VSAM TPF Dataset Rename Utility Program (VSAMTPF) This file contains information on compiling and running the VSAM TPF data set rename utility program (VSAMTPF) in order to assist in preparing OS/390 VSAM cluster data set components for mounting to a TPF system. The TPF VSAM data set rename utility generates data set names for VSAM cluster components for TPF use. This file is intended for those persons who intend to use the VSAMTPF utility program to assist in generating data set names for VSAM cluster components that will be mounted to a TPF system for access by TPF VSAM support. CONTENTS -------- 1.0 Prerequisites 1.1 Dependencies and Assumptions 1.2 Preparing for Installation 2.0 Installation 3.0 Trademarks 1.0 PREREQUISITES -------------------- In order to properly use the TPF VSAM utility, you need to have the following minimum software configuration on OS/390: o IBM MVS/ESA Version 4.2 or later o IBM MVS/ESA Cobol Compiler 1.1 DEPENDENCIES AND ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------- APAR PJ26150 is required on TPF. This APAR provides support for virtual storage access method (VSAM) data sets on TPF. The TPF system should be at TPF PUT 10. 1.2 PREPARING FOR INSTALLATION --------------------------------- TPF VSAM data set name conventions TPF VSAM support provides read only access to VSAM key sequenced data sets. In order for the TPF VSAM support to be able to successfully navigate the index structure of these data sets, certain information maintained in the Integated Catalog Facility (ICF) must be available to the TPF VSAM support. This information is provided to TPF through the data set name mounted to TPF. The VSAMTPF utility is provided to assist the user in generating this data set name information. This utility reads data set catalog listing information generated by the OS/390 IDCAMS utility LISTCAT command, and provides encoded data set name information for use in renaming the VSAM data set for TPF use. Each OS/390 VSAM data set name of each portion of the VSAM cluster must end with the following: .R .P L <.INDEX | .DATA> SS RBA Specifies the hexadecimal value of the sequence set RBA that is displayed in the LISTCAT output on the MVS system, divided by the control interval (CI) size. SS RBA is the pointer to the start of the sequence set CI blocks in the index set. For example, an SS RBA of 1 474 560 and a CI size of 4096 would result in X'168'. High-Level Block Number Specifies the 4-digit hexadecimal value of 1 plus the value of the high-level RBA that is displayed in a LISTCAT output on the MVS system, divided by the CI size. The high-level RBA is the pointer to the first index block in the highest-level index; that is, the point where all index lookups begin. For example, a high-level RBA of 8192 and a CI size of 4096 would have a block number of X'0003' 1+(8192/4096). Key Position and Key Length Specifies the hexadecimal offset to the key in the record, counting from 0. For example, a key of 22 bytes at byte offset 33 would result in .P21L16. These are the values specified in the KEYS parameter on the define cluster command; they are also the RKP and KEYLEN values that are displayed in LISTCAT on the MVS system. INDEX | DATA For a KSDS, VSAM (on MVS) automatically appends the names INDEX or DATA to the data set name during the VSAM create process to identify the index and data spaces of the cluster. For a cluster with a high-level RBA of 1,474,560, CI size of 4096, and key length of 22 bytes at offset 33 in each record, the data set name for the index portion of the cluster would be .R1680003.P21L16.INDEX. The data portion of the cluster would be .R1680003.P21L16.DATA. 2.0 INSTALLATION ------------------- Compiling the VSAMTPF COBOL Source Program The VSAMTPF utility is compiled, link-edited and executed with the following data definitions: Input - IDCLIST contains the catalog information output from the IDCAMS LISTCAT utility for the VSAM cluster of interest. Output - ALTERCC contains the generated names that can be used to rename the VSAM cluster components for TPF use. - NEWKS contains example TPF data set mount information for Prime or Mirror VSAM data set components. The following sample JCL illustrates a method to compile, link and execute the VSAMTPF utility source program: //STEP1 EXEC PROC=COB2UCLG,PARM='TEST,OBJECT,APOST' //COB2.SYSIN DD DSN=XXXXXXX.COBOL.SRC(VSAMTPF), // UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=VSN001,DISP=OLD //COB2.SYSLIN DD DSN=XXXXXXX.COBOL.OBJ(VSAMTPF), // UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=VSN001,DISP=(OLD,PASS) //LKED.SYSLIN DD DSN=XXXXXXX.COBOL.OBJ(VSAMTPF), // UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=VSN001,DISP=SHR //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DSN=XXXXXXX.COBOL.LOAD(VSAMTPF), // UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=VSN001,DISP=SHR //GO.IDCLIST DD DSN=XXXXXXX.VSAMTPF.IDCOUT, // UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=VSN001,DISP=SHR //GO.NEWKS DD SYSOUT=A //GO.ALTERCC DD SYSOUT=A //GO.SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=A /* // Example VSAMTPF output The following shows an example of the output generated by the VSAMTPF utility: Input: IDCLIST = LISTCAT information for VSAM cluster named "XXXXXXX.VSAMTPFA" Output: ALTERCC = ALTER XXXXXXX.VSAMTPFA - NEWNM(R0000003.P21L16) ALTER XXXXXXX.VSAMTPFA.DATA - NEWNM(R0000003.P21L16.DATA) ALTER XXXXXXX.VSAMTPFA.INDEX - NEWNM(R0000003.P21L16.INDEX) Output: NEWKS = XDAPR R0000003.P21L16.DATA XINPR R0000003.P21L16.INDEX In this example the input VSAM cluster catalog information for data set name "XXXXXXX.VSAMTPFA" was read by the VSAMTPF utility. The utility output indicates that the renamed cluster data set components are to end in the following encoded string: .R0000003.P21L16.DATA .R0000003.P21L16.INDEX The TPF mount information for the Primary cluster may be derived as: ZDSMG MT nnn VSAMTPFADAPR DSN-XXXXXXX.VSAMTPFA.R0000003.P21L16.DATA ZDSMG MT nnn VSAMTPFAINPR DSN-XXXXXXX.VSAMTPFA.R0000003.P21L16.INDEX For further information please see the VSAM TPF support information described in the "TPF V4R1 Application Programming Guide", document number SH31-0132. 3.0 TRADEMARKS ----------------- The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries, or both: IBM VSAM MVS Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Copyright IBM Corporation, 2000, 2002. All rights reserved. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS.