Visit our Home Page on the Internet: Host Publisher Support ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Cumulative APAR JR17584 Date: 6 November 2002 Product/Version: Host Publisher V4.0 APAR Platform: iSeries Access Family ( Host Publisher Server ) Windows ( Host Publisher Studio ) Note: If you are using Host Publisher from the Host Integration Solution Package, please get Fix Pack JR17396. ________________________________________________________________________ This APAR requires the following APARs: none ________________________________________________________________________ This APAR supersedes the following APARs: APAR# JR16962 JR17002 JR17016 JR17103 JR17080 JR17156 JR17293 JR17398 JR17347 JR17361 JR17368 _________________________________________________________________________ PROBLEM(s) FIXED: JR17002 Integration Object fails to compile when a global screen contains an input field. 20673 Screen Recognition for block of text fails for Korean data. Multiple, separate lines OK. 20752 Bidirectional support only. When selecting text to be extracted and then pressing back to modify the extract, another portion of the screen is selected as an extract instead of the original one that was selected. 20943 Macro files that contain the byte order mark can not be opened. 20981 Macro files are not migrated to UTF-8 encoding when non-EJB IOs created in a previous release are imported into Application Integrator. This can cause a problem on the server if the language setting in which the macros were recorded is not the same as the default language setting of the server. This problem should not occur in applications migrated on the server since previous release had a requirement that the languages match. However new applications can import macros recorded with different language settings. If you experience this problem, this is how to correct it: - In Host Publisher Studio open Application Integrator - Under "Options" check "Application Migration" - Open the application and migrate. This will convert the macros to UTF-8 encoding. - Transfer application to Host Publisher Server. - Using WebSphere Administrative Console, uninstall the application. - Re-install the application. 21059, 21089, 21109 Support for WebSphere Transcoding Publisher (WTP) V4 Application Integrator and Server migration are updated to add files to your application to enable your application to be transcoded. To use these files, you must re-generate any existing applications using either Application Integrator on the Studio or Server migration on the Server. These files are only required if you configure WTP as a network proxy (i.e., during WTP Server Setup, you select for WTP to act as a WAS filter). Other WTP configurations do not require these files. Note that, in the application list where you select which applications to transcode, WTP V4.01 currently requires all installed applications on WebSphere 4.0.x to be enabled. If any installed application is not enabled, WTP will not show the enabled applications in the list of files. WTP will provide an APAR fix which will ignore those web applications that are not enabled and will present a list of the enabled applications. Until WTP has provided a fix for this problem, you must enable all of your installed applications, including those shipped with Host Publisher. Refer to Technote 21146 to enable Host Publisher's XML Gateway and Server Administration applications. You may also want to use the same technique described in Technote 21146 to enable any existing installed applications in WAS that you do not want to re-generate with the Application Integrator or Server migration. 20161 Application Integrator files under Studio are not properly packaged in for Application Source Bundler when directory name on Windows/NT exceeds 8 characters or contains a '.'. 20162 APAR number is not displayed in About dialog box when Application Integrator initializes (but OK in About dialog when accessed from Help menu). 21080 When Server Tracing is turned on, a problem can occur where the Host Publisher Server encounters a deadlock situation. The fix prevents this deadlock from occurring. 21087 Failure occurs opening macros in which the first 1024 bytes are ASCII but one or more non-UTF8 characters occur later in the file. Only the first 1024 bytes were being read to detect the encoding, so the file was incorrectly assumed to have UTF8 encoding. 21123 Licensing counting If you purchased Host Publisher as part of the WebSphere Host Integration Solution package, you should use the licensing support provided by the product to specify the number of licenses you purchased. If you purchased Host Publisher as a separate media pack, continue to follow the instructions in the Readme file for setting Host Publisher license counting. JR17103 Integration Object created with custom template (HPubTemplateHodBean.customize) will not compile correctly. JR17136 Out of memory error in Application Integrator while checking for dependencies in preparation for file transfer. JR17156 Infobundler tool ( hppdtool ) fails on WebSphere Advanced Edition Single Server 21723 Macro with user-defined customreco tag will not play in Host Publisher Studio. 21821 HPAdmin does not display correct language choices 21075 RIO does not work with SSL on iSeries JR17293 In Application Integrator, provide same support for single quotes where ever double quotes are allowed in JSP or HTML files to define dependent resources. 21783 Planning and Installation Guide for iSeries did not document the -l parameter for the cfghpsvr command. Refer to the Planning and Installation Guide for iSeries for other parameters available on the cfghpsvr command. Run the cfghpsvr command: cfghpsvr [-instance instance] [-configFile AEs_config_file] [-l licenses] [-was WAS_edition] [-iwa] [-silent] where: -l licenses specifies the number of licenses allowed for this installation. The parameter is only valid if you purchased Host Publisher for iSeries with the Host Integration Solution package. If you purchased Host Publisher for iSeries with the iSeries Client Access product, use the -iwa parameter instead. JR17344 XML Gateway 5250 screen with single input field is not processed correctly. JR17347 XML Gateway repaints during login - delay timers not being used. 21792 Arabic version of XML Gateway error messages should be displayed Right-to-Left. Notice: The XML Gateway fixes JR17344, JR17347, and 21792 are included in the xmlLegacyGW.ear file and require extra installation steps. You should install the xmlLegacyGW.ear from this APAR if you use xmlGateway. 