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IA0L: MQSeries Integrator - Uuidgen Plug-In


When building message flows with MQSeries Integrator V2, it is often desirable to be able to generate a unique value. Such a value might be used to initialise a MsgId or CorrelId field, or it could be used as the basis for a database key. The approach most customers have taken to solving this problem is to generate such values with an stand-alone application.

This SupportPac provides an alternative mechanism for generating a unique value within the broker environment. The UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) value generated is guaranteed to be unique among any other values also generated by the Uuidgen plug-in. The UUID value is a 16 byte (binary) value. The Uuidgen implementation is thread-safe and will work equally well for deployments where Message Flows have been configured with multiple worker threads.

Possible Uses

The SupportPac may be used to generate a unique value within an MQSeries Integrator V2 environment.


The SupportPac requires:

  • MQSeries Integrator V2.0.1, or V2.0.2 on AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris or Windows NT.


  • WebSphere MQ Integrator V2.1 on AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, Windows NT or Windows 2000.


  1. The supplied .lil file is compatible with WebSphere MQ Integrator V2.1. However, the supplied source files are not and use of a .lil file produced as a result of compiling it in a WebSphere MQ Integrator environment is currently not supported.
  2. For normal use, there are no other prerequisite products other than those required by MQSeries Integrator and WebSphere MQ Integrator. If any changes are to be made to the plug-in node, an appropriate C++ compiler is required.

Skill Level Required

To use the SupportPac, you need to be familiar with MQSeries Integrator. If the source is to be modified or recompiled, C++ language programming skills are required.


Mike Brady, IBM Australia
Last Updated:
Current Version:

New in this release

The following changes have been made in recent releases:

  • Solaris binaries added
  • Macros added to source files to allow nodes to build at any supported level (2.0.1, 2.0.2 and 2.1)
  • Version 2.0.1 lil file and 2.1 lil file supplied
  • The postit and aggregator nodes have additional changes


Category 2 SupportPacs are provided in good faith and AS-IS. There is no warranty or further service implied or committed and any supplied sample code is not supported via IBM product service channels.

You may submit a question or offer feedback on the SupportPac by clicking here but please be aware that a response is NOT guaranteed.

Please read the license file that accompanies the SupportPac to determine if you want to use it.


Click here

to download the SupportPac in InfoZip format. The file size is 1,073,267 bytes.

To install the SupportPac:

  1. Copy to a temporary directory.
  2. Uncompress using InfoZip's Unzip .
  3. This will create the necessary files. If you use other unzip programs, ensure you specify the option to re-create stored directories.
  4. You may delete
  5. Usage and implementation instructions are provided in the User Guide

Click here

to view the Adobe Acrobat edition of the SupportPac documentation.