Visit our Home Page on the Internet: Host Publisher Support ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: 12/18/2001 Product/Version: Host Publisher V2.2.1 APAR JR16647 Platform: Windows ________________________________________________________________________ This APAR requires the following APARs: APAR# JR16477 ________________________________________________________________________ This APAR supersedes the following APARs: APAR# JR16235 JR16433 JR16576 JR16358 JR16571 _________________________________________________________________________ PROBLEM(s) FIXED: JR16235: When transferring a Host Publisher application from Studio to Server, if there are multiple user lists, only the passwords of the first user list are encrypted or scrambled. The passwords of the remaining user lists are transferred in plain text, even if the user requested that they be encrypted. JR16433: Macro failing with error HPS5060 when multiple input variables are defined and retrieved from a user pool. The error occurs when other properties are associated with a user ID/password pair in the user pool, for example _cicsUserid and _cicsPassword, and the first prompt in the macro is for a variable that is different than userid, _cicsUserid for example. JR16358: When a screen's "xlatehostkeys" field has been hand edited in the macro file, the changes are not retained. JR16571 Host Pub 221 incorrectly sends the Yen sign to the host in both code page 930 and 939. This happens only if the Yen Sign is cut and pasted into Host Access or if it is input as a variable. _________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR APAR JR16647 APAR JR16358 includes fixes for the Host Publisher Studio and Server. Follow the instructions below to install APAR JR16647 _________________________________________________________________________ KNOWN PROBLEMS: 1. If you receive a Windows 95/98 "Out of Environment Space" message when applying this APAR, you will have to increase the size of the MS-DOS command processor environment. Righ-Click on the MS-DOS icon and select "Properties". On the "MS-DOS Prompt Properties" panel, add /e:2048 to the end of the entry in the "Cmd Line" field. For example: c:\windows\ /e:2048 If you continue to receive the "Out of Environment Space" message, increase the value to 4096. For example: c:\windows\ /e:4096 After you increase the environment space, apply the APAR from a newly opened window. 2. Before removing Host Publisher, after applying this APAR, you should erase the service directory created following the installation instructions below. 3. The timestamp of the files installed by this APAR is not preserved when JDK 1.1.8 is used. 4) Under OS/400, the timestamp of the files installed by this APAR is corrupted. This problem can be avoided by installing the following before applying this APAR. V4R5 and JDK 1.2 - Install 5769JV1 SF66230 ( Also requires 5769SS1 SF66226 ) V4R5 and JDK 1.3 - Install 5769JV1 SF66229 ( Also requires 5769SS1 SF66226 ) V5R1 and JDK 1.2 - Install 5722SS1 SI01945 V5R1 and JDK 1.3 - Install 5722JV1 SI01944 _________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The Software Maintenance Utility includes various commands to manage the application and restoration of Host Publisher code fixes: 1. The apply command applies a fix to Host Publisher. Once a fix is applied, you should verify the fix corrected the problem by attempting to recreate the problem. 2. The commit command makes the change permanent. Run this command after you verify the fix is working as expected. 3. The restore command removes an applied fix from Host Publisher. If a fix does not correct a problem or you experience unexpected results, you can remove the fix and restore Host Publisher to the state prior to applying the fix. Once a fix has been restored, you can reapply the fix. Once a fix has been committed, the fix can not be restored. 4. The report command displays the status of all applied or committed fixes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO APPLY APAR JRxxxxx - Windows ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Letter case must be adhered to in the following instructions. 1) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd d:\HostPub ) 2) Change to subdirectory common ( Example: cd common ) 3) Create a new subdirectory under common named service ( Example: mkdir service ) 4) Change to subdirectory service ( Example: cd service ) 5) Copy the file to the service subdirectory 6) Unzip 7) If you have Host Publisher Server installed, make sure to stop WebSphere Application Server before typing: apply JRxxxxx server 8) If you have Host Publisher Studio installed, type: apply JRxxxxx studio 9) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JRxxxxx has been correctly applied. Refer to the Service Guide ( serviceGuide.html located in the service directory ) for a complete list of messages and meanings. 10) To verify that the APAR was applied successfully, type: report If you have Host Publisher Server installed perform steps 11,12 and 13. If you do not have Host Publisher Server installed skip steps 11,12 and 13. 11) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd d:\HostPub ) 12) Copy existing file HostPubWAS.bat to HostPubWASexp.bat ) Example: copy HostPubWAS.bat HostPubWASexp.bat 13) Use notepad to edit newly created file HostPubWASexp.bat and change "-import" to "-export". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO APPLY APAR JRxxxxx - AIX, Solaris ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Letter case must be adhered to in the following instructions. 1) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd /usr/lpp/HostPublisher ) 2) Change to subdirectory common ( Example: cd common ) 3) Create a new subdirectory under common named service ( Example: mkdir service ) 4) Change to subdirectory service ( Example: cd service ) 5) Using a Windows workstation copy the file to the service subdirectory and unzip it. 6) Change the apply file permission to execute ( Example: chmod 755 ) 7) Make sure to stop WebSphere Application Server before typing: ./ JRxxxxx 8) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JRxxxxx has been correctly applied. Refer to the Service Guide ( serviceGuide.html located in the service directory ) for a complete list of messages and meanings. 9) To verify that the APAR was applied successfully, type: ./ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO APPLY APAR JRxxxxx - OS/400 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Letter case must be adhered to in the following instructions. Note: Make sure your userid has QSECOFR or equivalent authority before executing the next steps. 