed on the IBM Migration Utility Explorer home page. New updates will replace the existing build.
  2. The IBM Migration Utility Explorer update is configured to replace the entire product. The work folders you created are not impacted.
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Technical Support

IBM Migration Utility Explorer is available at no charge to all licensed users of the following z/OS product:

  1. IBM Migration Utility (IMU) for z/OS V5.1, or later versions.

IBM Migration Utility Explorer is supplied under the standard terms and conditions of the IBM International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs (ILAN - URL-> and of the associated License Information and other documentation. IBM Migration Utility Explorer service is available as long as the IBM Migration Utility for z/OS product with which IBM Migration Utility Explorer is used is licensed and generally supported by IBM. In addition, IBM reserves the right to discontinue service on IBM Migration Utility Explorer.

For technical support open a Service Request under IBM Migration Utility for z/OS and indicate IBM Migration Utility Explorer in the problem description. Defect support will be on a best effort basis. Feedback for improvements is welcome.

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This glossary lists the meaning of special symbols and terms used in the IBM Migration Utility Explorer. These terms may or may not have the same meaning in other IBM or non-IBM systems and publications.
%home%.   Represents the directory where IBM Migration Utility Explorer is installed (Home Directory).
%work%.   Represents the IBM Migration Utility Explorer Work Space Folder.
Assembler Macro.   High Level Language file interpreted and executed by the Assembler at assembly time.
COBOL Source.   IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS.
Drill Down report.   HTML Document produced by IBM Migration Utility.
Dummy Stub.   An empty file in RemoteLibs PDS/PDSE that represents a member in a PDS/PDSE on z/OS.
Easytrieve Classic.   An interpretive Report generator product of CA Technologies.
Easytrieve Plus.   A compilable Report generator product of CA Technologies.
Easytrieve Plus macro.   File that contains Easytrieve Plus external definitions (%macros).
Explorer express.   Template for building Easytrieve Plus program from supplied macro arguments.
HTML Files.   Markup language used for making web pages.
IBM Migration Utility (IMU).   Easytrieve Plus language translator to COBOL. Converts Easytrieve Plus to COBOL.
IBM Report Modernization Utility (RMU).   Report Modernization Utility for z/OS. Converts legacy reports to html or csv files.
JSON Document.   JavaScript Object Notation file.
PDF Document.   Acrobat Reader document.
RemoteLibs.   Directory in the Work Folder reserved for mirroring PDS/PDSE libraries on z/OS.
SQL/DB2 DCLGEN.   File that contains SQL/DB2 table definitions.
z/OS JCL.   Job control language for running jobs on z/OS.
Work Folder.   A directory/folder on local system used by IBM IMU Explorer.
This folder is of special format specific to IBM IMU Explorer.
z/OS report.   Legacy Report produced on z/OS.

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