MCS repositories

MCS policies are contained in repositories. Local repositories take two forms.

MCS policies are contained in repositories. Local repositories take two forms.

You can also make use of policy information in a remote repository. A remote repository contains policy information served from a remote server. It can include policies created and maintained in the Mobile Portal Toolkit workbench and exported to a remote location, or content from external systems. MCS can be configured to access the remote server, and you can use URLs on this server in your policies. At runtime, the remote server will retrieve the policy information from the URL.

A single local repository can contain multiple projects. In an XML repository a project is the root directory that contains the policies. In a database repository the project is part of the primary key to each table. So to retrieve a policy from a given project you need to specify the project as part of the policy identity.


MCS has a default project. Policy references that do not specify a project will be assumed to belong to it.

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