Installation instructions for IBM(R) WebSphere (R) Business Integration Message Brokers Toolkit for WebSphere Studio Version 5.1  

Change history:
GA: 23 July 2004
Fix Pack 5: 09 February 2005
Web update: February 2006

(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2006. All rights reserved.

This file contains information that you need to install IBM WebSphere Business Integration Message Brokers Toolkit for WebSphere Studio Version 5.1 on Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000 and Windows XP, and to carry out post-installation configuration steps.

It applies only to the installation of Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1, and its use with WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker and WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker Version 5.0. For information about all other components, refer to the Version 5.0 readme.html file and installation instructions.

The Version 5.0 readme.html file is available from: or

The Version 5.0 installation instructions are available from:

Install Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 only if you have installed WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Version 5.1. Do not install Version 5.1 if you have a previous level of WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition, for which you must use Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0, which is supplied with WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker and WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker Version 5.0.

If you are migrating, read Before you start.

Installing Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 in a team environment
WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Version 5.1 is not a prerequisite for every installation of the Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1. However, if at least one of your Message Broker Toolkit installations integrates with WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Version 5.1, all your Message Broker Toolkit installations must be at Version 5.1 to ensure data sharing and integrity.

If you are not using WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Version 5.1 on any system, or you are using WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Version 5.0, you must install Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0.


View the latest version of these installation instructions online to check that you have the current version. You can find the latest version (in US English only) at

Translated versions of these instructions will also be available in due course from the same location.

A documentation update is made available in February 2006, following the delivery of Fix Pack 7. Download the appropriate Eclipse feature to obtain the new level of documentation. US English is available immediately; another Eclipse feature update will be released for the translations in due course. Instructions about how to download these updates are provided in the readme file.

The stand-alone information center for WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker and WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker is available for download. It includes information for both Version 5.0 and Version 5.1 of the toolkit. You can download the compressed file from:

Read the installing_and_managing.htm file, which is included in the file.

US_English is available immediately; translations will be available from the same location in due course.

The information center is also available online, in US English only, at:


Supported operating environments

For the latest status on which particular versions of operating systems are supported by WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker and WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker, select "Brokers V5" on the System Requirements pages at: (for WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker) (for WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker)

Message Brokers Toolkit Verison 5.1 is supported in these environments:

The toolkit is not supported on Windows 2003.


Before you start

You might have to complete some actions before you install Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1:

  1. If you are installing Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 as part of a migration from Version 2.1 to Version 5.0, this file does not provide the information you need. You must refer to the Message Brokers Version 5.0 readme.html and install.html and you must access the Version 5.0 (February 2006) stand-alone information center. These provide details of the migration tasks that you must complete before you install Version 5.0.
  2. If you already have a Message Brokers Version 5.0 installation and are migrating the toolkit from Version 5.0 to Version 5.1, complete these steps:
    1. Back up any third-party plug-ins or features that you have installed in Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0. These will be removed when you install Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1.
    2. Back up your Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0 workspace to an alternative location:
      • If you invoked Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0 on the command line with the option -data, the workspace is stored in the directory that you specified with that option.
      • If you did not invoke Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0 on the command line with the option -data, the workspace is stored in the default location eclipse/workspace/ in your installation directory.
    3. Uninstall Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0. The installation process will not continue if Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0 is still present on the system.
    4. When you have installed Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 following the Installation instructions, restore your Version 5.0 workspace by performing one of the following options:
      • Copy the old workspace from the alternative location into the eclipse/ folder in your Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 installation.
      • Run Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 from the command line with the -data command line option set to the alternative location. For example:
        mqsistudio.exe -data C:\your_path_to_workspace
    5. Follow the guidance in the online information center to complete migration of any third-party plug-ins or features.
  3. After you have installed, refer to the online information center for further information about migration.

If you are installing Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 on a system that has no other Message Brokers components installed, you do not have to take any action before you install.


Installation instructions

When you mount the CD, the Install Wizard is launched automatically. You can also run the installation program by double-clicking setup.exe in Windows Explorer or by invoking it on the command line.

These installation instructions describe the steps you have to perform to install Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1.

If you run the installation program from the command line, you can specify options to indicate how the installation is to be performed. The options are described in Installation command line options.

The format of the command is shown below:
setup.exe [-options-...]

If you do not include any options, the Install Wizard is launched in default (GUI) mode.

