IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Business Integration Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1

Change history:
GA: 23 July 2004
Updated: 20 August 2004
Updated: 20 October 2004
Updated: 17 December 2004
Fix Pack 5: 09 February 2005

(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2005. All rights reserved.

Welcome to IBM WebSphere Business Integration Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1.

This readme file applies only to the installation of Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 on Microsoft(R) Windows(R), and its use with WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker and WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker Version 5.0. It describes known problems, and contains documentation updates that were not available in time to be included in the online information center. You must also read the IBM WebSphere Business Integration Message Brokers Version 5.0 readme file for further information about the product.

Install Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 only if you have installed WebSphere Application Development Integration Edition Version 5.1. Do not install Version 5.1 if you have a previous level of WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition; for this you must use Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0, which is supplied with WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker and WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker Version 5.0. Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 has identical function to Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0.

Installing Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 in a team environment
WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Version 5.1 is not a prerequisite for every installation of the Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1. However, if at least one of your Message Broker Toolkit installations integrates with WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Version 5.1, all your Message Broker Toolkit installations must be at Version 5.1 to ensure data sharing and integrity.

If you are not using WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Version 5.1 on any system, or you are using WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Version 5.0, you must install Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0.

CVS compatibility
The Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 is based on Eclipse 2.1.2, and uses CVS client plugin version 2.1.1. For this version, your CVS server must be at version 1.11.6 or earlier (Linux and UNIX only, CVSNT is not supported).

Essential information for all users

You are strongly recommended to look at the latest version of this readme file. You can find the latest version (in English only) at:

To complete installation, refer to the install.html file. This includes information about tasks you must complete before you install the product.

Translated versions of the readme file and the install.html file are available from:

Translated versions of the information center are not included in this package. All national language fragments in the information center are empty and all information is displayed in English. If you want to display the information center in a supported language other than US English, you must download the appropriate Eclipse feature after you have installed the fix pack. Translations are made available at or soon after fix pack availability. For instructions about how to download these updates, see Feature updates.

Essential information if you are migrating

If you are migrating, refer to the install.html file for details of the actions that you must take before you install.

If you want to install Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 on a system on which you have already installed Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0, you must uninstall the Version 5.0 Toolkit first; the two versions cannot coexist.

The information center provides further information about migration; to view this before you install, download a stand-alone version of the information center (see Documentation for instructions).

You must be aware of these migration and deployment concerns:

You can share resources between versions on different systems:


The stand-alone information center for WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker and WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker Version 5.0 is available for download. You can download the compressed file from:

Read the installing_and_managing.htm file, which is included in the file.


Throughout this readme file there are references to defect numbers. These numbers refer to internal IBM problem numbers; you might find these numbers useful when discussing problems with your IBM service representative.
For current information about known problems and available fixes, look at
for WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker, and
for WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker.

Feature updates

You should periodically check for feature updates (including documentation updates in English and in other supported languages):
  1. From the toolkit, select Help > Software Updates > New Updates. Eclipse then searches for available updates.
  2. Eclipse displays which updates are available. Select the updates that you want to install.
  3. When you have selected the updates to install, you receive a warning that the features have not been digitally signed. You can ignore this warning.
  4. After you have installed the features, Eclipse prompts you to restart the workbench.
  5. When you have restarted the workbench, the new features are installed and ready to use.


Restrictions and limitations:

Notices and trademarks

Useful Web pages

Restrictions and limitations

This section outlines the restrictions and limitations of WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker and WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker, by component.

WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition

To extend a WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition workbench with this product, you must upgrade WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition to the appropriate supported level. The version of the WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition workbench that can be extended is WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Version 5.1 GA with "Interim Fix 002 - General Fixes 2.0.0". Previous versions of WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition 5.1 are not supported.

You must also apply the fix "WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker v5.1.5 Interim Fix 001 - Prerequisite Fixes" after you have installed WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker or WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker.

For detailed instructions, refer to the install.html file.


If you want to install Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 on a system on which you have previously installed Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0, you must first uninstall the Version 5.0 Toolkit. The two versions cannot coexist, however you can share resources between versions on different systems: For information about how to migrate your resources and user data to Version 5.1, see the Migration section of the online information center.


  1. Defect 34320
    During the installation, if you choose NOT to accept the License agreement a pop-up appears with YES and NO buttons. Regardless of which button you select, you are returned to the License agreement page. Clicking YES should have caused the installation to be cancelled and the Launchpad to be closed.

    Also, if during the installation you click BACK on the License agreement page, several JavaTM Virtual Machine (JVM) error messages occur and the Launchpad hangs.

    Solution: Accept the License agreement if you want to successfully install the product.

  2. Defect 37122
    A bug in Installshield causes the response files used in a silent installation to be interpreted incorrectly. To avoid this problem, complete the following actions:

    The example below installs the tooling into the location C:\Program Files\IBM\WBIMB.

    ---start of response file---------
    -P installLocation="C:\Program Files\IBM\WBIMB"
    -W setupTypes.selectedSetupTypeId=custom
    # User Input Field - suiteFeatures
    #Do not change this - it sets the installer to ignore the standard custom setup route
    #Set a value to true to install that component
    # If any of the Broker, UNS or Config Manager parameters are set to true, 
    # the core value must also be set to true.  
    # Otherwise set this should be set to false to avoid installing most of the product.
    -W enableCore.value=true
    -W setCustomSuiteBrokerFeatureTrue.propertyValue=false
    -W setCustomSuiteUNSFeatureTrue.propertyValue=false
    -W setCustomSuiteConfigMgrFeatureTrue.propertyValue=false
    #Set to true if the Message Broker extension features are required.
    #The broker and core features must also be set to true to install this
    -W setCustomMessageTrue.value=false
    #Set to true if the tooling is required
    -W setCustomToolingTrue.value=true
    ------ end of response file----------

After installation

  1. If you have installed the Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 and replaced Version 5.0:
    1. Defect 34555
      You must rebuild all the projects that are defined in your workspace.
    2. Defect 34930
      If INSTALL_PATH\eclipse\workspace\.metadata exists, you might find that when you open the Message Brokers Toolkit, the Update Manager is launched correctly, but any updates to your plug-ins fail. Because of this, the Message Brokers Toolkit does not open with the correct plug-in levels, and failures of the toolkit might occur.

      For example, when you are in the Broker Application Development Perspective, you might find that the Message Definition File menu item is missing from the list produced by File > New Menu. This is an indication that your installation does not contain the correct level or version of plug-ins for the Message Brokers Toolkit.

      You can check that the levels of plug-ins that you are using is correct by clicking Help > About Message Brokers Toolkit for WebSphere Studio - Message Broker in the Message Brokers Toolkit for WebSphere Studio window. Under the heading "Message Brokers Toolkit for WebSphere Studio", a version number is displayed. If the correct versions of the plug-ins are being used after you have installed Version 5.1, the version that is displayed is 5.1.0. If the version that is displayed is less than this:
      1. Delete the .metadata directory.
      2. Reopen the Message Brokers Toolkit.
      3. Re-import your existing projects into the workspace by doing the following for each project:
        1. Click File > Import.
        2. When the Import wizard appears, select Existing Project into Workspace and click Next.
        3. Click Browse and define the location of the project in your workspace.
        4. Click Finish.
  2. Defect 32898
    If your LAN settings are not correctly configured for local host access, perhaps because of the settings in your automatic configuration script, one of the following might occur:
    Solution: Your system administrator can configure your LAN settings so that help documents can be successfully accessed from the local help server by doing the following:
    1. In the Control Panel, open Internet Options, select the Connections tab, and choose LAN Settings.
    2. If your host is configured to use DHCP for IP assignment, make sure that the Automatically detect settings check box is cleared.
    3. If you use proxy server, make sure that Bypass proxy server for local addresses is selected.
    4. In Advanced settings for proxies, add ';localhost' to the Exceptions if this address is not listed.
    5. If you are using an automatic configuration script for proxy settings, and you are not sure whether the script is correct, clear the Use automatic configuration script check box.

    If the above steps do not fix your problem, try changing the port and host properties in org.eclipse.tomcat\preferences.ini. Setting host=localhost or host= should work. If you are running a firewall, you might also need to set port=80 (or some other firewall-friendly value).
  3. Defect T32243
    The mxsd file extension is not associated correctly with the Message Definition Editor. To ensure that mxsd files are opened in the Message Definition Editor as the default action, select Window > Preferences > Workbench > File Associations. Scroll down the list of file types and select *.mxsd. Then select Message Definition Editor in the list of Associated editors. Click Default then OK.
  4. Defect 36638
    The Message Set Editor Preferences topic (ad15810_) describes only the options available in the Version 5.0 toolkit. The Version 5.0 options are not available for Version 5.1. In the Version 5.1 toolkit, the options are:
  5. Defect 36655
    If you uninstall the toolkit by invoking uninstaller.exe with the -silent option, the uninstall program returns control immediately and runs as a background task. If you do not want the uninstall program to return until it has completed, you must invoke the uninstaller within java using this command:
    java -cp <install_dir>\_uninst\studio\uninstall.jar run -silent
    where <install_dir> is the directory in which you installed the product.
    If you do not have a jvm configured (Version 1.3.1 or above), you can use the jvm within the installed product in directory <install_dir>\_sjvm\bin\. If you do this, you might have to delete this directory manually when uninstallation is complete.
  6. Defect 37671
    Importing COBOL copybooks: when you import a COBOL copybook to populate a message set definition file, check that the copybook contains at least one 01 level structure. If there is no 01 level structure, no objects (elements, groups, types) are imported.
  7. Database Views definitions are not supported in the ESQL editor. References to database views in the ESQL code (instead of to schemas or tables) are flagged as warnings (unresolved reference) in the ESQL editor. These warnings do not prevent you from deploying the corresponding ESQL.
    These unresolved reference warnings might also appear when you have migrated a Version 2.1 message flow, because the 5.0 ESQL editor validates database references.
    References to database tables and schemas only are supported.
  8. ESQL compilation restriction: if you create a subflow, and choose to distribute this as a plug-in project, calls to ESQL global routines within the subflow might not be generated correctly when you add a message flow that contains the subflow to a BAR file. When you deploy the BAR file, it will fail.
    Workaround: Implement one of the following options:


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Useful Web pages

WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker and WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker fix packs

WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker Requirements

WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker Requirements

WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker and WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker Install.html

WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker and WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker Readme files

WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker Stand-alone Information Center

WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker Stand-alone Information Center