1) Enter the QShell Command prompt by typing qsh on the command line. 2) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd /QIBM/ProdData/HostPublisher ) 3) Change to subdirectory common ( Example: cd common ) 4) Create a new subdirectory under common named service ( Example: mkdir service ) 5) Using a Windows workstation copy into the service directory just created and unzip it. 6) From the QShell Command prompt change to subdirectory service ( Example: cd service ) 7) Make sure to stop WebSphere Application Server before typing: sh JRxxxxx 8) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JRxxxxx has been correctly applied. Refer to the Service Guide ( serviceGuide.html located in the service directory ) for a complete list of messages and meanings. 9) To verify that the APAR was applied successfully, type: sh ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO RESTORE APAR JRxxxxx - Windows ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Letter case must be adhered to in the following instructions. 1) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd d:\HostPub ) 2) Change to subdirectory common ( Example: cd common ) 3) Change to subdirectory service ( Example: cd service ) 4) If you have Host Publisher Server installed, make sure to stop WebSphere Application Server before typing: restore JRxxxxx server 5) If you have Host Publisher Studio installed, type: restore JRxxxxx studio 6) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JRxxxxx has been correctly restored. Refer to the Service Guide ( serviceGuide.html located in the service directory ) for a complete list of messages and meanings. 7) To verify that the system was restored successfully, type: report ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO RESTORE APAR JRxxxxx - AIX, Solaris ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Letter case must be adhered to in the following instructions. 1) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd /usr/lpp/HostPublisher ) 2) Change to subdirectory common ( Example: cd common ) 3) Change to subdirectory service ( Example: cd service ) 4) Make sure to stop WebSphere Application Server before typing: ./ JRxxxxx 5) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JRxxxxx has been correctly restored. Refer to the Service Guide ( serviceGuide.html located in the service directory ) for a complete list of messages and meanings. 6) To verify that the system was restored successfully, type: ./ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO RESTORE APAR JRxxxxx - OS/400 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Letter case must be adhered to in the following instructions. Note: Make sure your userid has QSECOFR or equivalent authority before executing the next steps. 1) Enter the QShell Command prompt by typing qsh on the command line. 2) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd /QIBM/ProdData/HostPublisher) 3) Change to subdirectory common ( Example: cd common ) 4) Change to subdirectory service ( Example: cd service ) 5) Make sure to stop WebSphere Application Server before typing: sh JRxxxxx 6) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JRxxxxx has been correctly restored. Refer to the Service Guide ( serviceGuide.html located in the service directory ) for a complete list of messages and meanings. 7) To verify that the system was restored successfully, type: sh ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO COMMIT APAR JRxxxxx - Windows ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Letter case must be adhered to in the following instructions. 1) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd d:\HostPub ) 2) Change to subdirectory common ( Example: cd common ) 3) Change to subdirectory service ( Example: cd service ) 4) If you have Host Publisher Server installed, type: commit JRxxxxx server 5) If you have Host Publisher Studio installed, type: commit JRxxxxx studio 6) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JRxxxxx has been correctly committed. Refer to the Service Guide ( serviceGuide.html located in the service directory ) for a complete list of messages and meanings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO COMMIT APAR JRxxxxx - AIX, Solaris ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Letter case must be adhered to in the following instructions. 1) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd /usr/lpp/HostPublisher ) 2) Change to subdirectory common ( Example: cd common ) 3) Change to subdirectory service ( Example: cd service ) 4) Type: ./ JRxxxxx 5) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JRxxxxx has been correctly committed. Refer to the Service Guide ( serviceGuide.html located in the service directory ) for a complete list of messages and meanings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO COMMIT APAR JRxxxxx - OS/400 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Letter case must be adhered to in the following instructions. Note: Make sure your userid has QSECOFR or equivalent authority before executing the next steps. 1) Enter the QShell Command prompt by typing qsh on the command line. 2) Change to the Host Publisher installation directory ( Example: cd /QIBM/ProdData/HostPublisher) 3) Change to subdirectory common ( Example: cd common ) 4) Change to subdirectory service ( Example: cd service ) 5) Type: sh JRxxxxx 6) Message "HPS5645I: The request was successful" indicates JRxxxxx has been correctly committed. Refer to the Service Guide ( serviceGuide.html located in the service directory ) for a complete list of messages and meanings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FILES INCLUDED This APAR fix contains the following files: SHIPPED (fn.ft) File Destination JR16358.jar - contains changed files JR16358.txt - readme file WebBridge.jar - %hp_install_dir%/Studio/WebBridge.jar TECHNICAL SUPPORT For technical assistance or questions, please call the IBM SUPPORT CENTER for your Country. For example in the USA call: 1-800-237-5511 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 1999, 2001. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, transmitted, or translated into any language without the express written consent of the publisher: International Business Machines Corp. P.O. Box 12195 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2195 USA Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. LIMIT OF LIABILITY License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics.