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  XML on TPF: A Short Tutorial IBM

XML on TPF: A Short Tutorial — Page 8 of 10
Prepare to Run the Applications on TPF

Paul has written a DTD and an XML Schema with some sample XML data for each. He also has two TPF applications that will interact with his sample data. Before he can run the applications, he must complete the following steps to move the files to TPF and prepare the applications.

  1. Set up a TPF 4.1 test system.
  2. Prepare the test system to receive file transfers from the workstation.
  3. Transfer the DTD, XML Schema, and both XML documents to the file system.
  4. Transfer the applications to OS/390 UNIX System Services (OS/390 UNIX).
  5. Compile, link, and load the applications.

For More Information

  • Go back to the beginning and choose the Follow Along path for detailed instructions about completing these steps and using the applications on your TPF 4.1 test system.
  • See the TPF XML User's Guide for more information about where to store DTDs and XML documents on your TPF 4.1 system.
  • See the following for more information about compiling, linking, and loading applications on your TPF 4.1 system:
    • TPF Application Programming
    • TPF Concepts and Structures
    • TPF Operations.


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