z/TPF Product Segment APAR History © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 2008, 2023. All Rights Reserved. The z/TPF product segment APAR prerequisite data is available in two formats, CSV and XLSX. The data includes the following information for segments in z/TPF, z/TPFDF and CDC (Continuous Data Collection). - APAR and PUT level of each change to the file - Blank if no APAR has affected the segment, otherwise a list of the APARs (with PUT level) in APAR close order - Beginning May 23, 2016: - In the XLSX format file, the list of APARs shown is limited to the current PUT and the prior four PUTs. For example, during PUT 13 the list will contain APARs in PUT 9 - 13 only. - In the CSV file, the list of APARs shown contains all APARs starting with PUT 1. - Status: New | Changed | Obsolete - "New" means the file was new in the original product release, if the APAR(PUT) field is blank. - "New" means the file was new in the APAR listed if the APAR(PUT) field has a single entry. - "Changed" means the file has been updated subsequent to its original release. - "Obsolete" means the file is no longer used as of the last APAR listed. - Released In : BASE | HPO | APAR number - "BASE" means the file was part of the original z/TPF or z/TPFDF product release. - "HPO" means the file was part of the original HPO feature release. - APAR number means the file was added to the product with the APAR given. - Format - The format identifies the type of file. Generally this is either a language type (C, assembler, C++, Java, etc) or a binary type (object, shared object, archive file, etc.) - Functional Area code - The 3 character functional area classification. - Segment name The CSV ("comma separated value") file holds the raw data for each segment where each field is delimited with a special character, in this case, a semi-colon. The XLSX file is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which has pre-processed the data in the CSV and organized and formatted it into different worksheets for convenience. You should examine both files and become familiar with their content. You can use the CSV file to derive information and customize it in a way that suits you. CSV File -------- The first line of the CSV file contains the "last updated" date. The second line provides titles for each semi-colon delimited field in all the remaining records. All source shippable segments and binary objects and shared objects, whether shipped of not, are included. If a segment has not been updated for an APAR, the APAR (PUT) field will be empty. XLSX File --------- The Excel spreadsheet (XLSX file) content is derived from the CSV file. There are several different worksheets. The first worksheet labeled "All Segment History" contains all the segments for z/TPF Base and HPO, z/TPFDF, and CDC combined. The remaining worksheets contain the same data, but are for a specific product or feature. Further refinement of the data that is viewed can be done by the user in the Microsoft Excel Viewer. The worksheets have been set up to enable use of the "auto filter" function. This means you can limit the display to certain rows that match the criteria you select. Click on the down arrow in the first row of the column you wish to filter to specify the filter criterion. If you have the Microsoft Excel product installed, rather than the Viewer, you can do much more with the spreadsheet, including sorting data and creating new worksheets.