Mapped network drives

You can map the network drive of the CD if it is on a remote system. You cannot use UNC paths (\\server\drive) to access the installation program; the drive MUST be mapped, otherwise the JavaTM process will time out. If you cannot map the drive, or choose not to, copy the CD contents to a local drive and install from that drive.

Install Wizard

These instructions describe how to proceed through the installation setup of Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1. You can run the Install Wizard in three different modes:

Before you start, ensure that you have Administrator privileges.

GUI (AWT) interface

The GUI Interface is the Install Wizard's default mode, that is, no command line options.

If you click Cancel before the Install Progress panel appears, you exit the setup and return your system to its original state. However, if you cancel the Install Wizard after the Install Progress bar appears, your system is not restored to its previous state. See the Uninstallation instructions to remove Message Brokers Toolkit.
When you use the wizard, you might have to wait for a few seconds to move to the next panel after clicking the Next > button. If you click Next > twice you might skip an entire panel. To ensure that installation is progressing, you can monitor your CPU usage: CPU usage increases greatly during installation.

  1. Run the installer.
  2. Initializing InstallShield Wizard. This step might take a few minutes to complete.
  3. Select your language. 
  4. Welcome. The first panel introduces the product. Click Next > to continue. 
  5. Warning. Check that you want to continue with the installation of this version of the toolkit: this panel provides information to help you make that decision. Click Next > to continue. If you want to cancel the installation, click Cancel.
  6. Warning. Confirm that you have preserved data and completed any migration steps. Select Yes, and click Next > to continue. If you are not ready, leave No selected and click Cancel to cancel the installation.
  7. Software License Amendment. Read the license amendment and click Next > to continue.
  8. Install Location. This panel is displayed only if you do not have a component of WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker or WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker already installed. The default directory is C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Business Integration Message Brokers, but you can choose a different location by clicking the Browse button. Click Next > to continue. 
  9. Setup Type. This panel is displayed only if you have installed WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition on this system. Select Typical if you do not want to integrate the toolkit with WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition. Select Custom if you do want to integrate the toolkit with WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition. Click Next > to continue.
    For further information about WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition integration, see WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition.
  10. WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Integration. This panel is displayed only if you selected a Custom installation. Select the check box to confirm that integration is required. Click Next > to continue.
  11. Install Summary. The options selected during the previous panels are displayed with an indication of the total disk space required in megabytes (MB), and the location you have chosen to install the toolkit. You can go back and change your settings at this stage.
    Click Next > to install the toolkit.
  12. Install Progress. The percentage of the progress made is displayed as the changes are made to the host system. 
  13. Install Complete. The installation has completed successfully. Click Finish.

Console interface

The Console mode of installation has a text based interface within the console window. You can launch it from the command line by entering:

path setup.exe -console -is:javaconsole

where path is the current location of the installation program. For example:

E:\setup.exe -console -is:javaconsole

launches the Windows installer, located in the root directory of the E drive, in the current console window.

Use these prompts to navigate through the installation:
1 to move to the next panel
2 to return to the previous panel
3 to cancel and terminate the install program
4 to redisplay the current screen
The default option is always displayed within brackets, for example [1]. If this is the correct choice, press Enter to continue.

  1. Select a language to use for this wizard. A list of 10 languages is displayed with a number next to each. Enter the number for your chosen language. The list is redisplayed and your language choice has an X in the brackets to the left of the number chosen. When you are finished, enter 0.
  2. Welcome. Displays product information, that is, name, ID number, and Web site. Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
  3. Warning. Check that you want to continue with the installation of this version of the toolkit: this panel provides information to help you make that decision. Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
  4. Warning. Confirm that you have have preserved data and completed any migration steps. Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
  5. Software License Amendment. Press Enter to display and read the license amendment. Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
  6. Destination directory. This panel is displayed only if you do not have a component of WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker or WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker already installed. The default directory is C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Business Integration Message Brokers. You can accept this by pressing Enter, or you can enter a different location at the command prompt. Enter 4 to redisplay the panel with your chosen destination. Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
  7. Setup Type. This panel is displayed only if you have WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition installed. Select Typical if you do not want to integrate the toolkit with WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition. Select Custom if you do want to integrate the toolkit with WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition. Enter 1 to continue.
    For further information about WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition integration, see WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition.
  8. WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Integration. This panel is displayed only if you selected a Custom installation. Select Yes to confirm that integration is required.
  9. Install Summary. This panel displays the installation location chosen for the product, a list of the packages to be installed, and an indication of the total disk space required in MB. You can go back and change your settings at this stage by entering 2. To install the product enter 1.
  10. Install Progress. Progress of the changes made to the host system is displayed as a percentage. Following 100% progress, the Uninstaller is created.
  11. Install Complete. The installation has completed successfully. Enter 3 to exit the wizard.

Silent mode

The Silent mode of installation can be managed by a response file, or by using the installer's default settings.

The default settings for the Install Wizard, based on the options available in the interactive modes above, result in the following actions:

To use the default settings, enter the following command at the command line:

path setup.exe -silent

where path is the current location of the installation program. For example:

E:\setup.exe -silent

launches the Windows installer, located in the root directory of the E drive.

A response file gives you a certain amount of control over the silent installation. You can generate a response file in two ways:

  1. Complete a run of the Install Wizard. The response file generated is a record of the input made during the installation. The command line for this method is:

    path setup.exe -options-record responsefile

    where responsefile is the full path and name of your chosen response file. You are recommended to create this in a separate directory outside of the product's installation directory.

  2. Enter a command to generate a template response file that you can edit, with user specific options, without running the Install Wizard. The command line for this method is:

    path setup.exe -options -template responsefile

    where responsefile is the full path and name of your chosen response file. The template response file contains full instructions on how to enter your specific options.

You must make the following correction to response files (generated or template) if you want the toolkit to link to the WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition workbench.

  1. Find and remove the line:
    -W linkChoice.YES_NO="<value>"
  2. If you want the toolkit to be linked to WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition, insert the following content:
  3. If you do not want the toolkit to be linked to WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition, no further changes are required.

In Silent mode, you must use a response file if you want to integrate this toolkit with WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition. Refer to WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition for further information.

Installation command line options

The installation arguments enable the installation program to run in four different modes: GUI mode, console mode, accessibility mode, and silent mode. The installation arguments also allow you to record and use a response file.

GUI (AWT) mode

The GUI mode, also known as the AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) mode, is the default mode of installation, with no installation arguments. Enter the following command at a command line:

setup.exe [-awt]

where awt is optional and only required if the GUI mode is not the default installation mode.

Console mode

The console mode is usually used when a GUI is not available, but you can use this mode at any time if you prefer. Enter the following command at a command line:

setup.exe -console -is:javaconsole

Accessibility mode

Accessibility mode provides additional audible information for visually impaired users, and can be used as an alternative command line for running in console mode. Enter the following command at a command line:

setup.exe -accessibility

Silent mode

In silent mode, there is no user input, except when a response file is used. Silent installation is recommended for automated installations over a large number of identical systems. Enter the following command at a command line:

setup.exe -silent

Recording a response file

Response files are used to feed options, made during an interactive GUI or console installation, into a silent installation run. To record a response in a console installation, enter the following command at a command line:

setup.exe -options-record responsefile -console -is:javaconsole

where responsefile is the full path and file name of the response file.

To record a response in a GUI installation, enter the following command at a command line:

setup.exe -options-record responsefile

where responsefile is the full path and file name of the response file.

A sample response file is provided in the sample-scripts directory of root cd image directory.

Using a response file

You must correct an error in the response file before you use it. For details, see the Warning under Silent mode in the Installation instructions.

To feed recorded options made during an installation, into a silent installation, enter the following command at a command line:

setup.exe -options responsefile -silent

where responsefile is the full path and file name of the response file.

Generating a response file template

The response file template does not contain preset installation options, and is generated to allow you to edit it for later use. The file can be generated without running the complete installation. To do this, enter the following command at a command line:

setup.exe -options-template responsefile

where responsefile is the full path and file name of the response file.

Installation instructions

Installation troubleshooting

  1. Scenario: You get the following message when starting, or using, Message Brokers Toolkit. "The license cannot be found or has expired. The features that do not have the valid license will be disabled."

    Solution: Parts of Message Brokers Toolkit require a license to be enrolled. The license is normally enrolled automatically, however in this situation you must run enroll.exe manually. Use one of the following commands to do this. You must also ensure your system date is correct.

  2. Scenario: The silent installer returns a return code of 0, even if the installation fails.

    Solution: You must check the installation log (mqsi5.log) for errors each time you complete a silent installation to ensure it completed with no errors.

    mqsi5.log is the installation log file. Its default location is typically C:\Documents and Settings\user_login_name.

Toolkit-only installation on Windows

If you have installed only the toolkit on a Windows system, you might have access problems when you connect the toolkit to the Configuration Manager. This is because several files that are required to identify the user's domain information (in addition to their userID information) are not installed in this scenario. The domain information is not sent to the Configuration Manager and security checks might fail.

Choose one of the two following options to set up your system to work around this problem:

  1. Install one of the runtime components (Configuration Manager, User Name Server, or broker) as well as the toolkit. You do not have to configure the component.
  2. Copy the following files from a Windows system on which you have installed one or more of the runtime components (Configuration Manager, User Name Server, or broker) to the system on which you have installed only the toolkit:

    Ensure that the files are in the defined PATH.


WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition


If you want to extend a WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition workbench with this product, you must install WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Version 5.1 GA; previous versions are not supported.

If you do not have the supported GA version of WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition installed, or you are unsure which version you have, contact your IBM Service representative for further information.

You must also upgrade WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition to the appropriate supported level; you must apply "Interim Fix 002 - General Fixes 2.0.0" and "WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker v5.1.5 Interim Fix 001 - Prerequisite Fixes".

When you are ready to apply WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition fixes, you must complete these tasks in the order shown below.

You must apply these fixes after you have installed WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker or WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker and you must select the install option to enable the link to WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition (see Installation instructions).

  1. In WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition, navigate to Help > Software Updates > New Updates.
  2. Select "IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Interim Fix 002 - General Fixes" 2.0.0. Click Install Now.
    DO NOT restart the workbench when this has completed.
  3. Select Help > Software Updates > Update Manager to switch to the Update Manager perspective.
  4. In the lower left Feature Updates view, expand "Sites to Visit", "IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Discovery".
  5. Select "WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker Interim Fix 001 - Prerequisite Fixes" and click Install Now.
  6. Restart the workbench.
  7. Check the Configuration Details to verify that the installation is successful. Select Help > About > Configuration Details. At the bottom of the log, there should be no new warnings (with the current timestamp) about plug-ins failing to load. Warnings generated from startup before you applied the interim fix might be present, but these can be ignored.
  8. The Broker Administration and Broker Application Development perspectives are now available in the WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition workbench.

For more information, refer to the WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition support download site, which you can find at:

The information here assumes that you already have WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition installed when you install Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1. If you install WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition after Message Brokers Toolkit, refer to the online information center for instructions.

Uninstallation instructions

You must use the Uninstall Wizard at install_location\_uninst\studio\uninstaller.exe to remove the Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1.

WARNING: You must stop all running processes before running the Uninstall Wizard.

Uninstall Wizard

These instructions describe how to uninstall Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1. Like the Install Wizard, you can invoke the Uninstall Wizard in three different modes:

GUI (AWT) interface

The GUI Interface is the Uninstall Wizard's default mode, that is, no command line options.

If you click Cancel before the Uninstall Progress panel appears, you exit the Uninstall Wizard and return your system to its original state.

You can also launch the Windows uninstaller from Add/Remove Programs. For example, Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.

  1. Select IBM Message Brokers Toolkit for WebSphere Studio Version 5.1.
    Click on Change/Remove.
    Select your language to run the Uninstall Wizard. Click OK.

  2. Welcome. Displays product information, that is, name, ID number, and Web site. Click Next > to continue. 
  3. Warning. Ensure that no other products require the WebSphere Workbench. Confirm this by selecting Yes and click Next > to continue.
  4. Summary. Displays details of what will be uninstalled, that is, the product's directory and the features that you want to remove. Click Next > to continue.
  5. Uninstall Progress. Indicates that the uninstall is in progress.
  6. Uninstall Complete. The Uninstall Wizard has completed successfully. You might be asked to reboot your machine at this point. Click Finish to close the wizard.

