APAR DATA FILE DESCRIPTION © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 2008, 2018. All Rights Reserved. APAR data for z/TPF and z/TPFDF has been consolidated into a single file that is available in two formats, CSV and XLS. All information that was previously available in various separate files and web pages is now in this file only. The specific lists and views that are provided in the XLS file are: - All APARs in alphanumeric sequence - All APARs in reverse closure sequence - HIPER APARs by PUT - Coreq APARs - z/TPF-to-TPF4.1 APAR map - Continuous Data Collection (CDC) APARs - Software Profiler APARs - SCRT APARs - Single Source APARs - Open Source APARs The CSV ("comma separated value") file holds the raw data for each APAR where each field is delimited with a special character, in this case, a semi-colon. The XLS file is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which has pre-processed the data in the CSV and organized and formatted it into different worksheets for convenience. All data fields in the CSV file are displayed in the first two sheets of the XLS file, but not necessarily in the same order. When new fields are added to the CSV file, they will be added at the end. You should examine both files and become familiar with their content. You can use the CSV file to derive information and customize it in a way that suits you. CSV File -------- The first line of the CSV file contains the "last updated" date. The second line provides titles for each semi-colon delimited field in all the remaining records. All closed APARs are included in the file. Open APARs which meet the criteria for being critical or single source are also included. When information is not available or not applicable for an APAR, the field will be empty or contain the word "None". XLS File -------- The Excel spreadsheet (XLS file) content is derived from the CSV file. If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, when you open the spreadsheet, it may display in the IE window. If you prefer the spreadsheet to open in the Microsoft Excel Viewer or the Microsoft Excel product (provided one of these is installed on your compueter), you can change the behavior by doing the following: In Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer), click on: Tools Folder Options Select "File Types" tab Select "XLS" Click "Advanced" De-select "Browse in same window" There are several different worksheets which organize the data in various ways to replace equivalent data that used to be available in many different files. Further refinement of the data that is viewed can be done by the user. Certain worksheets have been set up to enable use of the "auto filter" function. This means you can limit the display to certain rows that match the criteria you select, such as PUT level or Severity. For sheets that do not have autofiltering turned on, you can enable it yourself. If the spreadsheet is displayed in the Internet Explorer window, use View->Autofilter or Data->Filter->Autofilter from the Action bar to turn autofiltering on and off. If the spreadsheet is displayed in the Microsoft Excel Viewer, use View->Autofilter to turn autofiltering on and off. If you have the Microsoft Excel product installed, you can do much more with the spreadsheet, including sorting data and creating new worksheets. Field Descriptions ------------------ This section describes each field in the order it appears in the CSV file. 1) APAR Number For closed APARs, the APAR number field is a hyperlink to a web page that holds the published APAR description and response. However, if the APAR was cancelled (closing code is CAN) then the APAR number field is not a hyperlink. The information for these APARs can be found in the downloadable package only. Occasionally, the APAR number hyperlink in the first column may take you to a "page not found" page due to synchronization problems between the creation of the CSV and XLS and the publication of the final APAR response. In that case, you can still access the final APAR response contained in the APAR downloadable package. For open APARs, the APAR number field is not a hyperlink. 2) Close Group For APARs closed before 01/01/2019, this field contains the PUT level in which the APAR was shipped. Values range from 1 - 15. For APARs closed after 01/01/2019, this field contains the 2-digit year in which the APAR was shipped. Values start at 19. For open APARs, the field contains the word "Open". Note that values 16, 17, and 18 will not appear in this column. 3) Closing Code SPE - Program enhancement PER - Fix to the product base release code PRI - Fix to a previously released APAR DOC - Update to product documentation MCH - Fix made in another product CAN, SUG, USE, UR1 - APARs that resulted in no product code updates DUP - APAR closed as duplicate of another APAR; this field is a hyperlink to the APAR response of the APAR that this one is a duplicate of For open APARs, this field may be blank. 4) Hiper "Yes" if the problem causes data loss, function loss, performance problems or a system outage. "No" otherwise. 5) Close sequence For closed APARs, the numerical order to apply the APARs. Blank for open APARs. 6) Func Area Code Three-character classification code for the area affected by the APAR. 7) Functional Area Descriptive name of the area affected by the APAR. 8) APAR in Prior Release Same fix applied via the listed APAR in TPF 4.1 or TPFDF 1.1.3. "None" if the fix did not apply to the prior release. For open APARs, this field may be blank. 9) Coreq APARs Any corequisite to be applied with this APAR, usually an APAR number, but may also be another product such as TPF Toolkit. "None." if there is no corequisite. 10) Migration Considerations "Yes" if the APAR response has information in the "Migration Considerations" section. "No" otherwise. 11) Corrected APARs The APAR that is corrected by this APAR; multiple APARs may be listed. Blank otherwise. 12) Correcting APARs The APAR that corrects this APAR; multiple APARs may be listed. Blank otherwise. 13) Package URL A hyperlink to an server that has the downloadable APAR package. Access to the server requires a userid and password. Blank for open APARs. 14) Package Available The date on which the downloadable APAR package was made available. Blank for open APARs. 15) Abstract The APAR abstract. 16) Single Source APAR "Yes" if the APAR supports migration from prior release to z/TPF or z/TPFDF. "No" otherwise. 17) Special Build "Yes" if the APAR response includes additional build instructions, beyond the maketpf commands. "No" otherwise. 18) Opensource APAR "Yes" if this is an open source APAR; this field is a hyperlink directly to the respository of Open Source packages that may be used with TPF. "JRE" if this is an APAR that contains a z/TPF Java runtime update; this field is a hyperlink directly to the download page for the Java runtimes for z/TPF. "TPF" if this is an open source APAR hosted by TPF; this field contains a hyperlink to the downloadable APAR pacakge. Access to the server does not require a userid and password. "No" otherwise.