Using IBM Education Assistant offline IBM Education Assistant is a collection of multimedia educational modules designed to help you gain a better understanding of IBM software products and use them more effectively to meet your business requirements. You can access IBM Education Assistant content offline by installing the standalone Eclipse Help System and populating it with one or more IBM Education Assistant plug-ins of your choice. 1. Install the standalone Eclipse Help System. See Installing the standalone Eclipse Help System 2. Download the IBM Education Assistant plug-in zip files of your choice. Anonymous FTP: 3. Install the plugin-ins and launch the standalone Eclipse Help System. See Launching the standalone Eclipse Help System The above links to are independent of IBM, and IBM makes no representations or warranties regarding the content and has no control over the operation of such non-IBM Web sites. In addition, a link to a non-IBM Web site does not mean that IBM endorses that Web site or has any responsibility for the use of such Web site. (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2009. All Rights Reserved.