IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Business Integration Message Brokers Toolkit V5.1 自述文件

GA:2004 年 7 月 23 日
Updated: 20 August 2004

(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004. All rights reserved.

欢迎使用 IBM WebSphere Business Integration Message Brokers Toolkit V5.1。本自述文件包含不能及时在联机信息中心中提供的信息。它仅适用于在 Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 上安装 Message Brokers Toolkit V5.1,以及 Message Brokers Toolkit V5.1 与 WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker 和 WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker V5.0 的一起使用。

只有当您已经安装了 WebSphere Application Development Integration Edition(WSADIE)V5.1 时才可以安装 Message Brokers Toolkit V5.1。如果具有先前级别的 WSADIE,则不要安装 Message Brokers Toolkit V5.1;对于先前级别的 WSADIE,您必须使用 Message Brokers Toolkit V5.0,它与 WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker 和 WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker V5.0 一起提供。Message Brokers Toolkit V5.1 具有与 Message Brokers Toolkit V5.0.3(Fix Pack 3)完全相同的功能。

要获取有关 WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker 和 WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker V5.0 的所有其它组件的信息,请参阅 V5.0 自述文件。

Installing Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 in a team environment
WSADIE Version 5.1 is not a prerequisite for every installation of the Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1. However, if at least one of your Message Broker Toolkit installations integrates with WSADIE Version 5.1, all your Message Broker Toolkit installations must be at Version 5.1 to ensure data sharing and integrity.

If you are not using WSADIE Version 5.1 on any system, or you are using WSADIE Version 5.0, you must install Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0.


要完成安装,请参阅 install.html 文件。

已翻译版本的自述文件和 install.html 文件可以从以下地址获取:


If you are migrating, refer to the install.html file for details of the actions that you must take before you install.

If you install Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 on a system on which you have already installed Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0, you must uninstall the Version 5.0 Toolkit first; the two versions cannot coexist.

The information center provides further information about migration; to view this before you install, download a stand-alone version of the information center (see the "Documentation" section for instructions).



已对 WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker 和 WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker V5.0 的独立信息中心进行了更新,以包括 Message Brokers Toolkit V5.1 所必需的更改,并且此信息中心可供下载。您可以从以下地址下载压缩归档:

阅读 installing_and_managing.htm 文件,该文件包括在 文件中。

在整个自述文件文档中,包含了对缺陷号的引用。这些数字指内部 IBM 问题号;当与 IBM 服务代表讨论问题时,您可能会觉得这些号码很有用。
(用于 WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker)和
(用于 WebSphere Business Integration Event Brokerr)。



  1. 从该 toolkit,选择帮助 > 软件更新 > 新更新。然后,Eclipse 会搜索可用的更新。
  2. Eclipse 显示哪些更新是可用的。选择您要安装的更新。
  3. 当选择了要安装的更新时,您会接收到一条警告消息,该消息指出尚未对这些功能部件进行数字签名。您可以忽略该警告消息。
  4. 安装功能部件后,Eclipse 会提示您重新启动工作台。
  5. 当您重新启动了工作台后,新功能部件就安装好了并可以使用。




有用的 Web 页面


本部分按组件来概述 WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker 和 WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker 的限制和限定。 

WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition

要用此产品扩展 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition(WSADIE)工作台,您必须将 WSADIE 升级到相应的支持级别。可扩展的 WSADIE 工作台的版本是带“临时修订 002 - 一般修订 2.0.0”的 WSADIE V5.1 GA。

安装了 WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker 或 WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker 后,您还必须应用修订“WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker V5.1.0 临时修订 001 - 先决条件修订”。

要获取详细的指示信息,请参阅 install.html 文件。


If you install Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1 on a system on which you have already installed Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0, you must uninstall the Version 5.0 Toolkit first. The two versions cannot coexist, however you can share resources between versions on different systems: 要获取有关如何将您的资源和用户数据迁移到 V5.1 的信息,请参阅联机信息中心的“迁移”部分。


  1. 在安装期间,如果您选择“不”接受许可证协议,则出现带有“是”和“否”按钮的弹出菜单。不管您选择哪一个按钮,都会返回到“许可证协议”页面。单击“是”会导致安装被取消且启动板被关闭。

    同样,在安装期间如果您单击“许可证协议”页面上的“上一步”,则会出现几条 JavaTM 虚拟机(JVM)错误消息,并且启动板会挂起。



  1. 如果您已经安装了 Message Brokers Toolkit V5.1 并替换了 V5.0:
    1. 缺陷 34555
    2. 缺陷 34930
      如果 INSTALL_PATH\eclipse\workspace\.metadata 存在,则您可能发现当打开 Message Brokers Toolkit 时,虽然更新管理器会正常启动,但对您的插件的任何更新都会失败。因此,Message Brokers Toolkit 不会用正确的插件级别打开,并且可能会发生 toolkit 故障。

      例如,当您在代理应用程序开发透视图中时,您可能发现文件 > 新建菜单生成的列表缺少消息定义文件菜单项。这表示您的安装未包含 Message Broker Toolkit 的插件的正确级别或版本。

      您可以通过在 Message Brokers Toolkit for WebSphere Studio 窗口中单击帮助 > 关于 Message Brokers Toolkit for WebSphere Studio - Message Broker 来检查您正在使用的插件级别是否正确。在标题“Message Brokers Toolkit for WebSphere Studio”下面显示了版本号。 安装了 V5.1 后,如果使用的是插件的正确版本,则显示的版本为 5.1.0。如果显示的版本低于此级别:
      1. 删除 .metadata 目录。
      2. 重新打开 Message Brokers Toolkit。
      3. 通过对每个项目执行以下操作将现有的项目重新导入到工作空间:
        1. 单击文件 > 导入
        2. 当“导入”向导出现时,选择导入现有的项目到工作空间中并单击下一步
        3. 单击浏览并在工作空间中定义项目的位置。
        4. 单击完成
  2. 缺陷 32898
    如果没有为本地主机访问正确配置 LAN 设置(也许因为您的自动配置脚本中的设置),则可能发生以下情况之一:
    • 您的帮助浏览器打开时出现空白页面。
    • 您的帮助浏览器显示 HTTP 错误而不是显示帮助页面。
    • 当装入信息中心时,有长时间的延迟。

    1. 在“控制面板”中,打开“Internet 选项”,选择“连接”选项卡,并选择局域网设置
    2. 如果您的主机配置为对 IP 指定使用 DHCP,则确保清除了自动检测设置复选框。
    3. 如果您使用代理服务器,则确保选择了对于本地地址不使用代理服务器
    4. 在代理的“高级”设置中,如果“;localhost”没有列出,则将该地址添加到异常。
    5. 如果您正在使用代理设置的自动配置脚本,并且您不确定该脚本是否正确,则清除使用自动配置脚本复选框。

    如果上述步骤没有修正您的问题,则尝试更改 org.eclipse.tomcat\preferences.ini 中的端口和主机属性。设置 host=localhost 或 host= 应该会起作用。如果您正在运行防火墙,则可能还需要设置端口=80(或其它防火墙支持的值)。
  3. Defect T32243
    The mxsd file extension is not associated correctly with the Message Definition Editor. To ensure that mxsd files are opened in the Message Definition Editor as the default action, select Window > Preferences > Workbench > File Associations. Scroll down the list of file types and select *.mxsd. Then select Message Definition Editor in the list of Associated editors. Click Default then OK.
  4. Defect 36422
    In the topic "Distributing a user-defined node" in the online information center, the instructions about extracting the zip file are incorrect. Step 2 of the instructions tells you to unzip the file to the install_dir\eclipse\plugins directory. Instead, the correct location to unzip the file to is the WBIMB_install_dir\evtoolkit\eclipse\plugins directory.
    In the topic "Installing a user-defined extension on a broker domain" in the online information center, the install location for Windows is ambiguous. For C user-defined nodes, the topic tells you to use the location install_dir\bin. This should be WBIMB_install_dir\bin. For Java user-defined nodes, the topic tells you to use the location install_dir\jplugin. This should be WBIMB_install_dir\jplugin.
  5. Defect 36589
    If you use any of the predefined ESQL constants, such as MQMO_NONE, in ESQL code, the code is flagged as Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.0 compatible. This means that you cannot deploy message flows referencing this ESQL code to a Version 2.1 broker, regardless of the compatibility level set in the preferences. This limitation will be lifted in the next fix pack for Message Brokers Toolkit Version 5.1.
  6. Defect 36605
    The description of the property Namespace in topics "Wildcard attribute logical properties" (ad11870_) and "Wildcard element logical properties" (ad11890_) is incorrect. In the current implementation, there is no enumerated list of options and the field is initially blank. You can specify a namespace in this field; this causes a Task List warning to be displayed which explains that the broker will not use this information and will allow an element from any namespace to be used as the wildcard.
  7. Defect 36638
    The Message Set Editor Preferences topic (ad15810_) describes only the options available in the Version 5.0 toolkit. The Version 5.0 options are not available for Version 5.1. In the Version 5.1 toolkit, the options are:
    • Message set editor settings, Outline view settings. These options are displayed but are not operational:
      • Group by namespace and then by collections
      • Group by collections and then by namespace
    • Message definition editor settings:
      • Show base complex types
        If you have defined one or more complex types based on other complex types, select this option if you want the content of those base complex types to be displayed in the message definition editor overview and outline views (this is selected by default).
        If you do not want them displayed, clear the check box.
  8. TDS properties
    The grouping and order of TDS properties of global attribute, global element, local attribute, and local element shown in the workbench differ from the grouping and order shown in the topics that describe them. Their meaning and use is unchanged.
  9. Defect 36655
    If you uninstall the toolkit by invoking uninstaller.exe with the -silent option, the uninstall program returns control immediately and runs as a background task. If you do not want the uninstall program to return until it has completed, you must invoke the uninstaller within java using this command:
    java -cp <install_dir>\_uninst\studio\uninstall.jar run -silent
    where <install_dir> is the directory in which you installed the product.
    If you do not have a jvm configured (Version 1.3.1 or above), you can use the jvm within the installed product in directory <install_dir>\_sjvm\bin\. If you do this, you might have to delete this directory manually when uninstallation is complete.



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有用的 Web 页面

WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker 和 WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker 修订包

WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker 需求

WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker 需求

WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker 和 WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker Install.html

WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker 和 WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker 自述文件

WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker 独立信息中心

WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker 独立信息中心