Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) V7.1.3 fixpack 12 for Windows February 26,2003 rev. February 27,2003 Thank you for being an EIP customer! Continue reading below as this readme contains important information you should be aware of before proceeding with installing this fixpack. This is an interim fixpack between Formal Corrective Service Deliverables (CSDs). It contains APARs from previous fixpacks as well as new fixes that are only found in this fixpack. IMPORTANT: Fixpacks do not receive extensive testing like CSDs. Do not install this fixpack unless you require a particular fix. Table of Contents 1. Installation Requirements 2. Installation Instructions 3. APAR Descriptions *********************************************************************** ********************************************* 1. Installation Requirements ********************************************* This fixpack is for Windows 95/98/NT/2000. In order to install this fixpack, you must be at this minimum product base level: a) Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) for Windows V7.1.3 (syslevel 07010300) You can determine your syslevel by: - Clicking on the START button and select RUN - Enter "REGEDIT" - Double click on "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" - Double click on "SOFTWARE" - Double click on "IBM" - Double click on "Enterprise Information Portal" - Click on "7.1". On the right side of the screen, the syslevel is recorded under "Fixpak applied" ********************************************* 2. Installation Instructions ********************************************* 1. Shut down and reboot your workstation to ensure that all file locks are released. 2. On the Fixpack FTP site, CD into the desired language subdirectory (for example: CD ENU to find the English Fixpack). Be aware that each National language has its own fixpack package. Because all the language fixpacks have the same name, be sure you go to the correct language subdirectory. If you don't find the language fixpack you need, ask for it. 3. Download the EIP71312.WIN.EXE file in binary mode to a temporary subdirectory on your workstation. 4. EIP71312.WIN.EXE is a self-extracting WINZIP file that can be extracted by simply entering EIP71312.WIN. You will be prompted for a temporary directory to unzip to. You should have at least 56MB of free space. 5. Follow the GUI install panels. ********************************************* 3. APAR Fixes with Descriptions ********************************************* ************************************** Fixpack 713.12 ************************************** ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48367 COMPONENT: APAR DESCRIPTION: Adding annotation after item was retrieved caused a NullPointerExeption FIX DESCRIPTION: Internal error has been fixed. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49921 COMPONENT: 5648D034x/TextSearch APAR DESCRIPTION: The TSE library service at the end of the update process calls API SimLibLogoff to close the session with the CM. If the function fails and returns with an error, the library service retries calling the API once more which may lead to unexpected signals and therefore crashes. FIX DESCRIPTION: The Library service will not retry calling the SimLibLogoff in case it fails and returns with an error. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49925 COMPONENT: 5648D034x/TextSearch APAR DESCRIPTION: If the search (ranking requested) result exceeded the maximum that the client could handle(RC_MAXIMUM_CAPACITY_LIMIT), the search will terminate but the temporary file generated during search on the server will not be cleaned up. FIX DESCRIPTION: The temporary file will be cleaned up in case the search didn't continue successfully due to result size limitations. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR50077 COMPONENT: Java Beans APAR DESCRIPTION: getHeight() and getWidth() methods of CMBPage java bean return incorrect values. FIX DESCRIPTION: The methods return height and width of an image in inches. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR50359 COMPONENT: Java Viewer APAR DESCRIPTION: The customer noticed a Dr Watson's error while opening and closing documents. Splitting the document window into four frames causes the Viewer to crash. Viewer should be able to open up with thumbnails hidden, irrespective of previously saved settings. FIX DESCRIPTION: The Dr. Watson's error and the Viewer crash are fixed in this Viewer build. A new change was added to the Viewer so that thumbnails would always be hidden by default, irrespective of the previously saved settings. This can be triggered by placing the following entry in FRNJVIEW.INI file: [View Options] DefaultThumbNailsHidden=1 To disable this feature, the entry can be removed or set to 0. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR50670 COMPONENT: 5648D034x/TextSearch APAR DESCRIPTION: Non-administrator users are able to retrieve search templates that they should't have access to. FIX DESCRIPTION: Prevent noniadministrator users from retrieving search templates that they don't have access to. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR50751 COMPONENT: 5648D03C2 / EIP ADMIN WIN APAR DESCRIPTION: AdminExits: changePassword() is not being called correctly. The code path for the change password function in the SysAdmin is slightly different from the exits. FIX DESCRIPTION: Problem fixed. The behaviour is now consistent. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47759 COMPONENT: panagon APAR DESCRIPTION: In order to enhance performance, set the datastore option from content yes to attribute only FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed the datastore setOption(DK_CM_OPT_ACCESS_MODE) from DK_CM_CONTENT_YES to DK_CM_CONTENT_ATTRONLY ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49678 COMPONENT: panagon APAR DESCRIPTION: When the backend server is FileNet and if the search template has three search criteria, with the first two being non-date fields and last one being a date field with BETWEEN operator, the resulting query generates an error that looks like the following: DGL0394A: Error in : SEARCH_DOCS RC= 0, 1509950462 PRS_parse [IMS_SESSION=184497712, ERR_CAT=90, ERR_FUN=0, ERR_NUM=1022] at position 111 in key or filter FIX DESCRIPTION: Due to the filenet limitaion that "Explicit precedence involving IN RANGE search Terms is not enabled" we cannot construct the query string like (A and B) and C if there are three search criteria are passing down from Federate search template. We need to change the format to A and B and C. ************************************** Fixpack 713.11 ************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48682 COMPONENT: Java Viewer APAR DESCRIPTION: When setPreferredScale is set 0.35 at CMBDocument bean, the bottom part of the document will not be shown. If 0.34 or 0.36 is passed in as a parameter to setPreferredScale API, the whole document will be displayed. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the formula to calculate the area to convert the document to bitmap. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49761 COMPONENT: Install APAR DESCRIPTION: VI400 V5.1 Support Utility This utility will upgrade your current EIP version 7 installation to support AS/400 version 5.1. Future fixpacks will then be able to upgrade your system for updates. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION: IBM(R) Enterprise Information Portal for Multiplatforms Version 7.1 AS/400 version 5.1 support utility README 1 Introduction This utility will upgrade your current EIP version 7 installation to support AS/400 version 5.1. Future fixpacks will then be able to upgrade your system for updates. 2 Installation 1. Verify the existence of v5.1 files before executing this utility. (If the files are not present, you do not have the correct environment for this utility, do not execute the utility.) Look in the SAMPLES "v5" directory and check to see if these files are present: SAMPLES\cpp\v5\EKDVIDSP.CPP SAMPLES\cpp\v5\VI400VFY.CPP SAMPLES\cpp\v5\EKDVIDSP.MAK SAMPLES\cpp\v5\VI400VFY.MAK 2. If the above files exist, then Run EIPVI400.exe. 3. Enter a path to extract the files to, or you may simply accept the default by clicking OK. 4. EIP setup will run automatically. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48609 COMPONENT: Java Beans APAR DESCRIPTION: Thread queuing needed in CMBConnectionPool FIX DESCRIPTION: Thread queuing has been added to non-visual beans. When enabled, this will place threads requesting a connection which would cause the pool to exceed its maximum size to wait in a queue until an existing connection becomes available. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49251 COMPONENT: EIP Viewer APAR DESCRIPTION: Users would like to specify default fit options and zoom values while opening documents. FIX DESCRIPTION: Users can now configure what fit options to be used while opening documents. This can be done by specifying the following entry in the FRNJVIEW.INI file: [View Options] Initial Fit=PAGE_WITHIN Other options that can be specified are: PAGE_WIDTH, PAGE_LENGTH, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_LENGTH If nothing is specified, then the Viewer will open the document with the "Fit Normal" option. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49920 COMPONENT: VI/DL Connector APAR Description: When parts with number 0 are stored by directly using the VI/390 library server APIs, Java or C++ VI/DL connector cannot retrieve these parts. VI/DL connector can only retrieve parts with numbers greater than 0. Fix Description: The EIP retrieve/update/delete methods have removed the restriction of partId 0. If users pass partId 0, EIP will pass it to FM and pass back the error return code thrown by FM if the partId 0 does not exist. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR50140 COMPONENT: EIP API Reference Guide APAR DESCRIPTION: The EIP API Reference needs clarification for the Java Beans CMBConnection.isConnected() method. FIX DESCRIPTION: The CMBConnection class of the Java Beans APIs should have the following description detail for the isConnected method: isConnected public boolean isConnected() Checks to see if we are currently connected. Note: This method only checks if the CMBConnection.connect method was called and successfully established a connection. It does not check to make sure the connection is still valid from the server's perspective. To check the validity of the connection to the server, an operation, such as a search, should be performed that will use the server. Returns: true if currently connected, false if not connected ************************************** Fixpack 713.10 ************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49247 COMPONENT: 5648D034x/TextSearch PMR NUMBER: 37486,19,0 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the Library Service interface encounters problems with a document, like document not found or cannot be retrieved, the service tries to log the error in the library service logfile. An error was found in the logging logic which can sometimes Create an access violation FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem with the retrieval errror was fixed, so text search will not encounter the problem during indexing. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49038 COMPONENT: 5648D034x/TextSearch PMR NUMBER: 36829,19,0 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the imldlatt utility is used with the -t option to move the SearchState of items back to the "to be updated" state, items encountered in the TextSearch index class which were marked as "deleted" were also changed to "to be updated". During execution Of the imlupdix, the objects were not found since they were already deleted from the system FIX DESCRIPTION: We changed the behavior of imldlatt,so now "Queued Delete" state will change to "to be Deleted" ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48969 COMPONENT: 5648D034x/TextSearch PMR NUMBER: 69901,17,866 APAR DESCRIPTION: Text search function with a search expression which contains 130 separate search expressions joined by the OR operator (and using sentance proximity) returns 0 records. Reducing this to 120 terms or removing sentance proximity gives a non zero result. Adding further search expressions with the OR operator should not give 0 records found. FIX DESCRIPTION: A fix was made to enable the search expression to extend. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49224 COMPONENT: 5648D035x/EIP OO API PMR NUMBER: 70841,499,0 APAR DESCRIPTION: Abnormal termination of the RMI server with access violation exceptions, when accessing the IP390 server backend on the NT platform. FIX DESCRIPTION: This defect fixes abnormal termination of the RMI server with access violation exceptions, when accessing the IP390 server backend on the NT platform. This also adresses some garbage collection issues in the RMI server. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49673 COMPONENT: 5648D035x/EIP OO API PMR NUMBER: 94911,111,0 APAR DESCRIPTION: With RMI, after the addObject and updateObject method of the DKDatastoreV4 need to reset the tracking list for collections like the DKParts and DKFolder. If the tracking list is not reset the update operation can happening again in an RMI situation for an item that has already been updated. FIX DESCRIPTION: Add codes to reset the tracking list in com\ibm\mm\sdk\client\DKDatastoreV4.java for addObject() and updateObject methods. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49640 COMPONENT: 5648D03Jx/Java Beans PMR NUMBER: 4307,4,0 APAR DESCRIPTION: In a custom web application that is multithreaded, when following calls are made through two different threads at the same time, CMBDocumentServices.dropAllDocuments(), CMBDocumentServices.loadDocument(), an unexpected exception "DocumentEngine.notAllPagesDropped" is thrown. FIX DESCRIPTION: Add sychronization to following methods to erase the race condition: dispose() of java class CMBDocument write() of java class CMBDocument getPageHandle() of java class CMBPage ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49665 COMPONENT: 5648D03Jx/Java Beans PMR NUMBER: 39361,500,0 APAR DESCRIPTION: Since customer requires Dominodoc connector return LifeCycle state which is one of the document property to them. In DKDocumentDefDD class I added one member _lifeCycleState and two get/setLifeCycleState() functions. Through the Document object user can get the life cycle state information. FIX DESCRIPTION: added get/set lifeCycleState in DKDocumentDefDD class. So user could get life cycle state information through the document object. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49817 COMPONENT: 5648D03U2/EIP Viewer PMR NUMBER: 21314,4,0 APAR DESCRIPTION: The maximum and minimum scale that can be applied to the documents are very limited. FIX DESCRIPTION: The scale of the documents are always reduced by a factor depending on the display resolution and the horizontal page resolution. The reverse factor is now applied to the maximum and minimum scale such that the documents are scaled right. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48340 COMPONENT: 5648D03U2/EIP Viewer PMR NUMBER: 37240,469 APAR DESCRIPTION: The viewer can not view documents with more than one resource correctly. The resources are either displaced or lost. FIX DESCRIPTION: Modify the c++ document engine bridge cmbengexe.cpp to fix the limitation of one form/resource per page. Modify the CMBCMDoucmentEngineEx.java to correct the processing of response from c++ engine bridge for overlay. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49854 COMPONENT: 5648D03C2/EIP Admin Win PMR NUMBER: 1346,999,724 APAR DESCRIPTION: The methods beforeLogoff() and afterLogoff() methods in the CsaLogonExits class are not called by EIP system administration. FIX DESCRIPTION: EIP7.1: Modify SysAdmin GUI to call beforeLogoff() and afterLogoff() when EIP System Administration client is exiting. ************************ ************************************** Fixpack 713.9 ************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48791 COMPONENT: 5648D03C2 / EIP ADMIN WIN PMR NUMBER: 69899,469,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When deleting a user group with over thousands of user, a SQL error occurred: Invalid handle or statement is closed. FIX DESCRIPTION: SQL statement exceeds maximum length. We handle the SQL statement differently. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR40915 COMPONENT: 569725042 / IMAGE SERVICES PMR NUMBER: 61335,V8Q,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Unable to display Excel 95 documents. FIX DESCRIPTION: Made changes to the MstrSf32.ENG to handle Excel 95 documents. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Backup existing copy of MstrSf32.Eng prior to running the fixpack install. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49572 COMPONENT: 5648D03T1 / THIN CLIENT PMR NUMBER: 78409,309,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: eClient/intranet client does not function properly under persistent session. Memory leak was found. FIX DESCRIPTION: The cause of memory leak was a NullPointerException during the connectionbean deserialization. This was corrected. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49643 COMPONENT: 5648D03T2 / THIN CLIENT PMR NUMBER: 78409,309,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Workflow related options were displayed even though workflow was disabled. FIX DESCRIPTION: Removed the workflow related options. They will only be displayed when workflow is enabled. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49559 COMPONENT: 5648D03M1 / VI/DL CONNCTR PMR NUMBER: 93590,111,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Fix Memory leak from LibGetResponse call in ACL. FIX DESCRIPTION: Call LibFreeItemPart to cleanup memory of LibGetResponse. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49645 COMPONENT: 5648D03M2 / VI/DL CONNCTR PMR NUMBER: 69576,031,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: JVM crash problem with CMv7 library server is down. FIX DESCRIPTION: Don't all SimLibLogoff again after error detected. ************************ ************************************** Fixpack 713.8 ************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48615 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 68783,004,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Update Java Doc for dkResultSetCursor.setPosition() to describe options. FIX DESCRIPTION: Add missing Java Doc info to dkResultSetCursor.setPosition API. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49250 COMPONENT: 5648D03M2 / VI/DL CONNCTR PMR NUMBER: 91692,111,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Add the LS Reason Code to exception message text in the DL connector ddo/xdo crud methods. FIX DESCRIPTION: Supply the Reason code from LS in exception message text for DL DDO CRUD/XDO CRUD. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48867 COMPONENT: 5648D03M2 / VI/DL CONNCTR PMR NUMBER: 05210,999,616 APAR DESCRIPTION: Provide option to allow users to disable the multiStream validation. This will improve the performance. The code example as followings: Java: Integer opt = new Integer(DK_CM_FALSE); DKBlobDL xdo; xdo.setOption(DK_DL_OPT_MS_ENABLED, (Object)opt); C++: DKAny anyOpt = DK_CM_FALSE; DKBlobDL xdo; xdo.setOption(DK_DL_OPT_MS_ENABLED, anyOpt); FIX DESCRIPTION: Add codes to do checking of the option flag, if it is not true then skip the multiStream validation codes. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48942 COMPONENT: 5648D03M2 / VI/DL CONNCTR PMR NUMBER: 26951,001,754 APAR DESCRIPTION: Add codes to support the description field of VI400 index classes. The VI400 APG documented that the description field is not supported, but customers found out it actually can retrieve the description. FIX DESCRIPTION: Add codes to retrieve the description field of index classes of V4 connector. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49252 COMPONENT: 5648D03M2 / VI/DL CONNCTR PMR NUMBER: 52323,379,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: If retrieve() failed at SimLibQueryObject, the JNI free a 8 bytes memory twice. That might causes the access violation. FIX DESCRIPTION: Remove the extra free statement in the JNI. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48968 COMPONENT: 5648D03J2 / JAVA BEANS PMR NUMBER: 38604,499,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Bean trace records have the same timestamp value. FIX DESCRIPTION: Current time is used for timestamp at the time the trace record is written. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49475 COMPONENT: 5648D03C2 / EIP ADMIN PMR NUMBER: 48094,000,738 APAR DESCRIPTION: Refresh the Text Search inventory on RMI environment is not working if Text Search has inventory entries. FIX DESCRIPTION: Modify DKDatastoreAdminFed to implement the Java IO Serializable. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48897 COMPONENT: 5648D03E2 / DOMINODOC CON PMR NUMBER: n/a APAR DESCRIPTION: Using remote DominoDoc connector to refresh DominoDoc Server inventory from EIP administration client produces NullPointerException. FIX DESCRIPTION: Since we are using the inconsistent extension constant when we calling addExtension() and getExtension() from different package of DKDatastoreDD. So when we call _client.listDocuments() through RMI, We got null pointer exception since the _client is null. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48472 COMPONENT: 5648D03J2 / JAVA BEANS PMR NUMBER: 47925,469,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Bedrock uses a certain font file to display contents of MO:DCA documents. As the Viewer was not passing the font file information to Bedrock, displayed contents of certain documents may be incorrect. FIX DESCRIPTION: IBMBR.ENG was modified to pass the appropriate font file information to Bedrock. Also, a newer version of FIWTAPI.DLL has been added. ************************ ************************************** Fixpack 713.7 ************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47122 COMPONENT: 5648D0492 / Install PMR NUMBER: 37239,019,866 APAR DESCRIPTION: Content Manager 7.1 and Enterprise Information Portal 7.1 - The header file (fipwkup.h) for SimLibInvokeSearchEngine() and SimLibProcExtSrch() is not installed with the product. FIX DESCRIPTION: CM 7.1 (Windows/AIX), EIP 7.1 (Windows/AIX), and Windows Client 7.1 installs have added the missing file fipwkup.h. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: None. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47870 COMPONENT: 5648D0302 / FED SRCH CONN PMR NUMBER: 25011,999,724 APAR DESCRIPTION: Fed connect method fails with null pointer exception when connect string specified. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48316 COMPONENT: 5648D0342 / TEXT SEARCH PMR NUMBER: 69076,017,866 APAR DESCRIPTION: Error "RC_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY" returns when searching and the expected result is huge. Even after increasing the memory size, the error still exists. FIX DESCRIPTION: We have increased the result output size and changed the misleading error message to a new one. Now "RC_CAPACITY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" returns when the limit of result size is exceeded. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48419 COMPONENT: 5648D0341 / TEXT SEARCH PMR NUMBER: 69631,017,866 APAR DESCRIPTION: While searching in NGRAM index,the order of the sentance proximity part in the query gives wrong results example imlsrch -s TM -x TSTNGRAM -term "[S pm= | mesothelioma S] AND ASBESTOSIS" gives results different from imlsrch -s TM -x TSTNGRAM -term "ASBESTOSIS AND [S pm= | mesothelioma S]" which is wrong FIX DESCRIPTION: This part was handled in the right way,and the order now is not affecting the results. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48605 COMPONENT: 5648D03C2 / EIP ADMIN WIN PMR NUMBER: 49468,211,848 APAR DESCRIPTION: OD/390 Server Inventory Refresh for large number (> 40000) application groups can take a long time. FIX DESCRIPTION: When creating java objects representing the OnDemand application groups (entities), the attribute values are prefetched and added to the OD application group objects. This fix significantly reduces the time required to gather a large number of entities (OnDemand application groups) and entity attributes (OnDemand application group field names and attributes) during the EIP server inventory process. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48668 COMPONENT: 5648D0341 / TEXT SEARCH PMR NUMBER: 55787,004,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When running imlclpix on an index, The command fails and the index is locked. The following error is shown in the imldiag.log file "diaginfo: AD:INV BUFFSIZE rc:8 FIX DESCRIPTION: The TSE cleanup function has been fixed and the buffer initilization is done correctly now. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48699 COMPONENT: 5648D0341 / TEXT SEARCH PMR NUMBER: 26483,019,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When Installing the TSE client alone (after upgrade to CSD3), an error shows up when tring to run any client command stating that IML.dll is required which wasn't the case before CSD3. IML.dll is a server dll so it shouldn't be needed by the client part. FIX DESCRIPTION: A nex fix was introduced to TSE (Text Search Engine) which led to a dependency (side effect) between the client & server parts. The fix has been redesigned so that the client & server parts are separated again. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48790 COMPONENT: 5648D03C2 / EIP ADMIN WIN PMR NUMBER: 67275,469,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Updating a group with large number of users failed with SQL error. FIX DESCRIPTION: Currently, when updating a group, it deletes all user first and re-add all sers. Put fix in FeUserGroupModel to check for which users need to be deleted and which user need to added and which user should be left alone. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48897 COMPONENT: 5648D03E2 / DOMINODOC CON PMR NUMBER: n/a APAR Description: Using remote DominoDoc connector to refresh DominoDoc Server inventory from EIP administration client produces NullPointerException. FIX Description: Since we are using the inconsistent extension constant when we calling addExtension() and getExtension() from different package of DKDatastoreDD. So when we call _client.listDocuments() through RMI, We got null pointer exception since the _client is null. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48961 COMPONENT: 5648D03M2 / VI/DL CONNCTR PMR NUMBER: n/a APAR DESCRIPTION: The list / create / update /delete content classes functions will failed if uses cs package. FIX DESCRIPTION: Add the missing codes to the DKDatastoreDL in the cs package. This problem is due to the missing extension object from the cs package. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48962 COMPONENT: 5648D03M2 / VI/DL CONNCTR PMR NUMBER: n/a APAR DESCRIPTION: The checkin item failed. FIX DESCRIPTION: The checkin item method in PCrudImpV4.c and DKDatastoreCRUDV4.cpp didn't check for the virtual item handle. If testcase does checkout then checkin in the same ds then it works OK. But if test case does checkout, and other testcase does checkin then the virtual item handle is null. The fixes is to add codes to validate the virtual item handle, if not valid then call V4 API to retrieve it before do checkin. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48963 COMPONENT: 5648D03C2 / EIP ADMIN WIN PMR NUMBER: n/a APAR DESCRIPTION: When a backend server has a very long name, the Federaty Entity Mapping panel is partially truncated for the list of Fed. entities. FIX DESCRIPTION: Adjust GUI to accommedate long server names. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48964 COMPONENT: 5648D03M2 / VI/DL CONNCTR PMR NUMBER: n/a APAR DESCRIPTION: If "add item" didn't add any value for some attributes,the API to update the item will complain the null values and cause the update failed. FIX DESCRIPTION: During update item (calling SimLibWriteAttr) add codes to check for the null value and use "" empty string as value so the the API will works. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48965 COMPONENT: 5648D03J2 / JAVA BEANS WIN PMR NUMBER: n/a APAR DESCRIPTION: OnDemand large objects cannot be reconstituted on AIX and SUN. Multipart AFP documents with the first part as OnDemand Table Of Contents are known as OnDemand large objects. FIX DESCRIPTION: OnDemand large objects can now be reconstituted to a single AFP document by the OnDemand document engine with conversion property of CMBDocumentServices bean set to "document". ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48966 COMPONENT: 5648D0302 / FED SRCH CONN PMR NUMBER: n/a APAR DESCRIPTION: When user providing a non-existing template name for a template retrieve or search. It returns an empty template and throws a null pointer exception later on. It needs to provide a more description information for the user. FIX DESCRIPTION: DKSearchTemplateFed.java retrive() method, user needs to provide a name before calling. If the name doesn't exist in database, a DKUsageError with template name will be thrown. DKDatastoreDefFed.cpp getSearchTemplate() will also throw a invalid parameter exception. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48967 COMPONENT: 5648D0302 / FED SRCH CONN PMR NUMBER: n/a APAR DESCRIPTION: After contineous creating 4000 Fed entity and Fed templates, the DB2 run out of handlers. APAR FIX: Make sure the DB2 connection is re-used and it is closed as soon as possible. ************************ ************************************** Fixpack 713.6 ************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR46732 / OOAPI COMPONENT: 5648D0352 PMR NUMBER: 45038,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: MS IIS and ActiveX components in ASP page. FIX DESCRIPTION: Make sure that exception message are passed to Fed from DB2. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47863 / OOAPI COMPONENT: 5648D0352 PMR NUMBER: 30246,004,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Java performance optimizations need to be ported to ActiveX. FIX DESCRIPTION: Some optimization stratagy such as Cache, those are in java package, have been implemented to improve the performance of ActiveX package. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48175 / Java Beans COMPONENT: 5648D03J2 PMR NUMBER: 08200,469,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Documents are not scaled right according to the display device resolution. Certain documents are displayed too large making them difficult for viewing unless they are scaled down manually to the desired size. FIX DESCRIPTION: Documents are now scaled taking into account a desired screen resolution set to 72 pixels per inch by default and the horizontal page resolution obtained from the document engine.The desired display resolution can be set by calling CMBDocument.setDisplayResolution(). This fix provides an image close to the actual size of the document and makes it more viewable. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48321 /Dynamic Pbldr COMPONENT: 5648D03D1 PMR NUMBER: 70026,180,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Moving NETData7.1 to NetData7.2 FIX DESCRIPTION: Recompiled DynamicPageBuilder with new DLL's of NetData7.2. ************************ ************************************** Fixpack 713.5 ************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47145 COMPONENT: 5648D0351 / OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 25114,600,760 APAR DESCRIPTION: Transact handle not passed to Folder Manager API FIX DESCRIPTION: Pass the transaction handle to the folder manager while in a transaction ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47889 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 07241,101,616 APAR DESCRIPTION: 10000 item search retrieval limit due to additional parameter required by SimLibGetTOC. FIX DESCRIPTION: Set the default limit of SimLibGetTOC is set to 21000, if you want to modify this, do: DKDatastoreDL.setOption(DK_DL_OPT_FOLDER_TOC_COUNT,a); where 'a' = number. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47913 COMPONENT: 5648D03M2 / VI/DL CONNCTR PMR NUMBER: 30665,004,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The registry entry "ThreadingModel"="Apartment" needs to be added to each EIP ActiveX classids for EIP ActiveX APIs to work with COM+. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the DXInstallXX/DXUninstallXX the registry entry "ThreadingModel"="Apartment" is added by DXInstallXX and removed by DXUninstallXX. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48159 COMPONENT: 5648D03E2 / DOMINODOC CON PMR NUMBER: 07694,033,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Domino Doc doesn't handle appropriately user defined attributes. In the EIP application client, if user maps federate attributes to some user defined native attributes. Those attribute values will show empty in the search template. FIX DESCRIPTION: When we call list attriubtes from native API, we will get collection of those attributes. The old implementation returned the collection as a single attribute object. So old the user defined attribute information got lost. The fixes to solve this problem we break the collection into a single object and then add those single attribute objects one by one to the return collections. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48210 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 72243,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: In the watermarking sample codes, the make files incorrectly reference the directory "../../", so compilation failed. Also, if a customer does not set IBM_RM_PLUGINS_PATHS=C:\CMBROOT\PLUGINS environment variable before running the sample application, they will see the following error: rc = 0x0,VRBA is not called! rc = 0x20000,plugin paths are not found,or directory is not readable FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed make files for watermarking sample, frnwwisvrba.mak, frnwwisdhemb.mak, frnwwisdgret.mak, to reference the correct directory "../../../". For environment variable issue, if a user is running application from with a DOS Command window, then the user can issue the following command from within the SAME command window: set IBM_RM_PLUGINS_PATHS=C:\CMBROOT\PLUGINS Otherwise, the user could set a global variable in the Windows system environment IBM_RM_PLUGINS_PATHS=C:\CMBROOT\PLUGINS. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48328 COMPONENT: 5648D03J2 / JAVA BEANS PMR NUMBER: 48985,004,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The CMBConnectionPool bean was not cleaning up thread that is created internally. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added a new method to CMBConnectionPool bean: public void destroy() This method will destroy the timeout thread and connections in the pool. Also, creation of the timeout thread is delayed until it is needed. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48333 COMPONENT: 5648D03J2 / JAVA BEANS PMR NUMBER: 20001,024,677 APAR DESCRIPTION: Cannot view large object documents in eClient. The mimetype for the document is appearing as "application/ondemand toc". FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed EIP JavaBeans logic to correctly identify and return the document's mimetype (application/afp in this case) for large oject documents. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48335 COMPONENT: 5648D0302 / FED SRCH CONN PMR NUMBER: 21838,379,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The evaluate(dkSearchTemplate) method is not currently implemented and needs to be implemented. FIX DESCRIPTION: Implement the following method in the server package of DKDatastoreOD. public Object evaluate(dkSearchTemplate st); ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48361 COMPONENT: 5648D03T2 / THIN CLIENT PMR NUMBER: 39263,344,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When logging into the thin client using a user id with "UserPriviledge", deleting a work packet generates the following exception: com.ibm.mm.beans.CMBException: Work flow server error:DLG2445A: Fail to terminate a workflow : FMC_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED [RC=119] FIX DESCRIPTION: A user who has "UserPrivilege" can delete a work packet. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48370 COMPONENT: 5648D03C2 / EIP ADMIN PMR NUMBER: 23822,344,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: To fix intermittent SQL error when retrieving action lists. FIX DESCRIPTION: To use dynamic SQL instead of using stored procedure to retrieve action lists. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48372 COMPONENT: 5648D03J2 / JAVA BEANS PMR NUMBER: 50009,001,806 APAR DESCRIPTION: CMBConnectionPool bean serializes on new connections. When new connections are created, the bean serializes. This can become a bottleneck in applications using the bean when new connections need to be created. FIX DESCRIPTION: Reduced the serialization that is performed during requestConnection method of CMBConnectionPool. The serialization was encompasing a connect to the server. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48388 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 17156,660,706 APAR DESCRIPTION: When Oracle date/time attribute is returned, DL Connector throws an exception on evaluate method. DKResultSetCursorDL.getDO(int, boolean). FIX DESCRIPTION: Code has been fixed. ************************************** Fixpack 713.4 ************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47940 COMPONENT: 5648D03W2 / Workflow Services PMR NUMBER: 82910,499,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The APAR fixes the problem that occurs when deleting a workflow diagram. The delete is performed with no problems reported, however, the template is not deleted from the MQSWF server, which means a user could still use the workflow thinking it was still a valid workflow. FIX DESCRIPTION: The fix was to add a method to JNI interface to MQSWF to that when called, deletes the workflow template from the MQSWF server. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48108 COMPONENT: 5648D03T2 / Thin client PMR NUMBER: 20793,344,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Performing a search after updating the user mapping results a CMBInvalidQueryException. Below are the steps to recreate the problem: 1. Using thin client, enter uid and password on the login page. Then click on the "logon and update mapping" link. 2. At the update mapping page, click "update" for the CM server. 3. Enter old password and new ones to change the password to something else. 4. Logoff 5. Log back in again, only this time, click on the "Logon" button. 6. Select a search template mapped to the CM server for which the password was just changed. 7. Enter a search value and click on "Search". In the bottom half frame, an invalid password error occurs. 8. Now, enter the correct password for the backend CM server and click on the "Logon" button. 9. The "invalid query" error occurs. The nested exception is DGL2438A "Search template not set properly; can not generate query expression". FIX DESCRIPTION: Added the if (!errorCaught) condition so that the search data is cleared only if there was no error (such as a logon problem) if (!errorCaught) { // IR48108W // IR46464 - Added following to clear search data for criterion for (int i=0; i < crit.length; i++) { crit[i].clearSearchData(); } ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48115 COMPONENT: 5648D03J1 / Beans PMR NUMBER: 07966,499,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Calling constructor of the CMBTraceLog bean on AIX throws the following exception if the DISPLAY variable is not set: java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable. FIX DESCRIPTION: Delayed creation of a frame needed to display trace messages if option is to display in a window. Also, set beep false by default. Both of these actions on AIX cause the bean to require the AWT which shouldn't be necessary if the options have been specified not to display trace in a window. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48160 COMPONENT: 5648D0351 / OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 06069,69G,760 APAR DESCRIPTION: Java DKPidXDODL.getPartId() was returning the wrong value if value of part is greater than 65535 because the return value was being cast as a short, rather than int. FIX DESCRIPTION: Updated Java DKPidXDODL.getPartId to cast to int instead of short for the part id. Also, changed C++ DKString(unsigned long) constructor to use the proper format option for Windows. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48329 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 48750,004,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Content Manager V7 Connector (DL). Item never gets checked in when updating an attribute fails. FIX DESCRIPTION: When SimLibCloseAttr returns a bad return it must be called again with a different option. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48334 COMPONENT: 5648D03T2 / Thin Client PMR NUMBER: 07969,499,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The current version of the AFP Viewer Plugin does not allow automatic plugin detection under Internet Explorer. We need to ship the latest AFP plugin from the OD WEK PTF 7107. FIX DESCRIPTION: Replaced current afpplgin.exe with latest one from OD WEK PTF 7107. ************************************** Fixpack 713.3 ************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47257 COMPONENT: 5648D03J2 / Java Beans PMR NUMBER: 24793,500,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Unable to view multipart JPEG documents with JPEG quality. JPEGs were converted to GIFs since GIF is defined to be higher in the default order of the preferred page formats, resulting in poor quality image. FIX DESCRIPTION: Document engines will now have the capability to determine the preferred output format for each page of a document to ensure the best quality image is obtained. This allows different pages of a document to be converted to different formats for better quality and removes the restriction of converting each part ( and so all pages in that part) of the document to the same format. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47613 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 49179,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Null pointer exception when invalid text query to DL is specified. Java only. No impact to C++. FIX DESCRIPTION: Code has been fixed. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47755 COMPONENT: 5648D03O2 / OD Connector PMR NUMBER: 00196,660,706 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a large resource file is retrieved and cached locally, retrieving another large resource file could potentially cause the first resource file to be deleted. FIX DESCRIPTION: Modified the cache management logic to maintain large resource files correctly. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47756 COMPONENT: 5648D03F2 / FAF ImagePlus Connector PMR NUMBER: 79254,499,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the IP/390 connector retrieves a document from an ODM (A), it does not pass the STORESITE information of a document to that ODM (A). Thus, the ODM (A) cannot forward the request to a different ODM (B) if the document is located on the second ODM (B). As a result, the document cannot be retrieved. FIX DESCRIPTION: The IP/390 connector now passes the STORESITE information of a document to the ODM so documents from remote ODMs can be retrieved. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47821 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 64022,019,866 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a search condition invovles the operator NOTLIKE, the EIP ActiveX API DXCombinedQueryOptDL.execute() throws an SQL0104N "An unexpected token" error. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added support to optimized query to support NOTIN, NOTBETWEEN and NOTLIKE. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47850 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 27279,004,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When using the ActiveX API, disconnecting from DXDatastoreFed after retrieving two different DDOs causes a runtime error. One variation of the error message is "Automation error. The object invoked has disconnected from its clients." The other variation is "R6025. Pure virtual function call". FIX DESCRIPTION: The C++ version of DKDatastoreFed is missing checks to see if a backend datastore has been allocated in the CRUD methods. This is in the Java version but not in the C++ version. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47914 COMPONENT: 5648D03O1 / OD Connector PMR NUMBER: 20830,077,724 APAR DESCRIPTION: When searching against the OD folders, the search criteria associated with each folder are not cleared between the searches. If a less restrictive search is performed after a more restrictive one, the search criteria are effectively "OR"ed together to form a more restrictive search. FIX DESCRIPTION: The solution is to call DKSearchCriteria.clearSearchData() prior to each search to reset the search criteria. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47954 COMPONENT: 5648D03J2 / Java beans PMR NUMBER: 02746,033,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The MimeType for large object documents is not set correctly in beans, resulting in failure to view large object documents in the CMBDocumentViewer visual bean. FIX DESCRIPTION: Set the MimeType for large object documents using the second content part (which is the first part of the document). ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48009 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 01178,012,649 APAR DESCRIPTION: CM folder produces FRN6227 error when performing a retrieve against a security denied item. FIX DESCRIPTION: A change has been made to filter out items a user does not have access to. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48038 COMPONENT: 5648D03J2 / Java beans PMR NUMBER: 02340,379,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a date or time is null in the DL connector during query the type property is not set, CMBItem exception will be thrown. FIX DESCRIPTION: DDO type property not set when date value is set to null. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48092 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 30904,004,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Delete ACL (Access Control List) fails in the DL connector. FIX DESCRIPTION: A setDatastore call is added to set the DL datastore in the deleteAccessControlList method to make the ACL deletion working as expected. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48112 COMPONENT: 5648D0302 / Fed Connector PMR NUMBER: 67403,001,806 APAR DESCRIPTION: When running search and retrieval against OD/390 v2 servers in a connection pooling situation, the connections to the OD server can time out rather quickly, which can then in turn cause the existing connections to become invalid. FIX DESCRIPTION: Add a new option to the connect string, REFRESH=num where num is the refresh interval representing the number of seconds. For example, if the num is 360, the connection to the OD/390 v2 server will be refreshed every 360 seconds, or every 6 minutes. When this option is specified as the part of connection string when the connect method is called, the OD connector creates a refresh thread after a successful logon, to run at the specified interval to refresh the OD/390 server connection. When the disconnect method is called, the connector will terminate this refresh thread before logging off from the server. If this connection option is not specified, the refresh thread will not be created. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48113 COMPONENT: 5648D0302 / Fed Connector PMR NUMBER: 66922,001,806 APAR DESCRIPTION: Current EIP 7.1 code does not handle server timeout too well. Frequently, the timeout is reported as "Un-supported API". FIX DESCRIPTION: Add code to detect the server timeout and report as such. ************************************** Fixpack 713.2 ************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47870 COMPONENT: fedsdk APAR DESCRIPTION: The time for the Fed. search is slow. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fed component added the following flag in the connection string to improve the performance: LOADSM=TRUE|FALSE When set to TRUE, then during creation of the connection, the schema mapping information is also loaded. Therefore, the search, including the first one, will be faster. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47868 COMPONENT: ODSDK APAR DESCRIPTION: RMI and OD connector, retrieving doc with resource fails from an OnDemand folder. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem was caused by the entity ID not set in the blob. The solution is to set the entity ID in the remote layer prior to calling the retrieve method in the server layer. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47830 COMPONENT: ODSDK APAR DESCRIPTION: When retrieving a document with large resource (> 20MB), it can take a very long time. FIX DESCRIPTION: The previous data retrieval was done by allocating and reallocating memory with each 32K buffer full of data returned from the OD server. Reallocating memory can be quite slow. The solution is to use a temporary file to hold the data and then allocate the memory once to hold the data retrieved. *********************** APAR NUMBER: IR47766 COMPONENT: ODSDK APAR DESCRIPTION: When querying against an OD/390 server with NLS characters (greater than ASCII 127) used as part of attribute names, the associated attribute values returned were blank. FIX DESCRIPTION: The java JNI functions NewStringUTF() and GetStringUTFChars() do not support the conversion of C/C++ char array to java string properly when any of the character value is above ASCII 127. The solution is to create a java byte array and let the conversion take place on the java side. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47753 COMPONENT: nvbeans APAR DESCRIPTION: The OD connector does not support creating a query expression based on a template object, so it returns null. The beans were using the query expression from the template to run the query, but for OD it was null and failed. FIX DESCRIPTION: Pass the search template object in the query on non-Fed connectors instead of getting the query expression from the template, since this is not implemented in OD, possibly other backends. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47738 COMPONENT: ddsdk APAR DESCRIPTION: Domino doc incorrectly calculates the XDO size within VisualAge JAVA. FIX DESCRIPTION: When the application tries to retrieve the file, it fails since in the VA JAVA environment It redirects the current directory to its own default directory. The fix we provide is to force the application to look for the file in the current working directory. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47725 routed to IR48093 COMPONENT: fedsdk APAR DESCRIPTION: When the display name of a federated template got changed, the changed column in the client result table only shows the column name, but no value. FIX DESCRIPTION: The getDisplayName method was fixed to return the correct value. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47669 routed to IR48090 COMPONENT: EIP Admin APAR DESCRIPTION: RMI server selects a random return port causing problems with a firewall when the communication ports are restricted. FIX DESCRIPTION: Allow the user to specify a range of port numbers to be used for the RMI server. The user can specify the port rame in the invocation of the RMI server as follows: cmbregist71 ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47617 COMPONENT: ODSDK APAR DESCRIPTION: Default type conversion is set to false in the OnDemand connection which causes string sort in beans. Our problem happens when we try to sort the resultsBean after we ran the query and created the resultsBean. We are trying to sort results using the "Amount" attribute which is a part of SomeApplicationGroup in OnDemand. "Amount" data type is Big Int and its Type is defined as Index. The results appear to be sorted in a way where Amount attribute is treated as a String rather than Big Int. Example: If the results contain the following Amount values (before sorting): 250 2000 452 411 After the sort is performed: 2000 250 411 452 What we actually expect is: 250 411 452 2000 FIX DESCRIPTION: The default value of the type conversion option is set to false in the OnDemand connector. This causes the OnDemand connector not to return any type information to the JavaBeans layer, which in turn causes the CBMSearchResults.sort() method to sort LONG fields as strings. ************************************* Fixpack 713.1 ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47511 COMPONENT: Install APAR DESCRIPTION: Windows users receive a pop-up message saying the system was unable to locate dbghelp.dll FIX DESCRIPTION: Included this missing file in the install package of this and all subsequent service packages. ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR47192 COMPONENT: EIP SysAdmin APAR DESCRIPTION: The Federated Entity is created and mapped to an OD/390 native attribute. Sometimes when that OD/390 native attribute is renamed on the OD/390 side, the mapping for that native entity disappears from the EIP Administration client. The mapping still exists because after a refresh of the OD/390 server inventory, the previous name of the native attribute is diagnosed in the Log Viewer with "doesn't exist in the Server Inventory". At this point, because the mapping is hidden, it cannot be deleted from the Federated Entity, so the messages appear without an evident cause. The hidden mapping also prevents the user from mapping the Federated Entity to the new/renamed OD/390 native attribute. FIX DESCRIPTION: There is an error in code that didn't do the correct bitwise AND and OR properly. The fix is going in and correct the bitwise AND and OR accordingly. **************** APAR NUMBER: IR47132 COMPONENT: EIP JavaBeans APAR DESCRIPTION: The OnDemand servers return the annotations in the order of the newest to the oldest. The connector is consistent with the native OnDemand client in the way of retrieving annotation notes. When a new note is added, the native OnDemand client displays it as the first one on the list. When the note list is refreshed, the newly added one stays on top unchanged. In the EIP JavaBeans, the newly added annotations are being appended to the end of the list of annotations. This behavior places the new notes in an order of oldest to newest, which is inconsistent with the native OnDemand client. FIX DESCRIPTION: For OnDemand, new annotations are inserted at the beginning of the list of annotations. This will place the new notes in the same order as native OnDemand client (newest first). ******************** APAR NUMBER: IR46758 COMPONENT: beans APAR DESCRIPTION: When calling the CMBDocument.getPages(index) method, all the parts associated with the document are being retrieved. This causes performance problems especially in the situation where there's only one page associated with each part. FIX DESCRIPTION: CMBDocument.getPageCount() is called from within CMBDocument.getPages(index) to validate the index. To determine the page count, all the parts are retrieved, thus causing performance problems. This call to getPageCount() has been removed so as to improve the performance issues. This does have an implication that if an invalid index was passed to getPages(index) , the error will be thrown only when the CMBPage that is returned is actually used. ********************** APAR NUMBER: IR46597 COMPONENT: Install APAR DESCRIPTION: Header file DKUserMapDataFed.hpp is missing from the include directory of EIP 712 product. FIX DESCRIPTION: Updated install to include the file. ****************************** END README FILE ******************************