//JOBx JOB (job card information) //* @BANNER_START //* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM //* //* 5655-M15 //* //* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006 //* @BANNER_END //****************************************************************** //* //* CICS/SF 3.1 (Refresh 04A) //* for z/OS //* //* //* This sample JCL job can be used to process the download package //* for //* CICS/SF 3.1 (Refresh 04A) //* and to prepare for its installation. //* //* Caution: This is neither a JCL procedure nor a complete job. //* Therefore, before using this sample, you will need to //* make changes as described. //* //* //* CICS/SF 3.1 (Refresh 04A) //* is packaged using the SMP/E GIMZIP function. The SMP/E GIMUNZIP //* function is required to process the downloaded package. //* //* MINIMUM DRIVING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: //* Refer to the program directory provided with your order. //* //* Complete the configuration requirements for using GIMUNZIP as //* described in the SMP/E Reference, SA22-7772. This book //* can be found at: //* http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/zos/bkserv/ //* //****************************************************************** //* //* Make the following updates before using this JCL when you have //* copied it to your MVS system //* //* - Provide valid job card information //* //* - Change: //* @downhlq@ //* - To your desired datasetname prefix //* - This value is used for the names of the //* datasets extracted from the download package //* @hfs_name@ //* - To your HFS datasetname //* - This is used only if you intend to run the //* commented-out job, HFSJOB, below //* - NB. The 'HFS dataset' is a 'z/FS' dataset //* @hfs_pref@ //* - To the HFS pathprefix for the download package //* - Ensure that the continuation character "+" is //* in column 72 in the UNPAX step //* //* //* Step 1. Create a directory for the download package //* //* You can either create a new hierarchical file system (HFS) or //* create a new directory in an existing file system. The directory //* that will contain the download package must reside on the z/OS //* system where the function will be installed. //* //* To create a new file system, HFS dataset, and directory for the //* download package, you can use the sample JCL (HFSJOB), which //* follows. Cut and paste the sample JCL into a separate dataset, //* uncomment the job, and modify the job to update required //* parameters before submitting it. //* //*---------------------------------------------------------------- //*//* Start of sample HFSJOB //* //HFSJOB JOB (Job card information) //* //* //*************************************************************** //* //* This job must be updated to reflect your environment. //* //* This sample allocates an HFS dataset, creates a mount point, //* //* and mounts the HFS. //* //* This sample: //* //* . Allocates a new HFS dataset //* //* . Creates a mount point directory //* //* . Mounts the HFS //* //* //* //* Ensure that the above job card information is valid //* //* //* //* Your userid MUST be defined as a SUPERUSER to successfully //* //* run this job //* //* //* //*************************************************************** //* //* //* //CREATE EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=64M,COND=(0,LT) //* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //* //SYSIN DD * //* DEFINE - //* CLUSTER - //* ( - //* NAME(@hfs_name@) - //* LINEAR - //* TRK(80 100) - //* SHAREOPTIONS(3) - //* ) //* /* //* //* //* // SET HFSDSN='@hfs_name@' //* //FORMAT EXEC PGM=IOEAGFMT,REGION=64M,COND=(0,LT), //* // PARM='-aggregate &HFSDSN -compat' //* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //* //STDOUT DD SYSOUT=* //* //STDERR DD SYSOUT=* //* //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //* //CEEDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //* //* //* //MOUNT EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,REGION=64M,COND=(0,LT) //* //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* //* //SYSTSIN DD * //* PROFILE MSGID WTPMSG //* MKDIR '@hfs_pref@' + //* MODE(7,5,5) //* MOUNT + //* FILESYSTEM('@hfs_name@') + //* MOUNTPOINT('@hfs_pref@') + //* TYPE(ZFS) + //* MODE(RDWR) //* /* //* //* End of sample HFSJOB //* //*---------------------------------------------------------------- //* //* Step 2. Download the //* CICS/SF 3.1 (Refresh 04A) //* package. //* //* //* The files from the download package must be saved to a node //* (a workstation) that has connectivity to your z/OS driving //* system. //* //* //* The two files to be downloaded and processed on the host //* system are: //* //* a) cicssf31.readme.txt (this file) //* This is a sample job that executes the z/OS UNIX System //* Services pax command to extract package files. This job //* also executes the GIMUNZIP program to expand the package //* archives so that the datasets can be processed by SMP/E. //* //* b) cicssf31.pax.Z //* This pax archive file consists of the SMP/E MCS and //* the associated RELFILES. //* //* IMPORTANT: //* This file must reside in the directory created in Step 1. //* //* To download //* cicssf31.readme.txt //* and //* cicssf31.pax.Z //* from the web site to your workstation: //* //* a) cicssf31.readme.txt: //* - Click on the left mouse button to bring up the file //* - Click on 'File' and then 'Save as' to place this file //* into your file directory //* //* b) cicssf31.pax.Z: //* - Click on the left mouse button and then 'Save File' to //* place file into your file directory. //* //*---------------------------------------------------------------- //* //* Step 3. Transfer package //* CICS/SF 3.1 (Refresh 04A) //* files or make them available to the host //* //* There are many ways to transfer the package files or make //* them available to the z/OS system where the //* package will be installed. An example of using FTP is //* provided. This assumes that the z/OS host is configured //* as an FTP host/server and that the workstation is an FTP client. //* //* IMPORTANT: //* The cicssf31.pax.Z //* file must be uploaded to the z/OS driving system //* in binary format, or the subsequent UNPAX step will fail. //* //* Sample FTP upload scenario: //* //* To upload cicssf31.readme.txt //* and cicssf31.pax.Z //* from your workstation to your z/OS host driving //* system for install processing: //* //* - Upload cicssf31.readme.txt //* into a sequential dataset //* - Upload cicssf31.pax.Z //* into the HFS directory for pax and GIMUNZIP processing. //* //* Such as: //* @hfs_pref@ created from Step 1. //* //* From your workstation COMMAND PROMPT panel - //* enter: ftp your_host_system_name //* Login with your userid and password //* enter: //* put cicssf31.readme.txt - //* userid.cicssf31.readme.txt //* //* When the transfer is complete, //* enter: cd @hfs_pref@ //* enter: binary //* enter: //* put cicssf31.pax.Z - //* cicssf31.pax.Z //* //* When the transfer is complete, exit the FTP session by //* entering: quit //* //* You have now uploaded the README and the archive file //* to the host. These files are: //* //* userid.cicssf31.readme.txt //* (sequential dataset) //* @hfs_pref@/cicssf31.pax.Z //* (in the HFS) //* //*---------------------------------------------------------------- //* //* Step 4. After you have uploaded the files to your host system //* //* a. Customize the job provided in //* userid.cicssf31.readme.txt //* - This is file you are reading //* //* b. Run the modified job //* This job will create the SMPMCS and RELFILE datasets for use //* by SMP/E. //* //* c. Install via SMP/E using the instructions in the //* program directory. //* //****************************************************************** //****************************************************************** //* //* SAMPLE JOB START //* //* This sample contains three job steps to perform the following //* tasks: //* //* Un-pax Step: //* Un-paxes the single download file into the component archive //* files that make up the download package. //* //* GIMUNZIP Step: //* Runs the SMP/E GIMUNZIP service routine to extract the FMIDs //* from the download package archive files. //* //****************************************************************** //* //* Un-pax Step: //* //* This step expands the single download file into the individual //* archive files that make up the download package. The component //* archive files are expanded into the same directory where //* the download file resides. //* //* //* The name of the download file //* cicssf31.pax.Z //* may differ depending on the method you chose to unload the file. //* Change the name of the file in the step below to match your //* file name if necessary. //* //* This step, including the 'oshell' command, should complete with //* a return code 0. //* //* Note: //* If the 'oshell' command gets a RC=256 and message "pax: checksum //* error on tape (got ee2e, expected 0)", then the //* cicssf31.pax.Z //* archive file was not uploaded to the host in binary format. //* You must upload the archive file again in binary //* format before proceeding (See Step 3). //* //****************************************************************** //UNPAX EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,REGION=64M,COND=(0,LT) //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSEXEC DD DSN=SYS1.SBPXEXEC,DISP=SHR //SYSTSIN DD * oshell cd @hfs_pref@/ ; + pax -rvf @hfs_pref@/cicssf31.pax.Z /* //****************************************************************** //* //* GIMUNZIP Step: //* This step extracts the FMID(s) and related materials from the //* download package archive files and places them in datasets. //* The RELFILE and SMPMCS datasets are processed by the SMP/E //* RECEIVE job //* - CIZRECVE //* //* //* Note: GIMUNZIP allocates datasets as PDS or PDSE to match //* the dataset type of the original dataset. You may encounter //* errors if your SMS ACS routines alter the attributes used by //* GIMUNZIP, such as allocating a PDSE dataset instead of PDS. //* If this occurs, specify a non-SMS managed volume for the //* GIMUNZIP allocation of the dataset. //* //* //* This step should complete with a return code 0. //* //****************************************************************** //* //GIMUNZIP EXEC PGM=GIMUNZIP,REGION=0M //* //* Utility work datasets: //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(CYL,(50,10)) //SYSUT4 DD UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(CYL,(25,5)) //* Message output datasets: //SMPOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SMPDIR DD PATHDISP=KEEP, // PATH='@hfs_pref@/' //SYSIN DD * /* //* //****************************************************************** //* //* This step creates TCIZINST, refer to the //* program directory for details of the customization process //* //* Note: //* Use the CIZRECVE job to invoke SMP/E RECEIVE //* //****************************************************************** //* //S1 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY,REGION=64M,COND=(0,LT) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //F2 DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=@downhlq@.IBM.HCIZ200.F2 //TCIZINST DD DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // DSN=@downhlq@.TCIZINST, // DCB=(*.F2), // SPACE=(TRK,(40,40,10)) //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=F2,OUTDD=TCIZINST /*