/******************************************************** * PRODUCT TOUR XML INSTRUCTIONS * V1.1 * last updated 06/29/04 * descriptions marked with an asterisk are features that * will be changed / defined in upcoming versions *******************************************************/ 1) ProductTour.xml must be checked for well formedness BEFORE using with Product Tour generator Well formedness means: a) Only 1 root element (ex: ) b) Elements are case sensitive (ex: is not equal to ) c) All elements must have associated closing tag (ex: ) d) Use provided ProductTour.DTD for XML structure rules 2) To animate product tour text, ensure following ProductTour attribute is set: 3) To add a pervasive title to the Product tour use: Name of Product Tour 4) To add an intro animation use: name_of_intro.swf Intro Animation Creation Rules: a) Intro animation size can be at the most 800x600* b) Animation should be created at 20 fps c) For complex animations (consisting of multiple timelines) add the following lines to the action panel of the last frame of movie: _root.intro.unloadMovie(); _root["Sec0"]._visible = true; 5) ProductTours consist of multiple Sections, each consist of a title, left hand navigation and multiple pages. To create a new ProductTour section use:
6) Section titles are used to define top level navigation* Name of Section 7) Sections have multiple pages, pages are defined by: 8) Pages have both a title and an associated left hand navigation link. Each is created with the same tag: Name of Page To have an abbreviated version of the page title in the left hand navigation use: Name of Page *IMPT* To create a series page (pages that have a back/next link) ensure that each successive page has EITHER the same abbreviation or PageTitle as the previous Page 9) Each page must contain text to describe the page. Text is added to the page by: Text that goes on the page The page body text can be approximately 200 words in length. The text can be formatted with HTML. Each newline within the PageText tag will create a new paragraph. 10) Images can be added to a page using: name_of_image.jpg The image can be made to be 'Clicked to enlarge' by using the attribute large: name_of_image.jpg *IMPT* Images MUST be .jpg format 11) Show Me's are instructional videos created using Qarbon Viewlet Builder. Show Me's are added to a page by adding: name_of_showme.swf *IMPT* ShowMe videos MUST be taken at 800x600