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Specify the settings needed to establish a connection between the DTCN profiles view and your z/OS system by doing the following steps:
These steps help you enable secure communication via Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) between DTCN profile view and your z/OS system. The communication between the client and server uses the HTTP protocol.
/* generate key entry */ "RACDCERT ID(USERID) GENCERT", " SUBJECTSDN(CN('your_host_name.com' ) ", " T ('USERID-DTCNPLG-CERT' ) ", " OU('IBM' ) ", " O ('IBM' ) ", " L ('San Jose' ) ", " SP('CA' ) ", " C ('US' ))", " NOTBEFORE(DATE(2011-02-28) TIME(20:00:00) )", " NOTAFTER (DATE(2031-12-31) TIME(19:59:59) )", " WITHLABEL(‘USERID-DTCNPLG-CERT’ )", " SIZE (1024 )"
/* connect key entry to key ring */ " RACDCERT ID(USERID ) ", " CONNECT( RING (USERID ) ", " LABEL(‘USERID-DTCNPLG-CERT’ ))"
/* export certificate to a data set */ "RACDCERT EXPORT(LABEL('USERID-DTCNPLG-CERT' ) ", " ID(USERID ) ", " DSN('USERID.DTCNPLG.CERT' ) ", " FORMAT(CERTB64 ))"
TCpipservice : EQAHTP8S GROup : GROUP_NAME DEscription : Urm : EQADPAN0 no Analyzer program is used POrtnumber : 30009 1-65535 STatus : Open Open | Closed PROtocol : HTTP Iiop | Http | Eci | User TRansaction : CWXN Backlog : 00030 max backlog requests allowed TSqprefix : Host : ANY (Mixed Case) : Ipaddress : SOcketclose : No No | 0-240000 (HHMMSS) Maxdatalen : 008192 3-524288 SECURITY SSl : Yes Yes | No | Clientauth CErtificate : USERID-DTCNPLG-CERT (Mixed Case) PRIvacy : Supported Notsupported|Required|Supported CIphers : 050435363738392F303132330A1613100D0915120F0C03060201 AUthenticate : Basic No|Basic|Certificate|AUTORegister | AUTOMatic | ASserted :I a Realm : (Mixed Case) ATtachsec : Local | Verify DNS CONNECTION BALANCING DNsgroup : GRPcritical : No No | Yes DEFINITION SIGNATURE DEFinetime : 02/14/11 18:56:32 CHANGETime : 03/16/11 14:04:57 CHANGEUsrid : USERID CHANGEAGEnt : CSDApi CSDApi | CSDBatch CHANGEAGRel : 0660
Keytool –import –alias myprivateroot –keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts –file dtcnplg.cer dtcnplg.cer is the downloaded copy of the server certificate. The initial password for the cacerts keystore is changeit.