1. The xmlLegacyGW.ear file will be copied to \EARs 2. Use the WebSphere Administrative Console to stop and remove the xmlGateway application. 3. Use the WebSphere Administrative Console to install the xmlLegacyGW.ear file. - the ear file's location is \EARs\xmlLegacyGW.ear - for the Application name enter: xmlGateway 4. Use the WebSphere Administrative Console, to start the xmlGateway application and regenerate the Webserver plugin. If you restore this APAR, the previous version of xmlLegacyGW.ear will be restored to \EARs directory. However, if you have installed the xmlLegacyGW.ear from this APAR, you must repeat these steps to restore the xmlGateway application. 21664 All Host Publisher Admin right side panels will appear right to left when the default locale on the server is Arabic. Note: If the default locale is not Arabic, but the selected language is Arabic, only the static panels will appear right to left. The display of the dynamically generated panels will be depend on the default locale. 21795 Right pane of Arabic help information should be right to left. Notice: The fix for 21795 is included in the file HPAdmin.ear and requires extra installation steps. You should install the HPAdmin.ear from this APAR if you use the Arabic version of HPAdmin. 1. The HPAdmin.ear file will be copied to \EARs 2. Use the WebSphere Administrative Console to stop and remove the HPAdmin application. 3. Use the WebSphere Administrative Console to install the HPAdmin.ear file. - the ear file's location is \EARs\HPAdmin.ear - for the Application name enter: HPAdmin 4. Use the WebSphere Administrative Console to start the HPAdmin application and regenerate the Webserver plugin. If you restore this APAR, the previous version of HPAdmin.ear will be restored to \EARs directory. However, if you have installed the HPAdmin.ear from this APAR, you must repeat these steps to restore the HPAdmin application. JR17361 1)Relative references in FORM action tags will be migrated (from "../" to "../..") 2)Relative references and the use of variables in FORM action tags will be ignored when creating the page hierarchy and searching the for page dependencies (archive creation). JR17368 HPubTemplateHODBean.Customize should use UTF-8 encoding to open data macros. If you need this fix because the macros are not being read correctly on the server, you should merge the changes in the HPubTemplateHODBean.Customize with your custom template, rebuild the IOs, transfer them to the server again and re-install the applications. The changes in the file are marked with the flag J368. Note: Applying this APAR will replace the HPubTemplateHODBean.Customize file in the directory \Studio. The replaced version of this file will be saved in the directory \Common\service\fixes\JR17368\restore\root\Studio> until the APAR is committed. 22727 Update to RIO class file to enable Host Publisher Studio to build ear files including RIO support which will run on z/OS. _________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR APAR JR17584 This APAR must be applied to Host Publisher Server and Host Publisher Studio. Follow the instructions below to install APAR JR17584 on Host Publisher Server and Host Publisher Studio. _________________________________________________________________________ KNOWN PROBLEMS: 1. If you receive a Windows 98 "Out of Environment Space" message when applying this APAR, you will have to increase the size of the MS-DOS command processor environment. Right-Click on the MS-DOS icon and select "Properties". On the "MS-DOS Prompt Properties" panel, add /e:2048 to the end of the entry in the "Cmd Line" field. For example: c:\windows\ /e:2048 If you continue to receive the "Out of Environment Space" message, increase the value to 4096. For example: c:\windows\ /e:4096 After you increase the environment space, apply the APAR from a newly opened window. _________________________________________________________________________ TEST ENVIRONMENTs: Platform WAS Advanced Edition WAS AEs IBM HTTP Server -------------- ---------------------- --------- ---------------- OS/400 V5R1 4.0.3 and 4.0.4 5722DG1 _________________________________________________________________________ Default Install Directories for Host Publisher Server iSeries /QIBM/ProdData/HostPublisher Default Install Directory for Host Publisher Studio Windows NT, 2000, 98, XP, ME c:\HostPub _________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The Software Maintenance Utility includes various commands to manage the application and restoration of Host Publisher code fixes. The commands are case sensitive on all platforms. 1. The apply command applies a fix to Host Publisher. Once a fix is applied, you should verify the fix corrected the problem by attempting to recreate the problem. 2. The commit command makes the change permanent. Run this command after you verify the fix is working as expected. 3. The restore command removes an applied fix from Host Publisher. If a fix does not correct a problem or you experience unexpected results, you can remove the fix and restore Host Publisher to the state prior to applying the fix. Once a fix has been restored, you can reapply the fix. Once a fix has been committed, the fix can not be restored. 4. The report command displays the status of all applied or committed fixes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO APPLY APAR JR17584 - Windows Platforms ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Letter case must be adhered to in the following instructions. 1) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd d:\HostPub ) 2) Change to subdirectory common ( Example: cd common ) 3) Change to subdirectory service ( Example: cd service ) 4) Copy the file to the service subdirectory 5) Unzip 6) To apply JR17584 to Host Publisher Studio: A) Exit any open Studio components. B) From the \common\service directory type: apply JR17584 studio C) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JR17584 has been correctly applied. Refer to the Host Publisher product documentation for a complete list of messages and meanings 7) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JR17584 has been correctly applied. Refer to the Host Publisher product documentation for a complete list of messages and meanings. 8) To verify that the APAR was applied successfully, type: report ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO APPLY APAR JR17584 - iSeries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Letter case must be adhered to in the following instructions. Note: Make sure your userid has QSECOFR or equivalent authority before executing the next steps. 1) Enter the QShell Command prompt by typing qsh on the command line. 2) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd /QIBM/ProdData/HostPublisher ) 3) Change to subdirectory common ( Example: cd common ) 4) Change to subdirectory service ( Example: cd service ) 5) Using a Windows workstation copy into the service directory and unzip it. 6) Stop WebSphere Application Server 7) The script files,, etc. must all have execute permissions. If one or more does not, you can run chmod -R 755 *.sh from the ../common/service directory to give this permission to all the script files. ( Example: from the ../common/service directory, type chmod -R 755 *.sh ) 8) From service subdirectory, type: sh JR17584 9) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JR17584 has been correctly applied. Refer to the Service Guide ( serviceGuide.html located in the service directory ) for a complete list of messages and meanings. 10) To verify that the APAR was applied successfully, type: sh 11) If you use xmlGateway application to access a 5250 host, please see additional instructions under problem JR17344 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO RESTORE APAR JR17584 - Windows Platforms ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Letter case must be adhered to in the following instructions. 1) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd d:\HostPub ) 2) Change to subdirectory common ( Example: cd common ) 3) Change to subdirectory service ( Example: cd service ) 4) To remove JR17584 from Host Publisher Studio: A) Exit any open Studio components. B) From the \common\service directory type: restore JR17584 studio C) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JR17584 has been correctly restored. Refer to the Host Publisher product documentation for a complete list of messages and meanings 5) To verify that the system was restored successfully, type: report ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO RESTORE APAR JR17584 - iSeries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Letter case must be adhered to in the following instructions. Note: Make sure your userid has QSECOFR or equivalent authority before executing the next steps. 1) Enter the QShell Command prompt by typing qsh on the command line. 2) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd /QIBM/ProdData/HostPublisher ). 3) Change to subdirectory common ( Example: cd common ) 4) Change to subdirectory service ( Example: cd service ) 5) Stop WebSphere Application Server 6) From the service subdirectory, type: sh JR17584 6) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JR17584 has been correctly restored. Refer to the Service Guide ( serviceGuide.html located in the service directory ) for a complete list of messages and meanings. 7) To verify that the system was restored successfully, type: sh ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO COMMIT APAR JR17584 - Windows Platforms ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Letter case must be adhered to in the following instructions. 1) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd d:\HostPub ) 2) Change to subdirectory common ( Example: cd common ) 3) Change to subdirectory service ( Example: cd service ) 4) To commit an APAR applied to Host Publisher Studio, type: commit JR17584 studio 5) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JR17584 has been correctly committed. Refer to the Host Publisher product documentation for a complete list of messages and meanings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO COMMIT APAR JR17584 - iSeries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Letter case must be adhered to in the following instructions. Note: Make sure your userid has QSECOFR or equivalent authority before executing the next steps. 1) Enter the QShell Command prompt by typing qsh on the command line. 2) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd /QIBM/ProdData/HostPublisher) 3) Change to subdirectory common ( Example: cd common ) 4) Change to subdirectory service ( Example: cd service ) 5) Type: sh JR17584 6) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JR17584 has been correctly committed. Refer to the Service Guide ( serviceGuide.html located in the service directory ) for a complete list of messages and meanings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FILES INCLUDED This APAR fix contains the following files: SHIPPED (fn.ft) File Destination JR17584.jar - contains changed files JR17584.txt - this readme file TECHNICAL SUPPORT For technical assistance or questions, please call the IBM SUPPORT CENTER for your Country. For example in the USA call: 1-800-237-5511 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, transmitted, or translated into any language without the express written consent of the publisher: International Business Machines Corp. P.O. Box 12195 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2195 USA Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. LIMIT OF LIABILITY License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics.