Remote policy requests

MCS recognizes XDIME references to both individual remote policies and sets of policies, and requests policy values using HTTP.

MCS recognizes XDIME references to both individual remote policies and sets of policies, and requests policy values using HTTP.

HTTP Headers

MCS uses HTTP headers from the current request when making the request to retrieve the remote policy value. The first five headers are sent if they are present in the original request, but note that they are deprecated and should not be relied on. MCS can add up to three additional headers.

The table gives the response cache attribute names and descriptions.

Name Description
User-Agent User agent string provided in the original request (deprecated)
UA-pixels Size of the display on the device (deprecated)
UA-color Color capability of the device (deprecated)
User-CPU Hardware architecture of the device (deprecated)
User-OS Operating system in use on the device (deprecated)
Mariner-RequestType Type of request being made (singlePolicy, policySet)
Mariner-PolicyType Used by MCS only for the singlePolicy type for which the request is being made (assetGroup, audioComponent, layout, imageComponent, linkComponent, rolloverImageComponent, scriptComponent, textComponent, theme)
Mariner-DeviceName Name of the device (deprecated)

The server providing the response to the remote policy request can use the header information to fulfill the request, but it may be more convenient to code additional information into the URLs used to identify the policies. The format of this URL is specific to the design of the remote policy server.

Policy requests

MCS requests individual policies when it encounters a reference to a remote policy in a link element. Because it is a request for an individual policy, the header includes the value 'singlePolicy' in the Mariner-RequestType header.


The response to a request for layout 'alpha', must contain the definitions for the layouts for every device for which they are available, and must be delivered in the XML format conforming to the lpdm.xsd schema.

MCS also supports requests for sets of policies. These kinds of requests can be used to preload the MCS system in preparation for operation, without the need to make subsequent remote requests for policy information.

In the example the request URL references the images directory on the remote server. In this case, the use of the value 'policySet' in the Mariner-RequestType header is optional.

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