Web driver elements

The web driver namespace prefix is webd: and the namespace declaration is http://www.volantis.com/xmlns/marlin-web-driver.

The web driver namespace prefix is webd: and the namespace declaration is http://www.volantis.com/xmlns/marlin-web-driver.

webd:cookie, webd:header and webd:parameter have element forms of their attributes, which are not listed here.

Name Purpose

Used to handle different types of content resulting from a request.


Contains elements that allow cookies to be created or copied. The domain, maxage, path and secure attributes are evaluated by the driver to see if the cookie should be passed on. There are also element forms for the attribute values.


Container for multiple cookies.


Represents the HTTP GET method.


Defines HTTP header elements that enable headers to be created or copied. Unlike parameters, there is no difference in how they are handled by the two different types of request. There are also element forms for the attribute values.


Container for multiple HTTP header elements.


Defines an HTTP parameter. There are also element forms for some attribute values.


Container for multiple parameter elements.


Represents the HTTP POST method.


Specifies a script module to handle web page scripts, with a reference to the mcs-config.xml file.

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