Console interface

The Console mode is a text-based interface within the console window. To launch the Console mode from the command line, enter the following command:

path uninstaller -console -is:javaconsole

where path is the current location of the uninstaller and uninstaller is the name of the uninstaller. For example:

install_location\_uninst\studio\uninstaller.exe -console -is:javaconsole
  1. Select a language to use for this wizard. A list of 10 languages is displayed with a number next to each. Enter the number for your chosen language. The list is redisplayed and your language choice has an X in the brackets to the left of the number chosen. Enter 0 when you are finished.
  2. Welcome. Displays product information, that is, name, ID number, and Web site. Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
  3. Uninstall Summary. This panel displays the product name, its current location, and a list of the product's features that you want to uninstall. You can go back and change your settings at this stage by entering 2. To uninstall the product enter 1.
  4. Uninstall Product. The message "Uninstalling product..." is displayed. There is no progress indicator for this panel.
  5. Uninstall Complete. The uninstallation has completed successfully. Enter 3 to exit the wizard.

Silent mode

The Silent mode uses the default settings of the Uninstall Wizard. Based on the options available in the interactive modes above, the settings uninstall all selectable features.

Enter the following command at the command line:

path uninstaller -silent

where path is the current location of the uninstaller and uninstaller is the name of the uninstaller. For example:

install_location\_uninst\studio\uninstaller.exe -silent 


Installing service

Maintenance updates are available through a download from a Web site, in the form of a Program Temporary Fix (PTF), also known as a fix pack. Fix packs are cumulative, so, for example, you do not need to install Fix Pack 1 before you can install Fix Pack 2. However, you must have installed the GA code first to activate the licensing requirements.

You can find the latest information about available fix packs from: or

Fix packs for WebSphere Business Integration Message Brokers Toolkit are installed using the same technology as the GA release. This means that product files are consistently tracked and updated appropriately.

You cannot remove individual fix packs without uninstalling the entire product. You are strongly recommended to keep a backup GA image and previous fix packs readily available in case you encounter problems after installing service. If you want to restore a system to a previous service level, you must uninstall the entire product, reinstall the GA level of the product, and then install the desired level of fix pack.

If you have any interim fixes applied to your existing installation, contact your IBM Service representative for instructions and possible updated interim fixes for the fix pack level that you are installing.

Note: If you install a fix pack for the Version 5.0 runtime components after you have installed Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1, choose a custom install and clear the check box for the Message Brokers Toolkit component. The tooling fixes provided in the Version 5.0 Fix pack are not compatible with the Version 5.1 toolkit; if you do not clear the check box, the installation program reports an error (because it cannot install Version 5.0 fixes onto a Version 5.1 component). It does successfully install fixes for all other components.
(If you are using console or silent installation, ensure that you choose the comparable options.)

Downloading a fix pack

You can download the latest fix pack from: or

Click "Recommended updates" and follow the link to WebSphere Business Integration Brokers v5. Find the required product and click the latest fix pack link. A description of the fix pack opens.

From this page you can access the readme.html file, the problems fixed in this fix pack (contained in the memo.ptf file) and the download packages.

Click on the link to download the package and follow the instructions on the IBM Downloads Web site. Select a suitable destination as the target for download.

Installing a fix pack

Ensure that the ID you are logged on as is a member of the Windows Administrators group in the local security domain. You are recommended to use the same ID that you used for installing WebSphere Business Integration Message Brokers Toolkit.

Ensure that all WebSphere Business Intergration Event Broker or WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker processes are stopped. You must perform the following tasks:

  1. Stop execution of the Configuration Manager, the User Name Server, and all brokers on this system using the mqsistop command, or by stopping the Windows services for these components from the Services program in the Control Panel.
  2. Stop execution of all instances of the workbench.
  3. Ensure that you do not have any WebSphere Business Intergration Event Broker or WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker files open.
  4. Exit all Windows programs before applying maintenance to Message Brokers Toolkit.
  5. Change to the directory into which you downloaded the fix pack file (Unnnnnn.exe). In Windows Explorer, right-click the file name and select Open. Alternatively, enter the following command at a command prompt:
    FixPackLauncher [-s] -a installation_arguments

    where FixPackLauncher is the full path to the fix pack executable file, for example U200208.exe.
    -s is optional and means that the fix pack launcher extracts silently. If you omit this, a progess of extraction panel is displayed.
    -a means read in the following installation arguments
    installation_arguments are the arguments that determine how the installation program runs. See Installation command line options.

    After successful extraction, the installer runs automatically according to the chosen arguments. Follow the instructions on the install panels. For a detailed description of the install panels, see Installation instructions.

    When you have completed the installation, review the multiplatform memo supplied in the readme directory, and complete any manual post-installation tasks required.



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